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Ich bestelle alles, was virale Tiktok Ads mir vorschlagen

ihr wüsstet was mir gerade passiert ist,leiter natürlich ganz sicher nicht mehr,so nett hinsetzen und ich hab eigentlich,und disney co von machst du dich gar,nichts gesagt ich habe ein komplettes,video gedreht oder ton ich würde mich,einfach umbringen ich hab gerade,bisschen mit aggressionen zu kämpfen,besteht eure tik tok for you page auch,wirklich nur noch aus werbung geklickt,for uk besteht nämlich nur noch aus,werbung und das problem an der ganzen,sache ist ich könnte ja einfach,weitermachen,ich bin halt das größte konsum opfern,ich kriege so krank viel tik tok werbung,angezeigt und die meisten sachen sind,halt auch noch voll spannen das heißt,dieser algorithmus kann das auch noch,richtig gut auf mich anpassen und ich,will immer alles ausprobiert über alles,kaufen tut aber weh aber ich habe mir,dann gedacht ich kann ja video und,daraus machen das ist jetzt quasi meine,entschuldigung ganz viele der produkte,zu kaufen aber das macht ja auch total,sinn weil wenn ich das kaufe dann könnt,ihr gucken ob das was gutes ist und wenn,etwas gutes ist dann könnt ihr es nach,haben wenn es nicht gut es ist dann,müsst ihr es nicht kaufen und dann erst,erfahren dass ich scheiße ist deswegen,hat es eigentlich total den mehrwert für,alle und ich mache das eigentlich nur,für euch ich habe allen abend lang,wirklich alles gekauft was mir auf tik,tok angezeigt wurde als werbung das ding,ist diese dedication für dieses video,ist so krass ich habe mir seit vier,wochen mindestens die beine nicht mehr,rasiert und ich habe wirklich so haarige,beine wie noch nie im leben weil eines,der teile und das ist wirklich das was,mir am allermeisten angezeigt wird ich,höre ich habe noch nie so viel werbung,für ein produkt gesehen wie für das hier,und zwar ist es dieses hier vielleicht,kennt ihr das das ist sieht aus wie,intendiert isa aber ist dafür da um,beine zu rasieren,ich weiß nicht was es ist es nicht,gravierend man soll einfach mit diesen,teil so über seine haarigen beine gehen,und angeblich hat man keine rasse becke,und das krasseste ist das soll nicht,wehtun und ohne spaß leute diese,prozedur sie zu schmerzhaft aus oder,deshalb habe ich meine haare jetzt,richtig krass sein wachstum dieses teil,der jetzt richtig ausgiebig zu testen,ich kann mir im leben nicht vorstellen,dass das nicht weh tut das hier ist das,gute stück das ist ein christ ist warum,christel ich pack das gibt zu denen,jetzt immer aus und das ist mal wieder,doppelt und fünffach eingepackt ja okay,ich hab mir das ganz anders vorgestellt,das ist einfach bitter dass ich dachte,dass wir so gummi material oder so gut,im moment auf den ich seit wochen war es,für ist endlich gekommen meine haare,kommen aber ich finds kraft dass man es,irgendwie von weiteren glaube ich,überhaupt nicht sehen kann aber weil wir,hier eine family sind werde ich euch,jetzt ganz genau von ganz nahmen meine,bein behaarung zeigen hier ist mein bein,ich hoffe man kann überhaupt irgendwas,erkennen die haben sehr helle haare aber,die sind halt mittlerweile ernsthaft,richtig lange worden hier unten müsste,man das eigentlich sehen hier mein knie,eigentlich und falls man es nicht sehr,vertraut wir sind richtig viele haare es,ist irgendwie es würde einfach nur so,ein rennen stein über die beine gehen,aber so wirklich abgeht du doch nichts,passiert gar nichts,52 ich mache das ok jetzt ist guter,dinge ist es passiert schon mal mehr ich,habe das gefühl dass werden nur,hautschuppen abgetragen und nicht harald,mandl sind richtig viele hautschuppen,das was am allermeisten ab gemacht wird,sind auf jeden fall ganz viele kleine,hautschuppen und an den stellen wo ich,jetzt nachts gemacht habt da hat es auch,haare entfernt aber bei weitem nicht,alle nur die ganz langen haare und da,ist immer noch super viel was irgendwie,da so ab steht und auch nicht weggeht,dass ich mit meinen ball ganz leicht das,wird sowieso genauso oft wieder,nachkommen weil das die haben genauso,einfach abbricht wie ein rasierer sie,abschneidet und noch dazu ist es jetzt,richtig eklig voll mit hautschuppen also,ich habe wirklich hoffnungen dass,teilgehabt über das zwar möchte diese,werbung hier habe ich auch schon so,extrem krank oft gesehen und nicht nur,auf tik tok als werbung sondern ich habe,mittlerweile auch viele tickt opfer,gesehen die für diese marke werbung,gemacht haben und zwar sind das die,sahara dresses kennt ihr bestimmt das,sind diese kleider die noch eine hose,unten drunter haben und ihre,mittlerweile total viele andere produkte,also röcke und tops und sowas dafür,machen die auch mittlerweile volk,bewerbung dafür muss man sich die app,runterladen ich war natürlich der die,cajun habe das gemacht und mir einen,teil bestellt jammers dieses stück jetzt,auch 50 euro hat das gekostet wird also,heim günstiger spaß auf jeden fall okay,ich fange jetzt schon sagen ich habe es,mir ganz anders vorgestellt er habe ich,das gefühl dass dieses kleid voll breite,und richtig kurz das material ist auch,voll anders als ich gedacht habe ich,dachte das

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TikTok's Only DIRTY Minds Will Understand

TikTok's Only DIRTY Minds Will Understand

hello everybody and welcome back to my,youtube channel or welcome to my youtube,channel i'm call me chris you can call,me chris and i did a poll on instagram,you dirty little people wanted to see,some dirty tick tocks i see you you look,cute too i'll tell you that you're also,very gullible these aren't real glasses,i gotcha didn't i probably not anyway,let's get into the video,what are we doing with the lotion i,don't want to see what you got what,you're doing with that,what are we what is that,yeah,don't do it,what is happening,is he gonna i know what he's gonna do,he's gonna put his hand on this person's,hand and pretend that it's little,what is the medical term ejaculation,oh,that's cruel that's that's that's plain,cruel it's funny though,oh my lord have mercy,grab me that creature sir,grab me that creature oh my god that's,disgusting and so funny at the same time,babe you want to get naked,what did you just say,yeah where's the bathroom this girl is,all right girlfriend of the year right,there that's i mean in like you look,like you're in a walmart though i would,not do it in a walmart bathroom my,standards are low but they're not that,low i'm abstinent though so we know that,if you can't answer these riddles you,might have a dirty mind,let's do this first riddle,what is long hard and has come in i'll,give you a few more seconds to,come up with your answer,gum,did i just say,i meant to say um i'm sorry what is long,hard and has come in it what is long,hard and has come in at what is long,hard and has come in it i don't know,what is the answer was,cucumber,right it's gotta come in the middle of,it still sounds bad okay next when your,best friend sleeps with your boyfriend,wait shut up,who you,he told you,what is wrong with you,i know this is a voiceover but like oh,my god can you imagine don't cheat on,your mans okay don't sleep with your,best friend's mans go get your own mans,because that man's is clearly not a good,man's now you know with chris,i'm,uncomfy,babe ask me what i would do if we would,break up what would you do i would go,back with my ex then go with him no,straight up yeah why are you with me if,you were to,oh,i didn't even get that,both of us makes sense if you put three,fingers into these holes it's going to,be a shocker what am i talking about,three fingers in a hole through this oh,like an outlet like a i think that's it,i'm so innocent,a light socket same last question,what is firm and round and so much more,fun when you can put your fingers in it,firm round and so much fun when you can,put three fingers in it i think of like,a t-rex,it sounded like a dead crow,i don't know,orange correct answer is bowling ball,oh,out of the gutter,sorry,i need to read i need to pause sorry i'm,illiterate my girlfriend invited me to,her house where i found her i sat there,waiting for my girlfriend while her,unbelievable sexy sister was sitting,next to me oh god where's this going a,few moments later she whispered to me we,should have the sexuals well my sister,isn't home oh mike is this a real story,i hope this is not i immediately got up,and turned around to head back to my car,good man the story's going good i found,my girlfriend standing by the door she,hugged me and said you've won my trust,oh,it was a test that's a up test i,would never do that with my sister can,you imagine he said yes oh my god oh my,god oh my god moral of story always keep,your condoms in your car oh,that dirty little ,she was gonna sleep with his sister not,his sister that's the incestual random,i'll take 12. don't ask why i need 12 i,need 12. baker's doesn't,why would you do that to a fish why,would you invade its mouth like that,that's,all my friends are dead the book,the dodo bird and the dinosaur all my,friends are dead love that most of my,friends right,what is,this,all my friends are wait what is going on,the tree said all my friends are end,tables and then the end table said i was,never friends with that guy,that's me and my lack of friends i'm an,end table i am end table sad,interrupting to thank today's wonderful,sponsor which is butcher box i,personally have been loving butcher box,for a lot of different reasons they use,high quality meats like 100 grass-fed,beef which right now new members will,receive two pounds of for the lifetime,of their membership they also have,free-range organic chicken humanely,raised pork and my favorite wild-caught,seafood and butcher box is super,flexible with their box options you can,either get four curated boxes or you can,do what i do and get your own customized,box and their delivery frequencies fit,to your needs and your schedule and you,can cancel with no penalty at any time,and there's also free shipping which is,always a bonus i personally decided in,my butcher box on the wild caught salmon,cod scallops 100 grass-fed beef burgers,and free-range organic chicken and i,personally have never cooked scallops,before but i decided to go all gordon,ramsay on this and i i tried to i trie

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Jiafei sexy products TikTok complications/link in bio😍

Jiafei sexy products TikTok complications/link in bio😍

Сучка хочет выпилиться?,Не беспокойтесь, этот секси продукт поможет вам,хахахахахааххаххахахах хуй тебе,Больше никаких трупов во дворе,Новый продукт *хуерезка*,Уродливый извращенец глазеет на тебя?,Без проблем, покупайте этот продукт,Теперь вы можете посмотреть бесплатные фото в машине,Тупой мужлан выгнал вас с кровати????,Нет проблем, покупайте этот секси-матрац,ХАХАХАХАХАХАХАХАХАХАХАХ ЛОХ,Ты че охуел уебище?,Заткнись сучка и лучше купи этот секси продукт,Спасибо что покупаете продукты,Ебать ты криворукая,Специально для тех у кого из жопы растут руки мы придумали этот продукт,Теперь можно смотреть порно без проблем,хахахаххахах у нее жопа,Привет я какая то шлюха, купи этот продукт пж,*зооооз момент*,спс что покупаете продукты,Ваша стиральная машинка издает какие то стоны?,Без б, купите этот секси продукт,Теперь легко достать вещи которые ты потерял,Слишком бедный чтобы позволить себе ванную?,Купи эту мини ванную чтобы помыть свою грязную жопу,Легко сливается ,Твоя жена не может адекватно помыть вещи?,Подари ей эту секси щетку,Ваш ребенок обдристал всю ванную?,Покупайте эту держалку для щеток,Мама выкинула вашу еду в мусорку?,Купи этот продукт чтобы научится нормально готовить,ААААААААААА БЛЯТЬ ТАРАКАНЫ,С новым секси продуктом тараканы не помеха,Гейская сучка трогает тебя за сиську?,Покупайте этот продукт чтобы прогнать гея,Уродливая сучка порезала твои наушники?,Купи эти наушники чтобы выглядет как еблан,Ты че блять я вообще то подметаю,Смотри как много волос!!!!,Лучше купи этот секси продукт и волосы не будут помехой,*Ебучая реклама*,Все в порядке, покупайте наши продукты,СКРИМЕР НАХУЙ,Верни воду уебище блять,Лучше купи этот продукт чтобы опираться сиськами

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I Tried TikTok Dropshipping for 24 hours (Insane Strategy)

I Tried TikTok Dropshipping for 24 hours (Insane Strategy)

I've always wondered after making,millions of dollars in Revenue with my,online stores would I be able to see,success if I started over from scratch,in 2023 and I got my answer today I was,able to get a store up and going and,profitable within 24 hours of launching,it using Tick Tock ads and these are the,results you want to make sure you stick,around for this video because I'm going,to reveal to you the exact product I'm,going to reveal to you the exact website,and what plugins I use to increase my,sales I'm going to show you the exact,bad strategy that I'm using right now on,Tick Tock ads that nobody else is,talking about right now before we lock,in make sure you check in money Mafia,hit the like comment and make sure you,subscribe to the channel to stay updated,with these videos step one our product,so you guys saw me document the Thera,cup a few weeks back I designed the,store for it I showed you guys the exact,step-by-step from scratch how to build,out a store with this product right here,I'm going to show you that it was uh,being sourced for 565 5 but after all,the costs and getting it shipped from CJ,Drop Shipping because you guys know I,don't like using AliExpress way too slow,and you're gonna deal with upset,customers right here I'm getting it for,a total cost of 16.17 so you want to,keep that in mind there's also three,variants of this product which leads me,to step two the store right here as you,can see you guys know that I documented,this and I did it right in front of your,eyes from scratch and we're using a free,theme here so we're not spending as much,money as you think okay so we designed,the store we gotta buy one get one fifty,percent off offer and we also set it up,with a couple Pages very nice and simple,theme if you guys want to check out that,video I'll link it up here when we,actually designed it from scratch and I,added a bundle and save plug-in okay so,this is a simple app that you can add to,increase your conversions and as we go,through the profit and everything later,on in this video you're gonna see that a,few people had bit on this offer which,was very just in the note if we come,down here we can see that we had some,gifs very nice simple page and we have,some very simple reviews of the product,and that's really all it takes to sell,the product and some additional things,we have a sticky add to cart button,right here meaning if they scroll down,on the page and they click this button,they'll be able to go straight to the,checkout and that is going to increase,our conversions now step three when it,comes to the ad creative I'm not gonna,lie I usually advise to go and order a,sample of the product and make your own,ads but for the sake of this challenge I,end up ripping somebody off for their,content of course I ended up adding my,own spice to it you know but just for,the urgency of the situation I had to do,it here's what the final video ended up,looking like have you ever heard of,cupping well this is the suction Pro and,I'm going to show you how to use it well,firstly you're gonna turn it on and then,use this button to increase the suction,look at it goes,click this button to increase the red,light,it's getting hot in here and then once,you're done just click that button to,release,as you can see he did a very good job,explaining the product I added some,music and added some spice to it but,overall great ad is under 20 seconds and,that's really all we need for tick tock,step four the ad account now the ad,account and the personal Tick Tock,profile goes hand in hand I figured,we'll just make the ad account we'll,forget about the personal Tick Tock,profile and what we'll do is we'll just,link the product directly to our website,instead of going to our Tick Tock,profile using the ad so all we did was,we downloaded The Tick Tock app through,the Shopify App Store and that was able,to get us our ad account set up we added,a payment method and we set up our pixel,all in one go very very simple and at,this point we're ready to run ads step,five the launch this is where we,actually use something called The Glitch,method and I know a few people heard of,this I've actually made a video,documenting this uh way back earlier in,2022 I called it the surf strategy but,this is a very particular ad strategy,where we can see crazy crazy profitable,results and get a huge amount of traffic,into our store for cheap okay and I'm,gonna show you a few results here in a,second but I want to show you how to set,these campaigns up okay just in general,so you have a clear understanding of how,the campaigns work it works by you,setting up one large campaign with a 50,lifetime budget and you set it to launch,at about midnight and then you want to,hook it up with a bunch of AD sets I'm,talking about like a hundred plus ad,sets so imagine that we have a hundred,plus ad sets all under one campaign and,they are all set to a daily spending,budget of a hundred dollars each what,that does is it puts immense pressu

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I ordered everything Tik Tok Ads recommended to me

I ordered everything Tik Tok Ads recommended to me

hello everyone,welcome back,to me not wearing any lashes,i'm not wearing taco lashes which makes,me feel very weird time to embrace my,natural lashes which are not there just,imagine lashes there,oh my god it's summer in berlin,guys guys guys we,are going to try some stuff today i got,very ins,i saw this video of sophia trying,while not trying but what uh did,she bought the first five things tick,tock ads recommended to her that's,something i need to try too well i kind,of did that but also not i definitely,ordered a bit more so it was kind of,like a whole tick tock watching time,period of maybe like a month or even two,i basically just ordered everything i,saw on there which spoke to me sadly i,did have some issues with a lot of them,i think two items are still not here and,i've waited for a long time december,13th was the day when i first ordered,one of the things yeah a lot of this,might actually be trash but maybe also,not so we're just gonna find out how,good and how legit these products and,websites are gonna be that tiktok,recommends to me because i feel like,tick-tock recommendations just you know,out of my experience that i've made so,far are definitely a bit more trashy,than for example instagram,recommendations once i ordered this hair,dyeing shampoo because i saw an ad on,tick tock and i was like really excited,because that's exactly what i need hair,dyeing shampoo amazing and then i,ordered it and what did i get two,different hair dyes and two different,shades of brown and then i really fought,for my money they did not want to give,me my money back and they were like you,have to pay the shipping cost if you,want to ship these products back and you,will only get like 20 of your money back,and then for over two months i send,mails back and forth with them i think,we we're at this point when i would get,like 90 or like 95 of my money back i,don't know why they still try to argue,this i really don't know it was ,annoying you know what we're just gonna,try the first thing that i ordered,december 13th and this thing was a very,convincing ad about a heatable jacket,which does sound really good to me well,except the fact that the jacket is ugly,sometimes style is not everything you,just want to survive so yeah i found,this with this very very convincing ad,it actually convinced me to buy this,jacket and you know what convinced me,even more to buy this jacket this tweet,from taylor swift when she wore it,she says it's very warm and cozy at,winterland thank you her head is cut off,but she loves it i checked her twitter,she did not actually post this also this,got published in victoria's secret,brigitte gala foreign envoy this jacket,is so much more popular than you think,so i just ordered it because what what,else would i have done you know a thing,that almost all the products i ordered,from my tick tock ads have in common is,you can't really use paypal to pay for,it most of them only have credit card so,i paid with klarna i usually don't pay,with clarinet but it was fine clara was,fine this is not an advertising for,clarinet but i like a club now you like,really great corporate design don't you,think,guys if there's no paypal just make sure,the website is trustful because if you,put your credit card details in there,you don't know what's gonna happen to,them you just really have to be careful,when it comes to those things mama,broccoli has spoken,so i finally got my jacket it's a fire,jacket i'm so cold,i need a jacket all eyes on my jacket,it's silver inside oh this is such a mom,jacket,while our jacket is charging we're gonna,get to another thing which probably,needs to be charged,also to be honest with you i don't even,know why i bought this,well it comes in a cool box i wonder,what's inside oh my god it is the nebula,orb and charger exactly what i always,wanted thanks tick tock and if you throw,it it comes back at you,i mean yeah that also got me with the 50,off,i wanted to buy this beautiful ball for,35,and i did so right here we have the,nebula charge shot spinnering spinning,charge ball a club spinner,press the power button maybe it is like,charged,it is,i think i broke it,and you owe,yay for the nebula or fly nova pro,spinning ball,relaxing time i mean i think it could be,fun i guess there's no cable in there is,this the nebula orb and charger no,charger to be seen this is a ,scam i am pissed the next thing we're,gonna try is this phone case i have,never purchased something so quick from,tick tock no photographer no problem is,all i'm saying obviously if you do like,group pictures or you want to have a,little photo shoot in your room this is,what you need this was 25 euros so it,better be worth it let me just try to,get my old phone case off that's a good,charm but we have to say goodbye to,nathan kochan and you have to peel this,off,i guess it's kind of sticky,and,am i doing something wrong,i do,we gotta do some cpr yeah it's working,we've never been able to take a picture,like this vincent,i'm

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We Bought Cheap Garbage from TikTok

We Bought Cheap Garbage from TikTok

check,my hands gonna be dust,yo,here's the story about the simple office,and the simple office called cold ones,yeah max take it away,today we're open,we were browsing tito i saw a couple of,weird chinese products pop up and i got,to thinking what would it be like if we,bought those products and reviewed them,on cold ones,bats he's spinning what's this champagne,wine bottle beer dispenser spray gun,fountain bottle beer ejecting feeding,flirt gun this is your sign to get a,boost blaster for this summer,that's illegal,why i can't do that that's like spitting,off a high-rise building yeah but it's,beer,ah,hey get scott,i'm covered in beer five minutes into,the video,oh my yeezy's man all right get me,someone stop start well that was,effective oh waste the money i've just,done this it's funny,rehabilitation robot gloves seems like,something you should not trust tick tock,with i'm kind of excited,what,in the powerpoint,so does that assist with them doing that,motion okay all right this looks,like the actual power glove it looks, awesome but it sort of looks,like something that someone made in like,their garage it made a funny spark when,i plugged it in okay whoa what the ,oh my god has signs gone too far,well let's walk that's quite scary,that's quite scary turning it up wow,what the nah that's up can,you make it do something that's hurting,my hand's gonna be dust actually no it's,not oh whoa whoa what the ,does it feel good it feels weird picture,this i'm 80 years,old i'm trying to pick up this ball so i,press the minus button on the machine it,extends my hand i put it over the ball i,press the plus button oh oh oh oh oh oh,is that here yeah i have a go no,what does this do,oh it's for your back why is he got egg,on it okay you're hopping is it,comfortable is it for like support maybe,it's support i think the point is that,the eggs don't break when you lie on,them because it's so squishy okay max,ready your buttocks,watch them immediately break okay here,we go chinese magic trick,is that a crack,what sit on them i don't think that's,basically sit on them is that part of,the thing sit on them slowly,oh my god,no way what if that works for me too oh,oh mommy,let it go,get these off the table all right chad,what's next, so you take the things you load,them in it's like a nerf gun of some,sort,okay they've got sticky things on the,end you shoot them at people how do i,shoot this thing,no shoot go shoot oh,oh,oh,oh come on the shot looks great,that was a cool item all right next,egg okay,oh kiwi fruit why they put a egg,on it i don't know okay peels eggs kiwi,fruits tomatoes tomatoes apples are,gonna put a human child on that oh,that'd be so great,oh that's part of oh there's a second,product do we have that oh we do,all right you ready is it doing anything,ah let's go,okay i love that why is it doing that,why is it whoa it just went in for the,kill look at that this is my favorite,part to eat that's delicious chad,i don't really like the skin i'm not,familiar it's not even skin look this is,the part you double did,all right,okay when are they bringing this to the,west,i like how little was wasted there give,me that,everyone peels potatoes right that's,like a pretty common thing,forbidden spaghetti,is anyone else eating a potato,raw please,god,that can't be good right,maybe you've hardly touched your raw,tape yeah,no it's all right more property for me,then,larger airpods large airpods do you,reckon they'd make a left and right one,would that be pokemon that would both be,right you remember that old meme hey,watch out he's got airpods in yo let me,put my airpod in you'll have to speak up,i've got my airpod in,oh my god they have large airport in,they can't hear us,what's wrong with their regular airpods,wait what this blows bubbles the is,that i'm turning mine on,scott that scared me,i feel like i'm in a peaceful chinese,village,carving a bamboo table,while my grandson watches next to me i'm,watching netflix,chad no no no no no no no no no we still,got one more airpod left,chad,i want to see what was in it what do you,think a speaker oh god forbid i i broke,something but when you break stuff it's,funny,okay hold on now,all right next what is this i can't read,chinese it says food chopper you gotta,love my nuts,okay potato okay okay this kind of looks,good,ish,the tip of my is gone,i'm getting it i'm getting it oh look at,that eating slices of carrots look at,that it's amazing oh it's so well sliced,that is so much effort yeah i'll try an,apple,man that don't fit try another,thing try another thing no no no no no,no no,okay that's something yeah i'm a genius,feed it in for me like you want me to,push on yeah i feel like there should be,something in the top that pushes it down,wait a minute,wait a minute,ah,oh my god that's amazing look at those,danky little thin cut pieces,i'll put everything in this now and try,it potato nice yeah now i had some cat,little potato carrot apple,you're gonna cut it it looks ,mangled wh

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How To Create Your First TikTok Ad

How To Create Your First TikTok Ad

what's up guys how's it going welcome to,another tick tock ad tip video so in,today's video i really wanted to walk,you through the basics there's a lot of,people out there who haven't run any ads,on tick tock it's actually a pretty big,group so i figured i've been doing so,many videos on like strategies and,tactics and what to do once you're,running to optimize to scale all that,good stuff but i really i've really put,anything out there on youtube or kind of,organically,i have stuff inside our paid program,tick tock insiders ticktock, but um but i want to put,a quick youtube video for anybody that's,brand new that's kind of like how do i,just start my first campaign right what,do i do day one brand new account brand,new campaign how do i set the very first,prospecting campaign so that's working,today i'm gonna come over here and we're,gonna switch over to a screen share i'm,gonna walk you through kind of one of,our um you know kind of dead kind of,test ad accounts that i can just play,around with kind of the sandbox and uh,and we're gonna play around there i'm,gonna show you this up your very first,prospecting campaign so again if you,were um if you're just getting started,want to know exactly what kind of first,campaign to start how to set it up the,ad groups number of ads all that good,stuff um this video is for you let's,dive in,all right so we're gonna switch over,here and let me hit the you got this,fancy little stream deck now down here,that allows me to swap between,everything so i'm going to click that,boom look at that so we're in screen,share mode which is great,um so here's what we're going to do,so this is let's just kind of this you,know this account has like twenty six,thousand dollars in spending so nothing,really at all but let's just assume this,is a brand new tick tock ad account that,you're kind of coming in here and,there's nothing in here now in future,videos and stuff i'm gonna go through,and this is you know really if you want,all this stuff it's inside tick tock, but i will be putting out,kind of more basic not as in-depth but,strategies and content out there like,you know how to set up your pixel and,how to set up your business center and,the difference between self-serve and,manage ad accounts all that good stuff,but this we're going to just focus on,assuming every pixel installed assuming,you have the basic foundations in place,what do you do with that very first,campaign so we're going to do,is we're going to head over here you're,going to go to your ads um, um that's going to take you,to create your ad account,and then once you're in there you can go,to it's going to take your,business center login and then you come,into your ad account then you can always,toggle between your different your,different ad accounts up here and then,go to your different business centers,we're on a bunch of business centers we,have a ton of them um but this is what,the ad account looks like again really,really similar to facebook they've hired,a massive number of facebook product,managers engineers basically everyone at,facebook google they've been recruiting,recruit recruiting and they've basically,cloned the interface so this is going to,feel very familiar to you if you are a,facebook advertiser and used to facebook,you're going to feel justice home in,here so,we're going to click the create button,and this is going to bring up our uh,our cranial campaign now you'll see that,there's a you know several campaign,objectives again very familiar to,facebook you're going to have your your,reach awareness you're going to have,considerations traffic app installs,video views lead generation community,engagement um this is kind of like ppe,so this is for growing your followers,for getting profile visits those types,of engagement based um actions and then,where most you're going to live is over,here conversions so either conversion,campaigns or catalog sales campaigns if,you're doing you know ecom,and you have a lot of skus um this you,can connect your product catalog with,shopify you can do dynamic product ads,collection ads all kinds of cool stuff,future videos talk about it but most of,you are going to want to start here this,is where you're pretty much going to be,day one for your first prospecting,campaign so we're going to click,conversions,and then we're going to give it a name,i'm a big believer in naming conventions,so i think consistency is huge,especially if you're if you're an agency,if you're a growing team,you want to keep things consistent and,easy to understand so we're going to do,ui which is like the tags it's going to,be your agency tag unit renovations or,it can be mf which is my first initials,whichever you decide um test,prospecting,we're then going to say whether it's,or cbo we're then going to put the,objective,and then we're going to put the date,which i believe is 3,22. so this is why i can just glance at,it real quick and i know ex

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I Bought The First 5 Things TikTok Ads Recommended To Me

I Bought The First 5 Things TikTok Ads Recommended To Me

(upbeat music),♪ This is Safiya's new intro song! ♪,- Hello friends, and welcome to another video.,This week, I'm gonna be buying the first five things,that TikTok ads recommend to me.,That's right, I'm gonna be giving TikTok,even more of my personal information, a questionable move.,So, over the past few years,,we've done a few experiments that involve buying products,from targeted ads across social media platforms,,like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat,to see if their ad algorithms and analytics,could match me to things I might like.,And a few months ago,,I finally relented and downloaded TikTok,,and lo and behold, there were ads and abs, but mostly ads.,Now in general, TikTok has actually become an environment,where companies and people interact a lot,,so I think a lot of businesses see TikTok,as a good marketing opportunity.,- Thank you Little Caesars,for the life size plush replica of me!,- And in terms of the ads I've seen,,there's quite a wide variety.,(dramatic music),- I have been dreaming of marriage with a rich girl.,- I've gotten ads for parks,,ads for like fake veneers and ads for working for TikTok.,Some are for super small Etsy shops.,Some are for larger corporations.,Some play into TikTok trends,,or try to mimic the normal videos,you might see on your for you page,,and some are incredibly low effort and confusing.,Like, what is this product, and why is it so pixelated?,And I also know that other people notice these ads as well,and can relate to getting blasted,by the same one for weeks on end.,- This is a plea to the marketing people at HALARA.,Please, stop targeting me to buy your mini tennis dress.,- Every time they open the app.,- Wow, I sure love my HALARA dress.,(sobs) It's, it's really cute!,- But TikTok does have a very targeted algorithm.,I should know. I've been on Edgar Allen Poe Tok before,,so maybe they do know best,,and maybe I will like the things they show me.,So that's what we're gonna do, buy the first five things,that TikTok ads recommend to me and see how they do.,All right, so a couple of quick disclaimers here.,One is that I'm gonna be pretty much just ignoring,the first ad that comes up right when you open the app,,because I usually find that those are for movies, TV shows,or big companies like Credit Karma,,and I'm more interested in their normal ad inventory,rather than the big banner ones,,which feel less targeted overall.,The other disclaimer is that rather than just sitting,in one spot and just scrolling,until I get to all of the ads,,I'm gonna open the app up multiple times,throughout the day and get my five ads that way,,just because that more closely replicates,the way I use TikTok on the daily,,compulsively opening the app,,scrolling through a few videos,,feeling guilty about wasting time and then closing the app.,Alright, and with that, let's ruin my algorithm.,Alright, so I've been scrolling,,and TikTok gave me a pretty good ad here.,This is an ad for Pizza Hut's new limited edition,,streetwear line, Tastewear.,- They don't just sell pizza anymore. They make streetwear.,And it's called Tastewear, so let's get into it.,- Yes, that's right, Pizza Hut made a track suit,,and they're advertising it to me, which is weirdly targeted.,I am not necessarily the world's biggest Pizza Hut fan,,but I am a huge fan of companies,doing weird PR things, including clothing.,KFC Crocs, sign me up. Peeps Crocs, I'm there.,Pizza Hut parka, I mean, I have that.,I don't actually follow a lot of brands on TikTok,,but I have posted a fair amount of videos,with weird clothing, including the aforementioned Crocs,,so maybe that's what tipped them off.,So I am gonna get all of this stuff, or as much as I can.,They have a jumpsuit that's inspired,by the plaid tablecloths at Pizza Hut restaurants.,Then I'm gonna get their T-shirt that is inspired,by their stained glass chandeliers,,and I'm also gonna get the slides.,They do also have a necklace, which I'm gonna grab.,The pizza chain, oh I just got chain.,It's a pizza chain about the pizza chain,,Pizza Hut, pizza chain.,Two notes here, one is that the iconic red cup,was sadly already sold out,,and also that this is not that cheap,,specifically, the track suit is kind of expensive,,which I wouldn't really expect from Pizza Hut,,but we're gonna get it anyways.,Dude, we're definitely gonna have to go,to Pizza Hut in this.,- You're gonna be drippin' in Pizza Hut.,- I'm going to be as greasy (laughing) as a Pizza Hut pizza,,sorry for the slander.,Alright, so I just got another ad,for what seems to be an electronics mystery box.,It's from this account called, What the Boxio,,and it's sort of cryptic.,It's almost like a cliffhanger.,This dude is just like, "Hey, you need a box, go get one!",- So you guys know we've got boxes, boxes, and more boxes.,I can't show you guys what's in there,,but I can tell you guys,,you guys need to go buy one as soon as possible.,- He also does a nice sheesh at the end.,Wow, I felt so weird doin

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