tiktok ads attribution window

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How To Get 28 Day Click Attribution With TikTok Ads

hey guys what's going on max here in,today's video we're going to do a quick,one i'm going to show you how to modify,your attribution window in tik tok all,the way up to 28 days as we all know,kind of default attribution windows 7,day click one day view and that's great,right it captures a lot of data however,for most of us we are going to get sales,and leads and add to carts and all these,other events outside of that initial,seven-day click right some people are,just going to click an ad they're going,to think about it then they're going to,come back day 8 day 9 day 14 whatever it,might be they might see different ads,somewhere else,and so if you don't make these,modifications you aren't capturing any,of that data you're not going to view,any sales that an ad drove day 8 day 10,day 12 inside ads manager and tick tocks,also not going to be able to use that,data to optimize the algo so this is,something that i think for for a lot of,businesses is valuable right be able to,expand the attribution window you,collect more data your ad reporting will,see more of the full picture a lot of,people when they make this change when,they go back to their ads manager to,reporting they see a lot more sales,because it's going to capture,more sales than they're capturing before,because again the attribution window has,been expanded and like i said that's,great for visibility obviously more,accurate picture of roi on that ad ad,grouping campaign but also for the algo,to pass back more complete payment,events more submit form more complete,registration more initiate checkouts the,more you can pass back the more the algo,can update because it has more data,right so we're getting this one pretty,short not a very in-depth video it's,pretty basic pretty self-explanatory it,just takes a few steps so i'm going to,hit the share screen over here we're,going to dive in,and what you're going to see here is,to get to this place you're gonna be in,your ads manager you're gonna go to,assets you're gonna go to events,okay we'll go back a step here so you're,gonna go to events under assets you're,gonna click web events,and then up here you're going to see,this little text box this little,hyperlink called manage your attribution,settings you're going to click that,and that's going to bring you to,attribution manager and what you're,going to see is all of your,if you're using your devmode pixel,you're gonna see all of the event types,that you are tracking and you'll see,they're all defaulted to seven days,under click through and one day under,view through so you can do one of two,things here you can either just kind of,filter,by the event you want here or just go to,it right so if i know,i want to do complete payments let's say,i'm selling something higher ticket the,sales window is 14 days on average i can,click edit window so again just to show,that again there's a little edit window,that pops up when i hover over it and,click edit window,and then from here i can click window,and i can now go to 28 days and i click,edit and that's going to instantly,update everything,now the cool thing here is i can always,switch back and forth so i can go back,to seven day if i want i can go to one,day i can go to 14 days and go 28 days,so you can modify these attribution,windows,and kind of play around with it and just,see what your performance looks like,does your performance increase do you,see a lot more sales or you got more,visibility does rose look better if so,definitely keep the attribution window,where it is if you really don't notice,any change maybe all of your sales,really happen day one day two day three,then this really isn't that big of a,deal,but again this kind of allows you to,make that switch and,like i said i think sounds really basic,pretty pretty simple stuff right,attribution windows,but it can make a big difference,especially if you are new to tick tock,if you're just getting started 30 60,days in that data is really really,valuable so you're going to want to,capture as much as possible to give the,algo more stuff to be able to update and,enhance and get in front of the right,person and it can do that with better,signal data so there you have it guys if,you want to change from seven day click,to one day view go into your ads manager,go to assets web events attribution,windows and modify that attribution,window for the event you want all the,way out to 28 day click or 20 day view,whichever you want to do and see how,that impacts your results and as always,guys hit that subscribe button hit the,bell make sure you get all my future,videos and i'll see in the next one

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads attribution window

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TikTok Attribution Manager

TikTok Attribution Manager

a few weeks ago we got an email from,Tick Tock that one of the accounts we,work in now has access to their new,attribution manager tool now attribution,models can be a really complicated,portion of digital advertising but they,can also be very important and very,powerful if you utilize them correctly,so in this video we want to talk about,what attribution windows are I'm going,to show you how to adjust them in the,new tick tock attribution manager and,then we'll talk about some scenarios,where you might want to customize them,to your account,I want to start off in The Tick Tock,business help center going through their,documentation about attribution as a,quick overview I think this will be,really helpful if you are just getting,used to attribution and understanding,what it is and for those of you who,already know you can skip to the next,section if you'd like at a very high,level attribution is what we use to,understand the actions that a user takes,after they click or view an ad that we,have on The Tick Tock or quite frankly,any other advertising platform as Tick,Tock says here is most commonly used,with conversion tracking when we're,trying to connect the click or the view,of that ad to a desired outcome whether,it's a purchase a lead fill an app,download any of those additional actions,after the fact we want to be able to,attribute the performance of those ads,ad sets and campaigns to that later,stage conversion action so we know,what's actually moving the needle for,our business so understanding the,performance of our campaigns is obvious,a main function of attribution and why,we want to make sure that that is set up,properly there are some other secondary,outcomes from attribution that we'll,talk about here in just a minute before,we get there I want to talk about the,attribution logic that Tick Tock has,down here because as we've talked about,this is going to be tied back to a,user's click or a view of your ad so,there are going to be two different,types of attribution we can use and Tick,Tock has a pretty good rundown of what,each of those are here the first is,Click through attribution I think this,is the one that people utilize the most,so when a user clicks on a tick tock ad,and then completes the desired,conversion action again whether it's a,download a purchase whatever it will be,attributed to tiktok as a click through,conversion because the user clicked on,the ad and then took that desired action,the other type of attribution model is a,view through attribution and that's,simply when a user views but does not,click a tick tock ad and then completes,the desired action later on on that will,be attributed through as a view through,conversion Tick Tock then makes a,distinction here and says that any,click-through attribution Will trump The,View through conversions so if you have,two different ad creatives or campaigns,that a user engaged with the one that,they clicked through on will have the,performance attributed to it and the one,that had a view through will not,additionally on any single ad that,somebody engages with you have to,technically view the ad to be able to,click it but if somebody clicked on it,you will not have that same conversion,attributed in both the click and view,through column it will only show up in,the click column even though they,technically also viewed it so just a,little bit of clarification there now,the rest of this section actually talks,about the MMP or mobile measurement,Partners within Tick Tock which is,really an in-app setup if you look over,here on the left in the breadcrumb on,the help section here I'm actually in,the in-app events section but I thought,this was the best attribution overview,whether it's for app tracking or web but,for the rest of this video I actually,want to talk about just the web events,and the web attribution so I'm going to,come click up here and just like the app,section does a better job giving an,attribution overview I think the web,section does a better job telling you,why attribution matters Beyond just,campaign performance regardless all of,the stuff that I'm talking about in this,video is going to be platform agnostic,meaning that everything that we're going,to talk about could either be for web,events or it could be for in-app events,I'm not going into the specifics of each,of those if you're interested in any of,them you can read through these help,articles and find out which one makes,the most sense for you but for the rest,of this section I just want to focus,down here on the different attribution,products and why they matter I'm going,to talk about the next two bullets,together because they kind of lead into,each other so the first is building,marketing audiences if you're creating,audiences off of your web visitor events,the the attribution window is going to,matter for those because you want to,make sure that you're counting the right,people and building audiences out of the,ones that matter the most to you you can,then als

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Everything You Need To Know About Ad Attribution Windows! (PART 2)

Everything You Need To Know About Ad Attribution Windows! (PART 2)

hi guys and gals hope you're doing,amazing so I'm coming back with a part,two of a recent video I just made this,week about attribution again got a lot,of questions from the client pool about,really detailing what is a click through,what is a view through attribution and I,decided to make a part two of that video,with some more visual examples so,showing you and walking you through,exactly how attribution works and why,again these different attribution models,are the best to use for your brand if,you don't know who I am my name is,Justin and not the founder of ozone,media on e-commerce marketing agency,specializing in elevating thriving,Brands by simplifying e-commerce growth,foreign,so let's get started where we kind of,ended off the last video is we talked,about the different attribution models,and also I talked about my thoughts on,attribution plus views and why a view,through attribution is important and,today I kind of want to illustrate that,and show you exactly with shapes,drawings and for all of you who are more,visual Learners again kind of walk you,through how the attributions work and,are sent back to the pixel so first of,all let's write in the box right here,the criterias right so in this case I'm,just going to write a box and I'm going,to add some text right here which in,this case we're going to use a seven day,click,or one day view attribution model okay,so this is the model that we're going to,use for this video now we have an ad,right here okay just imagine for a,second that this square is an ad so this,right here is an app I'm a customer and,I see this ad appearing on my feed and,the campaign in the background so the,campaign in the ads manager that is,running that ad has this attribution,model right here in order to report back,results of the campaign and use that to,optimize so if I go over here and I,click on this app so I click on it and I,end up on the website and within the,next seven days so within the next seven,days starting today I make a purchase,then what Facebook will do it'll take,that conversion it'll take my,information the purchase that I just,made and my Facebook profile information,send this back to The Campaign which on,the ads manager you'll see one purchase,you'll also see essentially the data,that comes with it so the actual,purchase conversion value and when The,Campaign Will optimize so let's say,you're targeting a broad audience then,it'll take notice of who made that,purchase within seven days so in this,case Justin made that purchase within,seven days and it'll try and find more,Justin's to Target so to also kind of,hammer through this example let's just,say we're going back in time and I,clicked on this ad and I made a purchase,eight days from now right eight days,from now I make a purchase it won't get,reported back right here so this won't,happen you won't see one purchase within,the campaign you won't see the purchase,conversion value the campaign won't see,it so therefore you don't get the result,and what it does also does is that the,campaign won't try and find more,Dustin's out there because I do not fit,within this attribution model therefore,I must not be the right purchaser for,that campaign so I hope this helps you,visualize that process and I'll kind of,talk about trip wall in a second and,also help visualize that one but before,I do so I want to talk about View,through now which I think is the one it,had a lot of Gray Zone again and a lot,of questions amongst the people that,I've been talking to so this right here,I view this ad on my feed so right now,imagine I'm on my phone and I just,scroll scroll scroll on my feed and I,stop for a second I stop on screen and,then take notice of that ad look at it,for a couple seconds but I do not click,on it so I view this ad now what ends up,happening on Facebook this triggers,somewhat of a countdown right so let's,just say this is a countdown right here,it's a timer and it's it's starting to,go right and there's 24 hours right here,on that countdown so what will start,happening is that Facebook will see all,right Justin view this ad let's try and,see what actions Justin is going to take,within the next 24 hours and see if he's,gonna purchase so I view this ad for a,couple seconds and I've actually watched,this right so I did not just scroll,through it without even taking a look at,it I view this ad it took my interest,and I've watched it so then I continue,scrolling I go through my day and then,once I view this ad actually what I do,afterwards well I actually click on the,page so I click let's say I view this ad,on Instagram I click on the profile,right so let's just say this is an ad,right here you have blah blah blah your,copy here at the top you have the,profile image right here of the the,customer I've clicked on this so I've,clicked on the profile pic now I'm there,I'm under profile and then I give them a,follow okay so I start following the,brand then within about four hours later,I open back my phone w

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What Ad Attribution Window Should You Use And Why (PART 1)

What Ad Attribution Window Should You Use And Why (PART 1)

so I recently had to talk a lot with,some of our current clients about,attribution some did not understand the,attribution models used by the ad,platforms themselves or also by,third-party softwares like triple one I,thought to myself if they have these,questions and their seven figure,e-commerce brand owners then other,business owners out there might have the,same questions so in today's video I,want to show you what are the different,attribution models used by various app,platforms so primarily going to show,Tick Tock Facebook and Google talk about,also Triple L and their ways of,attributing what it means and when you,would want to use one model over another,my name is Justin not the founder it was,omedia an e-commerce marketing agency,specializing in elevating thriving,Brands by simplifying e-commerce growth,so I first want to talk about the actual,app platforms before getting into triple,well so let's first read Because I Love,Actually the way Facebook explained that,and I love the first sentence that they,have right here which I think is is very,good way to summarize this whole point,an attribution setting is a finite,period of time during which conversions,can be accredited to your ads and used,in form campaign optimization so,oftentimes we talk about attribution,just because we want to know how many,cells does the platform actually get and,you might want to know this for two,different reasons right you might want,to know this for where you want to put,more resources into so what app platform,you actually want to invest more money,into or also for how much you need to,pay your agency right what is the actual,impact of your agency but there's a big,and even more important reason which is,the third reason right here which,truthfully they use the main use of an,attribution model is to inform the app,platform of the events occurring on the,website so where I'm going with this is,the following let's say you're just,doing boosted posts so if you're running,boosted posts and we're not even talking,about ads so boosted posts or promoted,posts on Tick Tock as an example in,these cases the events for which you're,optimizing for are events that are on,the ad platform so you're optimizing for,engagement for likes for more comments,more views whatever that might be you're,optimizing for something on the platform,link clicks also is one of them so all,of these events happen on the platform,so therefore there's no need for a pixel,because the platform can directly track,these events from their own platform,when you talk about running ads for,anything happening on a website so you,run ads for landing page views for uh at,the carts initiate checkouts purchases,for booked calls so anything from a,legion space to info product or,e-commerce anything occurring on the,website you need the pixel because any,events happening on the website the,pixel installed on the site will send,that data back to Facebook but the,frequency at which it sends its data,back will depend on the attribution,setting that you have here actually I,don't think I've used the right word I,just realized I said frequency it's not,entirely true it'll send every event,back as they happen but it won't take,into account these events unless they're,part of the attribution window that you,have set up right here so in this case,as an example the default model that,there is on Facebook which we also use,at the agency is 70 click or one day,view what that means is the following,from seven days of the start date where,somebody clicks on an ad if they do a,conversion event within those seven days,so let's just see if as an example for,the sake of explaining this concept you,are currently running a purchase,conversions event campaign and your,attribution model is seven day click or,one day View so if somebody clicks on,the ad today for the next seven days the,pixel will remain aware of the actions,from that person if they end up making a,purchase which is the event you're,optimizing for within the next seven,days it'll send that event back to,Facebook or there's one debut which,means that if the person views the ad,today and they make a purchase within,the next 24 hours it'll also send this,data back to your campaigns and what,that does is not only will you see the,results appearing if you look at your,performance results on Facebook but,Facebook will also start to take notice,of these events and be able to optimize,your campaigns because it'll look at,who's converting during this time frame,and try and find more people of the same,people that convert within this seven,day click or a one day view window so,again keep in mind this is very,important because let's say you use,another model right here you use one day,click then what that means is that,Facebook would only be recording events,for 24 hours from when somebody does a a,click if they do not purchase in the,case that you're running a purchase,conversion event campaign within 24,hours of clicking the ad it won

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How to Use Amazon Attribution | Updated Full Training

How to Use Amazon Attribution | Updated Full Training

hey everyone Scott here and can you believe it's  been two years since i first uploaded a video  ,on amazon attribution it's actually one of the  first videos i ever uploaded on my channel and  ,still a popular one right now so i thought it'd  be a good idea to do an updated training since  ,there's been some changes since my last video  you can even get some money back from amazon  ,from sales you generate using amazon  attribution which i'll also cover in  ,this video plus i have a couple more years of  experience using amazon attribution so this  ,video will have everything you need to know  about how to use it plus i'll share some of  ,the best practices i've learned along the way  if you find value in this i truly appreciate  ,it help me out by hitting the like button  and let's go ahead and get right into it,so first we should go over what is amazon  attribution amazon attribution is a tool  ,developed by amazon that tracks sales that come  from external traffic so places like Facebook ads  ,Instagram you know Pinterest TikTok Google ads  or any of the other platforms out there and it  ,doesn't have to be paid advertising it could be  free organic traffic as well so for example if  ,you want to track how many sales come from an  email that you send to an email list or maybe  ,you have a blog that is directing to your amazon  listing on track how many sales are coming from  ,that blog or maybe have an influencer you're  working with you want to see how many sales  ,that influencer is generating you can use amazon  attribution for all of that now amazon attribution  ,is a url-based tracking method so what that  means is the tracking is done by adding a  ,tag to your standard url and then when someone  clicks on it amazon tracks what happens after that  ,they track you know things like uh amazon listing  views they track add to carts they track sales and  ,a lot of other metrics as well so that's different  than a lot of other ad platforms that maybe use  ,pixels like facebook ads or cookies to do the  tracking that's because amazon doesn't allow  ,sellers to place cookies or pixels onto the amazon  website at least at this point in time and really  ,i don't see them ever allowing it so they're using  the url method so right here i have a normal url  ,this is a standard amazon listing url also called  the canonical url this will take you directly to  ,the amazon listing and this is what it looks  like once you've generated an attribution tag  ,from that url i highlighted in the orange part  the actual tag part that's added to the end  ,of the url now if you click on either one of these  links you'll end up in the exact same place and  ,it will look exactly the same there's really no  difference to the person that's clicking on it the  ,only difference is that the url that you'll see  up in the browser is a little bit different so the  ,first step before getting into creating the tags  is to determine what you're tracking this will  ,make things a lot easier when you go to create  the tags so for example are you tracking just one  ,product with that tag are you going to be tracking  a group of products are you going to be tracking  ,all of your products so once you decide that you  also want to decide how detailed you want to be  ,so using facebook ads as an example you could  track all the sales coming from facebook using  ,one single amazon attribution tag that means that  no matter what ad generated to sell it'd still be  ,tracked through that link the downside to that  though is you can't tell which individual ad is  ,actually creating the sale for you another way  you could do it is you could use a separate tag  ,for every single ad that you have the upside  to that is that you'll be able to tell  ,which ad is creating the sell for you on amazon  so the ones that are working keep going and the  ,ones that aren't working you can go ahead and  turn off for me personally i prefer to be on the  ,more detailed side because of the more detailed  tracking you can get so let's get into creating an  ,amazon attribution campaign now you can find  it easily by going to your ppc manager or  ,campaign manager within your amazon account  go over to the left column over here go to  ,measurement and reporting click on there and  you'll see amazon attribution right there so  ,the first thing you want to do is come down  here and click create campaign the next is to  ,choose your creation method typically i'll just  do it manually but if you're using facebook ads  ,or google ads there is a way to create all your  tracking links in bulk so you just come down here  ,you select whether you're using facebook ads or  instagram ads or google ads and then you go ahead  ,and download the template file here and follow  the instructions on the template file but for this  ,video i'm going to go ahead and go into creating  one manually the first thing we want to do is  ,name the campaign so think of the campaign as a  holder for

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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

today we're going to cover everything tick-tock  ads we're going to go into shopify we're going  ,to link our store we're going to make sure the  pixel is set up properly we're going to make  ,sure that you can get amazing tick-tock results  for those that are new to the channel i'm davey  ,foggerty my shopify stores have done over 400  million dollars in sales in just four years tick  ,tock ads is the new kid on the blog usually we're  heavily reliant on facebook because it's such an  ,incredible marketing tool but lots of people are  getting heaps of success with the new entertaining  ,nature of tick tock ads so it might be perfect  for your brand this video is perfect for beginners  ,we're not going to skip any steps but i'm also  going to go into some advanced things around  ,content because that is so important to make sure  that you make tick tock ads work the first step  ,you're going to want to do is set up your shopify  store if you haven't set up your shopify store  ,just pause the video click the link in my bio and  set it up now we've got one set up through our  ,lemon scrub series so it's got most of the things  ready we're just going to make sure that we set up  ,tiktok properly so the pixel is firing once you're  in shopify the best way to go is go into apps and  ,just write in tiktok simply download the official  tiktok app and click add sales channel this is the  ,exact same as facebook nowadays this will bring  up this little tick tock section down on the left  ,hand store of your shopify store if you don't have  shopify still carry on watching we're going to get  ,into the nitty gritty in a second once this is set  up we can click this section here setting up the  ,pixel the next step you can see that it's saying  connect tick tock for business this is where you  ,need a new tick tock account already have a tick  tock business account you can just click connect  ,but today we're gonna have to create a brand new  one so i'm just gonna click create new at the top  ,enter my email address get the verification code  sent into the verification code here agree to  ,terms and conditions and just click sign up you  can click connect down the bottom right and that's  ,now created an ads manager business manager under  that email we can click create new ad account and  ,we can select the country and the currency that we  want to be built in this is generally the region  ,that you want to be targeting change the business  name to something a little bit simpler click sign  ,up and connect you'll come to this data sharing  section which we've touched on a few times in my  ,previous episodes just click enhanced or maximum  providing you've got the terms and conditions set  ,up for something and then click confirm maximum  is obviously preferred this is how shopify shares  ,data with ticktock this is referred to as capi  which is a partnership between shopify and the  ,advertising platform click set up enter your final  details make sure you connect automatic payment  ,click confirm and you should be ready to go now  to create tick-tock ads we're actually going to  ,have to go back to the tick-tock ads manager so  we can go ads.tichtalk.com you can see that our  ,ad account has already been created to make sure  that we do have the pixel set up properly what i  ,do recommend is going to your website and just  like facebook there's something called tic toc  ,pixel helper and it's a chrome extension that you  can download and check if your pixel is firing  ,on your website if it's not you may need to go  and fix that initially just download the chrome  ,extension and you can see that our tick tock pixel  is set up here shopify set it up for us and it  ,should be firing this is a page view because we're  on a page when you add a product to cart it should  ,fire the add to cart pixel or if someone purchases  you can test a purchase and it will also fire that  ,pixel in the exact right way so now we're in  the tiktok ads account we can go ahead and  ,create our first campaign campaign structures  are really important to talk about it's what  ,separates good advertisers from bad advertisers  that alongside really effective marketing content  ,the basic structure is you have a campaign which  is what objective you are striving for if you've  ,got something like a real estate business  it might be leads you're trying to collect  ,leads but we've got a e-commerce business  so we want to get purchases then you've  ,got the ad set level which is basically the  targeting that you're setting up to complete  ,that campaign objective then finally you've got  your ads that live within each of those ad sets  ,these ads are different creative types that  you think are going to convert your customer  ,so head to campaign when you're in campaign all  you need to do is click create here and you'll set  ,up your first campaign you'll get prompted with  two options you've got simplified mode and custom  ,mode we're going to w

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Tracking Paid Social KPIs And Measuring Attribution on Tiktok

Tracking Paid Social KPIs And Measuring Attribution on Tiktok

what have you seen,you've spent a lot of money on on,facebook and instagram and you spent,money on tick tock,some of the key like differences maybe,like cpm cpa,what what do you expect on tick tock,versus facebook,is that something you can,that you have an opinion on or like,enough data that you can look at you're,like i generally expect if i can have,success on tick tock it's going to be,this price versus instagram at face but,this price yeah so i would say in,general cost of traffic is so much,cheaper like cpms are like two to three,times cheaper on average than what i'm,seeing on facebook,when we start running ticktock ads for,any client one thing we'll immediately,see like looking on like google,analytics it's just like a huge spike in,traffic,um like easily like surpasses sessions,in terms of like what facebook and,google brings in,um it's just the conversion rate about,traffic of course is so much lower so,there's,tick tock is really great at bringing a,lot of people to your site cheaply um,with a lower conversion rate than we're,seeing on facebook and google,so as long as that math is playing out,of traffic versus conversion rate um we,could take a lower conversion rate if,we're driving so much more cheaper,traffic sure so that's that's part of,the game that we're playing another part,of it is understanding the user behavior,on tick tock it's not always going to be,people,at least i'll put it this way,people who are on tick tock and they're,there to watch videos and to be,entertained aren't always ready to go to,a store and get out their credit card,and purchase right then sure like it's,more of a,passing time discovery it is a product,discovery platform,but it's it's not like someone's on,their desktop clicking on a facebook ad,like easily ready to purchase gets,everything pre-filled out like,so since a really common conversion path,that we see,is that people will get so much traffic,from tick tock,and,we maybe like 25 of them will purchase,that purchase end up purchasing like on,that first touch point like an impulse,buy,but the rest of the purchasers end up,purchasing,whether they get retargeted with a,facebook ad later that week once they've,been to your site,they come through direct or they look up,the brand on google later,so it's not always as clean as people,are clicking on the tick tock adam,purchasing right then sure um,we we do see in the data that there is a,longer conversion path and that's,usually when they're getting retargeted,from other platforms that they end up,purchasing,so that's why like analyzing,success on tick tock ads manager,is going to be different than what,you're how your man how you're measuring,success on facebook in terms of looking,at,cpa and roasts because you do have to,consider these other channels that are,assisting the conversions and it's a bit,more complicated so that's why i spend a,lot of my time with my clients is like,pulling reports looking all these data,points looking at our traffic looking at,how are we targeting them on facebook,and also looking at survey results,that's another,thing that's been super helpful is,when,whenever i start with a new tick tock,client i ask them to,implement a post-purchase survey on,their website i like to use a survey,companies called inquire it's like ten,dollars a month like a shopify add-on i,also like inquire,oh sweet,and choir's the best um i think it's,like a it should be a requirement for,like all e-commerce stores because,what's great is that when someone,purchases,it asks them like how did you hear about,us facebook google tick tock youtube,and we put a lot of,emphasis on these survey results as a,really great data point for attribution,because,we may not see like in tick-tock ads,manager like our cpa may look higher,than facebook but then we look at the,post-purchase survey results we're like,oh actually like a thousand people last,month said that they purchased because,of tick tock,even though,like on google analytics they came,through google direct,or from a facebook ad so you do have to,get it is a bit trickier,needless to say measuring attribution on,tick tock isn't perfect you have to use,a lot of data points you have to,understand

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Facebook Attribution Window Explained - How To Adjust & Why it's Incredibly Important

Facebook Attribution Window Explained - How To Adjust & Why it's Incredibly Important

In this video,,you're going to learn how to adjust the Facebook attribution window,,how to use it to look at your data in different ways,,and then use that to make smarter,,more informed decisions with your Facebook ad campaigns.,In case you're new to the channel. My name's Andrew Hubbard.,I'm the founder of Hubbard digital,,we're a Facebook and Instagram advertising agency and education company.,And we focus on helping online course creators, coaches, consultants,,and membership site owners grow their businesses using Facebook and Instagram,advertising. Now the Facebook attribution window, basically all that does,,is it determines,,how Facebook attributes conversions to your Facebook and Instagram ads.,So whenever you get a conversion, whether it's a lead, a sale, booking a call,,or any other conversion type,,Facebook will attribute that conversion to an ad so that you can see inside the,ad manager which ads are delivering the results that you want.,So you can look and say, okay, this ad gave me five leads.,This ad brought me in three.,And you could make decisions around which to turn off which ones to leave on and,all that kind of thing. So it's a really important part of your campaigns.,Changing the conversion window changes which ads Facebook has actually assigned,your results to. When you change it, it actually can make a huge difference.,And you'll see different numbers of conversions assigned to different ads based,on the conversion window you're using. Now,,if you're a little confused stick with me,,I'm going to explain it all in more detail with examples really, really soon.,So I'll dive into more detail on all of that shortly.,The main point at this stage is that it's really important to understand how,this works so that you know what you're seeing when you look at your results in,the ad manager and why Facebook is attributing or giving credit to,particular ads for those results,,because if you don't understand that you might be making decisions based on what,you think your best and worst performing ads.,When in fact that's actually not what's happening in reality.,So to adjust the attribution window it's really easy.,You just go into the ad manager, choose the columns drop down.,And then at the bottom of that, you'll see customize columns.,So when you click on that down in the bottom right corner,,you'll see attribution window. And then you can simply click comparing windows,,that little blue text down there.,And that will allow you to adjust the attribution windows that are being used,inside the ad manager. Now, again,,this isn't affecting your results or your optimization or anything like that.,It's simply changing how Facebook displays the data that's already there,,or the results that you've already got.,It's just changing the way Facebook is assigning conversions or attributing,conversions to your ads.,So it's just changing the way it displays existing data.,It's not changing the way your ads are being optimized or anything in real time,like that. So let's look at how Facebook attribution works.,There are two different types of attribution.,The first one is click-through attribution.,Now click through attribution means that somebody has to click on an ad before,completing a conversion event.,Let's say becoming a lead or purchasing a product,,in order for that conversion to be attributed to the ad.,So if nobody clicks on an ad before converting,,then that event isn't going to be attributed to that ad if you're using click,through attribution. The second one is view through attribution.,Now view through attribution simply means that somebody only has to,view an ad or see it in their news-feed before completing a,conversion event in order for that conversion to be credited to that,ad. So someone could be scrolling through their feed,,not even pay attention to an ad, but it appears in the feed,,then they go and they buy one of your products. Boom.,All of a sudden that purchase gets attributed to that ad,,even though they didn't click on it. So that's a view through attribution.,So now you understand the two different types of attribution.,The other thing to understand is the attribution timeframe.,So when you're selecting your different attribution windows,,you select your type and then you choose a timeframe.,So you can see in that screen where we're setting up our attribution window,,we've got three different choices for timeframe.,Now it's important to understand this because the timeframe you choose basically,determines the period of time in which somebody can complete a conversion event,after interacting with an ad in order for that conversion,to be attributed back to the ad.,So let's say you choose a 28 day click through,conversion window. So the period of time is 28 days.,The type of attribution is click through.,That means that if somebody clicks an ad and then completes a conversion event,within 28 days of clicking, that ad,,that conversion will be attributed to that ad.,If you choose a

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