tiktok ads 300 credit

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How to Get 300$ TikTok Ads Credit For FREE! (2021)

hey welcome back to my channel today,we're going to be talking about tiktok,for business,if you are new to the channel then,consider subscribing,this channel is for all entrepreneurs,who like to do it themselves,now let's jump straight into this video,today i will go over how to get 300,ad credit on tick tock for absolutely,free,when it comes to social media marketing,trends nothing is hotter than tick tock,with over 800 million monthly active,users,businesses can't ignore tick tock,advertising,especially if you're looking to reach,users under the age of 30.,so let me show you guys how to get this,three hundred dollars free ad credit on,tick tock,so first thing first you either want to,create our account,or if you have one already just log in i,have one already,so i'm just going to log in alright so,once you log in,you're going to see this dashboard so,what you're going to do is go to account,account info,and then you are going to scroll down,you're going to have to put in your,business information here,and if you scroll down some more you're,going to see a business verification,so i already filled this out you're not,going to see it because it's my personal,information,but you have to have an ein or business,verification id number in order to get,the 300,credit so once you put in your legal,name,your business your phone number ein and,your name of the legal representative,if you don't have one i just put myself,as and i was good to go,so once you submit that information,they're going to email you right away,saying that your business verification,was approved,but once your business verification has,been approved,you will then go back to your dashboard,and then you will click on this heart,thing right here and then it would have,these check marks,so once you put in your account,information and put in your business,verification information and then you're,going to add a payment verification as,well,so once you do those three things you'll,be able to see your three hundred,dollars,i additionally had already added 25 in,there so that's why i might say 325,but yeah so super quick and easy let me,know if you guys want to do another,video where we can be talking about how,to create a tick tock campaign on here,and how to install the tick tock pixel,on your website,that is important too but thank you guys,for watching this very short video,let me know down below what you want to,see next make sure you like,comment and subscribe,so,you

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How to Create a Tik Tok Ads Account (+ FREE $300 AD CREDIT)

How to Create a Tik Tok Ads Account (+ FREE $300 AD CREDIT)

hey what's going on guys team eff here,back with another video and in today's,video,we're going to be going over how you can,create your very first tick tock ads,account or,tick tock ads business manager on this,channel we like to talk about e-commerce,tick-tock ads facebook ads shopify drop,shipping everything of that nature guys,and if you want to learn more you can,join our free facebook group called the,ecom huddle,we have a pretty you know large growing,community,on that channel you guys can join that,completely for free and we talk about,everything,digital marketing so guys join that but,let's get straight into this video,so we have our tick tock ads you know,business page up here this is the very,first page,uh when you want to make your account,we're going to go ahead in the top right,and click,get started all right so we're going to,click get started,and then this page should load and pop,up where it has the tick tock ads,login right so this is the login you're,going to click the sign up below,and it's gonna bring you to a page like,this i already filled some of this out,for you guys so you have to wait,just put your email address in password,for your account and then just go ahead,send the code to your email,and the code should pop up here for me,okay here's the code let's see boom boom,i'm just gonna go ahead and copy this,code,and then we're gonna paste it in here,guys right paste in the verification,code so it's pretty quick pretty easy,and then we'll click sign up and it's,going to load up for us,and now it's going to you know you put,your country and region and this is,super important guys because once you,put your country and,region in you can't change it and that's,the same with the time zone i know it,kind of sucks,but that's just the way it is i'm from,the united states so i'm gonna click u.s,and if you're from the us put that as,well new york obviously kind of like,calculates where you're from i'm from,pennsylvania so it kind of you know,already filled in what i had,put your phone number in there and then,your account name whatever you want to,name it,um you know just,literally call this test tick tock,doesn't really matter this is a test,test account for you guys um i would,recommend,like you guys can put say yes i work at,an agency,and i think from what i know the,approval process is much quicker because,they do favor agencies,you could just put that it's not really,a big deal it's up to you guys uh,confirm that there,and i'm gonna put a phone number in,that's just the random phone number,let's see what goes advertiser name,already exists okay,so you have to put whatever you want,let's see what comes up okay boom so,that's registered up let's see what it,goes to,now and it should open the tick tock wow,guys boom so right we have the tick tock,ads manager said we're all signed up,i know a ton of people were saying like,how hard it was but guys i literally,walked you step by step through it's,super easy and super simple,and then you can launch your very first,campaign right but like i said before,you do any of this,set up your pixel watch my initial,launch strategy it will be linked above,so how so you guys know how you can,launch your tick tock ads effectively,without blowing through your budget and,guys now let's go to the profile right,let's go to our um our account info here,and i'm going to show you guys how you,can,uh get your free credit right so tick,tock gives you up to,300 in free ad credit if you verify your,business i just bought a giant room full,of gold coins and i'm gonna dive into it,like scrooge mcduck,ah it's not a liquid,it's a great many pieces of solid matter,that form a hard floor-like surface,and then on top of that they will match,up to two thousand dollars,um in ad credit i don't i don't know if,they're still running that offer but,they were running it,oh yeah see they are still running it,verify your business now and get up to,three hundred dollars in u.s,in uh you know ad credit and like i got,like i said guys,fill out your business name here your,your company website,you know your industry your street,street address all that good stuff,all this right and then verify your,business uh this this should be pretty,simple and,you know straight forward if you're from,the us especially just put your you know,business name verification and then,you know your ein with the documents and,that should take around 24 to 48 hours,guys,and then once you have that in,everything should be you know completely,good to go,they'll give you the 300 in free ad,credit and you'll be able to start,running your tick tock ads pretty you,know quickly,but guys like i've gone through so many,videos like this on the opportunity of,tick tock ads obviously it's it's still,a very new platform,and the algorithm is still trying to,learn it's not as good as facebook yet,guys but it's getting there,in terms of like consistency and you,know the way you're able to run,ads but guys like i have a like i s

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ENDLESS Free Tiktok Ad Credit Equals MASSIVE Black Friday Sales WITHOUT Risking Money!

ENDLESS Free Tiktok Ad Credit Equals MASSIVE Black Friday Sales WITHOUT Risking Money!

foreign,never pay for your own Tick Tock ads,again what are you doing you can get,unlimited free Tick Tock and coupons,promo codes ad credits all of that and,I'm going to show you exactly how in,this video no fluff let's get straight,to it I'm gonna share my screen so tell,me in the comments right now how much,you guys currently uh spending on Tick,Tock ads if you are spending any money,on Tick Tock ads so as you can see we,are on this site right here and it says,get free Tick Tock ads credit Tick Tock,ads coupon so working and latest Tick,Tock ads coupon to get up to two,thousand dollars in credit for ad,coupons okay so check this out,there's a lot of people that use these,coupons and some of those sites are fake,some of them are real the best way to,get,Tick Tock ad coupons and promo codes is,to start a brand new tick tock account,all right and it gives you the,instructions for doing it now I'm not,going to tell you to do this yourself,what you're supposed to do is you're,supposed to make it work once and then,you're supposed to multiply what works,so how do you multiply a tick tock ad,coupon or ad credit you recruit,Affiliates so what I'm talking what am I,talking about remember when I said you,don't want to ever have to pay for your,own ads again never again how much money,would you make and save if you never had,to pay for your own ads so look at this,what makes an affiliate program,successful here are a few things to keep,in mind an affiliate program will work,if you want others to promote your,business on their own channels and drive,traffic directly to your website that's,what's so powerful about it it,eliminates all risks you don't have to,worry about CPM you don't have to worry,about cost per click cost per,acquisition you'll have to buy aware,about Tick Tock accounts being banned,you don't have to worry about getting,kicked off platforms is this regulated,is it not and all of that extra stuff,because other Affiliates professionals,that you recruit to your affiliate,Network,they are going to be spending their own,money or using these free Tick Tock ad,coupons how I show you uh to do it,themselves to send you sales and they,are only going to get a little tiny,pinch a pinch of the commission or,whatever okay so it says Affiliates,won't resell your products for you,instead they'll recommend and link to uh,your products that you sell within your,own store so this is also going to build,your brand massively and rapidly because,you're going to have a lot of these,little Affiliates a lot of these people,out here uh linking to your products and,services in their uh descriptions of,their videos and the BIOS on Instagram,and on Tick Tock of course and running,Tick Tock ads of course okay so like,they were how do I know this works how,do I know you do this well we have the,anti-job uh affiliate Army right here,you can sign up this is high ticket,program only we only do have ticket in,here which is why our Affiliates make,good money when they come up in here,okay so now the first link in the,description is going to bring you to,post affiliate Pro just for 90 bucks 90,bucks don't be cheap they will build,your affiliate Network okay they will,build you affiliate Network for you okay,and then what's gonna happen is you're,gonna have links to your products and,services that you can pass out to the,recruits to the new Affiliates that come,into your program so you're like well,David how do I get those people into my,affiliate Network how do I recruit,people and get them excited about,promoting my products instead of,promoting their own products okay well,that's why we come over here to my,agency The Profit positioning agency,right here,so this is where we do marketing and,advertising for local businesses and,blah blah blah anyway pay attention to,this part right here is the,do-it-yourself affiliate Army course you,say oh damn that's three thousand,dollars remember you're never gonna have,to pay for ads again once you have your,own affiliate Network up and running so,check this out down here if you think,that was expensive this is if we do it,for you fifteen thousand dollars which,is still a deal if you're never going to,have to pay for your own advertising,again I need you to get that through,your head with everybody's talking about,Roi and all of that stuff Roi is it,relevant uh it's not prevalent it,doesn't exist because you're not,investing anything once you have your,recruits on your affiliate Network so it,says we build your affiliate Army never,pay for ads again or marketing we build,your army uh and that use their own,money their own networks their own,skills and time to grow your sales so,this is how you get unlimited Tick Tock,ad coupons promo codes and credits,because once you have your affiliate,Army built these people that know how to,do advertising I'm gonna show you on the,inside how to recruit people that,already know how to advertise on tick,tock and they're going to send sales to,you so you you can

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How to get $300 Ad Credit from TikTok (YES, its FREE)

How to get $300 Ad Credit from TikTok (YES, its FREE)

hi you guys welcome back to my channel,it's your girl tequina and today we're,going to be talking about all about tic,tac for business,if you are you're new to the channel hey,girl this channel is for all my,entrepreneurs who like to do ish,themselves,okay we spill the business tea for free,period so let's jump straight into this,video and let me show you guys how to,get this three hundred dollars boo,so first thing first you either want to,create a account,or if you have one already just log in,i have one already so i'm just going to,log in,all right so once you log in you're,gonna see this dashboard,so what you're gonna do is,um go to accounts,account info,and then you are going to scroll down,you're gonna have to put in your,business information here,and if you scroll down to more you're,going to see business verification,so i already um fill this out you're not,going to see like my personal,information or whatever,but you have to have an ein or business,verification,id number in order to get the 300 credit,so once you put in your legal name your,business,your phone number and that ein and your,name of the legal representative,um if you don't have one i just put,myself as one,and i was good to go so um once you,submit that information,they're gonna email you right away,saying that your um,business verification was declined yeah,i got that email and i was like what,like i didn't do anything,but um basically after five minutes,after,they emailed me again i said it was,approved so i didn't have to like upload,any additional documents or anything so,don't do that but,once your business um,verification has been approved you will,then,go back to your dashboard,and then you'll click on this heart,thing right here,and then it would have these check marks,so,uh once you put in your account,information put in your business,verification information,and then you're gonna add a payment,verification as well,so once you do those three things you'll,be able to see,your um three hundred dollars in the,account,so if you go back now to um,payment,and then your balance should say three,hundred dollars i additionally have,already add 25,in here so that's why i might say 325,but yeah so it's super quick and easy,and also one thing i forgot to mention,is um so when you're three hundred,dollars you know run out,how much ever money that you put into,tick tock tick tock will give you,that back so see if you spend two,thousand dollars on tick tock,tick tock will give that two thousand,dollars back with you,so that's definitely it and then let me,know if you guys want to do another,video,where we can be talking about like how,to create a tick top campaign on here,and how to install the tick tock pixel,on your website that is important too,but thank you guys for watching this,very short video let me know if you help,your girl make sure you like comment and,subscribe,bye

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The Jeff Gerstmann Show 031: What’s Good, TikTok?

The Jeff Gerstmann Show 031: What’s Good, TikTok?

hey bro,what's going on,the Jeff gerstman show is live,and here we are,it's January,you made it,and uh it's all downhill for me and I,don't know what's going on hey uh hi,we're still in this weird lull where uh,you know people some people probably,went back to work yesterday but,not a lot happening starting to get some,pre-ces,information,around but uh not not really yeah I,don't know we're still in this this kind,of quiet period it's nice uh because you,know I didn't really take a break per se,um because I didn't want to I'm like you,know hey I'm Gonna Keep streaming and,keep doing my thing I I like,doing it uh,but yeah you know yesterday it was,pretty quiet uh you know had a had a,pretty quiet New Year around these parts,um you know the kids go to bed early so,there's no like,yeah I don't know and and and we all,wake up super early so right now,well I've been up since four in the,morning,which is actually not that abnormal for,me these days,um you know sometimes sometimes the boy,goes back to sleep sometimes he doesn't,so sometimes I get a little bit of sleep,after 4am sometimes I don't,um,yeah so the idea of like hey let's stay,up until midnight and and whatever,whatever,I saw the ball drop in New York at nine,o'clock our time and um,and that was enough that was I was good,I was good I stayed up for another hour,to watch it hit midnight in New Orleans,and uh and so on and so forth but um,you know,I found myself going like who it's it's,just literally just another day,this whole new year thing is a scam,but uh yeah I don't know I think a part,of that is you,get to a certain well I think I think it,is the parenting honestly I was gonna,say you get to a certain age but you,know I think it is just yeah these these,kids wake up when they wake up and,they're not gonna be like oh you stayed,up till midnight so you could watch TV,okay we'll sleep in and be good like no,no none of that so,um,crates yeah uh yes they didn't yes this,is this is true,uh Rec roulette says they didn't even,let Anderson Cooper get drunk this year,and I feel like I I witnessed his,protest I don't know if you caught this,I don't know if you were watching I I,don't know if you're watching the CNN's,awesome New Year's coverage,um,but like,so they had Brian Cox the actor of chain,reaction Fame you may know you may know,him from such hit films as what uh chain,reaction and uh Glimmer Man,um I love chain reaction,a fine it is one of my favorite Keanu,Reeves films,and uh you know more relevant than ever,honestly uh we I we love we love Brian,Cox here at the program,um,and so he's there as like they're doing,the count he's like they're maybe not,not long after midnight but he's like,that's their guest so like they got,Brian Cox out there in New York to be,like yeah I'm Brian Cox what the, you want some come at me,um,and uh,and he said like at one point,Brian goes hey uh yeah so,um,you know I told my wife I'd mention it,you know that the the things happening,in Iran are terrible you know and you,know people are being hung and and you,know like a serious moment like hey you,know the world is and it was like oh,yeah man okay cool,but Anderson Cooper,gets this information and instead of,going like yes you're right it is, terrible,well it is absolutely awful what's,happening,he then proceeds to be like and then,when they hang people they do this and,like proceeds to like go into like you,know it's like 1205 he's like hey happy,New Year like and when they hang people,they really they let them they do this,and so they don't die immediately so,it's like a really extra painful type of,hanging there's like what the am I,watching,what the am I watching,it's like and I don't mean to detract,from like yes that's a real issue,obviously that's the real thing that's,happening I'm not like yeah yes,definitely but it was just like such an,insane pivot to be like hey happy New,Year all right listen,I'm Anderson Cooper I know how people,get hung,uh it was it was ,and and so like I watched that and,thought like yeah they should let him,drink that was that was I came away from,it going like yeah they should,absolutely,um they should absolutely let these guys,drink on the air again because that's,wow,um it was really it was it was really,it's some amazing little bit of tape,there,um,and uh yeah so I I don't know you know,the whole the whole new year thing,is uh,I don't know I like it but you know it's,it's it's entered into the pantheon the,same way I used to really like the,Fourth of July and now I'm kind of like,a little soft on it um,it is literally because you know like we,got kids and I don't want fireworks to,wake them up and like it's hard enough,to get them to go to sleep and and you,know and my wife is a very light sleeper,as well and and so,you know now I've come to be like ah, fireworks God damn it,I suppose that's a Penance of sorts for,the number of years uh on those holidays,that I was like let's go it's and,someone says you realize it's 2 30 in,the morn

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[TOO EASY] My $15k+ Per Day TikTok Ads Strategy For 2023! - Shopify Dropshipping

[TOO EASY] My $15k+ Per Day TikTok Ads Strategy For 2023! - Shopify Dropshipping

all right guys just gonna do a real,quick refresh check right here,it's too easy,yo what is going on guys this is Boy,Soldier back in the game with a brand,new video 15K plus per day Tick Tock ad,strategy and it is simply too easy now,last year I made another video very,similar to this but this is going on in,current time and exactly what I'm doing,to scale my ads with ease in a,three-step plan so you guys can do this,too so guys make sure to stick around to,the end of the video I'll be doing a,full kind of walk through campaign setup,here,to kick off the New Year I'm going to be,doing a giveaway in the black hat,Discord group I'm gonna be taking one,student I'm gonna be scaling their store,alongside with them setting everything,up as I would my own store so if you,guys are interested in that mentorship,it is going to be absolutely free all,you have to do is be in black hat that's,where we have all the sauce anything,goes and I hope to see you in there soon,so I'm not gonna waste any time here and,we're gonna drop into a Google Docs I'm,pretty much gonna walk you through it,and then I'm actually going to walk you,through the full setup uh and we're,physically going to set up a campaign,together just so you guys can see but,yes so this is the 0 to 15K plus per day,Tick Tock ad strategy things people,always ask me about that I don't cover,too often in my videos let's go over,that one your store set up in back end I,don't pay too much attention to the,store I think what really comes first is,going to be the ads and the ad strategy,that's where I spend most of my time and,what I focus on so three Stepping Stones,before we get into the side do you want,to add on to this document is the,product the store and the creative so I,just want to go over it really fast,these are kind of requirements that you,guys really need to have in order to,have this backbone this consistent,scalability uh and as you will see as,you guys saw in my previous video I was,able to use this backbone and actually,scale it to 100K a day which is very,Advanced it's very extreme over the last,couple weeks I've spent about 500 000 in,ads and I plan on doubling that tripling,that so just these are some things you,can do to your store as well so product,I definitely always will recommend a,saturated product with a lower undercut,offer something where you can uh you,know price out your opponents using such,an offer like free plus shipping on a,very saturated process product that,doesn't cost a lot to supply places you,can find these products where you can,kind of see all the backing costs it's,not PP ads the only spy tool I currently,use and most likely will ever use just,because I like the analysis that it,actually does in current time again we,work in current time now I'm going to be,getting into some free game this is,Mania and it is absolutely free no,credit card required okay I don't think,it's like in my opinion this product,research tool is the best and it's,currently what I've been using a lot,lately and obviously you know the price,factor is huge uh if you guys want you,can go check that down below I do have,an affiliate code if you do plan on,getting like some upgraded features and,things like that but yes you can,literally go and get your first launch,launch you can find winning products,that are generated by AI you get an,analysis of all the ads on the shop how,these ads are performing um and just,different things like that it's,absolutely free go check it out so if,you guys need a link for that is down,below and you guys can get you know a,discount on that as well now when it,comes to the store the SMS bump I,typically use the five minute,abandonment flow and the 45 minute,abandonment flow I don't use emails I,think they're very cost um inefficient I,mean 100 of the traffic is on their,mobile phone along with Tick Tock so it,makes sense it adds up simplify ocu I,just keep re-up selling the same product,after the customer purchases um there's,you're gonna have a guaranteed 15 hit,rate on that so free money free free aov,increase why not and quantity breaks,bundle bear things like that um you know,those are just to wear on the front you,know before they get into checkout,they're able to increase the average,order value as well so these I believe,are Essentials to have on the store and,if I didn't have them I doubt I'd be,profitable in fact I wouldn't be so when,it comes to the creative now you're,going to need a very controlled ugc what,I mean by controlled ugc is something,that focuses directly on the product the,function the offer you can scale it,indefinitely without hitting the wrong,audience in Tick Tock everything does,come down to creative and you are,leveraging that again I don't run pixel,we're fully and only leveraging the,creative so it needs to be good and it,needs to check off all the right boxes,really quick I do want to give a huge,shout out to Celebration as well for the,New Year's you guys are able to get ugc,this is ac

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TikTok Gives FREE $300 Ad Credit, Here is How to Get Yours before the BAN! [*MUST WATCH!]

TikTok Gives FREE $300 Ad Credit, Here is How to Get Yours before the BAN! [*MUST WATCH!]

there's this offer,going on around on facebook tick tock is,basically trying to get people,free credit 300 art credit to spend on,their platform,i don't know if it's because the ban,going on but,actually i think i'm going to try to,claim,that 300 ad credit that they're giving,to people because every time i open my,facebook,here on the sidebar i see this message,saying,get a three hundred dollar ad credit,credit at sign up i don't know if,at the end it's going to work but,remember i already covered another video,on,facebook providing 300 ad,credit to business account or to,facebook professional business managers,but now let's go ahead and try together,i have not,tried it yet and i'm gonna put the link,down below so if you don't see this on,your facebook,click on the link down below and get and,go with me and so we can try to,claim this 300 ad credit from tick tock,if it works then good if it doesn't work,then,i'm sorry about that now if you click on,that link,okay if you click on the link down below,it's going to take you to this,page where it says tick tock back to,business program so basically they're,trying to help small,and medium businesses recover from,kovite,and what they're providing is that,they're providing 100 million,dollar in ad credit to restart,businesses,so it's only for small and medium,businesses that can claim a one-time,ad credit that is worth 300 to be used,by december 31st so,you have to get it by december 31st and,you have to use it by then,and interestingly they said an,additional,any additional spending above that 300,dollar,will be match one on one with ad created,up to 2 000 so,if above that 300 you end up actually,spending more,and you spend for example 1 000 i think,they're going to give you an additional,1 000 and if you spend 2 000 they're,going to give you an additional 2 000.,again you can create an account from any,country okay,this is french you can select ethiopia,united,states i don't know how it's going to be,like at the end,but i'm curious because i've seen that,ad so many times on my facebook,timeline so i'm just going to click on,get credit and i am going to select the,country,so it takes you down to this country you,select your country,say united states and it's for business,to promote good and service because i,actually have an online store,that i can actually use this credit for,to,market the goods so you click on next,you put your phone number you put all,your details so,when you put your phone number the,password or you can just switch to sign,up with your email,actually that's what i'm going to do if,you put your phone number they will send,a verification code to your phone number,you just,enter that verification code here okay,that's the,code that i received from me so i'm just,gonna copy that,paste that here and then click on sign,up,so now you're locked in in the tick,tocks ad,manager again tick tock is providing 300,ad credit to use only on ads to promote,your business this is not cash this is,just to help,small and medium-sized businesses,to recover from the kobe you can send,more people to destination on your,website,it has the same design as facebook,manager when you're trying to create an,ad and it's really interesting you can,click on conversion traffic so i'm going,to click,here right here traffic or get more,people to view your video if you have,tik tok videos that you're trying to,promote you can actually select this,option if you have a website or an,app that you want people to install or,to visit your website or maybe a youtube,channel you just,you just click here if you want people,to actually buy product then click on,conversion,okay so this is very important,i have the same layout as facebook the a,b,testing strategy anyway budget you,don't select no limit okay don't select,no limit,you want to put the lifetime budget here,at 300 because those people are smart,they're trying to make you spend more,than 300,on the ads and then you start spending,on their platform,so just just click on this on select,this,lifetime 300 now you click on continue,automatic placement you can select that,or you can select manual placement see,what they have for manual placement,tick tock news feed app series hello,and then on advanced setting you can set,up a pixel,now i'm not trying to set up a pixel i'm,just trying to see if the credit will go,through,create the audience it says choose to,include exclude,you can create a custom audience by,uploading blah blah blah look alike,audience on,who you would like to show your ads too,so it's exactly like,facebook it's a copy it's a replica of,facebook,now i'm going to try to create a new,audience,if you have a file with emails you can,upload them here,list of people will show you tic tac,you can actually create a new audience,if you already,okay so suppose you have a tick tock,account where you have a lot of people,viewing your tick tock,already or you have driven traffic from,tick tock to your website,then you can click her

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so,um if you haven't guessed uh what i'm,talking about is the platform,tick-tock okay um now tick-tock,is kind of an interesting uh platform to,me,um you know i i think when i first uh,when i first you know heard about tik,tok it was actually called,musically i believe how it happened was,um you know musically was a was a you,know a social media app,that began with people basically lip,syncing to,um to music that they liked right so you,know i'd be driving along or i'd be you,know here at the house and and i'd look,and i'd see my daughter,um you know propping up her phone and,then you know like,mouthing stuff and doing all these weird,dances and hand symbols and,you know i'd shake my head and then,finally i was like all right you know,like what are we doing here and she,showed me and,while i appreciated the fact that she,was doing something she enjoyed um to me,it was just kind of weird,uh you know here's a video of me lip,syncing,and and you know just i don't know it,just kind of struck me as odd but it was,it was pretty popular right,so it was doing its thing um somewhere,along the lines though,um you know musically either,somehow changed or evolved into what is,now called tick tock and if i'm wrong on,that that's fine but um you know,investigate for yourself but,musically somewhat you know switched,over,and the interesting part about it is um,you know whether,it's a new uh formulation of it or,whatnot,you know it went from being a um here's,me,uh lip syncing to something,this morning um you know it it went,it went from people uh you know lip,syncing to,um you know music and it kind of changed,into,uh you know a video sharing platform for,everything okay,so what happens is the reason why i,believe it's somewhat got,uh much more virality is um,not only because you can upload your own,videos okay,but you can actually also utilize,sounds okay so with with tick tock,videos don't,only go viral sounds can go viral as,well,so if you get the right combination of a,viral video with a viral sound,now that really sets you up for success,and and views right,so um to give you an idea uh how it,really works if if you hear a sound that,you like people will,take audio clips of movies or of,songs or um just you know clips of audio,from other people's videos,and they repurpose it in their videos so,uh what ends up happening is if,your video has that viral factor it'll,get some traction there but if the sound,also has some viral traction,you can benefit from there as well and a,lot of people do some really really,funny stuff,um on tick tock in my opinion i watch,i do watch tik tok i now i kind of watch,it somewhat regularly there's a lot of,funny stuff um,the feed puts some really interesting,things uh in front of you um you know,some of it's not great of course you,know,it's social media so there's some stuff,where it's kind of gross kind of,inappropriate,but then there's also some stuff that's,you know beautiful and amazing,you know stories of people you know with,health issues overcoming,them um you know i've been getting lots,of funny animal,videos lately uh the algorithms feeding,me like just silly things that animals,do and,funny animal videos um but that,combination of video virality,and audio virality i think is what's,making this platform take off like,wildfire,and then also the whole political uh,aspect where you know it's it's a,chinese-owned uh,company and and you know supposedly,microsoft may be buying it out and,you know all of this stuff um you know,there's lots of safety concerns over it,but all of that being said um you may be,interested in utilizing tick tock to,uh or tic tocs traffic to grow your,business,now um what i wanted to share with you,is that tick tock does have an,offer okay so the platform's kind of,weird,um you know now this you obviously you'd,be on your phone,but here's a guy you know dancing to,you know this is some of the stuff,you'll see,it's it doesn't all make sense but you,know it's political stuff don't even,want to know what's going on there,you know and then weird stuff like this,okay so,as far as the opportunity for you um,you know there's actually an offer to,get 300,for free okay so all you have to do is,go to tick tock for business,okay and there is uh actually you know,what i think uh let me let me see here,300 credit tick tock,um hopefully they haven't changed and,i'll actually what i'll do,is here we go,okay this is what i'm looking for the,get started,dot tik tok dot com slash b2b,credit okay the back to business program,so you,can earn three hundred dollars okay now,this isn't a um this isn't that you need,to spend,x to get it i actually already applied,and i have a three hundred dollar credit,in my account okay,now there are steps to sign up you have,to sign up um so,um i will put this link in the,description of this video,but you do have to sign up and how you,get the 300,is by verifying your business okay um so,if you have safety concerns if you if,you're you know or if

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