jojo's bizarre adventure tiktok ads

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Will TikTok be BANNED? Here is what to do.

for those of you who use tick tock for,your business or to make your content go,viral you might want to listen to this,and to be honest it's going to hurt Tick,Tock is banned in the U.S this is a,potential headline that you might be,hearing very soon Tick Tock is not,officially banned yet but I'm going to,be breaking down in this video exactly,what the US Congress has planned and,what they're trying to do in order to,ban Tick Tock fully and like I said,earlier you may want to watch this video,because the US Congress has already,pushed this into the floor and are,looking to get votes on this matter,right now so let's get into some of the,basics that you need to know when Tick,Tock first came onto the scene they came,on as an app called musically which was,an app where users could lip sync to,songs the musically was bought out by a,Chinese company called bike dance and,they merged it into their app called,Tick Tock now this is where things get a,little shaky in November of 2019 news,outlets started raising concerns around,tick tock with the National Security it,has with the US and putting in question,the Chinese company by dance who owns,Tick Tock and things have moved really,slowly over the last few years but,recently things have started to really,pick up and now all of this is starting,to come back just a few days ago,Congress introduced a new bill to,entirely ban the platform altogether in,the U.S and they've already started to,ban it on government-issued devices in,multiple States as they're voting right,now the Senate passing a bill to ban the,popular Tick Tock Washington,groups have introduced a bipartisan Bill,looking to ban Tick Tock maker saying,the platform is a major security risk,and if you'd follow my channel over the,last two years or followed my own Tick,Tock or Instagram then you know I'm a,big fan of The Tick Tock app especially,for business purposes to be able to,generate results for your business as,well as ways for creators and new users,to be able to discover Brands and find,you in many ways it's a great time to be,on Tick Tock it's one of the most,popular social media apps right now with,over a billion users on the platform and,the platforms developed into a community,where users see this as a news source a,search engine where people are literally,searching ways that they can find,workout routines or what recipes they,want to do they're using Tick Tock,instead of Google Now and tick tock's ad,business has been growing steadily and,producing incredible results for our,clients as well in Tick Tock forever,change the marketplace short form viral,content has taken over and it's,completely changed the way Brands,businesses influencers Market their,products and services in fact a lot of,ways my businesses are based around the,tick tock platform as well with us,offering ad Management Services for tick,tock ads and ways to actually be able to,you know scale via Tick Tock ads and,show you how to do it yourself as well,but it may not be a great time for much,longer especially if the app ends up,getting banned what does this mean for,you and me if Tick Tock is banned now,well first we have to understand what's,going on Tick Tock has put in a bill in,place to essentially ban the platform,altogether and the Senate's pass like,legislation to ban Tick Tock from US,Government devices the senates voted to,ban tick tock on U.S government-owned,devices and now they're putting aim,towards Banning the app altogether now,would the US really ban one of the most,popular social media apps Tick Tock well,first we need to understand what the,motivation is behind why they would do,this and the easiest way to understand,this is quite literally looking at the,exact build that they put in place it's,to protect Americans from the threat,posed by certain foreign adversaries,using current or potential future social,media companies that those foreign,adversaries control to surveil Americans,learn sensitive data about Americans for,spread influence campaigns propaganda or,censorship,so that's really the main focus that,they're putting it on entirely to ban,the platform and if they do ban Tick,Tock what would this look like for,creators consumers and small businesses,and marketers well the likely scenarios,that would take place would be consumers,would have one less place to consume,their favorite content and find other,platforms to focus their attention on a,lot of people think this is totally fine,it would make sense but all of his,attention would end up going somewhere,those hours would be added back into,people's days and they would definitely,be looking at other social media,platforms to get on millions of creators,and Brands would no longer be as,discoverable as they are today,especially with Tick Tock being such a,platform for users to be able to find,brands that they've never heard of,discover small businesses be able to,find creators that you know they,normally wouldn't have discovered in the,past Tick Tock has bee

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JoJo Stardust Condensers 2

JoJo Stardust Condensers 2

and so the group set out on a journey,across the world to save the life of,holly cujo the sweet welcoming,voluptuous fictified sensual,they saved big by choosing economy class,and then took flight completely 100 safe,from dio's minions,so the plane caught fire okay fine and,the pilots are dead okay fine so i let,your granddad fly okay,has your granddad flown the plane before,oh,i've seen one of these before,wow it's a miracle we didn't die,horribly or anything,oh don't feel too lucky you silly,englishman i am here to bring sweet,justice for my master dio with my psycho,ghost power this silver sharial,okay fine you both make strong arguments,for your kids i'll join you on your,quest and perhaps along the way we can,find my sister's killer,samuel man,well okay but first we need an,alternative form of transport and an,excuse to wear a swimming costume,yard i thought i said no stowaways hey,don't toss this land,go toss this landlober to the depths of,davey jones's locker,star finger,that's actually not funny mate you,really hurt my eye jesus christ,hello love,i think this boat is finally safe for,our small stowaway friend here,well that's a shame but at least we made,it to singapore wow,look how clean this place is let's find,a hotel in this immaculate city come on,you're bloody nick my

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JoJo's Very Straight Adventures! Stardust Crusaders, Steel Ball Run Parody

JoJo's Very Straight Adventures! Stardust Crusaders, Steel Ball Run Parody

last time on jojo's very straight,adventures,our brave and valiant crusaders faced,off against the evil,definitely not gay dio at the first,glimpse of dio's mysterious stand,the brave joe stars used the ancient,family technique,to run away like little sissies with our,heroes now separated,can their stands stand a chance against,dio's,mysterious stand find out now,it's deal holy,one time suck up all you joe stars my,grand utopia,will finally be realized we must,uncover his stan's secret ability i know,precisely how to bait him out,oh my god,i love,the earwax has a mind of its own,now sadie,it's your turn yeah,son of a he moved too fast in a,blink of an eye,so fast that oh my god,his secret must be time dang it,what's the answer if i don't get a good,grade on my book report,dad will never come home from the,cigarette store,time jonah the answer is time,oh it was so obvious hmm,the world,oh my god,oh no oh,it was i do,oh you're coming to me instead of,running away i can't get my hands on you,without getting closer,i can't get a hold of you without,getting closer i can't stroke your hair,without getting close to you,i can't tenderly hold you without,getting closer i can't kiss you on the,lips without getting closer,i can't do the game with you without,getting closer i can't make love to you,without getting closer,you heard me deal then come as close as,you,like,i just want you to step on my stomach,can you see into my world of stopped,time,there's only one way to know for certain,the world really doesn't seem to like,you,jodhero if only i had a distraction,i just need one shot to caress him,gently i just need to get close enough,to brush his hair,i need to smell him now,to swallow you hole,the next thing you'll say is polarov,um,now for the monologue that lets you get,away,just like father it must be me,i look good what the frick do you do to,my grandpa you fruity poo poo head,yeah prepare yourself for my last,and final,as jodaro sat there his thoughts drifted,to that one time,in summer camp when little jimmy rubbed,his,what,now that the joe stars are all dead i,can,finally bring my dreams into a reality,first i will enslave humanity,second i'll make all men immortal,and finally kill,all women,no longer will the world oppress me,i i can't move the world,where have you gone i picked up a lot of,tricks in jail dio,let me show you did joduro,you stole the world,i imagine that's what father smells like,oh my god,yup and that was jojo's very straight,adventures for you,stick around and i got two extra jojo,cartoons at the end of the credits,i hope i did it all justice i think i,think it came out pretty alright,if you like this very straight cartoon,give it a like subscribe and drop a,comment down below on what your favorite,part was,my personal favorite part dia just,everything with him,stefanos did a really good job making,theo just crazy,and tophat did the same with jotaro,bringing a really emotional act,their links and contacts are down below,go go give them some,super straight love,i won't forget all those that sacrificed,their lives to save my,mommy keg you ain't have doll,and puff ass iggy i wish dad were here,to see this,good job son,i'm proud of you daddy,oh that's my grandson,on the last exciting episode of jojo's,very straight adventures,abdul polyriff and buff ass iggy were,facing off,against the evil vanilla ice,ice ice baby who had a strange and,peculiar,ability to eat his own ass,and turn into a black hole,big black av doll went into face vanilla,ice,but was immediately devoured by vanilla,ice's bigger,blacker hole oh sure,we iggy we need to come up with,something quick distract him,yeah yeah i got this yo check this,out hey yo vanilla ice,yo check this out oh i'm,deal oh i broke a nail,oh oh i'm deal look at me,i wear high heels i dress like a woman,loaded the distraction worked,maybe a little too well as it really,pissed off vanilla ice how,dare you disgrace my god,and so vanilla eyes with his fantastical,powers,then decided to i beat the, out of iggy,what's up there my name is the julius,apparently but y'all can call me gyro,oh what the hell is that,thought you'd seen the last of me yeah,oh and i've also got the world,get yourself looking handsome by,purchasing a t-shirt from the link below

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JoJo References in Non-Anime/Western Medias

JoJo References in Non-Anime/Western Medias

breakdown,ah i see you have decided to submit to,the great general yunnan scourge of the,sand wars defeater of ragnar the,wretched the youngest snoot ever do you,have to do this every single time,honestly yes repetition helps it stick,breakdown,i guess we should give it a try fasten,your seatbelt robes we're going in,are you a star specialist,oh,by the way you don't have the mental,dexterity to debug my game you're just a,motherboard with a decent gpu and no,central processing unit uh gp,a graphics processing unit it means you,look good and are well animated but you,don't have any brains,look i don't know what you're talking,about but are we gonna fight or what,your bizarre adventure is over get it,bizarre,oh man i gotta try stan,i'm quiet,you can do this why don't you use your,magic to get the blade dude i had like,half a second,who's got the remote,hey you want to end the show with it to,be continued meme i i don't even know,what that,do,are you kidding me,try some more,foreign,why is it empty in here,foreign,you

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PokeJoJo: Bug Problem! (Part 1)

PokeJoJo: Bug Problem! (Part 1)

careful everyone that bush just moved,could it be an enemy stand,i've caught some pretty strong bug,pokemon and i can't wait to try them out,i challenge you to a,pokemon battle,oh,our enemy is approaching us head on,diovani must have sent his agents after,us to slow us down,fine i'll be your opponent uh i don't,know what you're talking about looks all,right go metapod,metapod careful ash we don't know what,his stand is capable of,don't boss me around old man,what is that,this is electric six my stand,pick up,holy,it survived electric stixx's thunder,punch the,use,oh no,he's invincible,but that's right my pedophile's heart,strengthens his defense he's now,unbreakable like a diamond you might as,well give up now,good grief,electric six's strongest punches don't,even seem to phase metapod at this point,looks like you're right i cannot defeat,your stand,so if i can't defeat the stand,i'll have to defeat the user,wait what oh god,you just wanted a duel yes i only wanted,a pokemon battle to test my metaphor's,capabilities such determination it's,decided then you would make a great ally,join us in our mission to take down,giovanni,what i i can't i have school tomorrow,i'm eight years old and i'm 10.,all right i'll join you excellent let's,go,not so fast,metapod

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Binging with Babish: Pollos Hermanos from Breaking Bad

Binging with Babish: Pollos Hermanos from Breaking Bad

- What does family taste like?,In your heart, you know, it's the best ingredients.,The spiciest spices, all prepared with love and care,and always delivered with a friendly smile.,That's the Los Pollos Hermanos promise.,- Come in and try our new curly fries.,We are so sure you'll like them.,And if you don't, they're on me.,- Hey, what's up guys.,Welcome back to Binging with Babish,where this week we're taking a look,at Los Pollos Hermanos from Breaking Bad.,Now you might be wondering what's,in this little cup in front of me,,and the answer to that question is French.,The enticing swirl of French and ranch dressing,seen in the magical electromotive test kitchens.,I figured this would make for a good curly fried dip,,so we'll set that aside because for now,,we have to make everything.,First into a small mixing bowl,,we are combining 15 grams Cayenne pepper,,10 grams each Aleppo pepper and ground coriander,,and 15 grams of red pepper flakes,,which I'm going to powderize by virtue of a spice grinder.,Red pepper smoke, don't breathe this,,seriously don't breathe it, it hurts your lungs.,Add that to the other spices and tiny whisk to combine.,Then we're gonna set aside about three tablespoons,of this spice mixture for our curly fries,and the rest we're gonna turn into a dry brine,for our chickens.,So we're gonna add about 15 grams of kosher salt,,tiny whisk once again to combine,and then it's time to negotiate our chicken.,Now you can fry up whatever pieces,of chicken soup your fancy, but I've got a whole one here.,So I'm gonna follow the 10 piece fried chicken architecture.,If you want to see how to break down a chicken like this,,click the link in the upper right-hand corner right now.,Otherwise we're loading these up onto a wire rack set,in a rim baking sheet and generously sprinkling,on all sides with our dry brine mixture.,The spices here are very commonly used in Chilean cuisine,,the country from which Gustavo Fring is from.,What?,Anyway those are getting parked,in the fridge uncovered for four to 24 hours,,during which time we're gonna make our batter.,Usually chicken is not batter fried,,so this took a few tries.,The best formulation we ended up with,was 100 grams each all-purpose flour and corn starch,,a little optional sprinkle of our spice mixture,,250 grams of water, 30 grams of vodka, and two large eggs.,The resultant batter should be pretty thin,like a thin pancake batter,because we don't want anything too thick,like a tempura.,We also didn't want the batter to be so thick,that we can't retrieve our bags of meth, both valid reasons.,This stuff can be covered and fridged for a couple hours,before use giving us time to make that most elusive,of side dishes, curly fries,,for which we're gonna need this torturous looking instrument,otherwise known as a spiralizer.,Once we've locked our skin on russet into position,,we're gonna place it over a bowl of boiling water.,Make sure that your potato is thoroughly locked,into the spiralizer, otherwise you may be subject to antics.,Once you get those out of your system,and you've got enough boiling water,and the bowl's completely submerged the spiralized potatoes,,lock it down, spin it up,and let the machine live up to its name,as it spiralizes your tater,,a process that is as much fun to watch as it is to say.,Once complete you'll be left with some long,and curly potatoes and this sort of potato mushroom thing,,which is probably perfect,for some kind of potato-mushroom based prank.,I'm gonna make one more potato subject,to spiralization and then press everybody down,into the boiling water,,making sure that everyone is submerged.,Then I'm gonna let these guys sit for 15 minutes.,This is both going to pack cook the potatoes,and rinse off a lot of the excess starch,so they do not discolor.,Once drained, we're gonna sandwich them betwixt paper towels,and pat them as dry as possible.,Once everybody's nice and dry,,it's time to grab some scissors and do a little manscaping.,We need to reduce these down to short and curlies.,You don't want them too long,but you don't want them too short either.,Even these really straight ones are gonna curl,up in the frying oil.,Once our shoe string squiggles are snipped,,go ahead and place them back on the baking sheet,,cover them with paper towel,and then we need to make a batter for our fries.,This is a batter-fried meal.,Into a large bowl, goes 15 grams of paprika,,60 grams of all purpose flour,,15 grams of cayenne pepper and six grams of onion powder.,I'm also gonna add a little bit of salt,,not too much because we're gonna salt these fries,once they're done cooking, and our reserved spice blend,from the chicken.,Tiny whisk until thoroughly combined,,and then it's time to add just enough water,to make a very thin batter.,For me, that was about 150 grams, but your mileage may vary.,You want it to be just a little thinner than like paint.,We just want this to form a light, ethereal crispy layer,on the outside of our fries.,Once you'

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I Played Minecraft With Hank From Breaking Bad

I Played Minecraft With Hank From Breaking Bad

this is not a joke or anything today i,literally played minecraft with hang,from breaking bad jesse you should call,him an imposter,breaking bad is one of the biggest shows,ever made and actually one of my,personal favorites but you may know d,norris from this incredible meme format,from other pieces of media he's,participated in don't lie to me,walt you sassy baca,and of course sex gifts and i'm gonna go,ahead and tell you how this,happened one day i was on twitter and i,realized d norris aka hank for breaking,bad,was very active on twitter so i made it,my goal to get a high from him so that's,what i asked for,watch the tank breaking bad say hi to me,and hang from breaking bad just slapped,me with a big no so i then followed up,with the most,obvious thing which was ask him to play,minecraft with me,how would you like to play some,minecraft and he,just didn't know what that was so i,responded to him i will teach you and we,did it,we did it so the day is here me and hank,are messaging each other getting to know,each other a little better and i finally,get him to hop in a discord call with me,i spend two hours that day helping him,set up everything required to play,minecraft and,it was good it was okay,i realized beforehand of a minecraft,playthrough that,hank breaking bad was not the greatest,with computers and i realized this,because the day of recording,he brought all his kids to help him how,to play minecraft but but i was,committed to getting him to really learn,the game with me so,this is how it went also i've just,released merch so if you want to buy,this sick hoodie any of the three,available colors head over to,quackity.chop,yeah all right today i'm gonna play,minecraft with hank breaking bad look at,my skin look at my skin i can't,what are you it's me it's wall,can you tell it's like pixelated one,listen have you ever played minecraft,before i am not,man i i had a few lessons from my son,i know wsdna and that's it,at this point i knew it was going to be,a little difficult pink breaking bad had,just figured out,wasd so i figured that introducing him,to the entire world of minecraft,it was gonna be a little bit difficult,therefore i had to make sure that,everything,in this setting was familiar to him,we're gonna put you in the appropriate,situation for you to learn okay so we're,just gonna we're just gonna go ahead,and make a quick rv it doesn't look like,an rv though,excuse me excuse me i'm out here doing,you a favor and you're calling it a,brick wall,there's your goddamn wheel right there's,your wheel there's a wheel it's a block,that's a,no that's a that's a wheel all right all,right come inside come inside wall,next step is what kind of product do you,want to sell probably,uh drug detection drug detection you're,running a drug business and you want to,sell drug detection,are we actually going to run a drug,business here damn right we are damn,right we are here,i'll set up the lab what kind of product,do you want to do you want to sell,man we're making a little move yeah okay,it's a blue,powdery substance i know just the thing,check this out baby that's it that looks,like this is a,this is what's gonna happen all right,every time someone comes to buy some of,our product,yeah take that take that thing you say,take it what do you mean take what i do,how do i take it,just walk up to these blocks up here up,here yeah break them in that blue thing,you're gonna hand it to the customer,okay yeah i'm gonna go ahead and grab,our first customer all right looks like,you got,it here i just added our first customer,to the call,hey hey bad i want to introduce you to,my friend,hank breaking bad oh hi you're going to,be our very first customer okay bad,he's selling you move have you ever done,it before bed what type of,question is that man you're,say i want one please just say that just,saying that just,do i have to yes yes are you gonna break,hank breaking bad's heart are you really,gonna do this right now bad boy halo,oh my goodness fine fine now,man everyone's doing it hi hey how you,doing,i'd rather have some ice cream well we,don't have that what we have is,want some no no no good bad don't be a,would you like some my friend wants me,to get something for him,boom there's some food consuming,no it's not for me oh i am consuming,okay okay would it make you feel better,if you were accompanied by someone else,you know what i'm gonna get you two,customers how do you feel about that,maybe someone's not such a ,yeah yeah george hello all right all,right listen listen i'm teaching hank,breaking bad how to sell,product how to sell the good stuff all,right yeah what kind of product,rv that we just made sounds like a good,time how do i get in join the server,join the server buy him some product,george let's go,from the this is the rv this is,i love your skin bro you like you like,this which you see,wait you see this ready,what is that that looks blue and nice,yeah that's good stuff,man you want something you want,someth

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Remaking Our Viral TikToks!!

Remaking Our Viral TikToks!!

we are going to recreate some our viral,tick tocks it's gonna be so good julian,we're home,i love it mom you're like,we don't have clay,so you know what that means no no,we have just been reviewing some old,awesome tick tocks and reels and i put,it out on instagram and you guys wanted,us to recreate some actually i think,they're musicallys because they're that,old that's true they are actually,musically that's true we are going to,recreate recreate some our viral tick,tocks musicallys and reels it's gonna be,so good this is our very first,musically,okay,you guys were so little you guys were so,good all right i think we can recreate,this our only problem is we don't have,clay so,who gets to be clay shape,i'm not a girl or i have black hair so,well we can fix that we're gonna get you,a wig all right,spray paint his hair or we could spray,paint his hair no i'll go for the wig,okay all right let's do it happy,who is this big llama starting all this,drama,all right this is us recreating it i,like that,shea clay,chiclay looks really good i'm really shy,i bet you guys didn't catch that here we,go,i think we did really good i thought,that was great was that i like the kid,one better oh,she likes the original you guys comment,down below if you like the original yeah,we were with the recreation,even though i wasn't in it yeah a lot,cuter than you guys want to see the next,one we're doing yeah,all right here we go,all right we call this one milk,yo,what we're out of milk,all right let's do this,yo,what,we're out of milk,all right here comes the milk,yo,what,what out of milk,is that so awkward ready i get even more,awkward as i get older okay,number three is,hairy,baby baby,hairy baby hey evie,do,i love it okay,let's get let's do this at the table,every baby,hairy baby,from the difference of those two i did,not look nearly different or evie,it's insane,but raquel looks like she's aged 100,just kidding,i think it's time for a new one let's,move on to,chewy this is evie and julian,we're home,i love it mom you're like,when we were doing musically evie would,be like let's do another one mom let's,do another one she wanted to do now i,was like i don't even wanted to do all,of them she thought they were so fun,let's do it let's see how it turns out,julian we're home,that's such a weird face i love it it's,cute it's cute all right what's the next,one it's dirt,dirt,okay we only have two left,and the last one might be my favorite,but the second the last one is quite,hilarious what are they here comes the,restaurant one ready,knock knock who is there knock knock,who's there knock knock i gotta squeeze,knock knock who is there knock knock,who's there knock knock i gotta squeeze,knock knock this one is kind of,hilarious no yeah um,one of my favorites the last one,ready,and we don't have clay,so you know what that means no no not,shay oh my god wyatt is gonna be our,dancer today,oh no,he's already prepped we're ready okay,let's do this,this one had almost everybody in it,sorry shay,but it was hilarious yeah,wyatt makes a fantastic clay i'm gonna,say,these viral tick tocks were amazing,recreating them were hilarious if you,didn't watch that one where why does the,clay's move i'm a lady you gotta watch,evie in the background she does this,like move thing,all right you guys go over to our,instagram and go see what are the reels,we've made and maybe we'll recreate some,of those in a year or so because this,was hilarious right,okay thanks for hanging out everybody,thanks for watching we'll see you guys,next time,this is practice number one,did you get koran

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