tiktok ads call to action

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Best TikTok CTA To Grow Your Email List

all right so i wanted to update you guys,on my email list from tiktok so i've,been learning a lot when i switched um,email providers and also used a,different landing page um i also started,to switch up my call to actions on my,tick tock videos and in today's video i,want to explain um what i've learned and,what new call to action i'm using to,actually get way more email subscribers,per day than before,so to get the details listen on this is,episode number 216.,all right guys make sure to take one,second to like this video and subscribe,so you know how a couple of of episodes,ago i was talking about,my,email collection through my tic toc,profile you know how i was talking about,how i was getting on average,one email a day,so just to kind of backtrack my whole,email,collection journey my email list,building journey,um what i initially did was,i was taking people to this landing page,and it was you know it's very simple,simple headline,that says get instant access to my,online money making secrets click the,button to get started and then there's a,blue button that says check it out and,all people need to do is just put in,their email to get access,all right and,looking at the data for this particular,click funnels landing page,i was using,an email provider called,crim.email,and the conversion rate is about 13,all right,and i received about,one email a day,and i was like okay that's good you know,there's something at least i'm getting,something,and then i switched over to a lincoln,bio page,so hi dot page forward slash kenneth,fong now this link in bio page is still,live and when i switched over to this,i noticed,that a lot of people were just clicking,on the button,to view the ai copywriter tool which is,jarvis and that tool is something that,i've been heavily promoting on my tic,toc profile,so when they go to this link and bio,page there's basically only two things,they could do they could click on the,link to go to the jarvis page,or,put in their email to get uh secret,marketing tools,all right so,um,i noticed that not too many people,actually filled in their email,but a lot of people like over 40 50 plus,people actually clicked on the button,and,i decided to do a few things differently,so,instead of using this link in bio tool,what i,did was i signed up for mailerlite,which is i think one of the better email,marketing platforms out there it's very,affordable they have a really generous,free plan,uh you have up to 1 000 subscribers and,you can email up to i think 12 000 times,a month which is,very good and then their paid plans are,very very affordable their features are,very very generous so i decided to get a,mailer lite account,and i created a landing page,and the landing page was very very,similar to my click funnels landing page,you know,white background the same headline same,sub headline,same you know single button call to,action,and,i launched this landing page on,mailerlite on august 23rd,today is august 26th so just about three,days three four days,and so far i received 30 subscribers,and the conversion rate is,46.8,so almost a 50 conversion rate,all right,compared that,to when i did the click funnels,the conversion rate was only,13 percent all right,that's crazy,so instead of getting one email a day,i'm getting about,like seven emails a day i'm pacing at,seven emails a day,so what do i attribute this to,i don't think i attribute this to the,actual landing page itself,but what i attribute it to is,the call to action,on my tick tock so i'm gonna,include a link to two tick tocks,in the description,um one is,going to be the older tick tock videos,with my old call to action,and my old call to action was basically,just,pointing at my link,in my tick tock bio and asking them to,click on it to view and learn more about,my affiliate marketing secrets so i just,said click here to learn more about my,affiliate marketing secrets,all right so when they click on that,it would take them to either my click,funnels before or more recently my link,in bio page,and,that was old and then now that i,switched,not only to the mailer lights but more,importantly i switched up my,my offer,and i also switched up my call to action,so i'll include a link to,the newest newer videos in the,description,and right now what i do is,i say click this link in my bio fill out,the form and i will send you my list of,marketing tools and then i pinpoint the,specific tool that i mentioned in my,tick tock video so it's a lot more,involved i show them,what they are going to get,when they click on the link,alright so i kind of give them a lot,more information i show them the lead,magnet before i didn't have a lead,magnet now i have a lead magnet and i,actually show,them the lead magnet i tell them that,hey i'm going to email you this list,click on row 18 to get the tool that i,just talked about in my tick tock video,so when you kind of show them and you,show them exactly what they're going to,get you tell them you tell them exactly,what to do

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New TikTok CTA Strategy (works for YouTube Shorts & Reels too)

New TikTok CTA Strategy (works for YouTube Shorts & Reels too)

hey there so just the other day my main,tic tac account with 175 000 followers,got,shut down cancelled banned whatever um,so yeah that's a bummer but of course i,didn't really wallow in pity or or,complain about it too much i did start,an appeal we'll see what happens we'll,see if i get that account back but the,most important thing i did is i jumped,back on the horse and i started working,with a new tic tac account,uh really what i decided is um i needed,to shift and change up my strategy a,little bit more specifically with the,ctas or the call to actions and that's,what i'm going to share with you in this,video but the good news is is i can tell,you that i'm getting almost as much,reach on a lot of my videos with my new,account here or my newer account here as,i was with my older account uh so,there's still plenty of potential to,start on tic tac uh as you know a,beginner and still get plenty of reach,so this this train is still rolling,strong um so what i did is i shifted my,call to action strategy a little bit and,i think it's working out a lot better,for a lot of reasons here so i'm going,to go ahead and actually pull up my tic,toc and i'm going to put it up on screen,here so y'all can see what's going on,so this is the,newer account i am currently promoting,my 90 minute affiliate challenge on here,which is my 100 free affiliate marketing,course,um but what i'm doing differently is,instead of asking people to click the,link in my bio as my call to action i'm,actually using the terminology go ahead,and check out the comments to learn more,about an opportunity or to learn more,about this affiliate marketing,opportunity or to learn more about a,free course that will give you the,opportunity to learn this side hustle,that's beginner friendly right i use it,interchangeably,depending on on the context of the video,but the important part that uh i'm,sharing with you today is that instead,of clicking the link i'm telling people,to go over to the comments and this is,working well for a number of reasons so,here's my,most recent tic tac and i just uploaded,it not too long ago and you can see here,my call to action is go ahead and check,out the comments and when people go over,to check out the comments i tell them,what to do next in this case i say learn,my six figure side hustle for free link,in bio it's the 90 minute affiliate,challenge so there's a couple of things,going on here first when i tell people,um to go check out the comments um this,is a little first of all a little bit,different than what they're used to,seeing they're used to seeing people,tell them to go check out the link in,the bio and they're becoming a little,bit blind to that perhaps but when you,tell them to check out the comments,that's like okay cool i'll go see what's,going on because there's a little bit of,curiosity there what do they want me to,do right and curiosity is huge in,marketing,the other thing that's going on here is,while they're reading the comment right,this video is playing in the background,and actually is increasing the watch,time of this particular tick tock which,i think will help the algorithm,recognize this as a valuable valuable,video and then push it out to more,people,so obviously when they go over here this,tells them what to do then they can go,to my bio and then go find my link or or,what have you right,it's right there boom um,the the,the cool thing about this is,is i'm telling people there's an,opportunity kind of hidden in the,comments,and people really like that people like,to be in on an opportunity and for the,most part people hate being told what to,do so if you're telling them to go click,the link,i'm gonna be like i don't know he's,telling me what to do i don't like that,people just don't like to be told what,to do but if you're showing them there's,an opportunity hidden in the comments,they're gonna be more likely to go check,it out and grab it and that represents a,micro commitment and once we've had we,have them make that micro commitment,then they're gonna be more likely to go,ahead and make the next commitment which,is actually clicking over to the website,and entering their email and you know,getting into our funnel there's another,reason this is working very well and it,has to do with the other short form,content platform so for example let's,say we go over to facebook now you can,see my kids have games on my phone,so as we know,facebook reels are a newer opportunity,i've started posting facebook reels you,can see this is the exact same video,that i'm uploading to tic tac but,luckily since i don't have link in bio,as my call to action you can just,re-upload it over to facebook and as you,can see here when people go over and,click on my comments on my facebook,reels the cool thing here is they,actually can find a clickable link in,the comments so that's pretty seamless,that gets them over to the funnel,instagram if you go over to instagram,right,you tell them hey go check out the,comments to see

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7 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Video Call To Actions

7 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Video Call To Actions

by the time you finish watching this,video you'll know exactly how to create,great video call to actions that will,help drive your conversions through the,roof hi I'm John and today I will be,sharing with you my seven favorite tips,for creating great video call to actions,that work but I couldn't begin before,including my very own call to action,asking you to subscribe to our channel,so that every time we publish a new,video to help with your video marketing,you can get notified and in the comments,below let me know which of the following,course action tips is your favorite or,if there are any other useful tips that,you would like to share so let's get,started tip 1 keep your quarter actions,short and simple this is probably one of,the most important things you can do to,make your video call to actions more,effective don't over complicate them or,drag them out too long make sure your,call to actions are easily actionable,and don't involve any unnecessary steps,which will lower the number of people,that will follow your instruction so for,example if your videos call to action is,to download your free report try to make,sure the report is readily available,next to your video and make sure your,call-to-action message itself is short,and easy to understand after watching,your video your viewers will be ready to,move on and if you don't get to the,point quickly they'll leave you before,hearing you out,tip 2 explain the benefit if you want,people to take action you need to let,them know what's in it for them if they,can't see the benefit they won't take,the action maybe you want them to buy,your product or subscribe to your,newsletter or make you their overlord so,you could say something like if you need,an amazing dictator to help you run your,life click below to make me your,overlord today,notice how the call to action doesn't,just tell the viewers exactly what would,happen when they click the button but,also explains to them the benefit they,would get from taking the action on a,more serious note compare the following,to call to actions 1 which includes a,benefit and one which doesn't sign up,now or sign up now and get 25% off your,first purchase which call-to-action,motivates you more,tip three add time-sensitive words to,your CTA subscribe now get instant,access upgrade today we've all heard,words such as now today an instant in,hundreds of videos and there's a reason,for that time sensitive words encourage,quick action and promise instant,gratification to the viewer making it,much more likely that they'll do what,the CTA says one particularly useful tip,to boost your conversions is to use,time-sensitive CTAs which imply that,your offer is available for a limited,time only FOMO is real guys and no one,wants to miss out on a good deal or,discount to illustrate this point,compare the following to call to actions,and see which one you think creates a,greater sense of urgency get your free,ticket or get your free ticket now only,25 remaining which one do you think will,motivate people to take action tip 4 add,visuals when mentioning your,call-to-action in your videos try to,also show the viewer what you want them,to do visually to add extra emphasis an,example of this can be seen earlier in,this video when I asked you to subscribe,to our Channel,when I said this you may recall a,screenshot of this action appeared on,the screen by reinforcing things both,visually and verbally at the same time,like this,you will notice a better response from,your viewers to your call to actions tip,5 make your CTA specific the internet is,plastered with CTAs like by now click,here sign up and so on these CTAs are,generic and heard so often that people,tend to just tune out to avoid this,happening to you you should aim to make,your CTAs as specific as possible for,example if someone wishes to become a,driver for the company lifts and goes to,their landing page their CTA doesn't,just say sign up it says apply to drive,it's clear specific and not the typical,thing people are used to that would make,them switch off tip 6 keep the,presentation of your CTA upbeat and,enthusiastic a positive enthusiastic,presentation of your call to action in,your videos will generate a higher,conversion rate that are more muted or,passive 1 so when mentioning your call,to actions in your videos make sure you,appear upbeat and a do,SiC this will better motivate your,viewers to take action as your amazing,positive energy rubs off on them tip 7,know where to place your CTAs let's say,you create a video that explains the,features and benefits of your product if,near the very start of your video you,include a call to action like click,below to purchase it's unlikely to be,effective this is because the viewer,isn't yet convinced to buy your product,the point here is that you shouldn't,present your CTA until your audience,understands the benefit of proceeding,with your suggestion now this doesn't,mean that you should always place the,CTA towards the end of you

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Viral Hooks For TikTok Videos: Go VIRAL EVERY TIME You Post (30M+ Views)

Viral Hooks For TikTok Videos: Go VIRAL EVERY TIME You Post (30M+ Views)

by far this is the most important,youtube video that i've ever dropped and,it's the most requested youtube video,i've ever dropped in this video i'm,going to share with you viral hooks you,can implement into your tic toc content,right now to start getting more views,and more followers and for those of you,that don't know the reason that this is,so important because all the tik-tok,algorithm cares about now not all the,tech talk algorithm cares about and if,you want to know exactly what the,tic-tac algorithm cares about you could,go watch my third latest video that i,dropped on september 30th about the new,october algorithm but that being said,you guys need to make sure that you're,paying attention to the amount of watch,time that you're getting in your videos,and the most important part when it,comes to getting watch time is going to,be the hook your video because at the,end of the day if somebody doesn't get,hooked into your video they're not going,to watch the rest of your video and that,is why you're not getting views on tick,tock you're not getting followers on,tick tock and if you have a lot of,followers it's the reason that you're,currently losing followers and the viral,hooks that i'm going to share with you,doesn't matter what niche you're in,these apply to every single niche,doesn't matter how big of a creator you,are it doesn't even matter if you make,your content in english none of that,stuff matters the only thing that,matters is that you guys watch this,video all the way through to the end and,implement everything that i'm going to,share with you because i'm telling you,if you don't implement all of these,hooks the first one might not work for,you the second one might not work for,you but by the time you get to the third,or the fourth you're going to find the,one that works for you and that is,what's going to change your life on tick,tock i hope devin rodriguez art changed,his life on tik tok over 20 million,followers he's signed to an agency he's,a pr all over the place he sells his art,now for tens of thousands of dollars,helped change his life joel magician now,selling out places to do comedy again,got into the mentorship program gained,over 15 million followers and so many,other creators like carnival got into,the mentorship program millions of,followers later now is able to charge a,ton of money to get placements on his,tick tock videos if you guys want to,change your life it all starts with,creating the right hook in your tick,tock content to make sure that everybody,watches your videos so please make sure,you guys implement all these hugs and i,do want to emphasize once you guys find,a hook that works you need to keep doing,it over and over and over again because,at the end of the day tick-tock is based,on trends and once you have some,momentum you need to keep doing it so,that you do not lose it the biggest,mistake i see creators make say have a,video get 30 40 50 000 views or even,millions of views and then the next,thing that they post or all of their,posts after that where nothing like that,post that went viral you need to make,sure the same sound the same hook type,the same video length you need to,incentivize engagement the same way you,need to make sure that you're doing all,of those things the same way it is not,copying it is not going to make your,followers bored none of that stuff is,going to happen because if you're doing,it correctly 99 of the people seeing,your videos are going to be people that,have never seen your video before yes,you might get one or two comments saying,oh i've seen this before why do you keep,doing the same video but you need to,realize one or two people out of the,million people that are gonna see your,content it doesn't matter and emphasize,this i want you guys to do an exercise,if you get 100 people in a room what are,the odds that one two three even five of,them are absolutely crazy out of their,mind the odds are probably really high,so now you need to multiply that and,scale that up when 10 000 people see a,video of course 100 of those people are,going to be nuts out of their mind leave,a negative comment might even dm you,saying some crazy stuff guys it's,totally normal that's the internet where,do you think crazy people live they live,on the internet okay so hook number one,and number two both come from healthy,emmy who gained over 400 000 followers,in my mentorship program the two hooks i,want to emphasize here are one that she,does which is foods that you thought,were unhealthy that aren't this is,something that you could put in any,single niche if there are misconceptions,in your niche if there is misinformation,in your niche you guys can use that hook,to then explain to people why those,things are not unhealthy or why those,things are healthy another great,variation that would be foods that you,think are healthy that actually aren't,now you could do this in any single,niche if you're in the mortgage niche it,could be loans that you think are g

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Free TikTok Ads Course - How To Create Viral TikTok Ads (TikTok for Business)

Free TikTok Ads Course - How To Create Viral TikTok Ads (TikTok for Business)

so look making your first viral Tick,Tock ad in today's social media,landscape is one of the very first steps,you need in order to get your brand off,the ground and running but there's one,big issue nobody knows how to do it,properly you see after landing in the,top 10 of all ads on Tick Tock multiple,times for our clients I've learned that,there's specific do's and don'ts to,making your ad go viral and completely,changing the trajectory of your brand so,in today's video I'm covering the exact,steps on how to create a viral ad for,your brand showing examples of how to,actually format these ads in what ways,to make your ads go viral on tick tock,on top of this free course I'm giving,away a thousand dollars cash to one,lucky subscriber if this video gets a,thousand likes so make sure to comment,your biggest takeaway from this video to,enter the win now let's get into it now,we're going to be covering how to create,viral Tick Tock ads we've spent over a,million dollars on testing thus far just,in the last 90 days and we have over 48,active ad accounts that we're running,currently and all of our advice is based,on data not personal opinion and because,we have access to these 48 Adat accounts,we're able to pull all these insights to,be able to show you exactly what works,with Tick Tock ads and in fact we're a,tick tock agency partner as well as,every ad account we're managing is,spinning on average roughly twenty five,thousand dollars so the first thing,we're going to be getting into is what,ads do not convert specifically you,don't want to have ads that are only,using images or gifs this will,definitely decrease conversion rates,number two is making Tick Tock native,videos not ads this is something you do,want to do because if you create an ad,like video that is very obviously an ad,it's not going to blend in with the feed,as well on Tick Tock people are going to,scroll by it the whole appeal of tick,tock is from the genuineness of the feed,it feels raw it feels authentic and,people are more likely to buy because of,this because there's not a bunch of,filler or overly marketing slogans and,phrases being thrown at them so you want,to make sure that the videos are,authentic and are native to the platform,number three is having no focus on the,product will lead to confusion sometimes,people take this way overboard and,create a video that is like a routine,Style video and it only shows the,product about two to three seconds out,of the entire 30 second clip and they,run that as an ad thinking that because,they're showing their morning routine,that maybe that specific product,placement will lead to sales a lot of,times it's just brand awareness and not,every single person is going to make it,to that point in the video where they,see that product and if there's not a,specific call to action which is number,four people aren't going to know that,you're actually selling the product so,they might not likely visit the website,you want to be very clear make sure the,product is being you know talked about,throughout the entire video so it's very,focused in so people know that they can,actually buy it and so what Tick Tock,ads do convert so we have a list of,videos that we're going to be going,through here and number one is making,sure all of the videos that you create,for tick tock ads are vertical video you,don't want to put landscape you don't,want to put Square Style videos that,works on Facebook and Instagram but not,Tick Tock number two is you don't want,your video to drag on Tick Tock is a,very fast-paced platform people looking,at more videos than ever on Tick Tock,compared to other platforms like YouTube,and Instagram and Snapchat Tick Tock has,a higher view video volume because more,people are watching the videos not only,that but they're staying on the platform,longer because they like short form,content so you want to make sure it's,very engaging and what I mean by fast,jump cut style content is every three,seconds you have a clip where it,transitions where you're at one angle,here it clips and you go to the very,next angle and continue the sentence or,continue the next tip or touch point,this is very engaging for the audience,because it keeps them in the loop and it,allows them to you know take in more,information without having to wait on,the full video to play through the third,one is keeping the content raw and,authentic speaking genuinely into the,camera going over exactly what it is,that you're promoting so that way people,can actually understand what you're,talking about and number four which is,super important we know these lift the,conversion rates if you apply these you,want to make sure that you have not only,music voice overlays but text overlays,and what I mean by each of these is,having music in the background very,subtly not overly taking the video where,you can't hear them or it's distracting,you want to make sure there's just a,small engagement of you know the sound,in the background that plays ni

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Top 5 TikTok Ad Hooks Only Expert Marketers Use (Test Them ASAP!)

Top 5 TikTok Ad Hooks Only Expert Marketers Use (Test Them ASAP!)

how would you like tiktok ads that crush,every time thousands of views more sales,and profitable results sounds like a,good place to be doesn't it well unless,people are stopping to watch your video,you literally have zero chance of,getting there hi everyone welcome back,to the channel if you're new here my,name is mark i run a tick tock marketing,agency and we help e-commerce brands to,set up and scale their ads on tick tock,today we're going to be breaking down,five proven hooks that you can start,testing for your tick tock ads i know we,have people at all levels on here so,very quickly what is a hook the hook is,the first two to three seconds of your,video and his only job is to get people,to stop scrolling and pique their,interest if you think about the way that,you use tick tock there is literally an,endless feed of content for you to,consume if a video doesn't seem exciting,you're not going to watch it there's way,too many other options out there and we,don't have the attention spans anymore,thanks to an overload of information,what makes a good hook then first of all,it has to be attention grabbing you've,got two to three seconds to capture,their attention stop that scroll and get,them watching your video second a good,hook often calls out who the video's for,is there a specific niche you're going,after as a specific demographic maybe,it's young males who go to the gym when,they hear the hook they should know that,this video is for them and third a good,hook is often controversial sometimes to,stand out you have to go against the,grain and being a little bit,controversial being a bit out there,actually makes for a better video the,good thing about hooks is that they're,repeatable they work like a formula if a,particular hook is proven to work for,somebody else then it's likely gonna,work for you as well you can bend it and,make it work for your product to capture,people's attention so in this video i'm,gonna give you five proven hooks that,have already worked for ourselves and,other brands on tech talk that you can,implement into your e-commerce brand as,well i would strongly recommend you,watch the end of this video maybe the,first hook doesn't work for you maybe,it's the fifth and final hook that's,really going to unlock things for you,and get you to blow up on tiktok they're,all as valuable as each other we're,still new to this youtube game we're,trying to get some traction so as a,thank you hit the like button if you get,any value with that being said let's,jump in and look at some killer hooks,the first look on our list is the three,reasons why this is an amazing concept,that we've used for numerous brands now,and every single time we see good,results people love lists of information,they like bite-sized chunks of knowledge,by stating three reasons why they know,exactly what kind of information they're,gonna get they're gonna stick around to,hear the three reasons and you can get,across three main points they should be,buying your product you should already,have done your research you should know,the main reasons that people are,interested in your product and the main,things that get them over the line,that's the point you want to include in,the three reasons here's a couple of,examples of this hook in action so i,have a skin care confession to make and,that is,i went out on saturday in the afternoon,i was out really late,it's now monday,and i haven't done anything to my skin,the second hook is i have a blank,confession to make in this blank you,want to insert your industry or your,niche for example i have a skin care,confession or i have a bodybuilding,confession i have a pet food confession,whatever the product you're selling in,whatever industry you're in you want to,insert that in there people love secrets,secrets make us feel special and make us,feel worthy of someone else's trust,there's also a strong dose of fomo in,there the fear they're going to miss out,there's secret information that,everybody else knows and they want to be,in on it as well leveraging that,underlying human psychological desire is,a great way to get people stopped and,watching your content here's an example,of someone doing this very thing using a,skin care product there is four reasons,why you need to add hyaluronic acid,serum into your skincare routine so,reason one obviously has to be the glow,that it gives your skin perfect for,summer and if you have dry skin it,reduces the appearance of wrinkles,supports moisture retention the one i'm,using is actually vegan and cruelty free,check out habitual skincare to get your,hands on one number three different,types of people humans are social,creatures we live in communities and,we've got different constructs of how we,interact with each other and within each,group of people we all share similar,behaviors there's inside jokes there's,common ways of behaving if you can call,this out for your community and bring it,into the spotlight people are going to,relate to it and they'

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Free TikTok Ads Q4 Course - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

Free TikTok Ads Q4 Course - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

we all know what time of year is coming,up and if you don't know it's called Q4,which is quarter four of the year which,is when the most advertising dollars are,spent across the platforms like Tick,Tock Facebook Instagram YouTube and,Google and Q4 is one of the most,profitable times of the years if you,understand how to do it right and create,an offer that actually converts so that,way you can scale up during the holidays,in fact eCommerce sales were up over 870,billion dollars just last year and that,is only expected to grow going into Q4,so in today's video we're going step by,step and breaking down a free Tick Tock,ads course for you to apply towards Q4,with insights breakdowns account,structure and the actual overall,strategy so that way you can actually be,a dominating Force against your other,competitors in this video is for anyone,who is just starting out considering,using Tick Tock ads for Q4 or wants to,learn more about how the process works,because Tick Tock is so frequently,changing and updating its algorithm and,making adjustments to its ads manager we,wanted to provide a full strategy just,in in time for Q4 so that way you can be,fully up to date with the exact,strategies you need to know so without,waiting any longer let's get into it,now if you don't know who I am my name,is Chase chapel and over the last seven,years our agency and training has been,managing over 200 million dollars in ad,spend and has generated over a billion,dollars in sales for our clients whether,they're in lead gen B2B e-commerce or,local or even an app campaign and we,work with some of the largest brands,that you know and love whether it's,Brands like Waterboy octi Power Crunch,we literally go through and optimize and,scale up campaigns for a very successful,brand so that way they can achieve six,seven eight figures in sales and,everything that we'll be sharing this,video is all data backed so that way you,have the most clear insights on what,changes next steps forward you need to,take with your Tick Tock ads and by the,way if this video gets over 100 likes in,the first 24 hours then I'm going to be,doing a giveaway to our free Tick Tock,ads course so that way you can get full,access and I'll be giving away a free,strategy session as well and that's over,two thousand dollars in value if this,video gets over 100 likes in the first,24 hours and make sure to comment down,below your your goals for Q4 and what,you're looking to achieve with your,brand alright so here we are the free Q4,Tick Tock ads course and my name is,Chase Chapel founder of surge IO and,travel digital marketing and what is my,experience with Tick Tock ads well we,spend anywhere from 200 to 450 000 per,month on Tick Tock ads for our clients,not only that but we've placed in the,top 10 Tick Tock ad campaigns in the US,nine different times for our clients,that's literally where we show up on the,top ads as the very first few ads and,that is you know really possible due to,the amount of spend the results and,being able to achieve these kind of,campaigns and in fact we work with all,types of Brands and have access to over,100 plus different Tick Tock ad accounts,through our training and agency whether,it's local ads running campaigns with,you know proximity to the region that,they're in trying to get people in the,door or if it's an app ad where we're,optimizing for app installs and trying,to make you know the app the number one,on the app store or like eCommerce ads,where we're literally able to scale up,and see an Roi return an ad spin that is,profitable for our clients or like,Legion where we're generating calls or,generating cells for a high ticket,product in fact with one campaign we've,spent over 339 thousand dollars to get,49 000 conversions we literally break,down these exact strategies and release,them for free as well but alongside that,even with the hundreds of Brands we've,scaled to six and seven figures we break,down the exact results and share the,insights from every type of client when,we achieve those results where we've,literally gotten clients by million,views and twenty thousand emails in a,single day 38 000 pre-orders in a single,day from Tick Tock where we've had,clients get 3.7 million views 5 million,views we've had other clients be able to,scale from twenty six thousand to ninety,three thousand dollars in a single month,if you can imagine how fast your brand,could scale it's very achievable we've,had other brands be able to achieve 716,leads for a dollar 82 cost per lead,we've seen cost per clicks as low as 2,cents to a cent cost per click with,under one dollar cpms Yes you heard that,it is like old days Facebook with some,of these strategies not only that but,other clients have told us that they've,scaled 160k in the first month and then,we've had other brands tell us you know,they're achieving 500 to a million,dollar months all from the exact,strategies we're going to be sharing,and then other brands that are posting,organic videos g

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How to Run TikTok Ads 2023 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

How to Run TikTok Ads 2023 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

what's up guys jordan here today we're going to  be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to  ,z everything you need to know to launch your first  ad on the platform today now we're currently using  ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent  agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount  ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using  the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you  ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got  a presentation ready for you we're going to jump  ,onto it in a second but before we do i want  to announce a quick competition on this video  ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down  below with their goals for running tik tok ads  ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to  win a completely free strategy call with me for  ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want  to run through we break down your strategy how you  ,can increase your revenue how you can increase  your roads on whatever platform you're using  ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make  that happen for you so enter that competition  ,let's get started with this no bs implementable  training but do me a favor stop what you're doing  ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take  some notes and pay attention and take action on  ,what you learned today let's get started okay  so tick-tock ads training first of all let's  ,start off with some data we need to understand  the opportunity here now tik tok was the most  ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads  okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide  ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per  day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal  ,customer multiple times a day on average now as  of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in  ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its  january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year  ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks  as the second biggest app in consumer spend  ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this  is probably the uh the biggest stat on this  ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in  consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so  ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and  businesses to sell their products on the platform  ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've  said ah i found that product on tick tock it's  ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how  you can actually make the most of that so this is  ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have  tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns  ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then  landing pages to break these down one by one tick  ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock  advertising account similar to the facebook  ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation  of your ad so we're setting up our advertising  ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which  is target audiences ad placements budget and the  ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is  the text and the video that will appear on our  ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our  landing page and this is the destination url that  ,we are driving our potential customers too this  is the place where they will actually buy our  ,products or service so when you actually have your  tick tock ad account up and running this is kind  ,of what the format will look like we have our ad  manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that  ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple  ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple  ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even  be testing out multiple different ad creatives  ,as well so what are the actual creative the the  creative formats that we can use on tick tock well  ,we have top view on the left hand side here which  is like a full-size video which shows up when we  ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover  now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and  ,very large brands use these and again these come  up right at the start of launching the app and it  ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads  this is what we're going to be going through today  ,and what most businesses are actually using  to generate the most revenue from tick tock  ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we  want to launch a challenge on the platform and  ,then finally branded event so we want to have our  own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so  ,people can use them when they're creating their  own content but as i said in feed ads it's the  ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients  at the affluent agency and we're literally  ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue  from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to  ,show you today so without further ado let's jump  straight on to the tick tock advertising platform  ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is  go over to ticktock.com forward slash business  ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see  every

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