tiktok ads course

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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

today we're going to cover everything tick-tock  ads we're going to go into shopify we're going  ,to link our store we're going to make sure the  pixel is set up properly we're going to make  ,sure that you can get amazing tick-tock results  for those that are new to the channel i'm davey  ,foggerty my shopify stores have done over 400  million dollars in sales in just four years tick  ,tock ads is the new kid on the blog usually we're  heavily reliant on facebook because it's such an  ,incredible marketing tool but lots of people are  getting heaps of success with the new entertaining  ,nature of tick tock ads so it might be perfect  for your brand this video is perfect for beginners  ,we're not going to skip any steps but i'm also  going to go into some advanced things around  ,content because that is so important to make sure  that you make tick tock ads work the first step  ,you're going to want to do is set up your shopify  store if you haven't set up your shopify store  ,just pause the video click the link in my bio and  set it up now we've got one set up through our  ,lemon scrub series so it's got most of the things  ready we're just going to make sure that we set up  ,tiktok properly so the pixel is firing once you're  in shopify the best way to go is go into apps and  ,just write in tiktok simply download the official  tiktok app and click add sales channel this is the  ,exact same as facebook nowadays this will bring  up this little tick tock section down on the left  ,hand store of your shopify store if you don't have  shopify still carry on watching we're going to get  ,into the nitty gritty in a second once this is set  up we can click this section here setting up the  ,pixel the next step you can see that it's saying  connect tick tock for business this is where you  ,need a new tick tock account already have a tick  tock business account you can just click connect  ,but today we're gonna have to create a brand new  one so i'm just gonna click create new at the top  ,enter my email address get the verification code  sent into the verification code here agree to  ,terms and conditions and just click sign up you  can click connect down the bottom right and that's  ,now created an ads manager business manager under  that email we can click create new ad account and  ,we can select the country and the currency that we  want to be built in this is generally the region  ,that you want to be targeting change the business  name to something a little bit simpler click sign  ,up and connect you'll come to this data sharing  section which we've touched on a few times in my  ,previous episodes just click enhanced or maximum  providing you've got the terms and conditions set  ,up for something and then click confirm maximum  is obviously preferred this is how shopify shares  ,data with ticktock this is referred to as capi  which is a partnership between shopify and the  ,advertising platform click set up enter your final  details make sure you connect automatic payment  ,click confirm and you should be ready to go now  to create tick-tock ads we're actually going to  ,have to go back to the tick-tock ads manager so  we can go ads.tichtalk.com you can see that our  ,ad account has already been created to make sure  that we do have the pixel set up properly what i  ,do recommend is going to your website and just  like facebook there's something called tic toc  ,pixel helper and it's a chrome extension that you  can download and check if your pixel is firing  ,on your website if it's not you may need to go  and fix that initially just download the chrome  ,extension and you can see that our tick tock pixel  is set up here shopify set it up for us and it  ,should be firing this is a page view because we're  on a page when you add a product to cart it should  ,fire the add to cart pixel or if someone purchases  you can test a purchase and it will also fire that  ,pixel in the exact right way so now we're in  the tiktok ads account we can go ahead and  ,create our first campaign campaign structures  are really important to talk about it's what  ,separates good advertisers from bad advertisers  that alongside really effective marketing content  ,the basic structure is you have a campaign which  is what objective you are striving for if you've  ,got something like a real estate business  it might be leads you're trying to collect  ,leads but we've got a e-commerce business  so we want to get purchases then you've  ,got the ad set level which is basically the  targeting that you're setting up to complete  ,that campaign objective then finally you've got  your ads that live within each of those ad sets  ,these ads are different creative types that  you think are going to convert your customer  ,so head to campaign when you're in campaign all  you need to do is click create here and you'll set  ,up your first campaign you'll get prompted with  two options you've got simplified mode and custom  ,mode we're going to w

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Free TikTok Ads Q4 Course - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

Free TikTok Ads Q4 Course - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

we all know what time of year is coming,up and if you don't know it's called Q4,which is quarter four of the year which,is when the most advertising dollars are,spent across the platforms like Tick,Tock Facebook Instagram YouTube and,Google and Q4 is one of the most,profitable times of the years if you,understand how to do it right and create,an offer that actually converts so that,way you can scale up during the holidays,in fact eCommerce sales were up over 870,billion dollars just last year and that,is only expected to grow going into Q4,so in today's video we're going step by,step and breaking down a free Tick Tock,ads course for you to apply towards Q4,with insights breakdowns account,structure and the actual overall,strategy so that way you can actually be,a dominating Force against your other,competitors in this video is for anyone,who is just starting out considering,using Tick Tock ads for Q4 or wants to,learn more about how the process works,because Tick Tock is so frequently,changing and updating its algorithm and,making adjustments to its ads manager we,wanted to provide a full strategy just,in in time for Q4 so that way you can be,fully up to date with the exact,strategies you need to know so without,waiting any longer let's get into it,now if you don't know who I am my name,is Chase chapel and over the last seven,years our agency and training has been,managing over 200 million dollars in ad,spend and has generated over a billion,dollars in sales for our clients whether,they're in lead gen B2B e-commerce or,local or even an app campaign and we,work with some of the largest brands,that you know and love whether it's,Brands like Waterboy octi Power Crunch,we literally go through and optimize and,scale up campaigns for a very successful,brand so that way they can achieve six,seven eight figures in sales and,everything that we'll be sharing this,video is all data backed so that way you,have the most clear insights on what,changes next steps forward you need to,take with your Tick Tock ads and by the,way if this video gets over 100 likes in,the first 24 hours then I'm going to be,doing a giveaway to our free Tick Tock,ads course so that way you can get full,access and I'll be giving away a free,strategy session as well and that's over,two thousand dollars in value if this,video gets over 100 likes in the first,24 hours and make sure to comment down,below your your goals for Q4 and what,you're looking to achieve with your,brand alright so here we are the free Q4,Tick Tock ads course and my name is,Chase Chapel founder of surge IO and,travel digital marketing and what is my,experience with Tick Tock ads well we,spend anywhere from 200 to 450 000 per,month on Tick Tock ads for our clients,not only that but we've placed in the,top 10 Tick Tock ad campaigns in the US,nine different times for our clients,that's literally where we show up on the,top ads as the very first few ads and,that is you know really possible due to,the amount of spend the results and,being able to achieve these kind of,campaigns and in fact we work with all,types of Brands and have access to over,100 plus different Tick Tock ad accounts,through our training and agency whether,it's local ads running campaigns with,you know proximity to the region that,they're in trying to get people in the,door or if it's an app ad where we're,optimizing for app installs and trying,to make you know the app the number one,on the app store or like eCommerce ads,where we're literally able to scale up,and see an Roi return an ad spin that is,profitable for our clients or like,Legion where we're generating calls or,generating cells for a high ticket,product in fact with one campaign we've,spent over 339 thousand dollars to get,49 000 conversions we literally break,down these exact strategies and release,them for free as well but alongside that,even with the hundreds of Brands we've,scaled to six and seven figures we break,down the exact results and share the,insights from every type of client when,we achieve those results where we've,literally gotten clients by million,views and twenty thousand emails in a,single day 38 000 pre-orders in a single,day from Tick Tock where we've had,clients get 3.7 million views 5 million,views we've had other clients be able to,scale from twenty six thousand to ninety,three thousand dollars in a single month,if you can imagine how fast your brand,could scale it's very achievable we've,had other brands be able to achieve 716,leads for a dollar 82 cost per lead,we've seen cost per clicks as low as 2,cents to a cent cost per click with,under one dollar cpms Yes you heard that,it is like old days Facebook with some,of these strategies not only that but,other clients have told us that they've,scaled 160k in the first month and then,we've had other brands tell us you know,they're achieving 500 to a million,dollar months all from the exact,strategies we're going to be sharing,and then other brands that are posting,organic videos g

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Free TikTok Ads 2022 Course - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

Free TikTok Ads 2022 Course - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

hello everyone it's chase chapel your,favorite digital marketer here and we're,going over a free tick tock ads course,with everything you need to know from a,to z on how to set up your campaigns how,to actually create the content and,launch the campaign so that way you can,get incredible results and all of this,information that we're covering you know,is going to be based off of the,experience we've had with running tick,tock ads at our agency chapel digital,marketing where we spend literally,hundreds of thousands of dollars per,month on ads for our clients getting,them amazing results and by the way for,this video i'm putting out a challenge,if we get a hundred comments on this,video i will be picking one winner for,our tick tock ads course that will be,releasing this year so comment down,below your biggest goals for 2022 and,let's get started in this video all,right so make sure to grab a pen and,paper close out all your tabs so that,way you can have full focus on going,over this training,so today we're going to be covering the,free tick tock ads course with myself,chase chapel and i'm the founder of,surge i o in travel digital marketing so,let's go ahead and get into it,what is your experience with tick tock,ads well we spend anywhere from 160k to,300 000 per month on tick tock ads for,our clients,we're placing ads and getting well over,a hundred million impressions every 60,to 90 days for our clients,and we've placed in the top 10 tick tock,ad campaigns in the us seven different,times for our clients that's not one,time that's not two times that's not,three times that is seven different,times for our clients that we've placed,in the top 10 top ads on tick tock,and we've ran ads for all types of,brands you know we've ran ads for local,ads with you know clients and we've also,done campaigns for app installs and,we've even done you know plenty of,campaigns for e-commerce brands and,being able to get conversions and,scale-up results there you know there's,lots of different brands that this can,work for,and just with one campaign we spent,three hundred and thirty nine thousand,dollars to get forty nine thousand,conversions that's a a little over a six,dollar cost per result,and because of this we received a 15,custom tick tock microphone and now we,can do karaoke in style,but all jokes aside tik tok is,incredible and,you know that microphone is actually,pretty sweet so we do appreciate all the,gifts and we do get a ton of value from,running ads on tick tock itself so the,value trade-off is definitely there,but how do,you know what will engage and convert on,tick tock well i have over 120 000,followers on tick tock where i share,marketing tips i've done over 30 brand,deals with sponsors i know what it's,like to be on both sides both from an,agency standpoint with managing ads and,also creator standpoint from having,created content and also working with,sponsors and knowing what you know,brands like from their creators and how,to do it in a way that actually,generates conversions,and i also know how to get videos to do,over a million plus views and how to,sell out an entire store with tick tock,a lot of individuals think it's left up,to fate whether or not they'll go viral,or not but there are things you can do,to increase your chances of getting a,million plus views and having a good,chance of actually selling out your,store,and i also learned from a lot of my,friends on account growth who are some,of the top tick tock creators in the,world here we have alex stemp who has,over 19.5 million followers and almost,half a billion likes on his videos just,this video here,92.5 million views another 150 million,views another one 58.5 million views,he's definitely figured out the way to,you know,follow a guideline that is for,storytelling to generate a ton of views,and i also coach tick tock influencers,and brands on how they can increase,sales from their tick tock accounts,so are tick tock ads for you,well tick tock got more traffic than,google in all of 2021 which is pretty,crazy if you think about it because i'm,sure a lot of you use google every day,you do a lot of google searches but even,though there's so many people using,google tiktok still beat them out for,most traffic,and tick tock has over a billion monthly,active users on their app,and their algorithm is very efficient,for the organic views and they have very,long watch times in fact average users,spend around 26 hours a month on tick,tock that's an insane amount of time to,be spending on tick tock every single,month so,they beat out youtube by 16 hours a,month that youtube gets on average and,tick tock beat them out with the average,user having 26 hours that's a full 10,extra hours so definitely there's tons,of opportunities to get plenty of,impressions because that means there's,so much people on there and spending so,much time that you have the opportunity,to reach them and be able to you know,convert,so,it you can get insane traffic and,conversions fo

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$100K TikTok Ads Strategy For Shopify Dropshipping In 2022 | In 30 Minutes

$100K TikTok Ads Strategy For Shopify Dropshipping In 2022 | In 30 Minutes

this is my brand new 100 000 tik tok ad,strategy for 2022. hey guys welcome to,the youtube channel my name's camille,sutton is the ecom king and in today's,video i'm going to be teaching you guys,my brand new 2022,100 000 tick tock ad strategy that we're,currently using in our shopify drop,shipping stores now this video is gonna,be a complete step-by-step tutorial and,i'm gonna start off by teaching you guys,the best account structure for the best,success possible on the tick tock,advertisement platform and then i'm,gonna be teaching you guys my testing,strategy and i'm going to be giving you,two different testing strategies i'm,currently using right now then i'm going,to be teaching you guys how to audit,your running ads once you've set them up,in terms of what things need to be,turned off what needs to be scaled and,talking about scaling i'm going to be,teaching you two new scaling strategies,that we're currently using and the most,important part of this strategy is about,getting consistent results with,tick-tock ads because that's where most,people fall short when running tick tock,ads they're not able to get consistent,results and with this strategy it's,designed to keep consistency with your,ads then i'm going to be going over how,to make your campaign spend if they're,not spending now a lot of people are,suffering from setting up tick tock ads,but they're not spending and i'm going,to be teaching you six methods that,we're using right now if our campaigns,ain't spending now i know that's gonna,be a lot of information to go over today,and that's why i've created a free,google doc sheet that's gonna go over,all the step-by-step processes that i'm,gonna be showing you and teaching you,today so once we hit 2000 likes on this,video it will be in the pin comment and,in the description below now make sure,you join the free telegram group and it,will be linked in the description,because that's where we talk about,different topics that's where we answer,your questions and that's where you can,network with other drop shippers,now before we can get into creating some,campaigns and ads we need to go over the,best tiktok account structure so you're,gonna set yourself up for success now,you need to be able to target the usa in,canada and this will be an issue if,you're outside of the us or canada now,if you're in the usa this won't be an,issue but if you're outside of the usa,you won't be able to target the us and,canada because at the moment tick tock,won't let you and the reason why that's,a problem is because the best countries,to target on tick tock in my opinion are,the us and canada together now the best,way to get around this issue is by,getting an agency tick tock addicon and,this is the most preferred way to do so,because you get loads of benefits by,having an agency ad account like you get,to target all the countries that you're,outside of so let's say for example like,myself i'm in the uk but i'm able to,target the us with an agency ad account,you also get things like better support,less ad account ban so overall it's,better to have now in terms of getting a,tick tock agency account it's not as,simple and easy as just clicking one,button you do need to go to things like,reddit forums you do need to go to,websites you do need to go to discussion,groups to try and find them people will,basically rent them out to you so this,is how it basically works people will,rent you their tick tock ad account and,how it works is they'll normally charge,you a percent of the revenue or the,spend that you're spending on the,accounts now for example let's say you,spend a hundred thousand dollars or,let's say for example you make a hundred,thousand dollars they might want to take,between one and two percent now some,other companies will charge you a fee,for example that could be 500 up to 3,000 a month now for me personally i am,on an agency tick tock account and i'm,given the person that i'm getting it,from one percent of the revenue that i'm,currently generating and like i said to,you guys before in terms of finding,these you will need to do some,networking and things like discord,groups telegram groups you will need to,be looking on websites like black hat,seo to try and find companies that will,let you rent them now the second option,is by getting a vpn and i'd recommend,nordvpn and i'm not sponsored by them,and changing your ip address to a us ip,address and then getting a toll usa,number which converts your current,number into a usa number and it costs,like 10 to 20 dollars sometimes they do,free offers as well and then once you've,done that sign up to a tick tock,business manager and put in on your,nordvpn usa before you go to the website,once you're on the us ip address then go,to the website then fill out the,information and put in your toll number,which will be the us number and then,once you've done that now this isn't,working for everyone this does work for,some people once you've done that when,it comes to topp

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How to Run TikTok Conversions Ads 2022/ TikTok ads or Advertising Tutorial Bangla

How to Run TikTok Conversions Ads 2022/ TikTok ads or Advertising Tutorial Bangla

hello guys,hello,episode,videos,foreign,foreign,campaign,foreign,foreign,foreign,Dot,tick tock,foreign,only Club,tongue,is,foreign,foreign,cost,CPA hello,foreign,okay guys,foreign,foreign,foreign,request,foreign,foreign,box,and,fryer,fryer,conversion,Tempe,now,see freeze box and fryer conversion,no problem,no category category housing employment,category is,split test get more insight into your,ads by slit testing your status,campaign budget optimization number,budget optimize State campaign,foreign,foreign,view content add to cart initial,checkout,or conversion turquoise naito,is,very high button,s,foreign,thank you,air pressure placement automatic,placement,Bangla,.com,create multiple combination of creative,assets including video and ethics a,delivery will be automated to show your,audience the combination that will,maximize your result,foreign,automatic optimize targeting best on,Advertising objective at content and,past campaign,United States,foreign,language selected English okay,okay,audience,foreign,foreign,fishing,Slot World,racing tiles,automatically I'm regularly,so to originally combination,select wall,delete,foreign,foreign,foreign,kitchen,koi,kitchen accessories kitchen game,home and kitchen kitchen and dining,kitchen accessories kitchen storage,kitchen cleaner cabinet needs KitchenAid,kitchen react,s,foreign,kitchen,equipment it's an application,my kitchen for kitchen in the kitchen,the kitchen kitchen,needs kitchen cabinet kitchen cleaner,storage space cleaning,kitchen accessories,and kitchen kitchen engagement,kitchen and hacks kitchen and,accessories kitchen neighborhood DC,it will generators,foreign,kitchen accessories,foreign,accessories kitchen game kitchen gadget,home and kitchen,accessories,cleaning exercise storage cleaner,cabinet kitchen needs the kitchen in the,kitchen,my four kitchen my kitchen,essential is an appliance,kitchen equipment,kitchen set tools kitchen tools kitchen,bathroom kitchen organizer bath bathroom,kitchen wire,foreign tools,settles those darker names,okay,Behavior video interaction,um,including seven days seven days ago,foreign,um Family relationship natural lifestyle,I received the food drink food display,food display another organic cooking,tablet,um cooking,food display,ing,move Banks testing travel in daily life,daily blog Campus Life work job life,hacks Home and Garden Home and Garden,uh it's absolute style entertainment,entertainment,cosplay game Enemy game,audio vehicle is put outdoor at airports,view profile,there are other Define how to interact,with creators creators,give a hashtag interaction,foreign,storage box now,a refrigerator dryer,this is,airfryer Asana if our,y air fryer these are the emulator,nothing,is,foreign,kitchen goes kitchen Style,floor,it's an idea kitchen gadget kitchen,design,um,Supply,cleaning kissing designer,equipment,kitchen Furniture,foreign,stories box,ers,storage idea,stress holder storage solution you can,already freeze the Frid the phrase,free store freezer freeze stock,no problem,there twenty,twenty dollars,impression,foreign,kitchen and identify your stick talk,foreign,foreign,foreign,foreign,ER okay,um,foreign,foreign,okay,foreign,kihai,now they're going to take a second,problem hello,thumbnail,and another video created,for new videos,foreign,blank,ETS,at three,five six,so I said it has the holy time,foreign,complete,so um,congratulations,foreign,guys,foreign,foreign

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My $300k TikTok Ads Scaling Strategy (Step by Step Tutorial 2023)

My $300k TikTok Ads Scaling Strategy (Step by Step Tutorial 2023)

I'm going to show you the same exact,Tick Tock as campaign strategy that I,use to go from 30k a month to over a,hundred thousand dollars per month with,a simple online store this is the same,exact ad strategy that I use and many,other students are using to get an Roa,as high as 4.62 as you can see right,here some of my best performing,campaigns were getting a 4.62 row as,which means for every dollar that I put,into Tick Tock ads I'm getting 4.62,cents back now I'm going to show you,everything here step by step we're,actually going to set up the campaigns,go over what the ad creative should look,like what your ad sets should have but I,need you to enter the giveaway if you're,interested in winning that one-on-one,coaching call with me we've been doing,this for the last three weeks you guys,been really loving it so I'm gonna do,one yet again all you got to do to enter,is comment like And subscribe to the,channel I'm gonna pick one lucky,commenter by the end of next week to win,a free one-on-one coaching call with,myself now let's get into this Tick Tock,ad stuff man look it's very simple but I,want y'all to know that the way you win,with Tick Tock ads is not going to be,from just setting up a crazy campaign or,crazy profitable campaign it's actually,going to come from your ad creative Tick,Tock only cares about ad creatives,whether you're running paid ads or,whether you're running ads organically,your ad creative needs to be tip top,shape so if you want to watch a video on,how to get your ad creatives to be good,and make sure they go viral I'm going to,link a video up here that I posted about,two days ago and you guys should really,enjoy that make sure you check that out,before we get into this now if you're,ready for the paid ads the first thing,we need to do is make sure that our ad,account is set up to give us the most,likelihood of just being able to run,smoothly to do that you need to go to,your Shopify store and you need to go to,the App Store and actually download The,Tick Tock app it's gonna look like this,as you can see I already have it,installed right here but once you,download that app you're gonna end up on,your store and you're going to have a,few settings to set that up so walk,through this process set it up it's very,simple it's just a click of buttons you,set up your ads manager account you add,a payment method and then you choose,your targeting locations one extra step,that I want you to take note of which is,going to help you be profitable is,coming here into the data sharing area,and make sure you have yours selected to,maximum and that's where it's going to,hook up to your pixel to make sure you,get the most amount of data collected on,your Tick Tock pistol this is going to,help you later now once you have your ad,account set up we need to actually go to,tick tock ads and we need to start,launching our campaign so this is what,you're going to be presented with when,you create your first campaign but what,I need you to do is do another step that,a lot of drop shippers aren't doing I,want you to hook up your Tick Tock,profile to your ad account this is going,to allow you to select the best ad,creative that you already have going,while you have the social proof and the,engagement because that's going to play,a big part in whether your campaigns are,going to be profitable or not to do that,all we have to do is come into this,little logo of your user profile and,then you want to come into user settings,and then you'll see a screen that looks,like this from here we want to link our,Tick Tock account and that's where it's,going to ask me to log in I've already,been pre-logged in on this uh this,laptop here so I'm just going to,authorize,and as you can see right here I have my,Tick Tock account for my business hooked,up to the ad account now we're ready to,go and run ads there's just one more,thing I need you to take note of before,we actually go and run our ads and spend,money and that is to know your ro8 you,guys heard me refer to this in the,beginning your Roa basically means,return on ad spend it's not your return,on investment this is just how much,you're putting into the ad platform and,how much you're getting back this is,important because it's going to let us,know what metrics we should look for in,our ad campaigns to know whether we're,profitable or not just for example,purposes I had a product that cost about,15 and I was selling it for about 45.,well the average order value ended up,being 45 but the product itself was,about 30. if I know that these two,numbers I can get my projected roas,what's gonna happen is I'm going to link,this sheet Down Below in the description,area but what you can do is take a look,at the the Roa calculated and punching,your numbers because everybody's Roa is,going to be different depending on your,product the cost and the actual profit,so once you plug in your numbers you can,change the numbers here for example I'll,show you here if I change it to that,these

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Full Course | $60,345 In 1 Month With Tik Tok Ads (Shopify Dropshipping)

Full Course | $60,345 In 1 Month With Tik Tok Ads (Shopify Dropshipping)

sixty one thousand dollars in 30 days,using tick tock ads,with a 41 percent profit margin and i'm,gonna be showing you guys,all the proof hey guys welcome to the,youtube channel my name is camille simon,is the econ king and in today's video,i'm gonna be giving you guys a,completely free tick tock ads drop,shipping course on how me and my,business partner jeremy were able to,achieve,sixty one thousand dollars in 30 days,using this tick tock,drop shipping ad tutorial now when you,hear a drop shipping you hear a lot of,people saying that the profit margins,ain't very good,but here you go guys 41 and i'll be,showing you all the proof,so you guys can see this in full,transparency now what this free drop,shipping tick tock ads course is going,to cover is it's going to go over the,complete case study,how my business partner jeremy was able,to build this door and actually scale it,to this scale,we're also going to be going through the,complete tick-tock ad strategy,how we found the products how we do,product research we're going to be going,over the actual scaling strategy,in the most detail that i've ever seen,on youtube before,and we're going to be showing you all,the ad accounts and everything so this,is going to be able to be followed,by you directly so you can try this with,one of your products,and at the end of the video i'm actually,going to be interviewing my business,partner jeremy and asking him the most,common questions about tick tock,for people that want to get involved in,it so you guys can learn from the most,frequently asked questions as well,now this is going to be a long video,because it is a free course but i will,leave timestamps in the description,and in the slide bar now if you,appreciate this content because i have,also created,a free google slidesheet that will be in,the description,once we hit 5000 likes because this is a,very valuable video so i think it's well,deserved that we hit 5 000 likes,that will be in the description and in,the pin comment now what i'm going to be,doing as well is i'm going to be leaving,a link in the description so you can,book a call with jeremy who's one of the,mentors in the company,and this is his store case study so you,can actually potentially get mentored by,him as well so again i will leave all,that information in the description,so these were the results from the case,study we were able to achieve,sixty one thousand three hundred and two,dollars we spent,twenty six almost twenty seven thousand,dollars in canadian ad spend on tick,tock,and the profit margin was twenty,000 almost 25 000 usd in net profit,which leaves us with a 41 profit margin,now for a lot of people that's gonna,sound a bit insane because of the drop,shipping uh profit margins but i'm gonna,be showing you all the proof,right now so you guys can see we're on,the shopify dashboard and you can see,this is from,last month and you can see all the,analytics here now what i'm going to be,doing is reloading the page you guys,know this is completely real,and as you guys can see the page did,successfully reload,now what i'm going to be doing is i'm,going to be showing you the sales source,so you can see this directly,all from tick tock ads so as you guys,can see i've scrolled down and i've gone,to the cells by social source and you,can see,the main indicator for this one was tick,tocks you know this is a legit case,study,now i don't know why but it didn't track,the accurate amount it should be 61 but,it's just missed out on a couple of,a thousand right there but it is what it,is guys you can see the main source,right here so these are the apps that we,had downloaded on the store now i don't,want to go into too much of these apps,because there's not much significance,because i've already gone over a lot of,these apps before,in a lot of my other videos but what i,want to do quickly cover is i want to,quickly cover,this website that i've created with all,the apps that i actually use on our,stores,day in day out and these links actually,have extended trials,uh actually money off some of these,websites that we use so,do check that out it will be in the,description it's called the econ king,deals on all the apps that we actually,use on some of our shopify stores,ourselves,now something that i do want to quickly,show you though is the lifetime the app,because this will show you,the profit margins that we exactly made,because live timely is an app where,you import your ad costs and you it,already,automatically syncs in with your store,and it will work out the ads costs,the shipping costs it works out,everything it's basically a profit,margin app,and i've talked about this for years and,years and years and as you guys can see,the revenue,matches the revenue that i showed you,before and the product cost and you can,see here the net profit,is slightly under and that's just,because it's missing out a few days and,you can see that 23 000,and again i am going to reload this page,you guys can see this is completel

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Complete TikTok Marketing Course

Complete TikTok Marketing Course

hello everyone,welcome to technic force learning,this course is all about tick tock so,let's get started,chapter one,introduction to tick tock lesson one,what is tick-tock and how does it work,there are reportedly over one billion,people scrolling through tick-tock,monthly spending nearly an hour on it a,day,so what is tick-tock,tick-tock is a social app used to create,and share videos,many videos tend to be music focused,with creators leveraging the app's best,catalog of sound effects music snippets,and filters to record short clips of,them dancing and lip syncing but there's,an untold number of videos to discover,with varying topics there are diy and,craft videos comedic sketches you name,it,if tick-tock sounds familiar it's,because there are similar apps that came,before it like vine,and dubsmash,tick-tock also had a predecessor called,musicality,that chinese entrepreneurs alex zoo and,lu young launched in 2014,by dance acquired musicality in 2017,and then a year later it folded to the,services core functionality and user,base into its own tick-tock app,existing musicality users were migrated,over by 2018 tick tock has surpassed,facebook instagram youtube and snapchat,in monthly installs in the u.s app,stores,tiktok has over 1 billion globally,monthly active users 63 of which are,between the ages of 10 and 29. women on,tick tock also outnumber men two to one,in the us,as a result of tick tock's popularity by,dance is now considered one of the,world's most valuable startup,so how does ticktalk work,getting started with ticktalk,the basic function of tiktok is that,users can film videos of themselves lip,syncing dancing or acting out sketches,videos or tick tocks can be up to 15,seconds long but they can also connect,multiple clips for up to 60 seconds of,total recording,recently tick tock expanded the time,limit to 3 minutes for most users,users can also upload longer videos that,were recorded outside the app tick tock,also has video editing and customization,tools,users have access to a library of songs,effects filters and sound bites to add,to their videos,they can also do wet with someone by,replying to a video creating a split,screen and endless reactions,and they can even add their own sounds,and lip sync to other users video,next navigating tiktok,let's go over how to navigate the app,first,home,it shows two feeds,following,and for you,which you can toggle between,next,discover,it mostly shows you tick-tock videos,tagged with a trending hashtag,next,create video,opens up to the record screen where you,can film a video,next,inbox,it shows you all the activity on your,videos you can tap the envelope to,access dms,and lastly profile your profile that you,and the other users can see,you can make parts of it private,next we have watching tick tock videos,in a nutshell like videos from vine or,instagram tech talk videos appear,vertically on your screen you can engage,with them using hearts which are the,same as likes,after you download the tiktok app and,open it you will immediately see created,featured videos on the 4u page you can,switch to the following page to see,videos from users you follow,whether friends or popular ticktalkers,on either page you see more new videos,swipe up on the screen,or tap home,you can also try tapping discover,the magnifying glass icon next to the,home button to search for new videos by,keywords and hashtags,within videos you can tap on the screen,to pause,also,look to the right for the users icon to,visit their profile,also on the right you will see the,number of hearts and the comments the,video has plus options to share it,on the bottom of the video you will find,the user's name caption hashtags and the,name of the song that's playing,you can tap on it to see related videos,and here's a side note it's possible to,watch tick-tock videos without creating,an account but you need an account to,engage with other users and post videos,next,creating tick-tock videos when you're,ready to start creating post your own,video click on the create video button,the plus sign,at the bottom of the home screen and,press the record button while that,sounds easy it takes a ton of work,if you search youtube for tutorials,you'll see how intensive the tick-tock,video making process can be for most,users,that's because,before you even hit record you can find,sounds effects and filters to apply you,can even save a video as a draft to post,it later from the video posting page tap,drafts,lesson two,why is tiktak so popular,musicality was a popular short form 15,seconds video streaming and sharing app,with over 100 million users up until,august 2018 the app allowed users a,pilathera of music and dialogue options,with which they could lip sync and make,funny or entertaining videos,the app was wildly popular with some,content creators rising to the hall of,fame based on their engaging content on,musicality the users shared musicality,videos on social media platforms like,instagram further driving the

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