tiktok ads case study

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[Case Study] $570k in 5 days Shopify Dropshipping (TikTok Ads)

in this video I'll be breaking down the,product selection process the ads the,store building and much more of a store,that did five hundred and seventy,thousand dollars in sales in just five,days with Tick Tock ads only before I,get any further into this video over the,next few months I'm going to be dropping,tons of case studies in-depth tutorials,I'm even going to be revealing a few of,my own winning products from the past,I'm going to be giving out tons of,Industry secrets and strategies that are,hidden behind most people's courses or,paid Discord groups and I've took these,courses and I've been in the paid groups,people still hold information back I'm,just going to give it all away on this,channel just in case there are any,Skeptics out there I'll go ahead and,refresh the dashboard just to show you,guys this is legit,and um yeah this was mainly all through,Tick Tock as you can see here in the,sales by social Source we didn't even do,any retargeting at all this was,literally just all tick tock ads and one,more thing before I get started this,store was actually ran with a partner of,mine named Ben Harvey we are 50 50,Partners on the soar I left his,Instagram in the description so make,sure you guys show him some love as well,first and most importantly I'll be,talking about product selection this was,not a black hat scammy subscription,offer type product this was a real,product that we're actually sending to,customers those are not methods I will,be teaching on this YouTube channel at,all with that being said if you're the,guy who is somehow able to Source this,smart high-tech table for four dollars,please let me know your supplier is I,will pay a lot of money for access to,that the product in this case study was,attached to a very short-lived but,really large trend on Tick Tock the,audience for the product was a very,passionate audience and we saw this in,our aov when customers were buying all,sorts of other products related to the,main product which really helped our,margin a lot and and when we found the,product there were really no competitors,at all another thing is this product was,extremely simple very easy to source and,it was low ticket we were able to Source,it for under ten dollars and there was,no customizations done at all in terms,of how we found the products we actually,found this on Amazon's movers and,shakers and this is the movers and,shakers page pretty much it's the,biggest gainers and sales rank over the,past 24 hours so this is definitely a,great way to keep an eye out on like,really hot trending products and this,product in particular I'm not going to,say what category it was in but it was,one and two,on the movers and shakers for probably,two weeks at least and here's the search,volume for the main keyword for the,product by the way I'm using helium 10.,if you guys don't have this tool I'd,highly recommend it you can see Amazon,sales data search volume all sorts of,other things which is really insightful,for drop shippers clearly a huge spike,in search volume around early July and,that's right when we ran the products so,we got in Just In Time the main Amazon,listing was doing around 800k a month,which we were able to check that through,helium 10 and then once we found the,product we checked on competitors as I,said earlier there was literally no,competition at all we checked on all of,the ad spies there was only one store,running ads to this product and they,were using Solon creatives we then,ordered the product on Amazon and tested,it literally next to next I'll be,talking about store setup we use debut,theme and this was a very simple branded,store let me show you guys a few,examples of what I'm in mag flare is a,great example our page was very similar,to theirs,very short description Luke's reviews of,course and just make sure you're not,interrupting the customer's journey to,actually buying the product where,Felicity is another great example of,just a really clean and simple product,page don't create something that looks,scammy create a very nice branded page,with just one or two color themes I also,wouldn't worry too much about putting a,ton of photos and gifs within the,description,another great thing to have on your,product pages or your own custom images,now since this product was a very,short-term product we just scaled with,images straight off AliExpress and we,did completely fine with that our,conversion rate was very high but if you,have a more long-term product I would,highly recommend getting you know nice,high quality custom photos showing off,the products so we actually did test a,countdown timer it was actually an,inventory kind of fomo bar,um it said like there's only X units,left in stock and it worked extremely,well make sure if you do a countdown,timer or an inventory bar or whatever it,is that it looks really clean it matches,the branding on your site and it just,doesn't look scammy that's really,important we kept the offer very simple,it was just a 50 or 60 o

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$0-$1k/Days With TikTok Ads (TikTok Ads Case Study)

$0-$1k/Days With TikTok Ads (TikTok Ads Case Study)

we went from zero to 1k days with this,new tick tock ads method that we,developed and i can almost guarantee you,that if you're not using the strategy,you definitely should because this can,take your shopify literally from zero to,one thousand dollar days or if you even,have an ecommerce brand this is going to,be the strategy you want to use what's,up y'all it's your favorite digital,marketer here chase chapel and i'm back,with another video that you're not going,to want to miss we're literally covering,exactly how we took this brand new,shopify store all the way from zero,dollars per day,up to 11 to 1200 dollars in daily,revenue all from tick tock ads which is,pretty incredible because it was only,within a 30 day timeline that we were,able to make this happen for this brand,so this strategy is pretty impactful and,it's absolutely insane the results that,you can get with the strategy and i'm,going to break down every metric behind,it,so just to show you a little bit about,this we started around the third with,this actual account here and you can see,that they were doing zero dollars per,day with this brand new store and we,started running tick tock ads there was,a couple cells every day and then we,started to really dial in the campaigns,and you can see from there forward every,single day was just growing and growing,and growing and now,every single day we're averaging,literally 1k days and it's pretty,incredible because you can actually see,here,one thousand dollar day eight hundred,dollar day,twelve hundred dollar day this is a,thousand dollar day almost every single,day hitting almost a thousand a day with,literally just about two hundred dollars,in ad spend and being able to get a,pretty incredible return and ad spin,from that and you can see here that the,actual online store conversion rate has,quite literally exploded and they tried,other platforms but they just weren't,getting the success but once we,implemented this tick tock ad strategy,results absolutely took off making their,store convert way better and us hitting,the actual audiences we need and that's,exactly what we're going to be covering,is the exact campaign breakdown in tick,tock so when we hop over into our tick,tock ads manager you can see quite,literally here we spent about 257,dollars to make twelve hundred dollars,with tick tock ads and there's two,campaign structures that we really,focused on here in our tick tock ads,manager and that is our open testing,campaign and our actual retargeting,campaign open testing is where we're,going after new individuals that haven't,heard about the brand before so that way,we can reach them and people will,convert from that and then once we've,built up that avenue we use what is,called a retargeting audience where we,re-target those people who have already,watched the video who've actually,clicked on the ad and actually get them,to re-engage with that same content to,actually make a purchase and i'm going,to show you all how to set up these,exact campaigns that we're using to be,successful with tick tock ads and just,to show you some more data here we're,averaging you know really low cost per,cpms around the four dollar range that,means for every 1 000 people we reach,we're making you know about four dollars,to spend to reach those thousand and,then cost per click is you know really,low below the one dollar mark most of,you are running facebook ads and have a,very high cost per click and this is a,good strategy because we've literally,you know are reaching a ton of people,every single day and on average we're,doing anywhere between eight and 15,conversions with this actual campaign,and here our average cost per result and,then we have you know our add to carts,we're getting a lot of add to cart so,that's a big opportunity which is why,i'm going to show you all how to set up,this actual retargeting so when we go,into our open testing we have different,audiences that we set up and there's,really three audiences that are really,impacting this performance and these are,what we call mixed stacks and that's,where we combine different uh layers of,interest behaviors hashtags and i'm,going to show you all how all of that,works,right through this video so let's go,ahead and start setting up this campaign,so that way y'all can start actually,generating cells because we scaled this,campaign up once it was actually,profitable and it's absolutely crushing,it and i want to show you all how we,broke it down so first step is is we're,going to go ahead and hit create and,we're going to create a conversions,campaign the reason we want to choose,conversions is because we want to,optimize for our goal if our goal is to,increase sales and you know drive more,revenue for our business so that way we,can get a really nice profit then we 100,want to focus on conversions and nothing,else we don't care about just driving,traffic to our site we're not too,worried about you know reach campaigns,we're automatically going to be dr

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$300+ Profit Per Day - TikTok Ads For Shopify Dropshipping (EXACT STRATEGY)

$300+ Profit Per Day - TikTok Ads For Shopify Dropshipping (EXACT STRATEGY)

what's up guys welcome to the channel in,this video I'm going to tell you how I,was able to go from losing almost 18 000,in my first six months of Drop Shipping,journey to now making two to four,hundred dollars profit every single day,with one product using Tick Tock ads,stay tuned,welcome back guys welcome to the channel,my name is Jacob wikowski and in this,channel I'm documenting my journey of,starting brand new drop shipping stores,and trying to find my first winning,product so basically on the beginning of,this year 20 and 22 I decided to devote,most of my time and most of my money,into building and trying to succeed with,Drop Shipping to see if Drop Shipping,really is that easy,especially in 2022 so like I mentioned,before for the first six months of me,trying to build the drop shipping stores,trying to make it big I've tested,probably 20 different products I've,spent like over eighteen thousand,dollars and I didn't make any money it,wasn't until a couple weeks ago where I,actually found my first true winning,product and now I'm able to make two to,even four hundred dollars per day in,profit pretty consistently using Tick,Tock ads and in this video I'm going to,go into more d details on what strategy,I'm using to make it work for me now in,the first six months of my dropshipping,journey I mostly used Facebook ads to to,to be successful that didn't really work,for me however in those six months or,almost seven months actually I have been,trying to use tick tock as well and it,never really worked for me like probably,on the beginning spent like 500 maybe,even more trying to sell products on,Tick Tock it didn't never go anywhere,again until I started using the strategy,that I'm going to tell you about right,now and of course part of the success is,me finding this actual winning product,and it's worth to mention that this,winning product I first found out about,it and seen potential with this product,on Facebook and then this is where I,decided to take it to tick tock and see,if I can make money with it on Tick Tock,and surely that was great idea so let's,hop on to my computer and I'm going to,show you all the numbers and then break,down this entire strategy so this is,basically the store I'm talking about I,have started running ads to this store,probably,so that was July definitely July maybe,15th not even a15 so as you can see it,was like only literally a couple weeks,ago that I started working on this,product,so 20th,was my prologue first sale yeah so the,9th 20th of July this is where I had my,first sale with this store so this is,about one to three weeks or so,three weeks and so far I was able to,generate eleven thousand dollars uh,eleven thousand and eighteen dollars um,in sales today alone I already had,um 181 dollars in sales it's actually,one order less because one order today,came from me personally because one I'm,testing new private agent I want to see,you know how fast I'm actually going to,get the product and then test the,quality of the product etc etc but I'm,also using a new tracking system with my,Tick Tock ads and that's another thing,to talk about because when you're,running ads on Tick Tock what I've,realized is that oftentimes people will,see your ads and when they see your ads,instead of clicking on shop now button,they will actually click on your profile,button right to check out your profile,and then go to your home page from there,and when that happens a lot of sales,don't actually get assigned or tracked,properly inside tick tock's ad account,so for that reason today I decided to,invest in a tracking software called,hyrus I highly recommend ended it is,quite expensive because you pay 350,dollars for the lower package if you,like but it tracks everything so if you,see my ad right now,and you watch it,and then go to my profile in even couple,days later decide to directly go to my,shop this app somehow still is able to,track and see which ad you've seen first,which ad you decided to click on and,everything else it's it's very Advanced,tracking uh software hence the price but,I think it's really worth it because,right now for the past what three weeks,I've realized that whenever I was,testing ads the sales would go up I had,days where I had like 420 dollars in,pure profit from sales and then I would,the next day go into my ad account check,which ads they actually gave me sales,again a lot of sales were not even,tracked and then I would switch off the,ads that were not showing any sales the,next day I would see drop in my sales,because probably I have switched off,some ads that did generate sales but,they were not assigned and showing in,inside of you know Tick Tock other camp,in my in my head if I can pay 350,dollars per month and be sure that I'm,not switching off the working ads and,scaling them then that's just going to,be pay for itself that's no brainer at,all so that's what I'm using it's high,Ros app I'm going to leave the link to,hiros down in the description highly,recommen

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I Tried Shopify Dropshipping With A $50 TikTok Ad Budget

I Tried Shopify Dropshipping With A $50 TikTok Ad Budget

last night I was laying in bed and,listening to my nightly via has the ASMR,soundtracks and then out of nowhere,something hit me some of you guys that,watch my videos are wanting to start,Drop Shipping but you don't have a crazy,high starting budget and that's when I,decided I have to make a low budget,Shopify Drop Shipping challenge so today,I'm going to be building a Shopify Drop,Shipping Store and I'm giving myself a,starting budget of 50 and I'm gonna be,showing y'all exactly what I would do,step by step if I was actually in this,position and my starting budget was this,low but without further Ado let's get,right into it so when you're Building A,Drop Shipping Store the first thing that,you always want to do no matter your,starting budget you have to find your,product now there are paid options when,it comes to finer products but the way I,actually find my products no matter what,my budget is is I go over to tick tock,and I search up Tick Tock made me buy it,so on Tick Tock people will use this,hashtag and post videos of cool gadgets,or just normal products that they,recently bought that they've seen on,Tick Tock so what we're gonna do is take,advantage of this and this is how we're,gonna find our products but when we're,looking for a product there are a couple,of requirements that we have to look for,the first one and most importantly is,the product has the to have good wow,factor because if the product doesn't,make you say wow it won't make your,customers say wow and your customer,likely won't buy your product if they're,not wow to buy it the second thing is we,want our product to have at least a 20,profit margin so the third thing and the,most important thing for me is I look at,a product and I think what kind of,videos could I make with this product so,I sit there and brainstorm and think of,the kind of videos that I can make of,this product and if I can think of some,interesting and funny videos that would,likely perform well then I'll pick that,product because when you're running your,business marketing is by far the most,important thing and if I can't make,interesting videos to Market my products,no one's going to want to watch my,videos therefore no one's going to want,to click on my product and I won't make,any sales so that's one thing to keep in,mind that most people usually don't talk,about is when you're searching for,products think of what kind of,advertisements you could actually make,for your products so I've already found,my products in advance to making this,video and I've already ordered it and,it's already came in so the products I'm,going to be using in this video are,these sound controlled LED desk lights,so pretty much how they work is they,pick up sound and they react to whatever,sound it hears so the reason I picked,this product is because right off the,bat looking at the product I instantly,knew that I could make some entertaining,videos of this product of just the,product doing what it does picking up,sounds and having the lights react to,their sounds so now that we have our,product what we need to do now is go,ahead and sign up for Shopify so now I'm,going to build my store and I'm not,going to show you how everything I do,but I will show you all the important,things that I do alright so our Shopify,store has been built so let's go ahead,and have a look at it so as you can see,I went with kind of like a simple Black,and White theme I wasn't sure which way,I wanted to go about creating the office,debating on going with with either a,theme like this simple black and white,or going with the more neon color theme,but I think this fits the product pretty,good so as you can see I'm charging 30,for a two pack and forty dollars for a,four pack which if someone buys a two,pack it'll give us about a 20 profit,margin and if someone were to buy the,four pack it would give us a 25 profit,margin but I highly doubt anybody will,buy the four pack because forty dollars,is quite a bit of money for a product,like this and as always here is our,description and as you know how I always,format it a simple catchy sentence up,top and then below that a short,paragraph explain lining the product and,then a product photo or a gif of the,product in action and then below that,always give at least three or four,benefits and features and then for our,reviews as you know I always use the a,reviews app this app allows you to,manually add reviews as many as you want,for seven dollars a month but we do have,a three day free trial with this app so,I didn't spend any money on it so,there's our store it's pretty much how I,built all of my stores nice and simple,but now that our store is built what I'm,going to do now is start working on our,ads alright guys I just got done,recording the videos for The Tick Tock,ads and I'm actually going to be only,using one Tick Tock ad creative now I,know that may sound crazy but I am,coming here today to self-proclaim,myself as The Tick Tock ad King I feel,like I've mastered T

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$0-$200K/Month With TikTok Ads (TikTok Ads Case Study)

$0-$200K/Month With TikTok Ads (TikTok Ads Case Study)

we took a client from zero to 200k,months using tick-tock and facebook ads,and in today's video i'm going to show,you exactly how we ended up taking them,from zero to 200k months on average,using a combination of both tick-tock,organic strategies and facebook,retargeting strategies and it's an,incredible way to be able to maximize,your overall sales volume to really,achieve success with your online store,so without further ado let's get into,the video,so as you can see here they literally,did about 699 thousand dollars in the,first three months of 2022 and that's,about 233 000 on average per month and,it's only growing from here and,specifically what really allowed us to,achieve such incredible results in such,a short time frame is really focusing in,on a two-part strategy that i'm going to,show you,and i'm going to walk through month by,month just to give you an idea of how,this progress actually started so they,did 341 000 the first month of january,and you'll notice specifically that,a lot of the traffic came from tick tock,about 115 000 users specifically came,from tick tock and that's an incredible,number of people considering that all of,that was primarily organic traffic,coming directly from tick tock and so,what they ended up doing was they were,actually making posts daily on their,tick tock organic account so that way,they can actually build up their,community and build a following and this,is really important because people are,actually engaging with their posts and,finding out who they are and discovering,their brand through their tik-tok,organic page and the result of this was,lots of people started to engage and,wanted to actually buy their product,because they were doing product,demonstration videos they were,explaining it against their competitors,and it actually solved a problem in the,market and so lots of individuals were,not only engaging with their tick tock,content but visiting their actual,website and all of this traffic that was,actually coming to their site started to,convert we literally had 110 000 in,sales coming from tick tock and that is,absolutely incredible if you think about,it,and a lot of this was you know customers,who are brand new to the actual you know,business online and so the main thing,here is is we use the tick tock organic,strategy to front load the overall you,know site so that we can get as many,people to the site as possible to,actually make a purchase and a lot of,this also included viral videos there,was a few viral videos that resulted in,a pop in fact we cover this in this,video right here where we go over the,actual viral formula that we were using,to get these results,and once we go to february,you'll notice that,there is about a 50 drop and that's,primarily due to wine selling out of,inventory and two not having any viral,videos that we're really producing a lot,of volume for the actual store but what,we started to do here was we started to,focus in on our facebook retargeting,efforts so we had already placed a,tracking script on the actual site to,track people from facebook ads and we,started to retarget all the individuals,coming from tick tock with facebook,retargeting ads and this allowed us to,increase the overall returning customer,rate here this is really important,because you want to increase your,customer turning rate because this,allows people to not only buy from you,once but return and start to buy from,you multiple times this is great if,you're in the apparel space if you sell,something that people actually eat or,drink or if you just sell something that,you know is a recurring item like a,candle that people are always you know,buying on a monthly basis getting a,returning customer right going is really,great because you can start to bring,back previous customers and that's where,the retargeting strategy started to,really play in is not only converting,the traffic from tick tock but also,getting those current customers to come,back once again and so our conversion,rates really increased because we,started to focus in on all of the people,who had hit the site organically,speaking and you'll start to notice that,the traffic dropped very heavily from,tick tock from the previous month and,the main focus then became the instagram,sales you'll see there's a 230 increase,because we put so much focus into the,actual retargeting strategy on facebook,which i'm going to break down those,audiences very soon and then we get into,the next month and this is where,march we increase sales up to nearly 200,000 here at 18 increase and the online,store conversion rate increased again,all the way to a 6.4 you'll notice that,the returning customer rate jumped to a,25.43,and you'll also see that tick tock,traffic is still a primary driver but,instagram is just up there with it and,is growing because we're putting so much,emphasis on those retargeting ads and,instagram once again continuing to grow,in the overall sales volume so you'll,start to really notice that t

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$138,037 in ONE Day With TikTok Ads l Shopify Dropshipping Case Study

$138,037 in ONE Day With TikTok Ads l Shopify Dropshipping Case Study

today i'll be doing a case study on how,we did 140k in just one day using tick,tock ads so let me go ahead and refresh,my screen just to show you guys this is,legit,as you can see 138k and you know we'll,just round that up to 140. i'm also,going to be blurring out some,information on the screen because i'd,rather not give out any hints to what,our brand or product is down here in,sales by social source obviously the,numbers are off but you can see tick,tock is a majority of the sales here we,also did some facebook and google,retargeting nothing crazy though so yeah,let's get right into this video before i,get started with this case study there's,a couple things that i wanted to say,first of all this day was during bfcm,weekend specifically on black friday,so we usually don't do 140k every day,we're still doing great numbers but not,quite that additionally,this day could have been 200k plus but,we were experiencing cash flow issues,and we also had ad account spend issues,that were restricting us,i run this brand with my partner ben so,he deserves just as much credit as i do,for the success that we had so first,let's talk about probably the most,important topic in this video which is,product selection,our product could have been sold to any,age group and any gender and i think,that's really important when you're,selecting a product,in order to hit the highest number with,tick tock ads you need a product that is,broad and can be sold to anybody there,are a few exceptions to this though so i,think beauty products and relationship,products especially during q4,relationship products convert extremely,well those would be the only two,exceptions and probably the most niched,you can go in terms of getting really,high numbers,however you can still run niche products,and make money but they will not be,scalable so,if you're new to the whole tick tock ads,thing maybe choose you know an untapped,niched product run it up to you know a,couple thousand a day whatever it is and,really start to learn how the platform,works and then start going for the,bigger more competitive products,the product you sell with tick tock ads,must have a wow factor if you can't get,people to stop scrolling they won't pay,attention to your video at all and,therefore you will not get any sales i,would recommend to say under the 50,selling price however this is definitely,not set in stone i've sold products that,have you know 70 to 60 average order,value it's possible,so if you do find you know really good,product above that range maybe test it,but just a general rule of thumb is try,to say under fifty dollars and obviously,you want that two to three x markup just,to make sure you can have that good,profit margin so next i'll be talking,about your shopify store which is,something we like to keep very simple a,basic one product branded shopify store,is definitely the right way to go with,tick tock one of my favorite examples is,zenbodies.com,so as you can see zen bodies does not,actually dropship anymore i know they,used to but it's still a great example,you can see they have a very clean and,simple home page their main product is,an eco-friendly shower head with stones,inside i guess it's you know healthy for,your hair,as you can see their product page is,very simple,another thing i like is how they have,custom photos so when you have a winning,product you want to reinvest some of,those profits you're making into getting,custom content in your website it'll,increase your conversion rate a lot they,also have luke's reviews with some,really good picture reviews which is,definitely something i recommend you put,on your store another thing zen bodies,have done a great job of doing is,branching out to more products so they,have a hose and holder they have stone,refills which can be you know,reoccurring purchase they have a scalp,brush right here and they also have,bundles which can increase their average,order value once you find that winning,product you want to start testing an,upsell funnel on your website to,increase your average order value i,recommend you test an upsell after the,customer presses the add to cart button,inside the checkout itself and also a,post purchase upsell think about selling,products that your customer would buy,with the original product they're buying,you also want sms and email abandoned,cart flows so if you just want to keep,it simple i recommend you use sms bump,for your sms messages and consistent,court for your email abandon court flows,however if you want to do more advanced,email marketing i would recommend using,clavio so with this store specifically,we just started out testing the product,with the debut theme and then moved in,to a more advanced theme after now you,can use a page builder or you can use,debutify however i'd be careful what,they beautify because a lot of,dropshippers use that theme,next let's talk about fulfillment so,fulfillment for drop shipping is,something that should be kept very,simple and you s

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$0 to $303,434 with TikTok Ads Case Study | TikTok Ads Strategy 2022

$0 to $303,434 with TikTok Ads Case Study | TikTok Ads Strategy 2022

(smooth jazzy music),- Yo, what is going on, everybody?,It's your man Mohamed Camara,,and welcome back to the channel.,You already know what time it is.,Like I promised, man,,I'm gonna hook y'all up with the full 0 to 300K,using TikTok ads case study.,That's all we're gonna talk about here.,In a few moments, we're gonna dive behind my dashboard,,give you a live look in side my six-figure business here,,and we're gonna talk some numbers.,We're gonna talk some strategies that I use to implement,as far as content advertising, targeting, everything.,If you haven't seen the last video,where I address how to deal with TikTok ads,,not spending your budget,,then go ahead and check out that video.,I'll link it up here for you.,All I ask is that you hit the like button,before we get into it, man.,I'm gonna hook y'all up,with some serious value in this one, all right?,So here's a look at my analytics dashboard.,Okay, I just wanna show you the revenue and the screenshot.,As you can see, this is from August 1st, 2021,,which is when I really started getting sales,with this store.,I opened it in like a mid-July.,So then August 1st is when I started getting sales.,So I just narrowed it down to that timeframe,,up until today, which is March 19th,,is when I'm recording this video.,But I did make a previous case study on this store.,So if you haven't seen those videos,,definitely check those out too.,I'll link 'em up.,That's when I did like 0 to 50K.,So this is gonna be a 0 to 300K with the same store.,And I'm gonna talk about some things that I switched up,since doing the 50K in revenue,,because the first 50K was actually just drop shipping.,I was just straight up hardcore in the trenches,,just drop shipping, finding products,,trying to source them from CJ,,get faster shipping, whatnot,,and test and validate the product.,That was the first 50K, right?,And we documented that, but I told y'all,,I'm gonna come back with another case study,and talk about how I branded this store.,So that's actually where we're at now.,This store is branded.,Customers are getting their orders,within like two, three days,because we're actually shipping them,out of my mom's basement.,And as you can see, we've done over 300K in revenue.,Let's dive into the profit breakdown,just for full transparency here.,So as you can see, this is my profit dashboard.,Let me just open up the dates to the same timeframe.,So I'm gonna go back to August 1st to today.,Okay, let's do that.,And as you can see, between August and this month,,we've done over 121K and net profit.,All right, 40% net.,I would say this number is maybe a little bit over inflated,,'cause it is not accounting for packaging,and the supplies and materials that I've had to buy,since branding this store.,So like the custom cards,,the packaging that the actual orders are coming in,,the stickers that I'm giving,as just extra value in the order.,So I would say this number is maybe more so around 35%.,All right, let's be a little conservative here.,So, but still over 100K in pure profit.,And I'm very proud of this, man,,'cause I took this store on as a project,just to really showcase my students,,and I've been documenting the whole thing.,So quick shout out to them, keeping me motivated.,If you guys wanna join Ecom Bootcamp,and get personal one-on-one coaching from me,,I'll leave a discount to link in the description.,Go ahead and check that out.,That's where I'll actually reveal to you the product,,I'll reveal to you the ads and everything like that.,But like I said, I'm just gonna talk about some data here.,And cost of goods was about 57K.,Okay, ad spend was about 85K.,We had a few refunds here,,but that's a natural part of the business,,about another 11K in refunds,,and 25K on shipping out to the customers.,We also gave some discounts,,but I don't really pay attention to that,because that's part of our offer,,which I called the irresistible offer,,which is what gets the customer,wanting to buy in the first place.,It's like it gives them the impulse,to wanna spend money with you.,As you can see the percentage breakdown right here.,Our net profit is around 38% after the fees and the taxes,and stuff that they calculate here.,We had about 85K in ad spend on TikTok, primarily.,Cost of goods was another 18%.,Shipping and handling was about 8%.,So that's the breakdown of the profit.,Just wouldn't be transparent with you guys,,but let's talk about the product breakdown.,What type of product was I selling in the first place,to be able to set me up for this?,So tell you the truth, the product price was actually $25,,24.99 to be exact, and it only cost me about $5 per unit.,So very, very good margins.,And the reason why I was selling it at that price point,is because on TikTok ads,,I wanted to give myself a nice buffer room.,And this was a very unique product,that tailored to a very specific group of customers.,So you guys hear me talk about it,in a lot of the product research videos.,Make sure you have at least

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From .52 ROAS to 2.71 ROAS Case Study | TikTok Ads & Shopify

From .52 ROAS to 2.71 ROAS Case Study | TikTok Ads & Shopify

what is going on guys Noah Burr here,back again with another video and today,I got something special for you recently,I tested a product with one of my,students and it initially got a 0.5 rose,on its first test and then we continued,to change a few things making it better,and better until eventually we got a,campaign with a 2.7 row as with the same,exact product we just changed a few,things and in this video I'm going to be,showing you exactly what we changed and,what the results were of each change now,if you're somebody who's testing,products you definitely want to stick,around and watch this video as as you,know on Tick Tock it's pretty common to,come across products that you know get a,0.5 or as or a one row as and even,though most of the time it's more worth,it to just move on from the product you,always get this itching and burning,feeling is it worth retesting now,obviously I've talked about this many,times before on my Channel with the,rabbit hole and why you should not try,to retest a product a million times,trying to make it work in certain,circumstances I do recommend you know,testing new creatives or doing this or,that depending on the situation so while,I think it's smart to just stick with,the original rules and if it's not,breaking even or profitable within the,first hundred dollars spent just move on,uh there are certain scenarios where I,actually will go in and Test new,creatives or a different ad strategy or,something along those lines and this,particular product happened to be one of,those exceptions now the reason it was,one of those exceptions is because most,of the time when I get like a 0.5 Rose,or one row as on an initial test I'm,usually just like okay screw it and move,on and the reason this time it was,different is because that 0.5 row as was,from three separate sales so that,basically indicated to me that instead,of it just being one you know lucky sale,or maybe two lucky sales on the first,day it was three sales which to me just,really solidified that we might have,something here and it might be worth,investigating a little bit further even,though the roas was not ideal and not,very profitable so I'm gonna be breaking,down how the first campaign perform,formed what it was and then what we,changed each time and how we worked our,way up to a 2.7 row as with certain ad,groups even having like a three to four,row as which is great and we were able,to Surf scale those as well so the very,first campaign that we made was a base,testing campaign no different than what,we talked about here on the channel,where it was five ad groups at 25 bucks,a day each five ads underneath each ad,group with ACO turned on so it's,literally just a basic product test,nothing special and like I said it made,three sales at a 0.52 row as on day one,now the numbers on the back end of the,product is we were selling it for 15 and,buying it for about seven or eight uh,per item so the margin was 50 which,means that in order just to break even,on our ads we need a two row as so a 0.5,Rose is very very far from being,profitable and also understanding that,this is a much lower ticket product uh,than what we would normally see I was,already skeptical when I saw the 0.5,Rose because I was already thinking like,oh it made sales but it's a cheap,product so usually it doesn't cost as,much money to get people to actually buy,cheap products as it would as like a 30,product or a 50 product so that was the,base test and at this point I used the,indicators of the fact that it made,three sales instead of just one or two,to go ahead and decide to test new,creatives and I didn't just whip up some,random new creatives or find new,creatives online what I did was I looked,at the five creatives that we were,currently running and then I hand picked,out the best performing ones so I think,there was two or three creatives that,stood out from the rest of them the one,that actually made the sale and they,were a lot different than the other ads,under that ad group so the best way that,I can explain this is with an angle so,usually when I tell people to test five,ads underneath each ad group I'm meaning,that they should test five different ads,or you know decently different they,don't have to be completely different,but you know one with text one with,music one with you know someone talking,you know try to mix it up and that's,exactly what we did and we noticed that,one of of those angles was actually,making the sales so on the next campaign,that we made we found more creatives,that were similar to the one that made,the sales I think it was no text no,talking something like that but we made,new creatives following that same exact,structure and launched a new campaign,now this really really excited me,because the day after we launched that,campaign we got a 1.1 Rojas now you,might be thinking wait hold on Noah,that's still not that great why would,you be excited off of that and the,reason it made me excited is because not,only did we get a

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