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here are 20 moments you wouldn't believe,if not,filmed before we get started don't,forget to like the video,and subscribe to the channel with,notifications on to make sure you never,miss a video,alright let's get started world famous,contortionist sophie dossie presented,unbelievable skill,in her performance at the los angeles,staples center,an irish weather woman was reporting,about a dramatic storm warning but it,was so windy that it almost sounded like,she was singing,don't make unnecessary journeys,don't take risks on treacherous roads,don't make,unnecessary journeys don't take risks on,treacherous roads,and don't swim in the sea incredibly,here in blackrock and salt hill both,today,and yesterday ever heard the saying,never underestimate a goat,no you probably haven't but they're,actually much smarter than you might,think,check out these alpine ibex scaling a,near vertical wall of an italian dam,and making it look like child's play,check out this mesmerizing point of view,of a skilled pilot landing an,f a-18 fighter jet on an aircraft,carrier,japanese baseball player shohei ohtani,hit the ball,so perfectly that this happened,in a college basketball game a cleaner,was given the fright of his life,when the ball possession changed in an,instant he hilariously tried to escape,the team's attack,check out this hilarious cctv footage of,a girl,trying to walk on an icy sidewalk,everybody loves attention even dogs,check out this dog pretending to have a,limp,and when a man came over to help the dog,got busted,a few years ago a japanese company built,an incredible natural instrument in the,middle of a lush forest in japan,their creation featured hundreds of,different sized pieces of wood,each sounding an individual note when,struck,a wooden ball then rolls down the,structure hitting every note,of a bach masterpiece,when a 7.1 scale earthquake struck this,couple's backyard pool,became a tsunami the woman's priority,was solely to save her,phone,florian kohler also known as venom trick,shots,showcases his mind-boggling pool trick,shots,when this guy tried to rest up against,the fence he got pretty unlucky,when nobody's watching we all tend to do,things we are not necessarily supposed,to,unfortunately for her a woman in the,ellen audience is,caught in the act of taking multiple,items from the free merchandise table,shortly after the woman is ridiculed by,ellen in front of the whole world,that's embarrassing and everything but,you know let that be a lesson to you,because you think,it is you think nobody's watching you,and you just need to be a good person,just sit in that l in jail over there,right now,in a rare football moment the pitch was,invaded by,three dogs the ball boys tried to chase,and catch the dogs,however one of the players seems to pick,a fight with a dog,he's most probably more of a cat person,in limbo dancers pass under a very low,bar and attempt not to dislodge it well,shamika charles decided to set a new,unique limbo world record when she,became the first person to successfully,limbo,under a car,when a ball boy refused to give the ball,to the keeper the keeper decided to pay,him back by doing this,over 300 drones flew over the seoul,olympic park,lighting up the night sky forming,colorful pictograms and messages of hope,organized by the south korean government,it was made in hopes of encouraging the,public to,overcome the difficulties of the,pandemic,after they scored a goal this ball boy,ran straight to the celebrating team,and got picked up by the striker what's,the craziest thing you've done when,celebrating,let us know in the comments,when a ball boy was embarrassed after,slipping while trying to return the ball,he decided to compensate and nutmeg the,goalkeeper,this fighter picked his opponent up and,appeared to drop him off in the corner,this actually counts as a clinch and was,not,penalized as a foul marine theme parks,are very often criticized for holding,dolphins captive in small,tanks which could not be good for them,well this company that makes hollywood,props decided to build hyper-realistic,robotic dolphins that could replace,captive animals at marine parks,the downside however is that just one of,these robotic dolphins sells for up to,five,million dollars,which of these do you think was the best,let us know in the comments below,leave a like if you enjoyed it and don't,forget to subscribe to the channel with,notifications on to make sure you never,miss out on future videos thanks for,watching and we'll see you,in the next one

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Mike Tyson is Right Behind You

Mike Tyson is Right Behind You

there's a new list that just came out of,the greatest athletes of all time who,would you put in number one number one,all-time michael jordan and at number,two,number two would probably be,muhammad ali,maybe,number three it's a tight one it's a uh,tiger woods or um pele,okay but we still haven't got to mike,tyson now where does he land on the list,he's my favorite boxer of all time but,he's probably around,oh wait please tell him,what number probably number one now,how do you like conor mcgregor great,he's absolutely done great things for,ireland his whiskey's nice too,who do you think would win an effect,between conor mcgregor and mike tyson,that's a difficult question i don't know,can't they both have the aggression i'm,gonna have to go with connor because,he's irish though all right tell him,what do you think of mike tyson what i,think of him um,he's kind of crazy,he's very lucky that i'm a peaceful man,i mean,he's had a a pass i guess you know i i,feel like if you get hit up inside the,head that many times it kind of makes,you a little bit crazy but,it's still very entertaining to watch,you know mike what do you think are you,crazy i think oh my god,do you think you and your prime could go,in the ring with mike tyson now,yeah i'll give it a go,okay here we go let's do this mike tyson,vs butterbean,what do you think about mike tyson's,face tattoos i think ugly i mean i think,his face looks better without it,it looks like someone slapped him in the,face with fatty you know that's not,great do you see any possibility that,you would ever get a tribal face tattoo,like mike tyson,no man i wish somebody would slap me in,my face hey mike you know,hey you know i uh,cool man,what do you think of mike tyson i think,he's great um i love to see his,transition into this second life that,he's got sort of as like a respected,elder statesman like a sweet old man,um,he's like the friendly weed smoking,grandpa so you see him as a sweet old,man,i mean unless you get him in the ring,and hit that switch in which case it's,on owned,there's no man right here,no,man,sorry the language that's an old man,what do you think of mike tyson would,you rank him as the greatest athlete of,all,time no,is mike tyson here,no yes he's the greatest athlete

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What Greta Thunberg does not understand about climate change | Jordan Peterson

What Greta Thunberg does not understand about climate change | Jordan Peterson

this is all wrong I shouldn't be up here,I should be back in school on the other,side of the ocean yet you all come to us,young people for hope how dare you you,have stolen my dreams in my childhood,with your empty words yet I'm one of the,lucky ones people are suffering people,are dying,entire ecosystems are collapsing we are,in the beginning of a mass extinction,and all you can talk about is money and,fairytales of eternal economic growth,how dare you,so I was wondering whether you thought,climate change could be an issue that,could unite us all or left and right,moving us beyond debates about c16 to,discussions at the UN Katowice next,month where perhaps humanity might,finally discover its global map of,meaning No,I mean those there's a couple of reasons,I mean the first reason is is that I,spend a lot of time reading I worked for,UN committee for two years on,sustainable economic and ecological,development and read a very large amount,during that period of time and learned a,lot much of which made me much more,optimistic than I had been before I read,the relevant literature which was a real,shock to me but the climate change issue,is an absolutely catastrophic,nightmarish mess and the idea that that,will unite us is that's that's that's,not going to unite us I mean first of,all it's very difficult to separate the,science from the politics and second,even if the claims the more radical,claims are true we have no idea what to,do about it,and so no and besides it's even worse,than that,here's though here is one of the worst,things about the whole masses so as you,project outwards with regards to your,climate change projections which are,quite unreliable to begin with and the,unreliability of the measurement,magnifies as you move forward in time,obviously because the errors accumulate,and so if you go out 50 years the error,bars around the projections are already,so so wide that we won't be able to,measure the positive or negative effects,of anything we do right now so how in,the world are you going to solve a,problem when you can't even measure the,consequence of your actions like how is,that even possible and and besides that,what's the solution what are we going to,do switch to wind and solar well good,luck with that just try it and see what,happens we can't store the power Germany,tried it they produce more carbon,dioxide than they did when they started,because they had to turn on their,coal-fired plants again that wasn't a,very good plan well we don't want,nuclear it's like okay what happens at,night huh the Sun Goes Down well isn't,that something we shouldn't have taken,it that we should have taken into,account our we gotta flip on the,coal-fired plants well so it was a,complete catastrophe and all that,happened was the price of electricity,shot up there's like zero utility that's,that's not a solution so what are we,gonna do about it,well we should cut back we can't consume,as much as we should as we as we are all,consuming it's like well maybe except,the data that I've read indicate that if,you can get the GDP of people up to,about five thousand dollars a year then,they start carrying about the,and the environment cleans up so you,could make a perfectly strong case I,think at a reasonable one perhaps even a,humane one that the actual idea would be,to get everybody in the world who's poor,desperately so out of poverty as fast as,possible which would increase,consumption in the short term because,then they'd start to care about the,environment and things would clean up,it's like okay well what are we gonna do,about global warming well good luck,figuring that out I don't see a solution,on the horizon I look at Bjorn long,Berg's work I really like Bjorn Lomborg,I think he's a real genius you can look,them up if you want,he took the UN Millennium Goals there's,200 of them that's way too many goals if,you're serious about goals by the way,because 200 goals isn't a plan it's a,wish list you have to prioritize I'm,serious you have to prioritize but they,won't prioritize because each of the,goals has its constituents and if you,prioritize then you irritate the,constituents and but if you don't,prioritize then you can't implement the,plan,so what Lumbergh did was gather a team,of teams of economists multiple teams,some of whom were Nobel prize-winning,economists he had them assemble teams he,had them rank order development goals in,terms of the return on investment,all of the teams then he averaged across,the teams and came up with a final list,and an addressing global warming wasn't,even on the list the the most,fundamental he wrote a book called how,to spend seventy five billion dollars to,make the world a better place and that's,not very much money on a global scale,almost everything that he recommended,had to do with increased child nutrition,in developing in developing countries,it's like these things are complicated,man,these are complicated it's like well,let's fix global warming it's like okay,well go

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Baby finds relief from colic and constipation after Chiropractic care

Baby finds relief from colic and constipation after Chiropractic care

so this is Sheila one of our practice,members and she is a new grandma this is,her grandbaby Winston so want you to,tell us just a little brief history,about his story and what's been going on,with him,well ever since that he was got born the,second day you was born he has screamed,and no matter who held him he screamed,and normally an infant does not scream,we gave him an ounce and a half of,formula he gulped down right away,he was still screaming after that you,know a month old now he's a month old,now,really soft and he has not stopped and,the doctor has said that he's a,colleague and I know colic is like a,consistent thing through the night and,his is just random and when he does he,does an excessive pain so that when you,didn't paint arches back he'll try to,get comfortable I just can't can't after,he eats his stomach pains yeah you just,can't no he only has like one bowel,movement it's really hard to the point,where there's like so red in the face,like he's like almost stops breathing,just hard to get the bowel movement out,they took pictures and they saw the gas,yes open the bowel and also you know the,stools so hard they actually you've,actually had to manually remove it,before see his head's turn to the right,always rightly stuck like that and,that's I mean I hate to say just about,it but that's everything right now,okay so we're gonna check in with our,narrow scope here we just want to see,how his nervous system is functioning,the nervous system controls everything,so the bowel is controlled by the sacral,nerves and Ambar nerves,we're also going to check the neck up,there but also the digestive tract and,through there so it might take him a,little bit,try to keep me still as we can you know,Jenna Cunha come in closer they can see,the scope that we also notice on there,you had said the only time he's really,comfortable is when you let her belly,hang there beside it didn't work how,many hours a night does he sleep mmm,it varies very little mistaken okay but,let's check the neck up to put him on,this with you,we're almost done all right,they going up there to do okay okay what,I'd like to do is get you on the,high/low here I'm gonna have you just,stay on you because these comes with,what with you so we'll have you on your,back in like four so I'm gonna bring,your hand up here yeah just like that,so we're gonna take a little pressure,off with the hips go straight down,towards you,Jack you know back Atlas bone is the top,bone it really can affect the brain stem,which affects a lot of our vital,functions but for him it shifted over to,the right so it has actually tilted to,the left but he's rotated to the right,as well,so when he's in that car seat he's like,house looking more to the right and he,doesn't want to turn that head back over,to the right though,so we gotta shift that back to the left,and then take that rotation back outside,line all right and that should help take,the pressure off of his neck,I think you buried your pants there okay,you know from the time that you first,brought a man what were things like,before that it was really constipated,and he would have liked more like a,colleague excessive crying going on,and it was not just that a certain time,it would just happen whenever just,randomly randomly whatever if it was an,evening early you mean late at night so,since then since a first adjustment,yesterday he has really cut loose,several times his bowels are working,good and the excessive screaming fists,clenching red in the face,you can tell you them severe pain has,stopped awesome what's that been like,for you mom and you got some sleep too,right awesome,so how many times a night was he waking,up alright so would you recommend,chiropractic care for infants dealing,with colic and reflux and constipation,is yeah she said she broke records,yesterday with the dirty diaper so it's,awesome all right thank you guys,you

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Midwest Siri

Midwest Siri

does siri have trouble understanding,your midwest accent hey there siri,what's the guy gotta do to find,nightcrawlers in nashuban on,dialing911 you were having a stroke no,no no no no,siri remind me to get a bag of bagels,did you mean bagel yeah bagels i'm sorry,did you say,bagel bagels bagels bagels bagel bagels,hey siri find me some oh finding dope,new you,a crepe siri okay i found a recipe for,crepes,okay that's it hang on there slugger,there's a solution,it's called midwest siri better known as,cheryl cheryl wazinski,how did you get in here you left the,door open oh did you need me dear hey,cheryl,oh hi hon how are your folks doing tell,them i says hi won't you,simply download the new io best update,and let cheryl do the rest,cheryl how far is glambo field from here,lambeau field is 40.9 minutes from,manitowoc,if you beeline it hey cheryl set my,alarm for 7 a.m,i'm gonna make it 6 30 so you have time,to stop and get some glazers from the,quick trip good,thinking cheryl hey cheryl what's the,weather like out there hi at 23 and 10,mile per hour winds a heatwave if i've,ever seen one jeans and a hoodie should,do it not that hoodie for cripe's sakes,you're going to church,that's better cheryl what are the,chances the bears beat the packers,this year good one sweetie,slapper you should be a perfect oh,thanks cheryl i appreciate that cheryl,can even help learn your behaviors,and weed out bad habits cheryl add kale,to the grocery list,yeah no okay cheryl add brandy and bratz,to the grocery list,now we're cooking with gas and unlike,siri cheryl doesn't rely on search,engines instead she uses family and,friends,hey cheryl how do i get rid of a,hangover hmm,let me get an expert on the horn real,quick once charles,looking pretty hung over there guy how'd,you know i gotcha you're gonna need one,beer,two eggs some ranch and like,a lot of hot sauce hot sauce huh a,lot of hot sauce awesome thank you yeah,cheryl let's order from the broad stop,tonight it's the first friday in lent,mister you can make the salmon in the,freezer or i can call your mother okay,okay that's fine i like salmon anyway,cheryl how do i make wild alaskan king,salmon,i don't know let's dial your grandma,soup you haven't talked to her in two,days,oh hey grandma good to see you hey how,do i make the salmon charlie,sitka is really good you better not,screw it up,yeah i know that's why i thought to call,you did cheryl make you call me,uh yeah did they give you a cedar plank,yeah got a plank right here soak that in,some wine,cheryl's philosophy is why waste time on,the internet when you can waste time,with your family i'm gonna stay on the,phone with you to make sure you don't,burn it i've watched you burn,cranberries once,and to think siri would have just,googled the recipe ah with cheryl you,don't always get what you want but you,just might find you get what you need,calling,dad cheryl i didn't even turn you on why,are you calling my dad,charlie you can't be using the drill,unless he says so i asked for permission,this time,oh bull hockey no you didn't how do you,know well i hear,everything charlie you think so well i'm,deleting you,don't you dare take that tone with me,i'm not your aunt alexa what you can't,delete me,oh did you need me dear girl i live in,your head forever now,are you still talking to me well didn't,you read the terms and conditions,hawaii you agreed i didn't agree to that,well too,bad you're stuck with me now kiddo,and get the band brewing life's got you,down and just keep her moving

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PREGNANT Lady KICKED OUT OF HOUSE, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

PREGNANT Lady KICKED OUT OF HOUSE, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

so i know for a fact gary's seeing,someone else now,already,why do you think that,you know i'm the best detective,he's storied something and the pillow on,the couch is the exact same pillow his,co-worker alexandra has and they've,always had a thing for each other wait,you know what kind of couch cushion his,co-worker has,i don't know jamie that seems kind of,oh my gosh look at that lady,that's heartbreaking she's pregnant and,on the streets,yeah that's awful,but i'm sure she made a lot of decisions,to get here i wouldn't feel too bad,that's not nice to assume,i'm gonna help her,there it is,here,this is for you oh thank you so much,god bless you god bless you too uh,i'm sorry about your situation,i'm krista by the way and this is my,friend jamie,hi i'm emily,you have no idea how much this is gonna,help me i i'm halfway to getting a hotel,room for the night you,sleep in your car,uh,no,i sleep on the streets and i'll have a,car do you have anyone you can call,family,friends,sadly no,it's a,it's just me,i used to live with my boyfriend timothy,though um,but,you know he wasn't he wasn't really the,nicest guy,he,hey hey,it's okay,you don't have to talk about it if you,don't want to,well we hope things turn around for you,good luck with everything,let's go,i feel so bad for her,you don't know if what she's saying is,even true,what are you doing,being a good samaritan,i'm gonna see if she wants to come stay,with me krista stop you don't even know,this person and i have heard some scary,stories about helping homeless people,let's go,i feel terrible she's pregnant living on,the streets i can't begin to imagine,what that's like it's not your,responsibility to take care of her,this isn't a safe decision,well we learned in church that you,should always help someone in need,you gave her 10 bucks,that's a lot of help there's no need to,do more,of course,hey,let me ask you something,how would you like to come stay with me,for a couple days,i know it might be hard for you to,accept my offer are you kidding me,yes,oh okay great,bye,oh,come with me i'm just parked on the,street,can i,yeah,okay just got your room all set is that,my bathrobe,yeah,i hope it's okay that i used it i,didn't want to stay in my old clothes,uh sure that's fine,are you looking for something a,fork aha,found it,uh,that's a that's my pasta i was gonna,have that for dinner oh my gosh,i'm so sorry i think my pregnancy,cravings just took over it's okay you,can have it you need it more than i do,thanks,i see your hairs but let me get you a,towel oh i'm actually good uh i found,one uh in the bathroom,oh you're not supposed to use that,that's just for decoration it's actually,designer and very expensive whoops,i i i had no idea um but i'll just i'll,i'll put it back you know what uh,just use it it's fine all right thanks,uh your room's ready do you want to see,it,no,i um,maybe after i eat of course,just let me know when you're ready,gary storied him eating spaghetti,bolognese at a restaurant and then in,alexandra's story you can see she's also,at dinner if you zoom in close enough,what do you see on the other side of the,table,the same exact pasta gary's eating wow,that's crazy,you okay,you seem a little stressed do i,you know nothing gets past me what's,going on talk to me,maybe i shouldn't dig into these things,too much but,i'm just getting a weird feeling about,emily,what's she been doing,it's been five days now she doesn't seem,at all interested in leaving anytime,soon i keep asking what her plans are,but she dodges the question,plus she's messy she uses my stuff and,something just feels,is she getting into your car gotta be,kidding me and she's wearing my dress,emily,what are you doing oh uh i didn't,realize you were home uh,i need to go to a doctor's appointment,um you know for my baby,do you mind if i use your car yes i mind,if something happened my insurance,wouldn't cover you,why wouldn't you ask me first i i didn't,want to bother you sorry,i didn't mean to overstep any boundaries,i just,i felt this pain and,i i thought i should go in right away,okay well i understand what you're,saying,i'll call you an uber how's that okay,thanks,um i'll put your key back inside please,ask before wearing any more of my,clothes oh,okay will do,you did not just let her get away with,that i feel bad i'm just trying to help,her out krista,there's a difference between helping,someone and being taken advantage of,i think you're getting taken advantage,of,it's time you get her out,how do i even do that,just tell her straight up,she can't say no it's your house,what the,she's getting her mail here now,what,oh you've got to be kidding me,i can't do this anymore,emily,don't you knock what is that,can you give me some privacy,you've been pretending to be pregnant,this entire time,what is wrong with you,i i can explain see this is right to me,after,everything that i've done for you taking,you in feeding you letting you use my,clothes ordering you coat,please,you are in your 30s

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The Smallest Woman in the World…

The Smallest Woman in the World…

genetics can be a little bit of a lucky,dip sometimes but every now and then,this random dna lottery can produce some,truly spectacular people,individuals blessed with skills and,natural talents that defy understanding,ready to meet the people who are one in,a million let's get it on,gio tmg they say that good things come,in small packages,india's very own pint-sized gio dmg is,proof,that you can chase big dreams no matter,your size she held the record for the,world's shortest living teen before,taking the crown of the world's shortest,living and mobile woman on her 18th,birthday,so just how small do you have to be,anyways to obtain the moniker of the,world's smallest human,two feet and three-quarter inches to be,exact up until the age of five giotti,was average height for her age,after some time however her parents knew,something wasn't quite right she was,diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism,called iachondraplasia in layman's terms,lacking the hormones needed to grow,beyond a certain height she hasn't let,it hinder her dreams and aspirations of,making it on the silver screen either,you might also recognize her from her,breakout role on the hit tv show,american horror story back in 2014,where she starred as the charming ma,petite larry gomez,if you've ever thought the full moon is,driving you crazy spare a thought for,larry gomez aka the wolfman,originally born in mexico as victor,gomez larry suffers from hypertrichosis,a rare condition that causes his body to,grow hair on over 98,of his body including his face nose and,even eyelids the one in a billion,condition runs in the family with three,other family members and a brother also,sporting werewolf-like locks,growing up the brothers worked in the,circus and it was there the previously,named victor,changed his name to larry after the main,character in the 1941 film the wolf man,larry would then move to the united,states and after a brief stint at the,venice beach freak show would enjoy,success in several hollywood productions,these days larry gomez enjoys a much,quieter life,he's been married has a son of his own,and runs a successful jumping castle,business,despite his brush with fame francisco,domingos joaquim,if you've got a secret that you need to,make sure never gets out,try not to tell francisco domingo,joaquim the man nicknamed the angolan,jalavah is officially recognized by the,guinness book of world records as having,the world's widest mouth francisco was,first noticed on the streets of the,anglin capital luanda popping cans in,and out of his mouth sidewards to the,amazement of passersby,researchers looking on youtube found,videos of the then 20 year old and,after two years of searching finally,tracked him down in angola to officially,measure francisco's mouth his 2010,record of a 6.69 inch wide unstretched,mouth still stands today,and at the big mouth competition held in,rome contestants to this day,still can't match the angolan jaw of awe,for a while had the internet fooled,anyone who couldn't speak russian or,didn't know the tiny fighter's backstory,could be forgiven for thinking they were,watching an angry child,fronting up against the schoolyard enemy,it turns out hezbollah is actually 18,years old and suffers from a form of,dwarfism,it resulted in the adult blogger from,dagestan looking and,sounding like a toddler with a tantrum,hezbollah shot to viral fame when,recreating the infamous khabib,nurmagomedov weigh in against conor,mcgregor with fellow dwarf,abdul raziq from tajikistan earning him,the nickname,mini khabib hazbolla and abdu have been,teasing an mma showdown for a while now,a move that has been condemned by the,sports association of little people of,russia for being unethical,whether it happens or not we'll just,have to wait and see steven ludwig,steven ludwig has always had to struggle,the young boy from chapel hill in north,carolina was born with an extremely rare,bone,disorder called mafuchi syndrome a,disease characterized by abnormal bone,and cartilage growth in the body it's so,rare in fact that stephen is one of only,150 known sufferers of the condition,worldwide throughout his childhood,ludwig's had to endure more than 30,surgeries to repair broken bones,transplant bone marrow and remove,painful spurs that's on top of years of,having to wear excruciating leg,lengthening braces and,fighting leukemia at the same time,steven credits his killer survival,instinct on his hero,the late kobe bryant who he got to meet,in 2007 at the nba all-stars his,condition means that steven's left leg,and left arm are significantly shorter,than the other,a disability that not only hasn't slowed,him down in the slightest but has gifted,him some pretty awesome kicks as well,renson corlu bud mongolian-born rents in,corlu bud,or ren as her friends call her came from,a super tall family,her father measured in at six foot ten,her mother six foot one,and as a child ren was already the same,height as her first grade teacher,that's five foot six as a

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RICH People Who Turned Themselves into PLASTIC!

RICH People Who Turned Themselves into PLASTIC!

we've all heard the phrase love the skin,you're,in but if there's something you really,don't like about your appearance these,days,you can probably do something about it,if you have enough money to invest in,expensive cosmetic purchases that is,but what happens when someone with too,much money,decides they want to change the way they,look well,this and this and,this without further ado let's take a,look at some,filthy rich people who turned themselves,into plastic,jocelyn wildenstein if you asked,present-day jocelyn wildenstein to stand,next to her former self,you probably wouldn't even think they,were distant cousins in fact the jocelyn,wildenstein we see today,looks more like a badly drawn cartoon,than a real person,let alone a 75 year old woman but how,did this once attractive american,socialite,end up with a face that looks like it,was inflated by a bicycle pump,jocelyn was born in lusan switzerland in,1945,but later moved to paris where she,became a skilled hunter and,pilot jocelyn was then introduced to,billionaire art dealer alec wildenstein,at a shooting weekend,and the pair married and had two,children together,but jocelyn later discovered her husband,had been,cheating on her with a 19 year old,russian model,and what followed was a high-profile,divorce that ended,less than amicably in 1999,desperate to lure her ex-husband back,jocelyn hatched a plan,if her husband loved hunting big cats so,much,she would just turn herself into one,after the split,jocelyn secured a 2.5 billion dollar,settlement,and over 100 million dollars a year in,maintenance,making her one of america's wealthiest,women at the time,and what did she do with all that dough,she,pumped it into expensive surgeries,that's what,experts speculate that she has had upper,and lower eyelid surgery,a brow lift facelift lip plumping,injections,chin augmentation fat grafting and,cheek implants among other procedures,it's also thought that she has undergone,a procedure,called canthopexy which elevates the,eyes to give them a cat-like appearance,despite all this jocelyn claims she,hasn't had a,single surgery and says her looks are,all down to her swiss heritage,ah yes i forgot everyone in switzerland,looked like,lion human hybrids after jocelyn's,ex-husband died in 2008,she resided in a cushy 13 million dollar,apartment on the 51st,floor of the trump towers but all that,came crashing down,in 2018 when she shockingly filed for,bankruptcy,claiming her bank account balance was at,zero dollars,i wonder if plastic surgeons take ious,these days with so many plastic surgery,tricks in the world,it's easy to be fooled but here's one,thing you can,always rely on here at be amazed we do,things aw,natsural so you can expect weird,wonderful,and downright amazing fact-based content,every single day all for the low low,cost,of tapping those like and subscribe,buttons and tickling that little bell,icon,all done onwards,detox this next cosmetic surgery fanatic,needs no real introduction if there are,any rupaul's drag race fans in the house,detox real name matthew sanderson is a,world,famous drag queen and one of the most,memorable contestants from the show,placing fourth on season 5 and later,returning for all stars,2 where she was the runner-up detox may,not have taken home the crown,on either occasion but she certainly,holds the title as one of the most,cosmetically enhanced queens from the,show,detox started getting famous by,performing in nightclubs in the early,2000s,and even had appearances in music videos,for huge stars like rihanna and kesha,since then she has carved out a,successful career,even appearing on the cover of new york,magazine in 2019,and placing 14th on the magazine's list,of the 100 most,powerful drag queens in america of,course she looks totally different,without all the makeup and wigs,but sanderson himself has also changed,pretty drastically in appearance,he once looked like any other ordinary,nerdy kid,and discovered plastic surgery at the,age of 17,after attending his very first drag show,looking back,on this time in his life sanderson once,said my entire life i was a string bean,i was very skinny and i realized that i,could have a beautiful body by injection,and that's exactly what he did although,the exact number of procedures that went,into the making of detox is unknown,sanderson has previously talked about,having gallons of silicone,injected into his body including his,hips pecs,shoulders and butt in 2018 detox hit the,headlines,after a procedure designed to,manufacture the perfect six-pack,went horribly wrong as you can see,sanderson's abs ended up looking,totally uneven and lumpy detox then,appeared on the tv show,botched where he begged celebrity,surgeons to,fix the embarrassing abs man rich people,will truly stop at,nothing to avoid actually working out,plastic surgery is still a pretty,controversial subject these days but,thankfully there are much easier ways to,help keep your appearance under control,for example two out of thr

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