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How to Setup TikTok Pixel | Tiktok Conversion Tracking Guide

what's going on guys in this video we're,going to be going over how to install,your Tick Tock pixel and set up,conversion tracking for tick tock ads,now what I recommend is that you watch,this video in its entirety the first,time around and then when you are,actually going in and installing your,pixel that you come back and reference,different areas as you see fit the,reason for this is because right now the,way Tick Tock set up you can actually,delete a pixel or set up new events,after the fact that the pixel is,installed it's a little Annoying and,this is why I want to make sure that you,guys understand everything before you go,in and install the pixel with that being,said let's jump onto my computer and,I'll show you guys exactly how to,install the pixel all right so here we,are inside the tick tock ads dashboard,in order to set up your pixel you're,going to need to go into assets and then,events under assets and that's going to,bring up your events manager and for,today we're just going to be focusing on,web events that's because that's what 90,of people that are setting up the pixel,for tick tock ads are going to be,wanting to do if you you have a mobile,app or you are promoting something on,somebody else's mobile app then,obviously app events are going to make a,little bit more sense but I'm assuming,that if you're watching this video we're,going to be dealing with web events so,all you're going to do is Click manage,and then set up web events and we're,just doing The Tick Tock pixel here and,we can name this something like setup,testing now if you are hosting your,website on a partner platform I highly,recommend that you go through the,automatic setup because it's going to,make sure that your pixel is installed,properly and all of the conversions are,coming in so if you have a Shopify store,a woocommerce store definitely use this,option so I'm going to be teaching you,the manual way to install a pixel,because it basically works on almost,every single website hosting platform,whether it's Wix Squarespace click,funnels go high level or in our case,unbounce this method will basically work,for everything and make sure you're set,up in all platforms so we're just going,to be selecting standard mode,and we're going to be creating the pixel,and then next you're going to be taken,to this page where you have to copy this,pixel code don't worry I'm going to be,showing a couple of examples of exactly,where you need to paste this code in,order to make the pixel work for you so,if you are using go higher level you're,going to have to go into your funnels,figure out your settings and then paste,the code in the head tracking code,section simple as that if you're using,click funnels you're again going to go,into your funnel settings and then find,the head tracking code area over here so,in our case we're going to be using,unbounce and let's say we are setting up,a lead magnet funnel so here is my,sample lead magnet page it's a basic,form page where somebody comes in they,put in their information and their email,and then they get some sort of lead,magnet right so I'm going to go navigate,to my JavaScript and go figure out my,head tag and then paste my Tick Tock,tracking code now this code needs to go,on your entire website if you are,tracking all the conversions on your,website or if you only want to track,specific Pages well then this tag needs,to go on all of the pages that you wish,to track so in our case I only want to,be tracking this page and then the thank,you page for when somebody submits this,form so somebody submits their email,info and then they get taken to this,page which is like hey thank you for,checking um for submitting your email,check your email so I will also insert,this inside the head of my thank you,page and then I just want to save,and republish so both my pages have that,pixel code installed now I'm going to go,down and enable automatic Advanced,matching this basically allows Tick Tock,to match more customers with their data,set and then click next now here's where,things get interesting what I highly,recommend that 99 of people do is set up,tracking based on URL keywords instead,of Click events because it's a lot,simpler and it's a lot more,straightforward the tracking and,conversions are going to be based on,what URLs your customer reaches so,basically you're just going to want to,come in here and click enter keyword,URLs and then you're going to be able to,select between the different event types,so for us our funnel is essentially a,landing page and then just a thank you,page so for my first conversion I'm,going to be tracking view content so,this is going to track everybody that,visited the landing page and it doesn't,necessarily track if they submitted it,or submitted the form or not so in our,case I'm just going to take the URL,which is peak for our case and then I'm,going to make the event type view,content and it's simple as that I can go,into the advanced setting and enter an,alias

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads events

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TikTok Ads Pixel and Conversion Tracking

TikTok Ads Pixel and Conversion Tracking

conversion tracking is an important part,out of any paid media campaign and that,functionality is available in the tick,tock ads manager and we're going to,cover three main things about conversion,and event tracking within tick tock the,first and most important thing is,getting the tic tac pixel on your,website you can't do any sort of,tracking unless you have the pixel setup,i'm only going to cover the tag manager,way to do this but we will show you a,few other options you have to get it on,your website as well as a few other,partners you can use depending on what,cms you're using,then we'll cover the main parts about,conversion and event tracking the first,will be url based conversions think,about it as a thank you page a,confirmation page or maybe just a higher,level like an add to cart page it's,pretty simple and then last we'll go,over the event tracking this is going to,be like click based button tracking,other certain elements on your website,to see where users are engaging after,they click on your ad and then you'll be,able to see how you can view all these,actions and conversions within the,ticktock ads manager dashboard,i'm on the main campaign screen in,tiktok ads manager so in order to start,setting up anything with events or your,pixel we need to head up to assets and,there we see events i haven't done,anything with apps on tick tock yet so,for this video we're solely going to be,working with web events so i'm going to,click manage for this option,and i created a new account just so we,can walk through these steps because it,says clear right in front of our faces,right now in order to create any,conversions or any click events we need,to install the pixel first so let's go,and create the pixel and i'm going to,choose the tick tock pixel option not,going to cover api here so chose that,going to hit next if you want to you can,copy and paste the code into your,website your landing page your cms,whatever you prefer i'm going to choose,this option here because right under my,mouse you can see that we can use google,tag manager it's going to be the easiest,way but first i'm going to have to name,the pixel otherwise it won't let me move,forward all right just paste it in a,name i'm going to select the partner,platforms and there we see a few options,common brands like shopify and square,choose the one that's best for you in my,case i'm going to use google tag manager,and then i'm going to hit next and there,it's going to ask if i want to connect,with google tag manager understand that,this connect process might be different,depending on which partner you chose but,pretty much in any one of our previous,videos on event tracking we do use,google tag manager i'm just going to hit,connect what i couldn't show you because,i had to blur out a lot of stuff is that,i selected the appropriate google,account and then i selected the correct,tag manager account and container so now,that that is connected go down a little,bit i'm going to choose standard mode,because i don't know how to use custom,website code so i'm going to leave it,pretty simple,i'm going to turn on automatic advanced,matching and then i'm going to enter the,website url to see if our pixel was,installed properly pasted the url in,there and now we can verify,and there we see the code was verified,so now we can go to the next step and,now we see there are a few different,ways we can create events to track,specific actions one of the easiest ways,to track it is with url events this is,if you have dedicated confirmation pages,thank you pages add to cart pages that,you would want to track specific steps,so tic tac is going to call it url,keywords but think of it as more as your,url contains these words let me show you,first i'm going to go up and select the,type of event you'd want to track you,can see there are a few options here so,place an order search submit form,subscribe view content if it's just,looking at a specific page there's the,add to cart so we do see a few different,options i'm just going to go down and,select the submit form option,and i want to put in certain keywords,that are part of the url of the page a,user is going to land on after they,submit a form on our website,so this is just one thank you page we,have on the website added that to the,url contains field if you want to so i,can add in a different url if i want to,combine multiple form submits into one,event type you see i cannot change it to,an and may not be able to hear it but,i'm trying to click on this so it's not,going to have me add mandatory layers so,you cannot have a destination url event,where a user must visit one url but they,also must visit a second url it's not,how it works it's going to have or,functionality only but i don't need that,so i'm going to trash the second option,if we look at our advanced settings,you can see you can add an event alias,and potentially add a value to this,specific event if you want to and then,we see the stat type do i want to cou

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halo halo teman-teman Masih bersama saya,widyakusuma Oke teman-teman kita akan,masuk materi berikutnya adalah kita akan,belajar bersama tentang pixel lihat,teman-teman menjadi setelah teman-teman,membuat account dan membuat pembayaran,teman-teman wajib,instal pixel Kenapa harus install,install pixel teman-teman ya teman-teman,supaya setiap pengunjung di websitenya,teman-teman nanti temen-temen itracking,Aktivitas apa yang mereka lakukan,misalnya dia tekan tombol misalnya dia,eh tekane Tukad Ya tentu teman-teman,harus tahu misalnya tujuannya buat apa,pixel nanti tujuannya nanti teman-teman,bisa melakukan Tri targeting kalau,misalnya sudah memiliki pixel ya mungkin,pembahasan ini agak-agak lebih,panjangnya temen-temen tuh bahas,pixelnya jadi kalau ibaratnya saya,ilustrasikan temen-temen pixel itu kayak,CCTV jadi setiap pengunjung di website,yang temen-temen mereka masuk ke dalam,website-nya teman-teman ya,menembus a tree King aktivitas mereka,Jadi kalau misalnya teman-teman sudah,dapat data mereka ya nanti teman-teman,bisa melakukan membuat custom audience,ya kayak seperti,luka.com audience Lela temen-temen bisa,bikin misalnya yang sudah itu kata ada,misalnya sudah banyak pengunjung,teman-teman bisa bikin Ella nya Ya,temen-temen bisa melakukan trik,targeting ulang juga orang yang juga,belum beli juga ya sosis sesimple itu,temen-temen harus punya yang namanya,pixel yang harus di setup ya teman-teman,jangan sampai enggak boleh Enggak,misalnya,saya punya,saya iklan site langsung misalnya ke,tombol wa boleh nggak boleh-boleh aja,tapi kalau temen-temen langsung ketombe,Ah ya sangat-sangat disayangkan karena,data teman-teman terbuang sia-sia,temen-temen Zubair iklan mahal-mahal,tapi teman-teman tidak bisa mendapatkan,datanya cuman hanya dapat kontaknya,misalnya kalau dia sudah masuk ke dia,Nggak dia nggak tekan tombol temen-temen,ya nggak dapat apa-apa Ah ya cuman hanya,lihat iklan teman-teman aja lewat,seperti itu aja dia tekan dia tekan,iklan teman-teman tapi nggak sempet chat,teman-teman nggak dapat apa-apa so saya,sangat sarankan teman-teman harus,memasang pixel di setiap iklan,teman-teman di websitenya teman-teman ya,Oke kita akan masuk ke,item the dashboard dulu lu lalu ke,atlet lalu ke event ya oke Ini,aplikasi font web event er-6n pilih yang,web,ini diskip aja nggak papa,lalu teman-teman klik create pixel ya,Ini ada dua cara yang temen yang saya,akan ajarkan ke temen-temen ini adalah,kita akan pakai tipe pixel ya bisa juga,kita pakai event epi3 kita akan lakukan,dengan cara,yang pertama,Oke Nah di sini ada manual install pixel,adzan otomatis ya Nah kita akan coba,dengan pakai cara dengan manual misal,teman-teman Epic sale di mal dinamain,apa misalnya,teman-teman namain SMS warden contoh ya,10 pixel teman-teman pilih next,Ya,teman-teman pilih yang standar ya,temen-temen gue yang standar,tapi kode pixelnya ya ini kode pixelnya,lalu teman-teman copy pixelnya,ya,Ko pixelnya teman-teman masuk ke,Wapres teman-teman ya ke Wapres ya,temen-temen pasti semuanya udah punya,website ya kalau misalnya teman-teman,pakai contoh misalnya pakai berdua atau,pakai apa teman-teman boleh ikutin cara,panduan Merdunya ya kita langsung masuk,ke halamannya lalu teman-teman cari di,bawang geser Turun ke bawah ya,Hai nah ini ke teman-teman masuk ke,custom header script temen yang tadi,kita copy ini kita PES kesini ya,versus ini,lalu kita update dia temen-temen,Lalu kita update,lalu kita akan ngetes,ininya ya alamat pixelnya Ya sudah,terinstall belum jadi websitenya,teman-teman tentu harus masuk websitenya,dulu nah ini sudah selesai saya copy,dulu,ya lalu saya ke pixel event,lalu saya verified,oke Ini teman-teman fix kode pixel Sudah,masuk ya sudah masuk,sudah terverifikasi lalu kita next ya,engkau saudara Wow es Oke sekarang,tentunya kita mau ah membuat event pixel,Yan event pixel to apa event pixel to,ada aktivitas pengunjung di websitenya,temen-temen jadi kita buat aktivitasnya,misalnya dia cuman hanya viu halamannya,atau dia ada tekan tombol,Eh WA atau di ada tekan tombol etuka,teman-teman bisa buat di sini ya di sini,kita masuk tipe iPhone nya Misalnya ini,banyak ya tapi nah ini,tipe-tipe eventnya teman-teman boleh,sesuaikan event yang teman-teman pada,umumnya ya kita pasti harus bikin yang,namanya view content,you konten lalu disini,alamatnya,TPS di sini alamat websitenya ya nanti,Hai labet teman-teman disini enter ya,ini konten sudah jadi nah misalnya kalau,temen-temen punya banyak,punya banyak tombol kalau punya banyak,tombol Gimana ada tombol seperti yang,saya bilang tadi ada tombol Wa ada,tombol,ada tombol itu card teman-teman bisa,melakukan yang ini ya temen-temen,at web elemen ya Jadi kita akan,melakukan at web elemen,disini tentunya teman-teman sebelum,masuk di sana teman-teman harus install,yang namanya eh pixel helper dulu ya,cara instalnya gimana bentuknya masuk di,sini dulu,di Google Google teman-teman cari,tik tok,tik tok,Hai,pixel,Doctor ya,Yang ini ada menemani,naik Tensioner disini temen-temen,at dulu,Ed,kini terpa

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How to set up TikTok events API

How to set up TikTok events API

hi guys this is ira from stape and uh in,this video i want to show how to set up,tiktok events api,ticktalk events api is a server-side,tracking from tiktok it's uh it is very,similar to facebook conversion api,um the main difference is that um tick,tock uh does not support,event the duplication for now,it means that if you already have tik,tok browser tracking setup and want to,implement server side tracking you need,to,pause,browser tracking,before you publish your server side,tracking,you need to do it because,if you do not pause browser tracking,your events will be duplicated uh what,does uh facebook conversion api and,ticktalk events api have in common,tick tock has their,click id,that,they use to,match,users and their interactions with your,ads,tick tock also use a user parameter to,match people who visit your website with,people in their database,all the information user information,that you send to tick-tock should be,hashed,and you can send user agent email,external id and,click id,okay,let's get started with setting up,tick-tock events api,to set up tick-tock events api you need,to have a tick-tock developer's account,it is easy,to,apply for a tick-tock developer's,account and from my experience they,usually approve your application within,one or two business days,you should start setting up,tick-tock events api inside the tiktok,ads manager,click assets and then events,you should click create a pixel and,add the name for this pixel,then select here manually install pixel,code,click next,uh then,here you need to like you must to select,developers mode,on the,on this second screen you need to enable,this advanced matching it's basically,you need it because,we will send user parameters from the,server to,increase the match quality of ticktock,events api,so,enable advanced margin and make sure,that these two are enabled and click,confirm,here,you will need to go to settings and,inside the settings you will see events,api settings,here you will need to have a,tick tock developer,app id,so,you,if you already have a tick-tock app,account you just need to pass your,app id here,if you do not have a developer account,here you have instructions how to create,it,okay i already have this account and i,will need to,add my app id let me find it,okay,this is my app id and,then once you added the app id you need,to click generate a,token,so,uh copy this one,and passed it somewhere we will need it,uh,for uh setting up tick tock events api,okay,so this part is done let's go to the,to the,server,gtm,so,all the setup of the for the ticktock,events api is done inside the google tag,manager server container,i already have it ready,and,if you do not have a gtm server,container we already have some videos,and,blog post on how to set it up,so once you set up a,server gtm,you will need to,send start sending data to the server,gtm,we also have a blog post on how to send,data through from web to the server gtm,and um,most of the time we're using two methods,uh the first method is uh using google,analytics for and the second method is,using,data tag and data client,okay,i will start with setting up a,tick tock,uh pixel inside the dictionary tiktok,events api inside the server container,um here you will need to,add a,a new tag,we created a tag for tik tok events api,you can find it inside the server gtm,template gallery so we just click here,search gallery,and,here we will have yeah tick tock events,api this one,and,click edit to your workspace,and then you should go to tags and,create this tag,in this example i want to show how to,set up a purchase event,oops there's the wrong one,so select tag type purchase,the event name,select event name so yeah um tick tock,has some standard event names and they,do not have a purchase event they have,an event place order,uh here you will need to add your access,token that we've generated inside the,tick tock events manager this one,i will use a variable,and then you need to add the pixel id,cd,i will add it as a variable as well,for setting up,a tiktok events api so,i will create a new trigger,um,j4,purchase,and,it will,be a custom trigger uh it should trigger,every time when client name x equals j4,and,event name,equals,purchase so how to,find um,like how to understand what,trigger you should add here,let me show you my web google tag,manager,inside the web gtm i have a ga4,server side,you see here that i have three tags,the first tag is a configuration tag so,basically it's a must if you are setting,up ga4,and they have two other tags,the first tag is sending a page view,event and the second tag is,like enhance the comments tag,it,sends,it uses a data layer inside the web,google tag manager container,and,it sends data to the server container so,you see here that,i'm sending,all the,items,to,uh server container and i also have this,uh here a variable event id i'm using,this the same tag for setting up,facebook conversion api and,if you want to use,like browser and server tracking inside,

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ViewContent Event Setup for TikTok Pixel with GTM - TikTok Pixel setup #part-2

ViewContent Event Setup for TikTok Pixel with GTM - TikTok Pixel setup #part-2

in this video I am going to show you how,you can track new content even for talk,pixel using Google tag manager,hi my name is Nasim and you are welcome,to this video,I love to share my experience and teach,people how to grow their skills and make,money from home I'm a top-rated,freelancer on Apple and I have five,years of working experience so if you,want to stay up to date and learn more,about marketing and grow your skills you,can subscribe to my channel I think you,will never be disappointed let's drive,in here,let's see how to track view content,event for e-commerce website like it's a,e-commerce website and we have to,measure the customer Journey so that's,why we have to set up standard event,for e-commerce tracking like uh if,customer visit of this page it's,actually a view content event if you,want to check the tick tock official,document you can see Tick Tock called,it's a few content event and here is,some instruction so you can follow this,instruction,and here you can see this is the,recommended parameter for this standard,event so that's mean we have to track,the dynamic value Dynamic name and,dynamic this product ID so that's why we,need this parameter,so,let's go to the Google tag manager,container so this is my Google tag,manager container and you can see our,base code is already,installed that's me our website is,connected with this Tick Tock pixel,through this tag manager and if you want,to check this website is connected with,this pixel you can simply use a,Tick Tock helper 2.0 extension and this,extensions here our pixel is connected,but it's only for pill view when I click,this page but it not say it's a view,content event but it should say it's a,view content event now we are going to,set up the view content event okay first,of all go to the preview mode,and we have to find our trigger okay so,click on continue,and then so our website is loaded and we,have to go the specific product page,which is this one and if I,see carefully of this left hand side you,can see it's a v y name it's here but uh,in pixel here part there is no view,content event so that's mean it's a,trigger and if you select the data layer,you can see all the information here so,we have to set up everything,so for this case,we are going to make a trigger first,just click on trigger,and click on new,and of course you have to select the,custom event and you have to copy,this name and you have to paste here the,exact same name and you can give a name,here which is view item trigger and save,it,and then click on tag,we have to make a new tag for this event,so let's click on this button,and then,find and custom event like if you choose,this Tick Tock template here is no,option to setup event so that's why we,don't want to use this template we have,to use this custom HTML,form so here you can see we have to,implement the custom HTML code I already,make this code based on these,Tick Tock official document here you can,see we have to use this code and we have,to use this parameter I already set it,up that's why I am going to copy it,and drag paste it in our,HTML,box here you can see I used content type,Content ID content name and value and,currency,and just,we have to select the right trigger and,then give a name here which is,custom HTML not I am using,tick tock,view content,you can input any name that you like I,am using this name and I'm going to save,it,here you can see my tag is here so let's,check again,click on preview,and then our website is open,automatically it's loading,it's need a few moment for opening,sometimes,and it's successfully connected and see,our view content event is not yet fired,because we are just view the space it's,a home page now we are going to open,this specific page,and check our,tag is fired and let's check the,extension,it's not coming here so our tag is still,not fired yet because uh I have if I,made a mistake which is,uh this one you can see for event name,is add to cart okay so that's why it's,not working so we have to select the,exact right name so this is view content,just copy it and,paste it,view content and save it,and submit it and publish it and hit the,preview again,just click on this product page,let's check again this extension and,here it is our view content event is,working perfectly also we can check out,all the information are coming here,content name content type content ID,currency USD ATC so that's me it's,working fine that's all for today if you,found this video useful don't forget to,give thumbs up and if you want to see,more video from me you can subscribe to,my channel I think it will never be,disappointed,foreign

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TikTok Ads API Tutorial: Getting access

TikTok Ads API Tutorial: Getting access

in this tutorial i'm going to give you a,practical introduction to the tick tock,ads api,so at first we're going to learn how to,get access to the ticktack ads api then,we'll examine your account campaigns ad,groups and ads,then you'll learn how you can report on,your ads and lastly how you can find the,best performing ad by ad spend,so this tutorial is targeted,at marketers,who,run some type of tick tock ads and,should be ideally comfortable in a,somewhat technical environment so,maybe you're a spreadsheet pro or you've,dabbled with some,some sort of apis before,maybe you have some programming,experience um,yeah but you must feel somewhat,comfortable,with these terms and,with accessing your tick tock ad account,programmatically,but this introduction will guide you,step by step through how you can do this,yourself,so before we get started,we need to get access to the tiktok ads,api and,if you watched one of our other,tutorials on the facebook ads api it was,very straightforward to get an access,token by creating an application and,then working with a facebook graph api,explorer,on ticktop on ticktalk it's not so easy,so,in order to,make your first api call through the,ticktalk ads api what you need to do,first is register as a developer,then get approved which usually takes a,few days,and then,use your credentials to create an access,token but let's get started,so first of all um you can go to,ads.ticktalk.com,marketing api,and you could should get to a page that,look uh looks some something like this,um this is the home page uh over here,and if you have not created a tick tock,account before there should be a button,here saying register as a developer,and once you've registered as a,developer so you go through a few,different steps here,once you've registered as a developer,you can go and create an app so i'm,going to go to my apps over here,and as you can see i previously already,created,two apps one that we actually use in our,business the kitchen io app and then we,have the kitchen i o demo app which i,specifically created,for this tutorial,i will just run you through how you can,create your own app as well,so first of all let's go over here,create new so,first we need to give it a name so i'm,just going to call this the kitchen,aisle demo at,number two,and yeah,we need to provide a short description,um,we want to,pull some reporting data,all right that did not work,kitchen io demo app number two,pull some reporting data,so these two things are fairly,straightforward now we have two more,points that may,are not so straightforward for you,so we have the advertiser redirect url,and we have the scope of permissions,the advertiser redirect url,is the place where ticktalk will send,advertisers after connecting their ad,account to your app,of course in our case we just want to,create an app that we use ourselves so,there is no advertiser connecting their,ad account this is just us,connected on our own account so you can,just put your home page here i'm just,going to put hours as well,and then we need to select some scope of,permission so in order to protect,advertisers which again in our case is,not so relevant but technically in order,to predict advertisers from accidentally,sharing crucial information with a third,party app like the kitchen io app,the api access is broken up in different,scopes that means if you want to build,an app for other people to use that can,create ads or that can report on ads or,upload assets or something like that,then you can specify what type of,permission is relevant in our case,we can ignore the ad account management,part this would only be relevant if you,were building an app that was about,sharing access to your accounts or,something like that in our case we just,want to do ad management so we want to,read out campaign information etc,we want to be able to report so all of,the reporting levels are relevant and,then,if you,also want to create an ad we also need,creative management in order to upload,videos or images,and that's it so as you can see there,are a bunch of different,scopes of permissions here as well so,for example things like automated rules,things like add comments etc and those,are not really relevant right now,for us for this intro tutorial but feel,free to select anything or everything,as you please and then,once you hit confirm i'm not going to do,this now but once you hit confirm um you,will see that your app will be pending,and this usually takes two to three days,um so,if you're hitting confirm now,stop the video right now and get back to,us in uh two to three days,hopefully you're back and,watching again after two to three days,after being approved so this is what,this should look like for you you'll see,an app id over here,a verification status and a secret and,let's,now,go through the steps of,generating an access token,from our credentials,so i'm going to go open up the this app,over here and what we can see now is,that we have an app id we have a sec

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How to Setup the TikTok Pixel in Clickfunnels for TikTok Ads (2022)

How to Setup the TikTok Pixel in Clickfunnels for TikTok Ads (2022)

in this video i'm going to show you how,to hook up your tick tock pixel to your,click funnels account okay first things,first we're going to go up to assets up,here in the menu and go down to event in,this page it's going to ask us,whether we want to set up app events or,web events we're going to choose web,events share the events that are,happening on your website we'll hit,manage,and then from here we will set up,web events we're going to click here,we're going to click,tick tock pixel,and we'll hit next,and we're going to choose manually,install the pixel code and you'll want,to put a pixel up here just to keep,track of things in the event that maybe,you want to categorize by funnels with,your pixels or use it across a different,domain for this case i'm just going to,put down a placeholder okay and we're,going to hit next so we're gonna click,manually install the pixel code and,click next,and we're gonna select standard mode,right here and click create,okay and so right here they give us the,ability to copy the pixel code so we're,going to either you can click this,button when it overlays like this or you,can click copy pixel code but i find,that this is a little bit easier so i'll,just click the copy the button here,and then inside of your funnel inside of,click funnels we're going to go to the,settings tab,so up here in the blue the settings,column,and we need to place this code right,inside the heading code tab so we're,going to go,inside of here and add this script to,the head tracking code,so we'll paste that there,and we're going to go down here,and click,save and update settings,okay once that's up we can continue see,this covers everything that we did and,we will click next,okay and the next thing that it's going,to ask us to do is to create events that,happen so there's two ways that they,primarily allow you to do this one is,through urls which works really well,with click funnels and the other is to,go into click events you can do both by,the way you can do both url events and,click events but we're going to start,with url events so we're going to click,enter url keywords,so we'll go there and we're going to,select the event type that we want we're,going to want to track people who have,landed on the sales page so if we're,going to scroll down here,we're going to click select the view,content,and we're going to paste the destination,url so the way that you find that is by,going into your clickfunnels account,and we're going to go to the sales page,url,so we're going to click into that now,what i would recommend doing is grabbing,both this this url right here so we'll,copy this piece,we're going to paste that into the url,contains,and hit this little plus button over,here,and this creates an or field so it will,track both ultimately and the way that,you do that is going into,the split test settings,and collecting the path from right there,and under advanced settings we're going,to give this event a title so we're,going to say,view,sales page and this is going to happen,every time,and we are going to,go ahead and minimize that that's our,view content goal that's going to be our,sales page okay the next one we're going,to want to set up is initiate checkout,so this is basically going to be order,form page inside of your funnel so,basically the same same thing goes here,so we're going to go to our order form,we're going to,select the url string so in this case,order form,so we're going to copy that we're going,to paste that here we're going to hit,that plus button and we're going to,paste the split test path,in there as well so we're going to make,sure this is always firing and under the,advanced settings we're going to say,viewed,order form,now the next one is if you have an oto,on your page what we're going to do this,time is select add web elements so,adding web elements allows us to paste,the url inside of here and track actions,on that page,so we're going to go into,our clickfunnels account we're going to,go to our oto,and we are going to copy this url up,here and paste it up into the bar up on,the left and hit this little arrow key,so what this does is it creates a little,window into that website and as you see,as i hover over elements it starts to,notice different things we're going to,scroll down and click the,um yes button wherever that shows up in,this case it's really only one yes,button we're gonna hover over that,button,and go ahead and click this don't worry,it won't do anything it's gonna ask us,if we want to add this element and we're,going to say yes so make sure you click,the button not just the text on the,button there is a little bit of a,difference there so we're going to go,ahead and click yes,and it's going to ask us what type of,event that we want to track and so we're,going to scroll down and we're going to,say add to cart where's add to cart,there we go add to cart so this is,really for your own tracking purposes it,could be any of these labels inside of,here but i feel li

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Add To Cart Event Setup for TikTok Pixel with GTM - TikTok Pixel setup #part3

Add To Cart Event Setup for TikTok Pixel with GTM - TikTok Pixel setup #part3

in this video you are going to learn how,to track add to cut event for tick tock,pixel using Google tag manager hi you,are welcome to this video my name is,Nasim and I am a top digit freelancer on,upwork I love to share my experience and,teach people how to build digital skills,and make money from home so if you want,to stay up to date then consider,subscribing to this channel I think you,will never be disappointed let's drive,in here,this is my WordPress woocommerce website,and I want to track add to cut event for,tick tock pixel so first of all let's,check it out,so I'm on the product page and see here,the product page is working and if I,click on the add to cart and see a true,cut is not working so we have to,implement this so first of all go to tag,manager and go to tag,and see here there is no add to cart,event so that's why it's not working so,for tracking this button we have to go,the preview button just click on preview,and see the website is loading,and after that just do the add to cut,event just click on product and click on,add to cart,and,this,and then you will see the trigger is,coming here so first of all we have to,check data layer so all the information,is coming here and we got our trigger,which is AutoCAD so we have to make,trigger that go to want,tag manager Tigger and click on new,and click on,custom event and input the exact same,name and give a name here which is add,to cut I want to give Tick Tock add to,cart so and save it,and this is the final,work that we have to do which is make,tag just click on new tag and choose the,custom HTML you can use it using the,template but in this video I am going to,show you using custom HTML just click on,custom HTML,and,see here is the document I already,write that document,Follow The Tick Tock documentation just,implement the code here and I want to,use the variable,so you can see here is a all variable,that I already made just you have to,select this one and then select the,trigger,and click on Save,and I want to give a name here which is,add to cart,and then save,and after that we have to check it so,click on preview again,go to preview and input your website URL,and this website will automatically open,and then you will see,our preview mode is connected,successfully and let's do the add to cut,again so click on product page and do,add to cart click on this button and,then see what happened and here it is,the add to cut all the information is,capturing Tick Tock pixel,and when you see everything is working,then publish it if you don't understand,any part of this video or if you have,suggestion for me please do comment I,will really appreciate it and if you,need my service that I am providing as a,freelancer feel free to contact me I,would love to work with you that's all,for today if you found this video useful,don't forget to give thumbs up because,it helps me to continue working on this,channel also if you want to stay up to,date then hit the Subscribe button I'll,see you on the next video till then bye,have a good day

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