in feed video ads tiktok

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An introduction to In-Feed Ads

before we begin advertising on tick tock,it may be helpful to learn how tick tock,organizes campaigns and assets within,the platform,before we proceed it may be helpful to,review the features of the tick tock app,for users if you're new to the platform,tiktok app has five main sections,home page your unique feed when you,first open the app,discover where you can search for,specific content or creator,recording for creating your own tick,tock content,notifications or inbox to review,notifications related to your account or,posted content,profile your personal profile page,listing your uploaded videos,when you participate in the auction,process the auction winners ad,is inserted into the personalized feed,of your targeted audience,the ad does not appear in any other,section of the app,in feed video ads is a great way for,advertisers to reach the community on,tick-tock through fun and informative,videos,for in-feed video ads you can select,either the reach,traffic app installs video views or,conversion objective,the reach objective will optimize your,campaign to show your ad to the maximum,number of people possible,the app installs objective will,automatically optimize your campaign for,conversions focused on app install,the video views objective will optimize,your ad to get as many views as possible,the traffic objective will optimize your,ad for the traffic to your page or ad,while the conversion objective will,optimize your ad for people to take a,specific action on your website,when you participate in the auction,process and select the in-feed video ad,format,the auction winners ad is inserted into,the personalized feed of your targeted,audience,you can bid for in-feed ads through,either cpm,cpc ocpc or cpv,options cpm cost per thousand,charges based on the cost per thousand,impressions,cpc cost per click charges for each,counted click on your ad,ocpc optimized cost per click,means you will bid for the cost you are,willing to pay per result but will be,charged per click,cpv cost per view charges based on the,cost per view or predefined interaction,depending on the goal for your campaign,you can select the appropriate bidding,options,for in-feed video ads you're limited to,file size of 500 megabytes,or less and video bit rates should be,higher than 512 kilobytes,while you can have videos from 5 to 60,seconds,we highly recommend shorter videos from,9 to 15 seconds,as the optimum length for the ad,composition,you can incorporate video creative plus,and display image,along with brand or app name and an ad,description,if needed one important note the add,display name,must match the brand product or company,name of the website or app which is,being promoted,we hope we were able to shed some light,on the infeed video ad format,and we look forward to seeing your,creative ads on tick tock,congrats you are one step closer to,bringing your business to tick tock's,engaged and authentic community

The above is a brief introduction to in feed video ads tiktok

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How To Use TikTok Ads For Your Brands - 5 Different Ad Formats & Tips

How To Use TikTok Ads For Your Brands - 5 Different Ad Formats & Tips

hello everyone welcome to technic four's,learning in the previous videos i've,talked about the tick tock ads the,basics and benefits of advertising on,tiktok and i've showed you how to,advertise on tick tock step by step now,let's take a look of the different ways,to advertise on tick tock let's get,started,let's get into what tick-tock ads,actually look like tick-tock offers a,variety of different creative ad formats,for brands and businesses to explore,you've likely seen most of the different,types of your daily tick tock scroll up,here are five types of tick-tock ads we,have in feed ads brand takeover top view,branded hashtag challenge and branded,effects,with a variety of different options to,choose from it's hard to know which ad,format is best for your brand which is,why we dive into different types of,tick-tock ads and how they can work for,your business first in-field ads are the,video ads that appear in between user,videos as you scroll through your for,you page if you are unfamiliar with,tick-tock and the for you page in feed,ads are very similar to the ads you'd,see while tapping through instagram,stories you can get super creative with,inpeed ads you can include multiple call,to actions and make your video anywhere,between 9 to 15 seconds,having the opportunity to include a call,to action is a huge advantage for,example you can encourage users to shop,now download your app or visit your,website right from tick tock one thing,to keep in mind is that like any other,video on for you page in feed ads can be,scrolled past or skip pretty quickly you,only have about two to three seconds to,catch your audience's eye before they,keep scrolling in feed ads should be,full screen and should be enticing,enough to stop users from scrolling past,your content another positive to infeed,ads tiktok users can like comment share,and interact with your video just like,any other video on the for you page,here's a quick tip work with influencers,for your in feed ads,next we have brand takeover,have you ever opened tick tock and,receive an ad right away if so those are,brand takeover ads,brand takeover ads appear upon opening,the app presenting a full screen video,to your targeted audience they're one of,tick talk ads best option for delivering,mass awareness and driving direct sales,since you can place your messaging right,in front of your target audience not,only do this ad show up as soon as users,open tick tock but they can also appear,on the forum page as still images gifs,or videos including a clickable link,driving users to a landing page or a,hashtag challenge within tiktok brand,take over ads are exclusive to their,category which means that tick-tocks,make sure users don't see more than one,brand take over per day with brand,takeover ads you can expect a lot of,eyes on your content with a little,competition if you're just starting out,with tick-tock ads brand takeovers may,not be your first choice because while,super effective brand takeovers do come,at a high cost if you're a bigger brand,with a large marketing budget they are a,great option for fast growth and,reaching a large group of tick-tock,users next we have top view,top view ads are new advertising options,that builds on brand takeovers what,makes top view ads different is that,unlike branded takeover ads tick-tock,users aren't bombarded with an ad as,soon as they open the app tab view ads,are the first in-feed post after three,seconds it shows up at the top of your,forum page tick tock's most premium real,essay with up to 60 seconds of full,screen video with autoplay and sound,then we have branded hashtag challenge,branded hashtag challenges are,one-of-a-kind advertising opportunity,exclusively to tick-tock you've probably,seen branded hashtag challenges,displayed on tick-tock's discovery page,similar to regular hashtag trends and,challenges on tick-tock branded hashtag,challenges offer both organic and,sponsored opportunities for brands,they're a great way to encourage user,generated content and build brand,awareness the best part about brand,hashtag challenges you can have a ton of,fun with them they are an awesome way,for brands to collaborate and seamlessly,integrate themselves into the tik tok,culture and community,and lastly,branded effects tick tock now offers,branded shareable stickers ar filters,and lenses in their advertising mix,similar to snapchat's branded lenses,tick tock's branded defects allow brands,to design their own custom filter on the,app branded effects can be live up to 10,days at a time and are an awesome way to,encourage users to directly interact,with your brand in a fun way,and there you have it different ways to,advertise on tick tock have you tried,tik tok what are your thoughts so far,leave it on the comments down below and,before this video ends did you know that,you can run live on-demand scheduled,webinar replays with hands-free,automation and the breakthrough sales,getting features with no hosting,required,and has d

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Go to the market to sell mustard greens and repair motorbikes. Building farm, Free Life (ep153)

Go to the market to sell mustard greens and repair motorbikes. Building farm, Free Life (ep153)

مرحبًا بكم في حلقة الفيديو الجديدة الخاصة بي,، أتمنى للجميع,يومًا سعيدًا ومليئًا بالطاقة,، ذهبت من الخيمة إلى الحديقة لحصاد الخردل الخضر وبيعها في السوق,. سأستخدمها,كبذور أحتاجها لاختيار ورقة الخردل المورقة,بمجرد أن ألتقطها ، سأضعها في السلة,ضع السلة والخضروات على الأرض,واستمر في التقاط الخضروات وإزالة جذورها,ربما تكون خضروات الخردل مألوفة جدًا بالنسبة لي,لأنها غذاء لا غنى عنه في وجبات الطعام اليومية,، كما يتم تحويلها إلى مخلل ، وهو أمر شائع جدًا في منطقتنا ، ولدي,بالفعل قدر كبير من الخردل في سلتي ، وما زلت أحصد,نظرة هناك! ، طماطمي بها بعض اللون الأحمر الناضج,أخيرًا انتهى الحصاد ، انتقل بعد ذلك إلى الخيمة مع العمل في انتظاري,لإطعام الخنازير ، لابد أنهم ينتظرونني,صب النخالة في حوض الخنازير ، أتمنى لهم وجبة جيدة,الآن يمكنني المسهم بشكل مريح,، آمل أن تكون الخنازير على ما يرام ، في الشتاء البارد,أطعم الدجاج بعض الطعام,، سأقدر التوسع في مزارع الدجاج في المستقبل,لأن الدجاج سيحقق لي الكثير من الدخل.,كل شيء جاهز للرحلة إلى أسفل الجبل.,Hope ستكون مزرعتي على ما يرام عندما أكون بعيدًا,أحيي اليوم الجديد!,تشير توقعات الطقس اليوم إلى أن,درجة الحرارة ستنخفض قليلاً,مع رحلة دراجة نارية إلى السوق سيكون الجو باردًا جدًا,. منذ فترة طويلة ولم تكتمل بعد,. الجبهة هي المكان الذي أريد أن أذهب إليه ، المنظر من الأعلى جميل جدًا,وصلت إلى السوق بجو صاخب,ربما يكون هذا هو أفضل مقعد للمبيعات,قم بترتيب باقات الخضار على عملاء Ground,Hope سيشترون كل ما عندي من الخردل,أول ضيوف الجميع!,يطلب مني هذا العميل تقليل سعر الخضار ، لذلك قررت عدم تخفيض قيمة السوق,التي أبيع خضروات الخردل مقابل: 5000 دونج فيتنامي / حزمة,اشترى هذا العميل 5 باقات من الخضار ، المبلغ الذي تلقيته هو 25000 دونج فيتنامي ،,ها هو المال لقد صنعت من بيع الخضار ، شكراً لجميع العملاء,الكشك الذي يبيع اليوسفي بجواري,اشترى الضيف التالي بعض المجموعات,التي لا أستطيع الانتظار بعد الآن لأنه لا يزال هناك الكثير من العمل الذي يجب القيام به,ضع ما تبقى من الخضروات والأشياء في السلة,I أعط هذا المال للمالك لأنني أجلس أمام متجرهم لبيع البضائع,، ذهبت إلى متجر صيانة الدراجات النارية لإصلاح سيارتي,. هناك الكثير من الأشياء التي تحتاج إلى إصلاح واستبدال لضمان السلامة المرورية,. في الخارج وأحتاج إلى تغييره,، سيستغرق الانتظار بعض الوقت لانتظار,السرج على دراجتي النارية قديم وحان الوقت لاستبداله,يبدو مصلح السيارة قويًا وماهرًا حقًا,انتهيت أخيرًا من إصلاح الدراجة النارية,المبلغ الذي أحافظ عليه otorbike هو: 230،000 دونج فيتنامي ،,آمل ألا ينكسر مرة أخرى ، لأن إصلاحه سيكلفني مالًا,. إنها مركبة بالنسبة لي للسفر لمسافات طويلة,ينتهي الفيديو الخاص بي ، وداعًا أراك في الحلقات القادمة!

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How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

what's up guys jordan here today we're going to  be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to  ,z everything you need to know to launch your first  ad on the platform today now we're currently using  ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent  agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount  ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using  the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you  ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got  a presentation ready for you we're going to jump  ,onto it in a second but before we do i want  to announce a quick competition on this video  ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down  below with their goals for running tik tok ads  ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to  win a completely free strategy call with me for  ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want  to run through we break down your strategy how you  ,can increase your revenue how you can increase  your roads on whatever platform you're using  ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make  that happen for you so enter that competition  ,let's get started with this no bs implementable  training but do me a favor stop what you're doing  ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take  some notes and pay attention and take action on  ,what you learned today let's get started okay  so tick-tock ads training first of all let's  ,start off with some data we need to understand  the opportunity here now tik tok was the most  ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads  okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide  ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per  day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal  ,customer multiple times a day on average now as  of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in  ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its  january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year  ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks  as the second biggest app in consumer spend  ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this  is probably the uh the biggest stat on this  ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in  consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so  ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and  businesses to sell their products on the platform  ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've  said ah i found that product on tick tock it's  ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how  you can actually make the most of that so this is  ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have  tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns  ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then  landing pages to break these down one by one tick  ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock  advertising account similar to the facebook  ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation  of your ad so we're setting up our advertising  ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which  is target audiences ad placements budget and the  ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is  the text and the video that will appear on our  ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our  landing page and this is the destination url that  ,we are driving our potential customers too this  is the place where they will actually buy our  ,products or service so when you actually have your  tick tock ad account up and running this is kind  ,of what the format will look like we have our ad  manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that  ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple  ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple  ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even  be testing out multiple different ad creatives  ,as well so what are the actual creative the the  creative formats that we can use on tick tock well  ,we have top view on the left hand side here which  is like a full-size video which shows up when we  ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover  now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and  ,very large brands use these and again these come  up right at the start of launching the app and it  ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads  this is what we're going to be going through today  ,and what most businesses are actually using  to generate the most revenue from tick tock  ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we  want to launch a challenge on the platform and  ,then finally branded event so we want to have our  own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so  ,people can use them when they're creating their  own content but as i said in feed ads it's the  ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients  at the affluent agency and we're literally  ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue  from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to  ,show you today so without further ado let's jump  straight on to the tick tock advertising platform  ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is  go over to forward slash business  ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see  every

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How To Setup TikTok Spark Ads: A BETTER Way To Advertise On TikTok

How To Setup TikTok Spark Ads: A BETTER Way To Advertise On TikTok

if you are running Tick Tock ads and not,using spark ads well you need to start,using them right away what's going on,guys my name is Neil from links digital,and in this video I'll be breaking down,exactly what spark ads are why you need,to start using them right away and then,I'll be going onto my computer and,showing you how to set up spark ad,campaigns all right so let's get started,with What spark ads are essentially they,are the organic version of the infeed,ads that you see on your for you page,now the only difference between spark,ads and infeed ads are that spark ads,are organically uploaded onto the tick,tock ad platform now once you run spark,ads videos as ads you will also be able,to add a call to action and the ad will,actually function just like any other,infeed AD however some of the big,differences between spark ads and infeed,ads that we've seen is in the,performance spark ads tend to convert a,lot better than your regular infeed ads,and the reason for this is because of,social proof because you are promoting,organic content you can actually,piggyback off of the social proof with,the form of engagements on your videos,that you are getting organically and,double it up with paid promotion now we,all know how far social proof can go,when it comes to actually driving,conversions so this is a very powerful,method for you to get some very cheap,social proof on your ads now one of the,big reasons we here at Lynx digital are,really hyped about spark ads is because,of the tick tock algorithm on the,organic side the fact that you were able,to upload a bunch of ads organically and,see which one does well because the tick,tock algorithm sends out all of these,organic videos to at least a few hundred,people so what you are able to do is,cheaply test out ad creative at scale as,an Advertiser this is awesome because,you can test out your creatives even,before running them as an ad so you can,start to notice the ads that go viral,organically and and what this basically,means is the ads that go viral,organically will have a higher,likelihood of being better converting,ads than the ones that didn't so this is,very cheap way for you to test out your,ads even before running your ads now one,of the other advantages of using spark,ads is the fact that you can use other,people's content organically on Tick,Tock you are allowed to re-upload and,repurpose other people's content either,in a form of a stitch or a duet or even,in certain cases actually just re-upload,other people's content without getting,penalized for a copyright strike so this,is a really powerful thing if you are,somebody that's struggling to come up,with creative you can actually just take,inspiration from what's on Tick Tock,launch it organically and then be able,to run ads from those organic videos so,that's a very powerful thing that you,can start doing right now alrighty now,that we are in the tech talk ads,dashboard we can create a brand new,spark ads campaign from scratch and hey,guys before we continue with this video,I quickly do want to take a second to,talk about today's video sponsor which,is me more specifically The Tick Tock ad,Smasher class that I put together now a,lot of you already know this but Tick,Tock ads are the hottest thing in,advertising right now and rightfully so,I would kind of compare them to say,Facebook ads in 2015 2016. they're that,good so I put together this master class,which is designed to bring anyone up to,speed and set them up for success with,Tick Tock ads and right now you can take,advantage of our special introductory,launch pricing and get the master class,at a massive discount if you are,interested check the link in the,description below and with that let's,jump back into the video for the most,part this is going to be like setting up,any other campaign so we're gonna hit a,brand new create button and we're just,going to start over let's go in with,going with conversions and this is going,to be Spark,ads test,and then no campaign budget optimization,in our case and let's just quickly move,on to the ad group settings for the most,part this is going to be the exact same,as setting up any other AD campaigns so,you do want to be following all of the,traditional Sops and best practices but,for our case right here we are just on a,test ad account so we will just zoom,right through this now one important,thing is when it comes to placements,sometimes your spark ads don't deliver,when they are on some of the other,network types so make sure you are,limited to tick tock now when it comes,to the user comments and video downloads,I'm going to leave this up to your,discretion if you are somebody that's,getting a lot of great positive social,proof on the organic side but not so,much on the paid ad side this is,something you might want to toggle with,or if you want to just like lock in a,lot of the user comments this is again a,great place to do that and if you want,to allow people to download your video,and you can he

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How I Create VIRAL Video ads from TikTok (EASY!)

How I Create VIRAL Video ads from TikTok (EASY!)

no that's not what we're doing here,today,today is about viral tick-tock,and utilizing the viral videos from,tik-tok to run as good compelling ads,ads that is shareable likable,viral by going to tick-tock to get ideas,now this,is a new technique that i've been,utilizing and i wanted to be able to,share with you how you can actually,utilize tick-tock,without the fancy or weird dancing i,don't know about you but those kind of,movements,make me really uncomfortable but i'm,going to be showing you how you can be,able to use tick-tock,without the silly moves without the the,the all the fancy production without any,of that,you're gonna be able to see why by the,end of this video there's,just so much opportunity on tick tock,right now not by posting the videos,but by getting ideas and creatives from,tik tok,and how you can extract that and utilize,that in your market,even if you could be in a serious market,even if you could be in,plastic surgery you could be in real,estate by the end of this video you're,going to be able to see how you can,utilize tick-tock,to get one of the best most compelling,viral video ideas,that can be utilized in your ads and i'm,gonna be showing you behind the scenes,to a coaching call that i did to show,you how you two,will be able to do that,one of the things to give you guys a,glimpse before i even begin,is basically add creatives creating ads,that's more interesting,more engaging um and one hack,that i have been utilizing to create,more effective,and engaging ads is basically this one,of the things that i've been doing is,i have been going on tick tock to see,different,music videos that is viral so what does,that mean it means that i would go on,tick tock,to look at videos that's being served to,me on my,for you page okay the for you page is,like the instagram explorer page it's,like the facebook watch,it's the the algorithm feeding you what,they think,you would be interested in what i would,recommend if you're not active on tick,tock,just follow a bunch of people in your,market in industry and,because of that tick tock will start to,see what it is that you like,and they'll try to serve you more of the,stuff based on what they think you like,one thing that i realized made it good,is that it gives us,a framework to see what,is converting and what works and you,will see,that on tick tock there are a lot of,people in serious markets,plastic surgeons chiropractors,that is crushing it on tick-tock not by,doing,stupid dance moves but by creating,content,that is relevant to their market but,my my goal for you guys here is to help,you,walk away from today's session with,one great ad utilizing the framework,that i'm literally using right now based,on,like literally how i spent my day today,okay so choose your character is where,you know it's got a lot of different,themes to it it could be like different,different bartenders different work from,home moms,different ways to wear your mask but the,theme of it,and based on the song it sounds like you,know choose your character so,the market that i'm in it's like you,know choose your marketing guru right,choose your,the style that that resonates with you,okay so this is something that i've been,working on,a lot which is basically not not about,creating videos on tick tock,but rather use utilizing tick-tock,music and themes that is,proven to be viral and shareable and,engaging,and utilizing that as an ad,so how can i connect it to my offer so,if the video is,on choose your guru types i'm gonna,think about what's the story because,that this video is gonna be posted on,facebook when people are scrolling,this is what stops the school this is a,great scroll stopper,but on its own it's not gonna make money,so how can it make money it can make,money,if we can link it with the offer well so,how can we,link this to the offer by having a story,so imagine if somebody is scrolling on,facebook,and they're scrolling scrolling,scrolling and all of a sudden they see,that ad,which is this 15 second choose your guru,video so,it's a great pattern interrupt they're,watching this video,they're engaged but it doesn't mean,anything so now what i need to do next,is to think about what's the right up,and what's the story that connects to,this hook,so for example if the hook is having,different type of gurus,the story would be ultimately there are,a lot of different,teachers and gurus and marketers out,there with different personality types,and you gotta find a method that,resonates with who you are your,personality,and double down on that okay so so that,could be the story,right we all have our own unique way,that could be polarizing,that could be eccentric that could be,weird that could be funny,so that's a story right many different,type of guru types and,i would love to be able to help you tell,that story,that angle in a unique way that,fits your character and if you would,love to be able to do this,in a way that is authentic that is true,to you,then right offer call to

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How To Make Viral Video Ads to Promote Your Products (TikTok Ad Breakdown)

How To Make Viral Video Ads to Promote Your Products (TikTok Ad Breakdown)

today we're going to bring you another,tick tock ad breakdown this time we're,going to look at athletic greens so this,is uh in the ecom health slash fitness,niche and we're going to see how this,econ biz was able to get thousands of,tick tock views and most likely sales,from just a 50 to 53 second video ad so,we're gonna dive right in here before we,actually show the video uh first want to,make some observations all right so just,looking at the video itself okay even,the the copy right so i look at the copy,first and and see,what it is the page identity is doing,here so first of all it looks like nicky,unplugged this is a person that,has two million followers she's a ceo of,hotmom summer 22,so that you know you can tell right away,that you know they've used they went,with the influencer approach i'm not,really sure if this is actually her,particular business it may be just a,partnership that she did with this,company but you can see here this is the,the url we can take a look at it free,one year supply of vitamin d plus five,travel pick packs there you go nice uh,big cta here cta button pretty clear,straight to the point the site loaded,fast so that is the url so yeah it looks,like she just partners up with them but,let's let's go back and take a look at,the video uh so the first thing i see,here is the text so right away that's,the cta get your free immunity bundle,from ag1 by athletic greens okay so it,looks like they're offering some sort of,free bundle that is the synopsis for now,let's take a look at the video first few,seconds and see what what's what it's,all about so ask for here it is a day in,the life of a content mom i start off,every morning with my athletic greens,it's a way for me to get all my vitamins,nutrients antioxidants probiotics into,one drink okay so that was the first 10,seconds of the video right away it seems,that she's,the her hook is hey you asked for it,here it is day in the life of a content,mom uh so right away you can tell that,the target audience who is it going to,be probably moms right like moms who are,staying busy and and they want to get,fit okay so that is the first hook and,that's how uh,they went with that approach now in,terms of the visual right not,necessarily what she was saying the,visual is she's making a green drink and,she goes with i start every morning with,my athletic greens a way to get all my,nutrients antioxidants,probiotics into one drink notice that at,the beginning of the video there's some,overlay where where it says you know ag,one equals seven minor vitamins minerals,whole foods source superfoods to support,your energy plus health no matter what,the day holds this is a very strong,offer so right away we can tell that hey,it's you know a subtle way of showing,that product the the specific the,specific green athletic greens uh,product right so it's a mix that you can,mix into,into water and you can now you have,yourself a green drink that you can do,every single day you can drink it every,day but it looks like it's geared,towards moms right so let's continue,watching the video and and see what um,what else we have coffee of course then,mom mode packing lunches getting clothes,out making sure i don't forget anything,begging my son to get dressed a thousand,times seriously a thousand trying to not,trigger my daughter by brushing her hair,too hard and then she's off to the bus,okay so i'm gonna pause it right here,midway through the video so notice that,the copy and we'll go back to,before she gets into the person,so right here when she ends it she says,then grab my coffee of course right so,notice the copy being displayed here you,know get a one year supply of vitamin d,plus five travel packs free with your,first purchase so that is what's on the,website what we saw earlier that is the,the cta it was very subtle right and she,ended you know she's not really straight,out saying hey you know go buy this,right so her messaging is very subtle,she does go on and talk about her life,in the day of a busy working mom so,she's right there connecting with the,audience right in a very you know,nonchalant type of way so you can feel,that that's the connection that she's,trying to make she's like hey i'm just,showing you my day-to-day you know this,is what i do notice a tone of voice so,all these little things play a role into,the messaging and the way that she's,portraying herself she's not saying hey,guys you need to try out the athletic,greens like you know there are moments,for that uh in this particular video ad,it's the messaging is very subtle and,and you know the background music it's,kind of like you know,nice and happy right upbeat and she's,just subtly introducing the product to,her target audience let's let's continue,with with this year okay then my coffee,of course then mom mode packing lunches,getting clothes out making sure i don't,forget anything begging my son to get,dressed a thousand times seriously a,thousand trying to not trigger my,daughter

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How To Create Viral TikTok Ads (Step-by-Step)

How To Create Viral TikTok Ads (Step-by-Step)

let's face it whether you're a drop,shipper brand owner agency owner or,freelancer if you're not taking,advantage of advertising on tick tock,you are missing out on some serious,games most people who start advertising,on tick tock whether that's organically,or using the paid tick tock ads manager,seem to think that there is some sort of,winning media buying strategy that's,just going to have them getting insanely,low cpms or single-digit cpas as you can,see brand right now is at 25 000 in,sales for this month and the month has,just begun,but after scaling a brand new brand to,multiple six figures per month using,tick tock ads and spending hundreds of,thousands of dollars on the platform i,can confidently tell you that the only,thing that you need to do insanely well,is the creatives,the platform is so fast-paced people on,it have the attention spans of a,goldfish telling you right now the only,way to succeed,is to create content consistently that,sets you apart from the rest,so today you're going to learn for free,exactly how i create high converting,viral tick tock ads to promote my,e-commerce products and services that,work for both posting organically and on,the paid ads managing platform as well,but first i don't want to just shovel,this information down your throat,without showing you any real-life,examples so i actually found a wow,factor product to sell this summer,ordered into my house and then went out,and shot viral organic tick-tock ads,with it and just before we get started i,do want to announce the weekly giveaway,to win a custom-built shopify,dropshipping store built by my team here,at outright,three simple steps to win all you have,to do is smash a big like on this video,comment something insightful down below,and go ahead and subscribe to the,channel those three things you're,automatically entered for your chance to,win and the winner will be announced in,my next week's video and while you're,down in the section below the first link,in the description is actually a link to,book a discovery call if you are,interested in seeing how my team here at,econ can help you with your e-commerce,goals this year all right so recently i,attempted a zero dollar dropshipping,challenge with a wow factor product that,i could promote purely organically using,the power of tik tok so that i can show,you firsthand exactly what i do to,promote my businesses now before i start,revealing all the secrets to creating,viral high converting tech talks to,promote your brand i just want to show,you a few of the ads from this challenge,that performed very well so you can get,an idea of what it is that we're going,to be talking about now i won't go,through every single one we actually,made 10 different ads on the one shoot,but i'll show you a couple of them and,perform quite well on the challenge,which by the way if you do want to see,the full challenge video i'll leave a,link to that video somewhere up here my,bro got new shorts so we went to the,beach for a photo shoot,then he showed me the reason he bought,them,gonna go buy myself a pair for the,summer now,so the product i was selling was as you,guys could tell the color changing swim,shorts was a pretty popular drop,shipping product over the years on,facebook but i figured it needed some,love on tick-tock it had all the right,elements and that wow factor that'll,catch people's attention in the first,couple seconds so that's exactly what i,did and all i did was i went out and,grabbed my friend to use as the model,you can do that if you have a friend or,family member who would fit with what,you're selling just simply ask them you,know maybe pay them a small amount of,money and go up and do a little shoot,with them so now that you have an idea,about what i'm talking about don't worry,you don't have to shoot all the content,yourself i'm going to talk about that as,well let me start showing you how i did,this and how you can get other types of,content created for your brand as well,and the keys to what i do for promoting,all my brands and finding success on,tick tock both organically and paid,right now all right so first things,first before you even think about,creating an advertisement on tick tock,you must understand these two things,first one is that you really need to,understand your customer and the,audience okay so who's your target,market who are you appealing to what,types of content do they want to see on,the platform etc etc next thing is you,want to make sure that you're planning,your pieces of content out to be,somewhere between 8 to 15 seconds long,remember when i said people have the,attention spans of a goldfish on,tick-tock that's entirely true so i,found if you go over this time limit,your watch time is likely going to,suffer which is going to lead to,decreased performance in your ads now,starting off with what not to do here's,a couple examples of ads that just,wouldn't work okay and big brands make,these mistakes all the time not only on,tick tock but just

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