tiktok ads exploring

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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

today we're going to cover everything tick-tock  ads we're going to go into shopify we're going  ,to link our store we're going to make sure the  pixel is set up properly we're going to make  ,sure that you can get amazing tick-tock results  for those that are new to the channel i'm davey  ,foggerty my shopify stores have done over 400  million dollars in sales in just four years tick  ,tock ads is the new kid on the blog usually we're  heavily reliant on facebook because it's such an  ,incredible marketing tool but lots of people are  getting heaps of success with the new entertaining  ,nature of tick tock ads so it might be perfect  for your brand this video is perfect for beginners  ,we're not going to skip any steps but i'm also  going to go into some advanced things around  ,content because that is so important to make sure  that you make tick tock ads work the first step  ,you're going to want to do is set up your shopify  store if you haven't set up your shopify store  ,just pause the video click the link in my bio and  set it up now we've got one set up through our  ,lemon scrub series so it's got most of the things  ready we're just going to make sure that we set up  ,tiktok properly so the pixel is firing once you're  in shopify the best way to go is go into apps and  ,just write in tiktok simply download the official  tiktok app and click add sales channel this is the  ,exact same as facebook nowadays this will bring  up this little tick tock section down on the left  ,hand store of your shopify store if you don't have  shopify still carry on watching we're going to get  ,into the nitty gritty in a second once this is set  up we can click this section here setting up the  ,pixel the next step you can see that it's saying  connect tick tock for business this is where you  ,need a new tick tock account already have a tick  tock business account you can just click connect  ,but today we're gonna have to create a brand new  one so i'm just gonna click create new at the top  ,enter my email address get the verification code  sent into the verification code here agree to  ,terms and conditions and just click sign up you  can click connect down the bottom right and that's  ,now created an ads manager business manager under  that email we can click create new ad account and  ,we can select the country and the currency that we  want to be built in this is generally the region  ,that you want to be targeting change the business  name to something a little bit simpler click sign  ,up and connect you'll come to this data sharing  section which we've touched on a few times in my  ,previous episodes just click enhanced or maximum  providing you've got the terms and conditions set  ,up for something and then click confirm maximum  is obviously preferred this is how shopify shares  ,data with ticktock this is referred to as capi  which is a partnership between shopify and the  ,advertising platform click set up enter your final  details make sure you connect automatic payment  ,click confirm and you should be ready to go now  to create tick-tock ads we're actually going to  ,have to go back to the tick-tock ads manager so  we can go ads.tichtalk.com you can see that our  ,ad account has already been created to make sure  that we do have the pixel set up properly what i  ,do recommend is going to your website and just  like facebook there's something called tic toc  ,pixel helper and it's a chrome extension that you  can download and check if your pixel is firing  ,on your website if it's not you may need to go  and fix that initially just download the chrome  ,extension and you can see that our tick tock pixel  is set up here shopify set it up for us and it  ,should be firing this is a page view because we're  on a page when you add a product to cart it should  ,fire the add to cart pixel or if someone purchases  you can test a purchase and it will also fire that  ,pixel in the exact right way so now we're in  the tiktok ads account we can go ahead and  ,create our first campaign campaign structures  are really important to talk about it's what  ,separates good advertisers from bad advertisers  that alongside really effective marketing content  ,the basic structure is you have a campaign which  is what objective you are striving for if you've  ,got something like a real estate business  it might be leads you're trying to collect  ,leads but we've got a e-commerce business  so we want to get purchases then you've  ,got the ad set level which is basically the  targeting that you're setting up to complete  ,that campaign objective then finally you've got  your ads that live within each of those ad sets  ,these ads are different creative types that  you think are going to convert your customer  ,so head to campaign when you're in campaign all  you need to do is click create here and you'll set  ,up your first campaign you'll get prompted with  two options you've got simplified mode and custom  ,mode we're going to w

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads exploring

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Ways to find TikTok Advertisement Ideas!

Ways to find TikTok Advertisement Ideas!

hi everyone this is shameen chief,digital marketing officer at sky dj,agency and in today's video i'd like to,share with you why i always recommend,brands to do two things concurrently,first the organic strategies and second,the paid advertising,in a lot of scenarios a lot of people,will tell you that organic marketing,strategy has worked because it has good,for them,but on hindsight just by spending a,little bit of money you get your reach,you get the outcomes that you are,looking for and number three you have,marketing and business goals that,advertising would probably do the work,for you,on an immediate basis so if i were to,put in fifty dollars a day for seven,days,i spend about three hundred fifty,dollars i would have a certain outcome,whether it's click-through rates or,uh viewership or followers,so that's why,advertising is very important although,today i'm,more talking from the perspective of,tick tock i would say that this is kind,of um similar application and mindset,and strategy through all social media,platforms whether it's instagram or,facebook or linkedin,now comes to the cost of advertising,um although for tick tock right now,you can start advertising with like 10 a,day 20 a day actually on tick tocks and,they recommend for the daily budget to,be about 50 a day minimum,and run the ad for about a week,minimally to,let tick-tock kind of figure out the,audience and i want to explain,the reason why they need this amount and,the period of time in terms of audience,there is,basically about a million regular,users on tick tock okay when we talk,about singapore's context singapore,demographics whereas in instagram,there's three million slightly more than,3 million on facebook that's slightly,more than 5 million today,when a platform has,more users that they can show your ads,to,it becomes a little bit more easier for,them to reach your objective at a lower,cost,and for tick-tock they have a lesser,audience so that's kind of like the um,difference and if you think that 50 is,very expensive this is one explanation i,can give you if you take a look at my,videos i i stopped posting for a while,on take top,basically because i think,for um tik tok to work organically there,are many considerations,and i think that,to a certain extent i know for profiles,that have made it on tick tock is,because actually there's a manual push,on tick tocks and for the content i have,one uh video that did very well and that,was because uh twitter actually reached,out to me but after that the guy,actually just m.i.a all the way uh from,tiktok so,um the,my profile didn't go through so they,they actually pushed this video out,to people,and they reached out to me but which is,quite similar to a lot of my friends who,are doing very well on tik tok right now,and that's the reason why i think that,you need to have both the content,organic content strategies on tick tock,and the page strategies if you don't,have paid strategies it is kind of like,helping people to get to know you on,tick-tock,and talk a little bit about your,perspective on certain things the limit,currently is three minutes instead of,one minute but a lot of times people,actually lose their focus after 30,seconds okay so um,i'm going to share with you how you can,set up your,profile to start advertising i set it up,quite some time ago because,when when i was exploring tick tock,after that they also reached out to me,because they were on boarding agencies,to advertise for their clients and to,bring clients on board but at the point,of time the minimum,they needed the clients to spend was,in thousands and a lot of my clients are,just not ready uh to advertise i mean,they are ready to advertise but they're,not ready to spend so much,just on tick tock advertising,uh i think it has been a journey for,tick tock and,that is another video or another,conversation altogether but i would like,to share with you uh two things today in,this video number one how you can set up,your ad account number two,where you can get your,tick.ad ideas and more importantly what,are some considerations you should have,when creating an ad on tick-tock and if,you have any questions at all about,tick-tock or tick tock advertising feel,free to drop a comment happy to help you,as much as i can so without further ado,let's dive into um the two points i'd,like to share with you today um in terms,of tiktok advertising currently a lot of,people are still not doing it so there,is a huge,potential space and opportunity for you,as a business,um,i'm going to share two things,number one if you're looking at tiktok,advertising you can just google this,keyword called tick tock add manager,usually there will be a few results but,anything that ends with ticktalk.com,or ads.tic.com this is,getstarted.takedown.com,both are legitimate tick-tock links okay,so all you need to do is just create an,account they will ask you to sign up,it's almost immediate in terms of the,approval for your account all right and,um in t

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IAB Europe Industry Insider with TikTok - Exploring Commerce: What's Happening on TikTok and Beyond

IAB Europe Industry Insider with TikTok - Exploring Commerce: What's Happening on TikTok and Beyond

foreign,for those that are just casually,gradually joining us and we're just,going to give it a couple of moments,just to let everybody and everybody to,connect uh is that a name for me before,we dive in um but,happy to have you all here with us today,hope you're all having a good day so far,right in the interest of time uh as,we've got lots of great content to get,through today I'm going to kick off um,so hi everybody and welcome to the,latest um industry Insider in IRB series,which we are delighted to be hosting,today uh live with Tick Tock as we look,to explore the wonderful world of,Commerce,um I'm Lauren Wakefield I'm the,marketing and Industry programs director,at IAB Europe,um most of you uh perhaps are already,familiar with our industry Insider and,set up and but what it really is is just,a really great opportunity to get an,expert advice examples and insights on,you know some of the hottest Topics in,our industry and from those that are,most in the know uh ibup members and,their Partners,um but today as I said we're very,excited to have um tiktok with us to,discuss Commerce and and look at what,exactly is happening on Tick Tock and,Beyond and joining us um today we have,um our chief Economist Daniel Knapp and,who's going to provide an overview of,the Commerce opportunity and look at the,landscape,um available in Europe today,um we will then have a panel discussion,uh where Ryan Global Marketing um so,Global business marketing program,manager at tiktok will lead um a,discussion with Daniel,um as well as Eva Dowling,um from Shopify Neelam atadaria from,Inca and Michelle Kegel from Tick Tock,and they're just going to really dive,into the past present and future of,Commerce and the exciting opportunities,it presents um for marketers and it's a,really great agenda and for the next,couple of hours,um just before I hand over to Daniel,um a little bit of housekeeping if you,like and so we are live today and we do,really encourage your participation and,where possible so if you do have any,questions for any of our panelists as we,go through the session today you can,find the Q a box at the bottom of your,screen and so do add any questions,you've got in there and Ryan our,moderator will try and get through to as,many of them as we can either through or,to towards the end of the session,um it is live as I mentioned and we are,also recording um the session so we will,be sharing that um with you all,afterwards as well as some great,materials um for you to kind of dive a,little bit further into Commerce,um but with that Danielle I'm going to,hand over to you to share your,presentation,thank you very much Lauren hi everybody,my name is Daniel Knapp I'm the chief,Economist at IB Europe and um would like,to give some introductory remarks on the,Commerce landscape and how it relates to,advertising in Europe and Lauren you,mentioned the past of Commerce and in my,title here you see the e-commerce I,think it's very important to understand,that retail Concepts and ways of doing,Commerce have always changed throughout,history it was until just only 200 years,ago that we had the first physical,stores then we moved from physical,stores to malls we went to Tele shopping,now we're going to e-commerce social,commerce,Etc and commerce you look at the term,and see where it comes from it means it,comes it comes from uh coal Mass coming,together to do business so it's quite,interesting that before we had,social commerce or e-commerce or,um anything like that it was always,about a social activity a social,exchange and in a sense,um as we are moving towards a digital,world of trading and doing Commerce very,different environments we're actually,coming closer to the original original,meaning of the word again but it's a,particular time to speak today about,e-commerce and how related to digital,advertising because we all know that the,pandemic gave e-commerce models a,massive book we saw both streaming and,e-commerce Propel digital advertising to,new heights in 2020 and 2021 but of,course we now have an entirely new macro,environment based on cyclical,Transformations the economy and also,structural change in advertising with,the deprecation of third-party cookies,ATT and so forth which create numerous,headwinds so how does the world of,Commerce and commerce related,advertising look like in this new world,clearly there's no simple crisis that we,have that's the wonderful German term of,treason Builder IE crisis pictures and,when you see this,abstract art of arrows here you can see,we do indeed have a poly crisis,currently many different factors coming,together amplifying each other and,within those we also have kind of a,singles about microscopic events I.E,when any of those hits,um the economy and their advertising is,going to be severely impacted Beyond any,um conflation or combination of the,factors here not highlighted in red,so we can already see that advertising,um is under pressure here but are we,really in an ad induced reces

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How To Use TikTok Ad Library To Find Winning Products

How To Use TikTok Ad Library To Find Winning Products

hello everyone and welcome to on how,channel,my name is anas no more con for you so,if you have any tutorial requests let me,know in the comments i will be happy to,do a video for you,otherwise let's get to our tutorial,today which is a really special one,because i will show you how you can find,winning ad set or winning products on,tech talk at library,yes as you heard it's not facebook ad,library but tech talk ad library,i don't know if you know this or not but,tech talk lately they did introduce,their new platform,for ad library where you can see all the,currently running ads on tech talk,platform,and it's not like facebook ad library,it's much better because they do have,some really cool features to filter out,the ad set,not like facebook ad library because on,their platform,you will not be able to see the ads,that's currently running for a specific,page or,profile or anything like that unlike the,facebook ad library,on tech talk ad library you will be able,to see all the,ad set that's currently running for a,particular niche,not the profile or a page and you can,filter out this ad set,by the click through or the view rate,and also filter out the ad set,by the niche for example you will be,able to see all the ad set that's,currently,running for clothing or technology or,markov chain,or whatever your niche is and the next,best option,in this ad library for tech talk is you,will be able to see the ad set that's,currently running for a specific country,yes you will be able to see all the,advertisements that's running,in australia or canada or united states,or wherever your niche is and this is,really cool right and without any more,checking,let's get to it so just scroll down,description box and you will see for the,link for the ad library for tech talk,and after you did access it you should,see this page right here and by the way,make sure to log in to an account and i,wasn't able to login into,this platform through my tech talk,account i had to create a new account on,this particular platform,it seems like the tech talk account does,not work on this platform,and also make sure to disable adblock,extension if you do have it because the,platform will not work because the ad,blocker will block all the content,inside this,website and after you did access the,website you should see this option right,here which says popular trends,showcases and top ads and i guess you,know what you click on,right simply click on top ads and after,that you should see the ad,type auction ads and that's currently,the only,option available for tech talk platform,and below it as you can see it says,filter here,and region and if you click on it you,should see a bunch of options here just,like you see right now,and keep in mind that not all the,countries are available,in this platform i guess they only pick,the country where tech talk is famous in,so right now pick the country that's the,best for your niche,whether it's australia or canada or,wherever you're niche in,so for this demonstration to have more,options i'm going to keep it blank,and by the way if you do want to search,on all worldwide on all countries,just keep it like that do not select any,country,and on the right of the option you,should see industry here click on it,and you will see a bunch of options here,just like you see right now,as you can see the first one electric,appliances agriculture automotive,chemistry areas says closing here,accessories i'm going to click close,pick a clock chain accessories and by,the way you can pick multiple options,just like you see right now in my case,i'm going to go just for a,clutching and accessories and after that,you see this option right here it says,seven days time frame,what this option means basically is the,ads that's currently running,in the specific time frame if we did,pick seven days that means they will,show us,the ad set that was running or was,running,in the last seven days so as i said you,have more options for this demonstration,i'm going to go for 30 days frame and,after that the option on the right of it,it says search by and this is really,cool option,none of those platforms has it yet just,click on it and you will see,sit there impressions and six seconds,video,view rate so the first one means click,through,so for example if the ad has a click,through of 15,that means that 150 percent out of,1000 viewers they do click it on the ad,set,and that's really cool right if you do,have a click through of 15,that means that people are really,interested in that ad set and they do,click on it,and the option below it is impressions,and this option it basically will filter,out all the ad set,based on the impressions that each ad,set has,and i don't recommend to go for this,because if the advertisements have,more impressions or viewers it doesn't,mean that,it's actually successful and the last,one which is six seconds video view rate,which means if the viewer watches the ad,set more than six seconds because,this is really co

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Collection Ads on TikTok - Sellers Alley - Rulers of the TikTok (Ads) Galaxy

Collection Ads on TikTok - Sellers Alley - Rulers of the TikTok (Ads) Galaxy

hi guys it's tamara from sellers alley,and welcome to rulers of the tiktok,galaxy today i would like to take you to,the planet of collection ads but before,we start you know what to do subscribe,to our youtube channel and don't forget,to leave your comments and questions,below after watching this video,collection ads is an immersive high,impact ad format designed for discovery,and education users can explore multiply,products or offerings in a fast loading,gallery page without ever leaving the,tick tock so to explain it more closely,collection ads have let's say two parts,first is product or image cards that are,shown right on down left corner of the,video showing off image of product and,when clicking on it it directs users to,second part which is instant gallery,page the gallery page that contains your,best product images and of course prices,and just to mention this type of ad is,displayed in for you page when you're,scrolling to tik tok app and collection,ads is great way to get users to explore,your brand through one powerful ad,this type of campaign gives you a lot of,benefits when it comes to traffic it,reduces the numbers of steps users have,has to take,from viewing the ad to the purchase,actually so,whether you have pixel or not you can,drive users to an in-app fast loading,instant gallery page you can track users,from discovery to action so the instant,gallery page helps collect signals,without need for pixel users inter,signals are collected and fed into ad,recommendation model and it gives you,opportunity to display your ad to a,higher quality audience who are more,likely to take the action so you can,promote new products or brand lunch or,new releases upcoming events new travel,routes new money offerings or deals i,mean i can talk for this about hours but,actually,performances turned out great for this,type of advertising as collection ads,reduced uh cpc and increased ctr video,views product page and views impressions,at the cards events and conversion rate,my god i can talk about this for hours,really,but,actually if you want to know about more,about this,uh better try it for your brand and go,ahead and click on subscribe to our,youtube channel or follow us on all,social media channels as well but of,course i mean you can email us too if,you want our team to help you and manage,campaigns for you so see you in the next,video

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Free TikTok Ads Course - How To Create Viral TikTok Ads (TikTok for Business)

Free TikTok Ads Course - How To Create Viral TikTok Ads (TikTok for Business)

so look making your first viral Tick,Tock ad in today's social media,landscape is one of the very first steps,you need in order to get your brand off,the ground and running but there's one,big issue nobody knows how to do it,properly you see after landing in the,top 10 of all ads on Tick Tock multiple,times for our clients I've learned that,there's specific do's and don'ts to,making your ad go viral and completely,changing the trajectory of your brand so,in today's video I'm covering the exact,steps on how to create a viral ad for,your brand showing examples of how to,actually format these ads in what ways,to make your ads go viral on tick tock,on top of this free course I'm giving,away a thousand dollars cash to one,lucky subscriber if this video gets a,thousand likes so make sure to comment,your biggest takeaway from this video to,enter the win now let's get into it now,we're going to be covering how to create,viral Tick Tock ads we've spent over a,million dollars on testing thus far just,in the last 90 days and we have over 48,active ad accounts that we're running,currently and all of our advice is based,on data not personal opinion and because,we have access to these 48 Adat accounts,we're able to pull all these insights to,be able to show you exactly what works,with Tick Tock ads and in fact we're a,tick tock agency partner as well as,every ad account we're managing is,spinning on average roughly twenty five,thousand dollars so the first thing,we're going to be getting into is what,ads do not convert specifically you,don't want to have ads that are only,using images or gifs this will,definitely decrease conversion rates,number two is making Tick Tock native,videos not ads this is something you do,want to do because if you create an ad,like video that is very obviously an ad,it's not going to blend in with the feed,as well on Tick Tock people are going to,scroll by it the whole appeal of tick,tock is from the genuineness of the feed,it feels raw it feels authentic and,people are more likely to buy because of,this because there's not a bunch of,filler or overly marketing slogans and,phrases being thrown at them so you want,to make sure that the videos are,authentic and are native to the platform,number three is having no focus on the,product will lead to confusion sometimes,people take this way overboard and,create a video that is like a routine,Style video and it only shows the,product about two to three seconds out,of the entire 30 second clip and they,run that as an ad thinking that because,they're showing their morning routine,that maybe that specific product,placement will lead to sales a lot of,times it's just brand awareness and not,every single person is going to make it,to that point in the video where they,see that product and if there's not a,specific call to action which is number,four people aren't going to know that,you're actually selling the product so,they might not likely visit the website,you want to be very clear make sure the,product is being you know talked about,throughout the entire video so it's very,focused in so people know that they can,actually buy it and so what Tick Tock,ads do convert so we have a list of,videos that we're going to be going,through here and number one is making,sure all of the videos that you create,for tick tock ads are vertical video you,don't want to put landscape you don't,want to put Square Style videos that,works on Facebook and Instagram but not,Tick Tock number two is you don't want,your video to drag on Tick Tock is a,very fast-paced platform people looking,at more videos than ever on Tick Tock,compared to other platforms like YouTube,and Instagram and Snapchat Tick Tock has,a higher view video volume because more,people are watching the videos not only,that but they're staying on the platform,longer because they like short form,content so you want to make sure it's,very engaging and what I mean by fast,jump cut style content is every three,seconds you have a clip where it,transitions where you're at one angle,here it clips and you go to the very,next angle and continue the sentence or,continue the next tip or touch point,this is very engaging for the audience,because it keeps them in the loop and it,allows them to you know take in more,information without having to wait on,the full video to play through the third,one is keeping the content raw and,authentic speaking genuinely into the,camera going over exactly what it is,that you're promoting so that way people,can actually understand what you're,talking about and number four which is,super important we know these lift the,conversion rates if you apply these you,want to make sure that you have not only,music voice overlays but text overlays,and what I mean by each of these is,having music in the background very,subtly not overly taking the video where,you can't hear them or it's distracting,you want to make sure there's just a,small engagement of you know the sound,in the background that plays ni

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TikTok Ad Strategy The Easy Way

TikTok Ad Strategy The Easy Way

The thing that's most surprising,,is the fastest growing audience is 30 plus.,So we have people that are selling life insurance,that are succeeding on TikTok,,people that are selling retirement stuff,,which is 65 plus.,And that's working.,So you have every audience that's now on TikTok,,which up until yesterday,was the number one website,,beating Google in terms of most traffic.,So TikTok is not just a fad.,It is the number one source of website traffic.,- Today, I'm very excited to be joined,by my good friend, Dennis Yu,,who is a Social Ads expert, and Co-author,of "The Definitive Guide on TikTok Ads.",And he's also the Founder of BlitzMetrics.,Dennis, welcome back to the show.,- What's up Mike?,- Super awesome to have you here.,So today, Dennis and I are gonna explore,TikTok ad strategy.,And Dennis, a lot has happened with you over the years,since you were last on the show.,You were last on the show in 2017,,and a lot of people know you as 'The Facebook Guy.',So why don't you tell me a little bit about,what has transpired with you,and your business since 2017,,and then how in the world did you get into TikTok ads?,- Well, you know the price of Facebook ads,has doubled every year.,And Larry, Kim, and I have done some research,to show that it went from $5 to $10,,to $20 per thousand impressions.,And a lot of the data has been disappearing,,not just 'cause of Cambridge Analytica,,but iOS 14, Google Chrome,,all the extensions from GDPR that are impacting us.,And it's just a perfect storm.,Where TikTok came in,,originally, it was under a few other names,,but it's called TikTok here,ByteDance is the parent company.,And I discovered that,a lot of the things that worked on Facebook,,short form video,,15 second stories that were working on, Instagram stories,,translated very well to TikTok,,because it's selfie style,,not highly produced kinds of videos, telling stories.,So, you know I've been promoting the dollar a day,tactic for quite some time.,We've spent a billion dollars on it.,I've been promoting the one minute video,,and now if we can condense the one minute video,down to 15 second videos,,then we can have things that,appear to be native on TikTok.,And we can have success on TikTok,,even if we are not young adults,that are singing and dancing,,or the kind of thing that causes,most real business professionals,to not wanna be on TikTok.,And so if I found it to be an amazing place,for businesses that have word of mouth,,have some kind of expertise to share,,because they can share that on their mobile phone,by literally just pulling it out like this,,and making a selfie style video.,And for those people that are willing to make video,,or they've made video on YouTube,,they've made video on Instagram or Facebook,,TikTok is a fantastic place.,We like to say that TikTok in 2022,,is like Facebook in 2007,,all the criticisms about the,,it's not ready, or it's for young adults,,or my audience isn't there,,or I don't wanna sing and dance.,You don't have to do any of that.,You just share your advice,,or you just highlight your customers.,And the very best thing is,that you can boost,what your partners, and customers,,and friends and employees have to say about you.,- So this is where I wanna like dig in,on your story a little bit,,because you were all in on Facebook,,and at some point,you decided to go explore TikTok,and ultimately co-author a book on it.,So tell me a little bit of that story.,How was that journey?,When did that happen?,Tell me a little bit of that.,- About two and a half years ago.,And I saw Musically,,which was the original incarnation of TikTok,,where people were doing reaction videos,,or they were doing duets.,And I thought, "I'm s'posed to be a social media expert,,so okay, fine.,I'll go check out this platform,,but I'm not gonna waste a lot of time.,I just need to...",Anytime there's a new social network,,I'll come in and take a look at it,,but then I found, wait a minute, these guys are smart.,So I've had meetings with the folks that run TikTok,,and they told me that they...,I'll probably get in trouble for telling you this.,They are intentionally copying,what Facebook has done, on the ad side,,with business manager,,with the set up of the accounts,,with the way you set up campaigns,and the objective, optimizing towards the objective,,custom audiences, pixels,,they've literally, they've copied how to do lead ads.,So TikTok lead ads,are the exact same thing as Facebook lead ads.,So for me, it was a very familiar transition,to move from Facebook business manager,to TikTok business manager.,- Well, let's be honest.,Facebook has copied TikTok.,- And vice versa.,Even YouTube is copying, which is-,- Everybody's copying everybody.,That's unfortunately the nature of the beast.,So when did the book come out?,And talk a little bit about that,,and then tell me kind of what you're doing,with your agency, with TikTok and stuff.,- So here's the book.,Perry Marshall and I are co-authors.,So if Perry Marshall,,

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How to maximize organic reach on TikTok - Master TikTok Ads with Sellers Alley

How to maximize organic reach on TikTok - Master TikTok Ads with Sellers Alley

hey,it's samuel again welcome back to our,educational videos,and get ready to master tick-tock ads,with sellers ellie,today i will give you some fantastic,tips on how to maximize organic reach on,tick tock,don't forget to subscribe to our youtube,channel for more episodes and if you,like this video give it a thumbs up,and be sure to share your thoughts and,questions in the comment section below,so let's begin you probably know that,tick-tock is focused on video content,and only the sky is the limit when it,comes to options for you to stand out,the most important thing is to be,creative unique and give your videos,an organic look and feel on tick-tock,you don't have to be perfect just,purposeful and the tone of your videos,can vary from both suppose,and can be anything as long as it is,thoughtful,and effective of course how do you,create impactful videos on tiktok,so first engage like a user understand,the ecosystem by,engaging with the platform tools and,users,second listen to your community and keep,in mind that,creativity and trends start on tick-tock,thinking tick-tock first allows your,creativity to scale,third post with a purpose as a brand you,have an opportunity to not just join a,conversation,but to start a new conversation and,fourth,go down the rabbit hole discover and,play,tap into creative tools and creators in,order to,tell unique and richer stories unlike,any other platform,when you define your brand story and,tick tock have in mind that content is,truly the heart of tic-tock,it doesn't have to be perfect as long as,story is driven and,authentic you know how people are,actually just,scrolling through an app and only,eye-catching and effective videos,at first two or three seconds can buy,their attention,so make sure your create videos,are like that people will engage with it,follow you and share your content to,others,and that is the way how you will,maximize organic reach on your tik-tok,account,if you're not already on tiktok make,sure to download,app and explore and if you're an amazon,seller,start exploring your options and build a,multi-channel approach to,maximize your brand impact i hope you,enjoyed watching this episode about how,to maximize organic reach and tick tock,and we'd love to hear from you in the,comment section below,subscribe to our youtube channel and,follow us on all social media platforms,to stay updated with the latest,news from seller zelly also i would like,to add here to be free to suggest,any tick tock topic that you might be,interested in and we will make sure to,record the video about it,thank you guys see you next time

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