price tiktok ads

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How much do TikTok Ads Cost?

right how much does a successful Tick,Tock ad campaign cost well we're going,to dive into my screen here I'm going to,share with you guys one particular,campaign that has been working,phenomenally well for one of our Tick,Tock clients we actually generated 51,book calls so one thing to understand is,that this account is for a book called,funnel this is the main kpis sales are,just part of the process we obviously,are want to add optimize for sales but,book calls is what we're going after,here so I'm just going to quickly talk,about this because you know it's a,question of how much do I need to spend,on Tick Tock right that's the answer,that you want is how much should I spend,on take that home how much do I need in,terms of budget to be able to make Tick,Tock work for my brand and that's,actually going to depend right and I,know that's not the best answer right,it's a cop-out answer is oh it depends,but in reality that's that's what it is,right so what type of offer do you have,is it an e-commerce offer do you have a,high ticket offer such as this one that,I'm displaying right here is for a high,ticket offer okay uh is your offer local,right so there are different things,there are different kpis different,objectives that will let's say give you,Clarity in terms of the budget and how,to budget for these campaigns so one is,not going to be the right answer to,every single offer on Tick Tock so I can,only speak of maybe from our experience,what has been let's say the a driver for,success in terms of this Tick Tock,campaign and maybe how much was spent,but you should really do an analysis of,you know what your numbers are and I,think that's the better answer for for,this is what are your numbers what's,your average order value would your,customer lifetime value what is your,minimal cost per acquisition that you,can get right that you need to get by,right so like if you're over twenty,dollars GPA and you're losing money then,what's the point right so you need to,really understand uh your numbers before,you can answer that question so you know,I can quickly share with you guys here I,mean this is six sales for example 22,900 in Revenue but these are sales that,are hired on the higher ticket side,and this is 51 calls right so obviously,from the 51 calls six sales took place,you know we're getting leads for 21,right so like for other people like 20,leads may not be uh profitable right,that may not be ideal uh they would need,to get three dollar leads five dollar,leads which is possible with Tick Tock,but you can see here the spend is six,thousand two hundred and twenty three,dollars that's how much it took for us,to actually get this to work right this,is the lifetime hey guys before we,continue with the video I quickly do,want to take a second to talk about,today's video sponsor which is me more,specifically The Tick Tock ads,masterclass that I put together now a,lot of you already know this but Tick,Tock ads are the hottest thing in,advertising right now and rightfully so,I would kind of compare them to say,Facebook ads in 2015 2016. they're not,good so I put together this master class,which is designed to bring anyone up to,speed and set them up for success with,Tick Tock ads and right now you can take,advantage of our special internet,inductory launch pricing and get the,master class at a massive discount if,you are interested check the link in the,description below and with that let's,jump back into the video if you look at,last seven days for example right so,last seven days we spent 730 dollars we,got seven book calls the kpi is you know,uh less than 200 cost per call so in,this particular case this we're hitting,that kpi but there's no sales this last,seven days right that's expected when,you look at last 14 days,take a look at this here right there you,go so 19 calls 100 you know eleven,dollars cost per call so it still it,took two thousand dollars uh for us to,get that and there's still no sales here,the sales took place uh actually last,month in August right so go here you'll,be able to see how much is spent for,example in August this is where the,sales page so right now in September,there still haven't been any sales,because it is there is a sales cycle so,that's another thing you want to,consider it's not so much as like all,right how much do I spend before I can,get results those things will come with,different testing that you do right is,your creative grade good enough to get,you those initial results right if,you're an Ecom right so I'll break it,down this way you're in e-commerce right,now you have this product you sell it,for forty dollars well you need to,advertise it and sell it on Tick Tock,you need to get 15 CPA right so if you,start a campaign at twenty dollars a day,let's say okay and you and we have,reality you want to do maybe for,multiple campaigns at a time right and,you know on the ad set level you can set,it the minimum is 20 a day on Tick Tock,so let's say you do four campaigns 20 a,

The above is a brief introduction to price tiktok ads

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How Much Does A Successful TikTok Ad Campaign Cost ( + FAQs )

How Much Does A Successful TikTok Ad Campaign Cost ( + FAQs )

hello everyone welcome back to technic,force learning in this video i'll show,you how much do tick tock ads cough,let's get started,tick tock was relatively slow off the,block in implementing a formal,advertising program for this reason,brands had to find alternative ways to,advertise on tick tock this is one of,the reasons that influencer marketing,has thrived on the platform,tiktok started experimenting with,advertising in late 2018 although it,didn't take off until well into the,following year,there was much discussion in the early,days about the high cost of tick tock,ads it can cause brands to thousand,dollars to a hundred thousand dollars to,take over a popular tick tock channel,for instance the cost of a hashtag,challenge has a flat fee of a hundred,fifty thousand dollars for six days with,firms spending additional dollars on,promoting the challenge however,now that tick tock has introduced short,native video ads things are now much,more affordable for brands wishing to,advertise on tick tock tick,now has a formal ads program will it,cost you a fortune,it has taken a while for tick tock to,enter the ads market but they have now,set up their formal ads program it has,been slow gradual process however at,least this has meant that you don't have,intense competition to gain the,converted spots on tick tock unlike on,facebook and instagram where winning the,best advertising positioning can get,ruthless and,cutthroat,is tick-tock advertising suitable for,your business,tick-tock is rapidly growing in,popularity as a short video-sharing app,in fact there have been months when,tick-tock was the most downloaded,non-gaming app in both the apple and,android app stores it shouldn't be a,surprise that many brands want to be,part of the action they already have,active accounts on instagram facebook,twitter and linkedin as well as youtube,channel however,any tik-tok advertising or even running,a company tick tock account will depend,very much on the demographics of your,intended customer base the developers of,tick tock and its forerunner music,chose to create an app targeting under,18s,alright many tick tock fans have stayed,with the app as they have aged but it is,clear that the bulk of users are young,even now 41 of tech talks users are aged,between 16 to 24. indeed 66 percent of,tick tocks users are under 30. tick tock,also has a strong female sku,this probably doesn't surprise many as,it tends to reflect the typical,difference between the genders when it,comes to the content types tiktok made,its name as a form of virtual karaoke,a pastime that more females enjoy than,males so if your business targets young,women then you should seriously consider,advertising on tick tock as well as,setting up your own tick tock presence,if you sell products more suited to baby,boomers or generation x then you will,probably perform better on the platforms,where they spend their time next,tick-tock advertising can be expensive,compared to facebook and instagram,obviously some of tick-tocks best,best-known advertisers such as nike and,disney have deep pockets when it comes,to advertising they are highly unlikely,to quibble about costs unless there is a,vast difference it can seem more,expensive than the more familiar,facebook or instagram advertising,however ads on tick tock are still new,this means that tick tock can afford to,charge a premium rate for them knowing,that advertisers aren't going to abandon,tick tock to compete with their,competitors for prime facebook or,instagram advertising space tick tock,ads start at ten dollars per cpm or cost,per a thousand views,they require you to spend a minimum of,five hundred dollars on a campaign so,you aren't going to use formal tech talk,ads for a cheap and cheerful viral,marketing campaign now let's go to the,frequently asked questions first are,tick-tock ads worth it,the tick-tock ads platform makes it,worth it to create accessible and great,campaigns many brands especially smaller,businesses are not sure that advertising,on tick-tock is worth it especially,given the time it takes however it is,easy to set up campaigns create,authentic video content and keep track,of your analytics and data next can you,get paid for ads on tick tock you can,get paid an average of one cent to two,cents for every sponsored view on tick,tock according to a report in business,insider that means if your video gets a,hundred thousand views on tick tock you,get paid a thousand dollars for your ads,in sponsorship once you build a,following on tick tock you can pitch,yourself to brands to offer your,services next how much do tick talkers,get paid if you have a strong following,on tick tock it's easy to get paid tick,talkers with large followings and we're,talking about hundreds of thousands or,millions of followers can get paid,anywhere from two hundred dollars to,five thousand dollars each month the,amount will depend on the size of their,following if you don't have more than a,hundred thousand followers

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How To Scale Your Ecommerce TikTok Ads To $10k/Day

How To Scale Your Ecommerce TikTok Ads To $10k/Day

if you want to put a dollar into your,ecommerce business and predictably have,hundreds of dollars fly out at your face,so that you can buy 40 wish replicas of,your favorite watch then you need to,master one important skill,media buying if you want a team of,experts to help you find winning,products build your website create your,ads and manage your ads until we scale,to one grand a day or more then book a,call in the link in description with my,agency blue ocean digital just in the,past week one of our media buyers took a,brand new store from zero to 15 grand a,day so if anyone tells you that,dropshipping aren't tank talk ads is,dead they're probably a hater or your,parents so click the link in the,description if you're interested,oof that is an absolute stunner and i,know that lowers my credibility but as,you can see by my stripe your boy does,make a little bit of money on fourteen,thousand dollars yesterday i know gotta,flex my giga chad bank account real,quick because people just don't believe,people that are broke so now that we're,getting into media buying it doesn't,matter what platform you're using if,it's facebook tick tock ads i personally,like tick tock ads but when you're,trying to scale an e-commerce brand you,need to understand one platform and,really master it because they're all so,different and they're so niche in the,ways that you can scale on one platform,bid caps might work better or on one,platform certain creatives might only,work on that platform especially with,tick-tock so you really need to,understand and focus down on one main,platform to master because if you can,master it you will make millions of,dollars so pick a platform it can be,facebook it can be tick-tock they all,definitely work with e-commerce you just,need to figure out the different nuances,now after testing hundreds of products,and in the last month alone on tick tock,one of the main things i realized is,that creatives are so incredibly vital,especially in the beginning i would,recommend never testing a product unless,you have three to five creatives minimum,so when you have three creatives which,is our bare minimum here this is how i,would set up the first campaign so we're,gonna select conversions and when we go,down here to naming our campaign i,always do the product name breakeven,point so let's say i'm selling a,necklace so we just do the name of the,necklace bep and bep basically stands,for breakeven point so if i'm selling a,product for 25 and it cost me 10 then my,breakeven point is 15. that's where i,don't lose any money but i don't make,any money so that's a good metric i like,to keep track of there's other things i,like to keep track of like whether this,is a testing campaign or a scaling,campaign but just to keep it basic we'll,just have this framework now for cbo's i,do not do cbo's when testing i know that,works better on facebook and again this,is where you have to learn the nuances,but for tick tock after doing a ton of,testing i feel like cbo is better for,scaling so once you connect the pixel to,your shopify store make sure you're,selecting that and also that you have,the optimization event as complete,purchase this is a brand new ad account,so nothing's on it now for placement,we're going to do tick tock and for the,advanced settings i do recommend having,the comments on we have done a ton of,split tests and you can manage your,comments by going to assets then,comments and you can see all the,comments so if you do want to delete,comments because typically 90 of,comments will be positive but around 10,will say oh you can get this product on,amazon for five dollars then you can go,to assets and comments to easily shut,them down because we don't need anyone,going rogue and taking food from our,plates so you can easily monitor that,but i would recommend it because we,noticed more people were sharing our ads,and more people were clicking and it was,just noticing that our purchases went up,when we had that feature on now for aco,this is something we've also split,tested a lot this is great for scaling,too when you have a ton of creatives i,would not recommend it in the beginning,you typically want to have a good amount,of spend for each one of your creatives,so you can see which one is the best and,when you're doing aco a lot of your,creatives are going to get neglected,they're only going to get maybe 5 cents,10 cents spent on them and you can't,properly evaluate if they are a winner,so i'd recommend turning that off and,then for targeting locations this is up,to you i would recommend getting an,agency account if you're international,so that you can have us targeting us is,still the best country on tick tock by,far however the cpms can get pretty,competitive so if you are in europe it,actually is very favorable to do uk,targeting to australia targeting to do,france targeting there are specific,countries that work very well because,they don't get a whole lot of ads shown,to them so the cpms are so freaking

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TikTok Ads Tutorial Shopify Dropshipping ($0 to $100k Month)

TikTok Ads Tutorial Shopify Dropshipping ($0 to $100k Month)

so whether you like it or not tic toc,ads have been crushing in the ecom space,lately with not only the paid marketing,side but also the organic side,especially with facebook bands getting,out of hand high cpms and high cost per,clicks tick-tock seems to be the,all-around solution and in this video,i'm going to show you exactly how i,start and run my tick tock ad campaigns,to get sales like you hear in the,background so over the past few months,i've generated quite a lot with tic toc,in terms of revenue and in profit and,this is just one of the stores i'm,currently running and you guys can see,the active visitors we have 1.1 k as,well as 30 000,in sales just for today and here's also,one of the other stores we did around,60k in november and going on into,december we pulled out around 130 000,and this was all about around a 30,margin overall so if you ask me that's,not bad at all this right here is the,store that i pulled off 30 000 just for,today's sales in and you guys can see,the tick tock ads manager we have quite,a lot of campaigns because this product,definitely is in the scaling phase but,putting all this aside let's get right,into the tutorial the first thing you're,required to do is create an actual,account you guys can use the link below,and for the business name we're just,going to pretty much put our business,name i'm just going to put subscribe now,because that's what i recommend you,highly do right now if you're not,already for the industry we're going to,go ahead and put e-commerce and scroll,down all the way to other right here now,for the time zone i'm gonna put los,angeles now this one will defer you want,to put your time zone of course then go,ahead and check this box right here and,click register now after this you should,be taken to a page that looks something,like this so right here you're just,going to fill out your business website,put in your address and all that,information that's going to ask you for,a credit card and all that but once,you're filling all that out you should,land on a page like this so this is an,existing ad account i have obviously,we're going to want to go ahead and,select conversions right here and then,for the campaign name you're going to,put whatever the product name is but i'm,just going to put one for the sake of,this video and then you don't want to,touch any of these these are for,different strategies and actually do use,these options but we're not going to do,that in this case specifically so we're,gonna hit continue right here and once,we are on this page the ad group name is,basically the interest name so whatever,you target let's say you target dog,owners or cat lovers you're gonna put,cat lovers or dog owners or whatever,interest you target but for tick tock,specifically i like to go broad so i'm,going to leave this as broad and then,i'll show you guys how to target,interests later down the line so for the,website we're going to want to create a,tick tock pixel i already have two,pixels right here but if you created a,new ad account you won't have a pixel so,we're going to want to create one and in,order to do that you just want to click,that button click set up web events or,create pixel tick tock pixel click next,and you want to name your pixel i'm,going to put three and then click this,second option right here click shopify,click next and you should be taken to a,different page where you're just going,to spam next a bunch of times so,complete setup and we should be good to,go now in order to install this you can,actually get an app called tick tock on,the shopify app store and then just,pretty much log in with your tick tock,account details now personally on some,of my stores i don't even install pixels,and i just go based off of different,metrics like the ctr cpm cost per click,but if you want to install a pixel you,guys can pretty much do it through,shopify or by installing it with code so,now once our pixel is set up you guys,can go back to the tick tock page right,here open this up and we have our third,pixel that we just created right here,for the optimization of that we want to,click complete payment we don't want any,other people who just go to our site to,add to cart or view the content we want,actual purchasers hence why we choose,this option right here now we want to,scroll down right here and click select,payments and uncheck these two random,ones i mean we don't need panel or news,feed app series we want tick tock that's,where the money is at at the end of the,day for user comments we're going to,turn this off and then for video,download we're going to turn this off as,well now for this option be aware people,can still download your videos so you,want to make sure that you add a,watermark on all your videos before,uploading them or creative type there is,some strategies i use which include this,checked but for this specific testing,strategy we're not going to have this,checked right now so scroll down and for,the location i always start

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How to Get $1 CPA's Using Tiktok Ads

How to Get $1 CPA's Using Tiktok Ads

hello hello and welcome into the one,dollar structure setup this is,basically how I was able to get all of,those one dollar CPAs that I was showing,on my story this structure is basically,the hive mind of the surf scaling,strategy the bump method the bully,method and my independent scaling,strategy,um specifically using cost caps so it's,kind of like the best current marketing,strategy out there at the moment that I,would use to scale a winner so you don't,do this for testing this is if your,product is doing well you would,structure and set up multiple campaigns,like this and then just adjust the,budget so it's very similar in the sense,of the bump method where you actually,have to sit there at the time that you,would like to run it and then you are,surf scaling the budget up so you're,actively bumping that budget,continuously and it'll make sense here,in one second just hang with me okay so,obviously here we go we have have bump,one two three four five accelerated bump,one two three four five what can that,mean obviously it is for Accelerated,budget okay so within the actual 10 ad,groups we have 10 ad groups running all,of them have a budget of fifty dollars,which means we're gonna be spending 500,but it doesn't so the algorithm thinks,that we're gonna be spending 500 so that,we have the capacity to if these budgets,exhaust but obviously on the campaign,level it's capped to fifty dollars so,why would we do that well it's because,we want to only spend the least amount,that we have to in order to get it to,the point where it's actually going to,be making this money so that's why I say,this isn't for testing this is if you,have an existing winner because you have,to burn through 50 bucks okay so you got,to burn through 50 bucks but I promise,you if you if you do the math at scale,that fifty dollars is nothing in,contrast two what you're going to be,saving when these perform well okay so a,little bit of an update,The Tick Tock bidding structure seems to,be working the best for me as opposed to,the lowest cost lowest cost typically,will outperform at high budget abos High,budget cbos but for me with abos and,with testing like this and just,basically utilizing the strategy that,I'm going to show you I always do cost,cap and as you guys know my famous 33 or,77 so I'm scaling this up by about two,to three dollars every single time the,highest being 34 the lowest being 21. I,recommend you guys follow this schedule,first and foremost,um not schedule sorry follow this bid,all the way up and then you can bump it,if it's not spending for your ad account,your product or your Lander like I said,before I don't know what product you're,running I don't know what your Lander,looks like so when this works for me,this is my tool This Is My Method that's,all I'm giving you guys right now okay,so if it doesn't work for you guys or,it's not performing right probably,switch up that product that's why I say,this isn't for testing this is for,products or businesses that are doing,well on tick tock right now this is just,a little cheeky method that you could,bump in and make you some Bookoo bucks,with so accelerated bump number one,same exact structure as all of the other,bumps basically if you guys don't know,how to do this when you create the one,ad group you duplicate it nine times you,just select it'll give you the option to,clone it you clone it nine times then,you physically go in and click on each,one of these and the ad and the content,that you guys are going to see is an,actual ads that I'm running I just had,to propagate it for the video there but,let me show you guys here I'm running an,ACO campaign okay,automatic automated creative,optimization so it's always ACL because,I want to feed that algorithm as much,content as possible and you'll,understand why when I show you guys the,method here automatic targeting this,varies okay so I personally am using,automatic targeting right now because I,feel like The Tick Tock algorithm is,really really capable of finding those,audience members or viewers rather,audience members where the are we,on stage uh finding the viewers who are,going to be purchasing the products,finally finally finally we have an,algorithm that's actually optimizing for,people that purchase and it's not just,blindly sending out content to people,that you know in the learning phase are,just going to click on the ad and then,nothing happens so,United States only the elite budget 50,here is my day partying so I'm day,parting I start my ad at 12 o'clock okay,so boom right Splat right in the middle,of the day and then it extends to about,1am Friday it goes to two Sunday it goes,to two as well and then on Monday we,start back at 12 o'clock okay so why do,we want this to basically exhaust from,12 o'clock to one o'clock the full fifty,dollars well our point is we want it to,spend basically as quickly as possible,so that's why this is accelerated so,this is going to spend as quickly as,possible but at 12 o'clock that's

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I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)

I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)

in the last 90 days i've spent over 600,000,on tick tock ads with our clients and,every day we're migrating more and more,budget over from facebook to tick tock,and in today's video i'm going to be,covering the top five ways you can learn,from the lessons that i have after,spending six hundred thousand dollars on,tick tock ads,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,your favorite digital marketer here,let's get into this video so these are,the lessons from spending 600 000,dollars in tick tock ads and i would,have been far better off if i had,already learned these lessons in advance,or had somebody to really guide me,through the process of understanding,what it is that make tick tock ads,convert how to structure the audiences,and all of the learnings that we've had,from other platforms to be able to be,successful on tick tock ads and that's,exactly what i'm going to be doing today,is i'm going to be walking you through,the top five things that are going to,allow you to be successful with tick,tock ads from the things that we've done,after spending 600 000 on tick tock ads,so let's go ahead and jump into the,first thing and start covering some of,the things you can do to actually,increase your overall conversions and as,you can see here we spent a little over,six hundred thousand dollars on testing,this far just in the last 90 days that's,about 148 million impressions from that,amount of spending about 2 million,clicks overall and so let's go ahead and,go over the tick tock adds creative best,practices so number one is videos with a,duration of 21 seconds to 34 seconds,have a 280 percent lift and conversion,yes you heard that right 21 seconds to,34 seconds if you literally just have,tick tock ads that are at least 21 to 34,seconds long,you automatically have a competitive,advantage over other tick tock,advertisers and the reason for this lift,and conversions is because that's enough,time for you to deliver information in a,concise way to the actual consumer that,might be purchasing your product or the,business that might actually be you know,choosing to work with your service and,you want to time it between 21 to 34,seconds you don't want it to be overly,long you don't want it to be overly,short,so definitely try to be within this,range because you are going to see much,better conversions by doing so and this,is data that ticktalk actually has from,you know hundreds of thousands of,advertisers that are actually already on,the platform and we're seeing this with,our results too videos that are between,21 to 34 seconds do actually convert,better,and we also see that the 9 16 aspect,ratio does help with lifting conversions,that is vertical video y'all you'll want,to make sure you have vertical video you,don't want to try to apply square video,and have these black spaces in between,the actual video you want to make sure,that these videos are actually vertical,tick tock is a vertical placement so you,want to make sure your content actually,fits for tick tock so make sure you have,a 9x16 aspect ratio in your actual,videos that is simply filming on your,phone that's the best way to do it to,actually keep the vertical video in,check and that resolution is actually,going to be higher and that actually,leads us to the next point if your video,is actually above 720p you're going to,see a 312 lifting conversion so if you,just apply these three things you're,going to see you know 280 lift and 91,left and even up to a 312 percent lift,in conversions by having hd video if you,upload a very low quality video the back,door is this you're likely going to get,much less conversions than other,accounts would and if you have ads that,are actually converting now with a low,quality video well if you just upgrade,the quality you could be seeing much,better conversions at the exact same,cost the next thing is number two and,that's tick tock user generated content,this is very big because you have,branded ads and you have spark ads,branded ads are essentially what you see,here this is an ad by go clove and you,know their shoe brand and they have,these actual you know branded outline,where it has the colors of their blue,they're green and the actual ad and it's,very branded and when you come across it,looks very much so like an ad these,types of ads do work to some degree and,you know do have good conversion rates,depending on you know how they're,actually flexing their brand and,actually driving you know consideration,and actually having people make the,conversion based off of what's actually,in the actual ad and you can see has 57,likes you know people are commenting,that they are interested in the product,which is a good thing but overall we're,seeing much better results with tiktok,spark ads and ugc content where we're,actually using user generated content in,the ads and that is a form of raw video,and user generated content is,essentially content that is created by,people or users instead of brands or,businesses now you can have pe

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This Strategy is Giving me $1 CPM's Using TIk Tok Ads (TRY NOW)

This Strategy is Giving me $1 CPM's Using TIk Tok Ads (TRY NOW)

in this video i'm gonna break down,exactly how i'm getting one dollar cpms,on tick tock ads with shopify drop,shipping if you're new to this channel,we talk about of course tick tock ads,e-commerce drop shipping pretty much how,to make money online and use tick tock,ads for your business so if that's,something that you're interested in make,sure you hit the like button and,subscribe to the channel we also have a,ton of free training link below and a,brand new ad spy tool that should be,releasing within the next coming weeks,called spy talk it's how i found all my,winning products you can check that out,and be one of the first 100 people to,get access and a discount but let's get,straight into the video guys right,and you should be able to see my screen,here on this is a brand new ad account,uh we just spun this store up a few days,ago,and i'm gonna show you guys what i'm,doing inside my ad account to get these,really good results now be aware this is,all complete payment so that's what i'm,optimizing for and this is all in inside,one campaign to begin,and it's a brand new product right brand,new product brand new store and a lot of,the metrics actually are being tracked,as well for some reason on certain ad,accounts the tick tock pixel works and,on other accounts it's just terrible so,this one is under reporting heavily uh,don't worry i'm going to show you guys,the profits in it you know towards the,middle of the video if you can you know,let your squirrel brain go for a second,and actually hone in and lock in what,i'm about to tell you uh you'll be able,to understand and and use this for your,store so,yeah what we do is i'm a huge fan a huge,fan of cost caps now cost caps is a type,of bidding strategy on your tick tock,ads there's you know right now there's,cost caps,lowest cost and value optimization those,are three things that you can use inside,your tic toc ads manager at the moment,uh if you want to see a value,optimization strategy hit the like on,the video or comment below and if you,want to value one as well i'll make it,i'mma start making more videos like this,almost like live audits if you guys are,interested i'll show some love on this,video but basically we have a ton of aco,ad groups which is automated creative,optimization,with us as the location,broad as the targeting so broad,completely broad no targeting at all,nothing,ages 18 to 55 plus male and female and,like i said with that acl,what we like to do is we like to have,the budget super high so a 200 daily,starting budget for our acos and then,the bid i'm not going to really show you,the bid right here because it's a part,of what we're doing right now but just,know it's a bidding it's cost capper,using cost cap bidding with different uh,you know decimals at the ending so say,if you have a cost cap of,19,and 42 cents okay or 19.50 you can do,that so different types of bids that,we're going to be using,and i'm going to show you guys right now,kind of how we're getting these results,so you can see here 10 cent cpcs 82 cent,cpms,versus this is with a uh,the lowest cost ad group so this is the,lowest cost as optimization,21,you know 21 cents cbc and a 2 cpm,that's pretty much basing off of you,know lowest cost versus a cost cap here,and you can see this has eight,conversions and i said this before the,the uh the tracking is terrible on it,but basically the strategy is this,you scale through,big caps at different bids and you,duplicate those bids,so say if we have you see a ton of these,are the same ad groups but with,different creatives and different bids,so if we have this ad group right here,us broad 18 18 and 55 plus female aco,with,our you know date 7 14 22 these are,brand new ads at launch today and what's,different between about this campaign,and let's say you know this one right,here the 712 ads is it's a whole brand,new aco and what do i mean by this so,usually inside these acos will have,three to five,different you know ad creatives and,three,ad copies right three ad text now,on this day we have totally separate,creatives so three to five brand new,creatives in this aco,on the 712 right two days ago when i,launched this and then the 714 one,has totally different ad creatives but,with the same you know ad copies,so that's how you're going to be able to,scale so you basically for example if,this,campaign right here,was doing super well the 712 at a 17 bit,what we would do is obviously we want to,duplicate that,and you know keep raising the budget,that's something that we can do or we,can have more creatives so what i do is,i scale through creatives i'll duplicate,that same bid that 17 bid,with,brand new creatives and a brand new aco,campaign so i'll have you know new,creatives chopped up by a team,or i'll shoot them myself right you can,literally use your phone right here this,thing in your in my hand and iphone if,you have an android like i said i always,feel sorry for you because it's harder,to shoot content but you use your iphone,and

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Best Low Budget TikTok Ads Strategy | Shopify 2022

Best Low Budget TikTok Ads Strategy | Shopify 2022

as you guys can see this specific,campaign spent,about 351 dollars he's getting cpa,around 10 which is pretty good cpc is 29,cents and he got 35 sales on this,specific campaign,what's up beautiful people it's nas here,thank you so much for coming back to my,youtube channel in this video i'm gonna,show you the absolute lowest budget,strategy that you could start uh testing,on tick tock ads so i get a lot of,questions what's your go-to uh method i,personally don't do lowest cost just,because i want to figure out if the,product is winning winning or not right,away i don't want to give it like crazy,amount of time but i know a lot of you,guys are on budget and you want to make,sure that you're not spending or wasting,a lot of money on ads i've talked to,people that spend thousands of dollars,on one or two products without getting,any results so this kind of clarifies,everything if you want to go absolute,lowest,way of finding a winning product keep,watching also i have all these,information that i'm going to talk about,and at google doc if you want me to give,it to you make sure you like this video,and comment down below what do you want,me to talk about on the next video once,this video gets 500 likes i'm gonna put,it in the bio down below so you have all,the information you can literally follow,it step by step and um you know uh set,it up set up your own ads and test your,own products for really really cheap all,right so let's get into it first of all,let's talk about setup setting up the ad,groups and all that stuff right so ad,group is very similar if you're coming,from facebook ad group is very similar,to adset and facebook platform ads that,are run on tick tock ads manager they,have three parts if you're new here i'm,gonna explain all those things uh we,have campaigns we have ad groups and,then we have ads a campaign can include,one or more ad groups after creating the,campaign you will need you will need to,set up your ad groups inside and then,you add your ads i'm gonna explain all,that stuff i just put it out there just,in case you guys are absolutely new and,you have no idea what tic toc ads are,i'm gonna explain everything all right,uh before we get started uh i'm gonna,i'm gonna kind of clarify this is just,testing with manual bidding it's a,little frustrating because it cannot,sometimes it doesn't spend your money,and you have to run the ads for multiple,days until you figure out if the product,is winning product or not but on a good,note uh it saves you a lot of money,because you're you're if you're not,running lowest cost when you're running,lowest cost it literally spends your,money real quick which i personally like,to do just because i like to test fast,um and find out if a product is winning,product or not it takes me literally a,couple hours to find out if a product is,a winning product or not but like i said,um not everybody comes in and they're,like oh i'm gonna spend thousands of,dollars on ads and this is the best way,to go about it the thing is when you do,manual betting you're technically,telling tick-tock i want you to get me,sales for the amount of bid like let's,say if you put your amount your target,uh cpa is 10 or your bid number is 10,you want tick-tock to get your sales for,under 10,if you can do that if the tick tock,platform is not able to give you cheap,sales it's not going to spend your money,that makes sense now that being said,that can also be frustrating for a lot,of people and just crazy because that's,that was the first method that i was,testing and i talked about it and i,would get so many messages about people,reaching out telling me that their ads,are not spending,it happens you know even with lowest,cost it happens but this is specifically,it can not not spend your money all,right now let's get into it let me tell,you exactly how i set up my campaigns my,ad groups and everything first of all if,you know me i like to test with three to,four creatives i don't like to just have,one creative i like to give the product,uh,the best chances of winning i even,sometimes test with 10 creatives and,then if you have a winning product maybe,two or three of those videos become a,winning uh creative,a lot of people believe in winning,products i believe in winning creatives,i know i say winning product but,technically you need the right creative,for the right product to become a,winning product,you know what i mean all right and i,like to create uh four to six ad groups,honestly i i personally do minimum six,but if you're just getting started and,it's confusing for you start with four i,like to do six sometimes i actually just,do 10 and then kind of play around with,a bit bit amount uh location i i do us,in canada sometimes i test these dip,separately i actually had a product i,never i used to test them separately in,the beginning but then i kind of stop,and get them together and now again i,test them separately because i noticed,some products actually sell much better,in canada an

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