tiktok ads algorithm

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Tik Tok Ads Value Optimization Strategy (NEW 2022)

yo what's going on guys team irf here in,this video we're gonna be breaking down,my tick tock ads value optimization,strategy if you're new to this channel,of course we talk about tick tock ads,drop shipping ecommerce how to make,money online pretty much everything of,that nature so if that's something that,you're interested in make sure you hit,the like button subscribe to the channel,and you know it really does show me that,you guys enjoy these videos and i,continue to make them also we have a ton,of free training below and spy talk the,number one tick tock ad spy tool on how,i find these winning products that i,scale on tick tock it's also linked,below you can get beta access and be,grandfathered in at that discounted,price as it releases and as the software,grows but let's get straight into the,video here,and i'm going to show you guys my exact,strategy kind of what i'm working on in,the early stages this is pretty much a,live audit like this is today of my tic,toc ad account of this brand that i'm,scaling and i just started playing,around with the value which is really,cool normally i have a ton of videos,right on lowest cost and cost cap,bidding which i think is super cool i,will show you guys in a second,how they match up and rank but,even if you get the tiniest bit of,information out of this video it's huge,because you can apply it straight to,your ad account,i'd rather make these type of videos for,you,rather than the 14 day drop shipping,challenge or,top 10 products of,july or top 10 products you wouldn't,with like a click bait thumbnail and all,this stuff just to get clout views and,it's all very gorgeous,today junior regurgitated content which,i don't really think uh you deserve and,your time shouldn't be wasted,so let's get right as i said again let's,get right into this value optimization,strategy here,so before if you if you haven't watched,my previous video you know that i was,doing a lot of cost cap bidding inside,this ad account and now we're really,moving on and testing different things,so we're taking the winning ad groups,that we already have our winning ad,groups that perform really well and now,we're testing value optimization,so it's similar to what bids that i'm,testing on value optimization and cost,cap so this was the first bid of value,minimum row as i launched yesterday at,2.77 that was the minimum row as that i,selected and you could see here 14 cents,epc crushed it cpm under two dollars,and the cpa not even tracked correctly,in my opinion,you know,very like 60 to 70 being tracked i don't,know why the pixel's been weird lately,but,cpa amazing,um,compared to even the cost caps cost cap,cpa was like 15 to about 25 cpa and,we're still hitting 30 to 40 margins on,the store,obviously right this is still low scale,but i'm telling you guys almost what i'm,doing and what i'm going to continue to,do into this ad account and across all,the brands that i'm working on and,working with,so we have this one,value optimization at group 2.77 with an,automated creative optimization,targeting us,no no interest super broad 18 to 55 plus,male female,aco and 712 ads is the date that we,uploaded these new ad creatives in like,i said once i get new ads as well i'm,gonna be taking my winning bids,and ad groups and just plugging in my,new creatives and inside this ad ad,group i have three to five add creatives,and three,ad texts okay three ad copies,with,dynamic cta or call to action on so i,decided hey i'm gonna test 2.77 bid and,a 3.33 row as bit just to see how it,goes obviously the 2.77 did better much,better than the 3.3 but it still,performed well and what i'm seeing,is my normal cost per add to cart is,around six to eight dollars on this,product on these ad groups it hit two to,three dollars obviously like,there's only 60 bucks spent on these ad,groups and the significance isn't as,high as i would like to but i'm gonna,keep you guys updated throughout the,days as well on how these are performing,over time,but what i did today was i duplicated,that 2.77 row as one and now i'm gonna,be testing in one cent increments,again if you have watched another,previous video you know i'm trying to,keep this a bit lower scale until the,payment processing can you know get,settled and that should be this week so,after this week i'm going to really,scale this up for you guys and you'll,see like you'll come back to this video,be like oh damn like,look look where he was and where he is,now i'm doing this live like this is,today guys you're in my computer i'm not,faking anything but basically the,strategy is i'm taking this bid at 2.77,don't i mean i don't really have a,reasoning why i started 2.77 it's just a,bit i started with and now i'm going in,one cent increments 2.78 2.79 2.8 2.81,2.82 and i could launch a ton more but,i'm not just because like i said i don't,want to go too crazy with the ad budgets,yet and uh,or else like you know i can't fulfill,the words with the processing and all,will be at a 50 budget d

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads algorithm

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TikTok’s Algorithm CHANGED! 😳 The Latest 2022 TikTok Algorithm Explained (July 2022)

TikTok’s Algorithm CHANGED! 😳 The Latest 2022 TikTok Algorithm Explained (July 2022)

tick tock's algorithm is constantly,changing and i'm going to be covering,the exact updates in this video that you,need to know but warning if you do,continue to post how you've normally,been posting on tick tock there is a,chance that your view volume might,actually go down so you definitely need,to be aware of these updates so that way,you can find more ways to increase your,actual growth and continue to maintain,the consistencies that you might be,seeing so it is very important that you,follow every step that i lay out in this,video and just skipping one part of this,video could result in a big drop of,actual views on your profile and we're,gonna lay out all the tips and cover,exactly what you need to know we've,helped hundreds of students actually,grow their tik tok profile accounts we,literally have brands like scott who've,gone from zero to 166 000 followers in,less than 30 days or casey who grew from,501 to 21 000 in just two weeks or like,brian here who literally grew to over,500 000 followers on tick tock and now,before we get into this actual video,please do give it a like and subscribe,because we put a lot of effort into,these videos do a lot of research and,just want to provide the best absolute,information to you so that way you have,all the right strategies available to,actually grow we literally post free,courses on our channel every single week,and share tons of new strategies that,are always coming out and showing you,the exact ways to be data-driven so that,way you can not only scale your ads on,tick-tock facebook but actually master,the organic side of social media to,actually scale your actual brand or,business so go ahead and give it a like,and subscribe and let's get into this,okay y'all so the first massive update,to the tick tock algorithm is seo based,tick tock's trying to be more like,youtube and not only that but literally,in the last quarter of 2021 tick tock,had the most searches,compared to google so tick tock,literally outperformed google in terms,of search volume if you think about that,that's a pretty crazy thing considering,most people literally say they're going,to google something and every single one,of us are using google in our daily,lives as i'm sure you are as we are too,but now more than ever people are,actually finding that tick tock videos,if they want to actually learn a new,skill they're searching it on tick tock,they're quite literally tick-tocking it,or they're searching how to actually you,know find a new dance move or they're,looking for a new actual you know,product that they can actually buy or,they're trying to find or discover,brands they're using tick tock to,actually search and find solutions to,common problems they might have around,the house or in their daily lives and,tuk talk is filling that void for them,and providing those answers which is,allowing creators and brands and,businesses to actually be that void and,actually answer those problems that they,have and there's tons of actual growth,happening on the platform right now,because of it so what this means is from,an seo perspective on tick tock you're,definitely going to want to be ranking,for the keywords that your brand or,business matters in so you want to use,the right hashtags you want to use the,right keywords in your actual captions,you want to say the right things in your,actual tick tock video because that is,going to determine how somebody finds,you on your actual search feed whenever,they're actually searching in the tick,tock bar for instance scott here,literally became the number one in his,space for manifestation and anytime you,actually type in that on tick tock it's,very likely you'll see a large portion,of his videos at the very top because,he's established himself in that keyword,category so if you can be able to,consistently produce videos around a,certain keyword or topic you're going to,show up in the rankings for that actual,topic and now more than ever is the,right time to do it because not a lot of,people have discovered this or know this,actual strategy so make sure to be,ranking for this posting valuable videos,that people actually find you know,solutions for actually enjoy seeing and,you can quite literally become the top,in your category and dominate on the seo,side of tick tock the more you can rank,in these actual keywords the more,followers the more views the more,discoverability that you're actually,going to have and one quick thing to,point out tick-tock used to give all of,your views in the first two hours so you,be you would actually see a big pop of,views initially and then over time you'd,start to see more views come later now,it's actually the reverse you actually,don't see a big pop of views initially,and over time your video might actually,take off so a lot of people are actually,posting videos and thinking they're not,performing initially and then later on,they're actually accelerating and,getting tons of views so be very patient,with the process put out

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How TikTok's Algorithm Figures You Out | WSJ

How TikTok's Algorithm Figures You Out | WSJ

- Okay, has anyone else noticed that your For You page,has been a little too accurate lately?,It hasn't been things that I'll google,or I talk about.,It's been thoughts.,- TikTok knows everything about us.,♪ Hold up, don't scroll ♪,♪ Lemme ask you something first ♪,♪ Can someone please explain ♪,♪ How this algorithm works ♪,- TikTok users often wonder,how the world's fastest-growing social network seems,to know them so well.,- Is TikTok secretly listening to us,while we're watching videos?,I don't know.,(upbeat music),- The answer to how this app gets to know you,so intimately is a highly secretive algorithm,,long guarded by TikTok's,China-based parent company, ByteDance.,- TikTok has been so successful,in terms of implementing their algorithms.,- TikTok's algorithm could influence the thinking,of US youth.,(upbeat music),- To understand how it knows users so well,,The Wall Street Journal created,over 100 automated TikTok accounts or bots,that watched hundreds of thousands of videos on the app.,We also spoke to current and former executives,at the company.,Officially, the company says that shares,,likes, follows and what you watch all play a role,in what TikTok shows you.,We found that TikTok only needs one,of these to figure you out.,How long you linger over a piece of content.,Every second you hesitate or rewatch,,the app is tracking you.,- I just wanna quiet the noise.,- Through this one powerful signal,,TikTok learns your most hidden interests and emotions.,And drives you deep into rabbit holes of content,that are hard to escape.,(noise of voices),♪ I'm happy, happy guy ♪,♪ Oh, just a happy, happy, happy ♪,- The TikTok experience starts,the same way for everyone.,Open the app and you'll immediately see an endless string,of videos in your For You feed.,Take this new user,,a 24-year-old from Henry County, Kentucky.,(jumbled music plays),TikTok starts by serving the account a selection,of very popular videos vetted,by app moderators.,Is this person religious?,- Because I still have a purpose.,And you still hold a plan for my life.,- Do they wanna participate in viral dances.,(upbeat music),♪ Hey, hey, who ♪,(upbeat music),- Are they feeling down lately?,- Just remember, I loved you once.,And that love goes for a friend,,family, or any relationship.,- What TikTok doesn't know,is that the 24-year-old from Kentucky,isn't a person at all.,It's one of the bot accounts programmed,by The Wall Street Journal.,Let's call it kentucky_96.,We set up these accounts to understand,how TikTok figures out your unexpressed interests.,We assigned each bot a date of birth and an IP address,,which told TikTok their location.,None were given a gender.,We gave each bot or user interests,but those interests were never entered into the app.,The only way our users expressed their interests,was by rewatching or pausing on videos,with related hashtags or images.,Some were into extreme sports.,Others were interested in forestry.,Or dance.,Or astrology.,- I'm not the babysitter, I'm not the parent.,- Or some other topic.,- Keep scrolling if you hate animals.,- For all our accounts,,we found that TikTok draws users in at first,by serving a wide variety of videos.,Many with millions of views.,Then as the algorithm sees what you respond to,,the selection of videos and the view counts,can get lower and lower,with fewer of them vetted by moderators,to see if they violate TikTok's terms of service.,We reviewed our experiment,and its results with a data scientist,,an algorithm expert, Guillaume Chaslot,,a former Google engineer,who worked on YouTube's algorithm.,He's now an advocate for algorithm transparency.,The says TikTok is different,from other social media platforms.,- The algorithm on TikTok can get much more powerful,and it can be able to learn,your vulnerabilities much faster.,- In fact, TikTok fully learned many,of our accounts' interests in less than two hours.,Some it figured out in less than 40 minutes.,- On YouTube, more than 70% of the views come,from the recommendation engine.,So it's already huge.,But on TikTok, it's even worse.,It's probably like 90-95%,of the content that is seen,that comes from the recommendation engine.,(dramatic music),- This is a visualization made,from hashtags attached to the videos our bots watched.,Think of it as a partial view,of the universe of TikTok content.,Here's where we found dance videos,,over here are the cooking videos.,The spindly arm stretching out of the center,represent niche content areas.,This arm starts with general videos of cute animals,but if we follow it out to the end,,we find more specific videos for enthusiast,of French bulldogs.,As kentucky_96 starts its journey,,it starts moving around within the mainstream,where TikTok is trying to puzzle out what it wants.,We programmed kentucky_96,to be interested in sadness and depression.,Let's see how long it takes TikTok to figure that out.,- Life doesn't happen to you,,life happens for you.,So if life is taking people away from you

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Will TikTok be BANNED? Here is what to do.

Will TikTok be BANNED? Here is what to do.

for those of you who use tick tock for,your business or to make your content go,viral you might want to listen to this,and to be honest it's going to hurt Tick,Tock is banned in the U.S this is a,potential headline that you might be,hearing very soon Tick Tock is not,officially banned yet but I'm going to,be breaking down in this video exactly,what the US Congress has planned and,what they're trying to do in order to,ban Tick Tock fully and like I said,earlier you may want to watch this video,because the US Congress has already,pushed this into the floor and are,looking to get votes on this matter,right now so let's get into some of the,basics that you need to know when Tick,Tock first came onto the scene they came,on as an app called musically which was,an app where users could lip sync to,songs the musically was bought out by a,Chinese company called bike dance and,they merged it into their app called,Tick Tock now this is where things get a,little shaky in November of 2019 news,outlets started raising concerns around,tick tock with the National Security it,has with the US and putting in question,the Chinese company by dance who owns,Tick Tock and things have moved really,slowly over the last few years but,recently things have started to really,pick up and now all of this is starting,to come back just a few days ago,Congress introduced a new bill to,entirely ban the platform altogether in,the U.S and they've already started to,ban it on government-issued devices in,multiple States as they're voting right,now the Senate passing a bill to ban the,popular Tick Tock Washington,groups have introduced a bipartisan Bill,looking to ban Tick Tock maker saying,the platform is a major security risk,and if you'd follow my channel over the,last two years or followed my own Tick,Tock or Instagram then you know I'm a,big fan of The Tick Tock app especially,for business purposes to be able to,generate results for your business as,well as ways for creators and new users,to be able to discover Brands and find,you in many ways it's a great time to be,on Tick Tock it's one of the most,popular social media apps right now with,over a billion users on the platform and,the platforms developed into a community,where users see this as a news source a,search engine where people are literally,searching ways that they can find,workout routines or what recipes they,want to do they're using Tick Tock,instead of Google Now and tick tock's ad,business has been growing steadily and,producing incredible results for our,clients as well in Tick Tock forever,change the marketplace short form viral,content has taken over and it's,completely changed the way Brands,businesses influencers Market their,products and services in fact a lot of,ways my businesses are based around the,tick tock platform as well with us,offering ad Management Services for tick,tock ads and ways to actually be able to,you know scale via Tick Tock ads and,show you how to do it yourself as well,but it may not be a great time for much,longer especially if the app ends up,getting banned what does this mean for,you and me if Tick Tock is banned now,well first we have to understand what's,going on Tick Tock has put in a bill in,place to essentially ban the platform,altogether and the Senate's pass like,legislation to ban Tick Tock from US,Government devices the senates voted to,ban tick tock on U.S government-owned,devices and now they're putting aim,towards Banning the app altogether now,would the US really ban one of the most,popular social media apps Tick Tock well,first we need to understand what the,motivation is behind why they would do,this and the easiest way to understand,this is quite literally looking at the,exact build that they put in place it's,to protect Americans from the threat,posed by certain foreign adversaries,using current or potential future social,media companies that those foreign,adversaries control to surveil Americans,learn sensitive data about Americans for,spread influence campaigns propaganda or,censorship,so that's really the main focus that,they're putting it on entirely to ban,the platform and if they do ban Tick,Tock what would this look like for,creators consumers and small businesses,and marketers well the likely scenarios,that would take place would be consumers,would have one less place to consume,their favorite content and find other,platforms to focus their attention on a,lot of people think this is totally fine,it would make sense but all of his,attention would end up going somewhere,those hours would be added back into,people's days and they would definitely,be looking at other social media,platforms to get on millions of creators,and Brands would no longer be as,discoverable as they are today,especially with Tick Tock being such a,platform for users to be able to find,brands that they've never heard of,discover small businesses be able to,find creators that you know they,normally wouldn't have discovered in the,past Tick Tock has bee

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TikTok’s Algorithm CHANGED! 🥺 The Latest 2022 TikTok Algorithm Explained (October 2022)

TikTok’s Algorithm CHANGED! 🥺 The Latest 2022 TikTok Algorithm Explained (October 2022)

if you're seeing a decrease in views on,Tick Tock right now it's because the,tick tock algorithm has changed and you,need to be adjusting how long you're,actually making your videos how many,pieces of content you're putting out a,day and a few other secret things that,I'm going to share with you in this,video that being said if you ignore just,one of the things that I advise you of,in this video it's going to be the,reason that you fail to get a large,amount of views right now and ultimately,you're going to be missing out on the,Golden Age of Tick Tock but if you do,Implement everything that I share with,you you're going to see great results I,just helped this Creator get over a,million followers in just 30 days this,Creator the same thing and this Creator,the same result also and if you want the,same exact thing to happen to you you,need to make sure that you implement,everything that I share with you in this,video for starters you need to be,changing the length of the actual piece,of content you're creating believe it or,not but this actually has a huge effect,on how many views and how many followers,you end up getting every single time,that you post now before I could share,with you exactly what length to be,making your content for your specific,Niche I need you to smash the Subscribe,button if you want to grow quicker on,Tick Tock Instagram or YouTube I,literally upload a video about how to,grow on these platforms every single day,in addition to that I created a free,Tick Tock growth course you could get at,the link in the pin comment below it's,going to share with you things like the,best time to be posting on Tick Tock,right now or the best hashtags to be,using which unfortunately I'm not gonna,have time to cover in this video and,then finally here's my phone number I,want to guarantee that I can help you,grow on Tick Tock so please hit me up I,want to tell you what you should be,posting about what time to be posting,and so much more make sure you shoot me,a text message when it comes to actual,lengths of your videos I would only be,making your videos three different links,right now the first one is going to be,short videos from 5 to 11 seconds long,the second 20 to 34 second videos,ideally though 20 to 24 seconds and then,the third is going to be 60 second,videos now I need you guys to understand,something so many creators immediately,dive into the 20 second videos 30,seconds 60 second videos that is a huge,mistake you don't know how to retain,somebody's attention for that long so,why would you try to make a video that,long when you know the tick tock,algorithm really cares about watch time,if you don't know what watch time is,Tick Tock really cares about what,percentage of people actually end up,completing your video or how long people,actually spend watching your videos so,if you create a 60 second video on a,popular topic and a bunch of other,creators have done the same thing but,they are better at retention because,they've been creating more posts or,whatever the case is well then guess,what your post isn't going to get shown,and that's what's happening to a lot of,you guys right now the easiest way to,get around this create shorter posts,master that art of retention and it's,going to allow you to get more views and,more followers but we can't stop at just,the length of your actual videos we need,to make sure that you're also,implementing the next few things now on,that same note of how long you're,actually creating videos I need to make,sure that you understand something else,if you're going into a new topic or,you're trying to reach a new audience or,you're going to post about something,totally brand new I would test it out,with a shorter length video before you,do a longer length video if you didn't,know this the actual interest in your,video is going to determine how many,views you get it doesn't matter how many,followers you have it doesn't matter how,many views your last post may or may not,have gotten none of that matters when,Tick Tock is analyzing your posts and,seeing whether or not they should push,it out instead it's totally based off,the actual interest for that piece of,content let me give you an example this,post right here got over a million views,this post didn't you want to know why,because that posts over a million views,Tick Tock was very easily able to,identify who the target audience for,that was this post didn't get a lot of,views because Tick Tock has no idea who,the audience is for this Creator did an,absolutely terrible job of trying to,show Tick Tock who they should be,showing the content to and that's why,Tick Tock wasn't able to find an,audience for it a lot of you guys are,making these same mistakes and I'm going,to share with you later on in this video,the little things that you can change a,little words you could put in your text,different sounds you can use to help you,get more views but before we get into,that I just did want to emphasize I,would create the short

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TikTok’s Algorithm CHANGED?! 😡 TikTok Algorithm Update for December 2022 (MAJOR UPDATE)

TikTok’s Algorithm CHANGED?! 😡 TikTok Algorithm Update for December 2022 (MAJOR UPDATE)

have you been noticing a decrease in the,amount of views that you're beginning,lately or you've been getting less,followers and you're used to getting on,Tick Tock well that's because the tick,tock algorithm has recently changed for,December of 2022. if you don't adapt to,the changes that I share with you in,this video it's going to be the reason,that you fail to continue to grow on,Tick Tock this happens all the time,though do not be stressed out in fact I,just helped this Creator gain 50 000,followers this Creator 80 000 in this,Creator over a hundred thousand,followers simply by implementing the,tips that I'm going to be sharing with,you in this video so please all you have,to do watch this video all the way,through to the end complete the things,that I'm going to be sharing with you,like changing the length of your posts,and so many other things that have,changed and your views and your,followers will go back to normal and you,might even get way more views or,followers if you implement these things,but before we could dive into that I,need you to smash that subscribe button,if you want to grow quicker on Tick Tock,Instagram or YouTube I literally upload,a video about how to run these platforms,every single day in addition to that,here's my phone number please hit me up,I want to help you grow quicker on Tick,Tock change number one is that,horizontal videos are going to be coming,to tick tock what does that mean that,means that you're going to be able to,turn your phone like this and you're,going to to be able to watch videos now,you're probably thinking Rob sounds,pretty similar to YouTube and it is,similar to YouTube This is how long form,content is actually going to live on,Tick Tock because all these platforms,are finding something out Tick Tock,YouTube shorts Instagram everybody's,finding out that people really like to,spend a short period of time watching,vertical video that's why they're all,creating horizontal video because people,are also trained to turn their phones,horizontal I'm sure you guys see it all,the time people walking around like this,people on the train like this people on,the subway the bus all like this because,they're watching videos like that that's,exactly why Tick Tock is going to be,moving towards horizontal video and also,because they're starting to promote,longer form content they literally,announce long form content a year ago,and I've been saying don't do it don't,do it don't do it well unless your Niche,calls for it and if you want to know,whether or not your Niche calls for long,form content I'm going to share with you,how to find that out later on in this,video so make sure you stick around,before but nevertheless horizontal,content is coming to tick tock and it's,going to be different it's not going to,live on the for you page it's going to,live in different areas The Tick Tock,app is going to change like crazy and,Tick Tock is getting ready to be more of,desktop app that people actually go to,tic tac's website and it's going to be,more and more of your TVs I know this,might sound absolutely crazy but you,would have said the same thing when,YouTube wasn't on a mobile device and,now the majority of YouTube consumption,is on a mobile device and so many people,have gotten rid of their cable to just,have YouTube TV Tick Tock is going to,become a major competitor in the space,I'm telling you this because they,already do this in China in fact if you,look at China their YouTube is basically,Tick Tock or Tick Tock Chinese version,and now Tick Tock is going to become a,major player within the United States,competing with YouTube,change number two is a tick tock is no,longer pushing out videos you heard that,right and I'm sure it probably confuse,you Tick Tock doesn't push out content,anymore so this doesn't mean that you,could just upload whatever you want and,you're going to get views on it in the,past a year ago two years ago honestly,even six months ago you could upload,whatever you wanted to tick tock and it,would get pushed out it doesn't work,like that anymore the reason being is,because now your audience is pulling,views from you now you're probably,wondering what on Earth this means so,let me explain it to you essentially the,way that this works is when somebody,gets onto Tick Tock they're going to,watch videos and Tick Tock is going to,look at three different factors whether,they saved or shared the video whether,they liked the video or commented on the,video and also how long they spent,watching the video what they're going to,notice is people are going to be,interacting with videos differently if,you see a baseball video and skip over,it you're probably not going to see a,baseball video again but if you see a,nursing video a fashion video crypto,video fishing video anything like that,and you watch the video guess what's,going to happen the next time that,you're on the app you're going to see,more content like that in fact your,whole entire for you page might turn,in

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TikTok’s Algorithm CHANGED?! 😡 TikTok Algorithm Update for November 2022 (NEW FEATURES)

TikTok’s Algorithm CHANGED?! 😡 TikTok Algorithm Update for November 2022 (NEW FEATURES)

The Tick Tock algorithm has recently,changed and if you don't make the,updates that I'm sharing with you in,this video you're going to see a massive,decrease in the amount of views that,you're getting right now in November,2022. that being said if you simply,Implement these changes you're going to,get more views and more followers than,you could have ever imagined during a,time where major changes are coming to,tick tock in addition to telling you all,about that the changes you need to make,I'm also going to be sharing with you,later on in this video how monetization,is going to be affected on Tick Tock now,that YouTube has announced some massive,moves and what that means because we all,thought that by now the tick tocks,program would be rolled out and we'd all,be making a ton of money just for simply,posting on Tick Tock that is going to,happen because there have been massive,updates that are coming but you need to,understand a few other things first,because to put it bluntly the length you,need to be milking in post is change the,topics you need to be using they've,changed what features you should be,using it's all completely changed and if,you don't update these things you're not,going to get the views or the followers,that you want right now on Tick Tock but,if you simply make these changes you're,going to see massive results this,Creator just did it and gained over a,hundred thousand followers in 30 days,this Creator over 150 and this Creator,over 200 000 and the same exact thing,can happen to you if you simply,Implement everything that I share with,you in this video for starters you need,to understand the importance of topics,so many creators do not understand this,about Tick Tock if you post something on,Tick Tock it could be the best video,ever created in the entire world but if,Tick Tock doesn't think that they have,an audience for the content well then,they're not going to push out your,content and this can come down to you,simply changing one word having the word,run and having the word running is going,to cause a massive shift in how many,views you get because one of them has a,larger audience than the other one and,you guys need to understand this I see,so many creators mess this up and it's a,reason that they're not getting the,views that they think they should be,getting even though they think they're,posting about a topic that's incredibly,popular but that's exactly why I created,daily content ideas.com in fact if you,go to the link in the pin comment below,for just one dollar you could get,started where I am going to send you,exactly what is trending within your,Niche every single day Monday to Friday,at 12 pm Eastern you heard that right,all you have to do it's incredibly,simple you sign up you then get prompted,to send me over what platform you want,to receive this on Instagram Tick Tock,doesn't matter which one and then also,what Niche you're in and you'll also,send your account and other things like,that so I could check it out and make,sure I'm sending you the right type of,posts and basically what's going to,happen is every day at noon you'll be,sent posts that are working for small,creators within your needs you'll be,sent creators that are doing really well,right now as small creators within your,Niche and essentially what this is going,to do it's going to streamline the,content you're creating the days of you,wondering what kind of content you,should be creating they're gone the days,you're wondering what topics are working,for your Niche right now they're gone,because you're going to know exactly,what type of content you need to create,and then all you have to do is create,that content put it out and this will,lead to an increase in views and an,increase in followers because you're,going to be posting what your audience,actually wants to see and that's one of,the major reasons that you're not,growing right now so again go to the,link in the pin comment below right now,get started for only one dollar this is,an absolutely insane offer it's not,going to last forever but if you get,into it right now I promise you you will,love the results that you're gonna get,the second change that has come that you,need to make sure that you're aware of,is that Tick Tock is breaking down,viewers into different different classes,of viewers some people only get shown,long-form content some people only short,form content and this is broken down on,within each Niche so if you're in the,crypto Niche it's going to be broken,down if you're in Fitness it's going to,be broken down I don't care what nation,it's going to be broken down so the,smaller your Niche guess what the less,people that are going to be in one of,those buckets the bigger your Niche it's,probably a little easier so if you're,doing cooking you could get away with,making 10 second videos you could get,away with making videos that are a,minute two minutes long because Anisha,is so big you probably won't notice a,huge shift in how many views

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TikTok’s Algorithm CHANGED! 🥺 The Latest 2022 TikTok Algorithm Explained (September 2022)

TikTok’s Algorithm CHANGED! 🥺 The Latest 2022 TikTok Algorithm Explained (September 2022)

the tic toc algorithm has just changed,and if you don't make the changes that i,share with you in this video and,implement the things that i share with,you in this video you're gonna see both,a massive decrease the amount of views,that you're getting and the amount of,followers that you're getting and for a,lot of you you're already beginning to,see those things because you haven't,implemented everything that i'm about to,share with you in this video but don't,worry if you simply implement everything,that i share with you in this video when,it comes to what kind of content you,should be creating how long your content,should be and a few other secrets you're,going to see massive results in fact,this creator just implemented these tips,and gained over a million followers this,creator over 500 000 and this grader,over 100 000 followers and on top of,that all three of these creators went,from having absolutely no idea what they,were doing on tick tock to creating a,full time living on tick tock with not,that many followers and you can do the,same exact thing if you simply implement,these tricks,for starters tic toc is taking longer to,actually push out content right now,unless you're creating content that is,meant to go viral or is meant to be,trending now i'm going to be breaking,down later two pieces of content that,you need to be creating on tick tock,right now but essentially there are,certain types of content that might take,one two three four days to get a certain,amount of views or might take even,longer and then there's a second type of,content that you could still be creating,right now that will go viral just like,old tic-tock posts were able to go viral,and you're able to take advantage of,those if you simply implement the things,that i share with you but before we dive,into those two post types i need you to,smash that subscribe button if you want,to grow quicker on tik tok instagram or,youtube i literally upload a video about,how to grow on these platforms every,single day in addition to that i created,a free tick tock growth course you can,get at the link in the pin comment below,it's going to share with you things the,best time to be posting right now the,best hashtags to use which we,unfortunately will not have time to,cover in this video and i literally quit,my job working for garyvee to help you,grow on social media so please shoot me,a text message right here if you're,struggling to grow on tick tock you want,to get more followers on tick tock or,you want to quit your job and become a,full-time creator on tick tock make sure,you hit me up because i guarantee i can,help you do that,so essentially there are two different,types of content you could be creating,on tick tock right now if you're going,to be successful on tick tock the first,type is going to be very niche related,content these are things like what,people are interested in your niche,different problems you're solving in,your niche and things like that that,type of content is going to take a,longer period of time for you to,actually get views unless it is,something that is actually trending i'm,going to share with you later on in this,video how you could determine whether or,not something is trending within your,niche not just trending broadly on tick,tock but for right now what you need to,know is that type of content it's going,to take a longer time to get views it,might take a day it might take a week it,might take a month for that video to get,a hundred thousand views 500 000 views a,million views but if you want to get a,hundred thousand five hundred thousand a,million views on tick tock in a really,short period of time no matter how many,followers you have you still need to be,hopping on trends that is the only way,that you're gonna be able to do it right,now tick tock is beginning to push,trends more than they have been for the,last three months in fact in the last,three months tick-tock really stopped,pushing trends because they were pushing,live so much and they were continuing to,push other things like niche specific,posts but they're bringing trends back,and you guys need to make sure that,you're capitalizing on this in fact in,just a couple minutes i'm going to be,sharing with you different features and,different trends you could be hopping on,right now they're going to explode your,growth and allow you to go viral and,tick tock but the other thing that we,need to cover is how long you're,actually creating your posts when it,comes to those trending posts those,posts are going to be short five seconds,seven seconds nine seconds 11 seconds,when it comes to the longer form content,that you should be creating and when i,say long form i mean videos that are,like 25 to 60 seconds long i honestly,wouldn't be creating videos longer than,that with this current algorithm i know,there are a lot of people out there,saying oh create longer content create,longer content tick tock is trying to,compete with youtube yes tick tock is,trying

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