how to block tiktok ads on youtube

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How To Block Specific Ads On YouTube

oh,did you know that you have the ability,to block specific ads from appearing on,youtube channel,rather than blocking all the ads for,example if you don't want to see those,grammarly ads that are served to you,you can block the grammarly website and,all its accompanying pages,in this video you'll discover the,reasons why you see an ad the types of,ads you might see,and how to block specific ads on youtube,the ads that play on the youtube videos,you watch are tailored to your specific,interests,they're based on your google ad settings,the videos you've watched,and whether you're signed in or not here,are some of the anonymous signals which,may decide which ads you see,types of videos you viewed for example,recently i purchased the gopro hero 9,black,so i've been watching a lot of gopro,videos on youtube every time i watch a,gopro hero video on youtube,i get served an ad at the beginning of,the video that shows the adobe creative,cloud photography plan,here's some more anonymous signals the,apps on your device and the use of these,apps the websites you visit,anonymous identifiers associated with,your mobile device your previous,interactions with google ads or,advertising services,your geographic location the age range,your gender,your youtube video interactions have you,got valley on the content so far,hit the subscribe button and click the,bell notification icon,so you can receive more content like,this every week,here's a skippable ad that plays before,your video you can skip it after five,seconds,here are the other types of ads that you,might see on your videos you've got,overlay ads,that appear at the bottom of your video,sponsored cards that appear on the right,and non-skippable ads which means you've,got to wait till the ads finish playing,before you can watch the video,i find these types of ads the most,annoying let me know in the comments,below,which types of ads you find the most,annoying if you click on monetization,for an individual video,you can choose which type of ads you,want to display on your video,overlay ads sponsored cards skippable,video ads non-skippable videos,you can also choose the location of your,video ads such as before the video which,is a pre-roll ad,during the video which is a mid-roll ad,where your video has to be at least,eight minutes long,then after the video which is a post,role ad,you can make the ads more useful by,making them more specific to you,here's the way you can edit your,information or interests,go to here's a,list of how all the ads are personalized,to my channel,these ads are based on the personal info,that has been added to my google account,data from advertisers that partner with,google and google's estimation of your,interests,if you want to turn off ad,personalization move the slider to the,left,once you've turned off personalization,google will no longer use your info to,personalize your ads,here's how to disable interest-based ads,from a youtube channel,click on your profile icon click on,youtube studio,click on settings in your left hand,column click on channel,then click on advanced settings scroll,down,where it says advertisements,check the box that says disable,interspace ads so if you check this box,just keep in mind that if you select,this option,personalized ads will not be shown on,videos on your channel,such as ads based on viewers interests,or remarketing ads,this may significantly reduce your,channel's revenue,in addition earned action reports and,remarketing lists,will stop working for your channel so,keep that in mind if you check this box,personally i keep this box unchecked,because i want to get the maximum,revenue from my ads,ads can still be targeted with info like,a general location,or the content of the website using you,can also install a browser plugin,to opt out of personalized ads from,google even if you've cleared your,cookies just keep in mind if you block,personalized ads from being displayed on,youtube videos,you'll see a decrease in revenue,this refers to the creator's ability to,block certain ads on their channel,this simply refers to ads that you don't,want on your channel rather than,blocking all the ads on your channel,go to your google adsense account at, forward slash,adsense click on blocking controls then,click on youtube host,you've got advertiser urls which means,you can prevent ads from,individual advertisers all you have to,do is click on manage advertiser urls,then you just enter the url or url,separated by a comma if you want to,block all the pages from that specific,website,and put the top domain url such as,,this means we'll block all the pages,from forward slash about, forward slash contact or any,other pages under that domain,you also got sensitive categories so if,i click on manage sensitive categories,i can use this page to allow or block,sensitive categories of,ads from appearing on my site so if you,want to block,ads that refer to get rich qui

The above is a brief introduction to how to block tiktok ads on youtube

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How to Block TikTok App on WiFi Router?

How to Block TikTok App on WiFi Router?

hey guys welcome to register bid my name,is crucial and in this video we're going,to see how to block the tick tock app on,Wi-Fi router so recently a few months,ago I published an article that also,created this video demo in which I,showed how to block a website and I got,a lot of comments in this asking me for,blocking the tick tock app or the pub G,app or a YouTube app Instagram app and,all those apps on the mobile when this,video is we are going to see how to,block the app requests let's move ahead,with that so first in the four most,important thing is that we need to make,sure that we have a router which,supports DNS we have a good internet,connectivity and we have the open dns,account so open dns account is the one,which we would be using to block the,request from the backend we can create,this account for free and I have also,mentioned the steps on how to create,that so first thing is what is Open DNS,Open DNS is a service which helps to,track view the stats and the block all,the incoming and outgoing Network,requests through our Wi-Fi so if we,configure the Open DNS IP address with,our Wi-Fi router then we would be able,to see all the incoming and outgoing,Network requests this also helps in,blocking as well as also helps in,protecting from phishing and improving,the spam protection and improving the,overall network stability so this is all,about the open at the NS and it is also,acquired by the Cisco so we have that a,big name behind the Open DNS and we can,totally rely on it now next thing is,let's start off with this setup so if we,have two parts one is setting up the,Wi-Fi router to use the Open DNS IP,addresses and second thing is to,configure the blocking,in the open leonis so let's start off,with the first thing this is my Wi-Fi,router I already logged in and I already,set up my DNS to the open DNS IP,addresses this IP addresses already,mentioned here so you can just go copy,this and paste it in your DNS settings,for DNS settings irrespective of what,router you use whether it's a local or,international or whether it's an F gear,or a d-link or a tp-link or whatever I,guess a DNS suppor is almost supported,in all the network routers so you can,just go into the DNS set up and switch,your DNS configuration from automatic to,manual and enter these IP addresses so,once you make this changes once you,apply the changes just restart your,router and give it a minute or two to,completely start and establish the,network connection and then once you,have done it just go and access this,welcome DNS over welcome Open DNS page,and if you access this you will have,this right tick and it will say your,internet is safer faster and smarter,because you are using Open DNS so if you,get this success message that means your,router is configured with the Open DNS,now this was the first part in terms of,configuring your router so you no longer,need to depend on your router now,whatever things we are going to do is,basically in the open dns account,so once the router is configured and,everything is done what we need to do is,we need to create the open dns account,it's a free account for home users and,you can just go sign up with your email,ID and password and then you can use it,so if you go and head over to this link,here you can fill in all the details and,create the account then you will receive,an email confirmation on the email ID,that you have entered and once you,verify that email ID you would be able,to log in so you can sign in by clicking,on this link or you can also access this,open dns dashboard link enter your user,name in the password and then you just,click on log,so I already have my account so I'm just,going to quickly go login into my,account so once you have logged in you,would have tabs over at the top like,home stats settings are my accounts and,all those others so what we need to do,is go to settings in the settings you,have this ad network and in this ad,network you would be having this IP,section and it will be prefilled with,the IP address this IP address is,basically your network IP address which,is your ISP IP address which is assigned,to your Wi-Fi router or your connection,so just go quickly act click on this ad,this network and give it a name say,suppose a home Wi-Fi and hit on done so,once you hit on done you would be your,network would be added into this your,network section which I already,mentioned here so once you add it it,will be added into your network section,so this is exactly the same screen shot,and then once you have done it a just go,and quickly tap on this I mean click on,this IP address to go into that,particular IP address settings so once,you tap on the IP address you would be,navigated to this settings page and you,would be defaulted to this web content,filtering so in this what you need to do,is you need to go to manage individual,domains and add the domain addresses of,tick tock which are added which are,shared and this website so if you scroll,to this block tick tock

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hello everyone are you having a problem,with those picked up ads and those,annoying pop-ups in this video I'm going,to help you to remove those annoying,pop-ups and ads firstly what you need to,do is go to your taste or if you are an,Android and then click on search for,tik-tok once you get tic-tock open it,and install it I already have the app,installed on my phone so I will open it,okay so now when you open this is ad,what you need to do is if you look at,the bottom of this end down here can you,see the me icon click on the me icon and,then it says sign up with the phone or,email,so although you don't have an account it,doesn't matter it's time to sign up in,order to proceed with this sign up put,your phone or email all right let me,login seeing that I've ever be Evan I,can't log in with my phone number you,can choose to log in with your phone,number or your email I think it's much,better and quicker with your phone,number okay once your number is in,all right and it says a login a,verification code let me choose that so,I get a verification code okay they say,they send me a verification code and,there is my code so then we proceed all,right,I've logged in and also and have,deactivated it but you go straight let,me cancel it the activation can let me,go back to my me icon once I'm on this,me icon alright this is a page where it,says edit profile stuff if you go right,up here to this three little dots on,your top right hand corner click on it,then go to manage my account,you open manage my account on the bottom,right the bottom you'll see a thinking,depart removing your account click on,thinking about removing account down,here click on it it says delete account,so send code all right I've got a code 8,4 6 2 then you can enter that in 8 4 6 2,& continue,now it says if utility account etc etc,in the bottom continue press Continue,again it says you're about to delete the,account yes,to the delete account now the background,is deleted I close them I do the LP tick,tock icon on my screen as you can see,but the account is deactivated and that,will remove all those annoying pop-up,ads I hope this video has been useful to,you please don't forget to subscribe and,hit the like button and leave a comment,below if this has been helpful to you,thank you for viewing this video I hope,you have enjoyed it,for music productions music lessons,piano keyboard bass and singing please,do email me ask Mikey D underscore keys,at please do like subscribe,and comment below don't forget to press,the bell button to be notified of new,video uploads thank you bye for now,making an impression with your,expression ki Central's

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I ordered everything Tik Tok Ads recommended to me

I ordered everything Tik Tok Ads recommended to me

hello everyone,welcome back,to me not wearing any lashes,i'm not wearing taco lashes which makes,me feel very weird time to embrace my,natural lashes which are not there just,imagine lashes there,oh my god it's summer in berlin,guys guys guys we,are going to try some stuff today i got,very ins,i saw this video of sophia trying,while not trying but what uh did,she bought the first five things tick,tock ads recommended to her that's,something i need to try too well i kind,of did that but also not i definitely,ordered a bit more so it was kind of,like a whole tick tock watching time,period of maybe like a month or even two,i basically just ordered everything i,saw on there which spoke to me sadly i,did have some issues with a lot of them,i think two items are still not here and,i've waited for a long time december,13th was the day when i first ordered,one of the things yeah a lot of this,might actually be trash but maybe also,not so we're just gonna find out how,good and how legit these products and,websites are gonna be that tiktok,recommends to me because i feel like,tick-tock recommendations just you know,out of my experience that i've made so,far are definitely a bit more trashy,than for example instagram,recommendations once i ordered this hair,dyeing shampoo because i saw an ad on,tick tock and i was like really excited,because that's exactly what i need hair,dyeing shampoo amazing and then i,ordered it and what did i get two,different hair dyes and two different,shades of brown and then i really fought,for my money they did not want to give,me my money back and they were like you,have to pay the shipping cost if you,want to ship these products back and you,will only get like 20 of your money back,and then for over two months i send,mails back and forth with them i think,we we're at this point when i would get,like 90 or like 95 of my money back i,don't know why they still try to argue,this i really don't know it was ,annoying you know what we're just gonna,try the first thing that i ordered,december 13th and this thing was a very,convincing ad about a heatable jacket,which does sound really good to me well,except the fact that the jacket is ugly,sometimes style is not everything you,just want to survive so yeah i found,this with this very very convincing ad,it actually convinced me to buy this,jacket and you know what convinced me,even more to buy this jacket this tweet,from taylor swift when she wore it,she says it's very warm and cozy at,winterland thank you her head is cut off,but she loves it i checked her twitter,she did not actually post this also this,got published in victoria's secret,brigitte gala foreign envoy this jacket,is so much more popular than you think,so i just ordered it because what what,else would i have done you know a thing,that almost all the products i ordered,from my tick tock ads have in common is,you can't really use paypal to pay for,it most of them only have credit card so,i paid with klarna i usually don't pay,with clarinet but it was fine clara was,fine this is not an advertising for,clarinet but i like a club now you like,really great corporate design don't you,think,guys if there's no paypal just make sure,the website is trustful because if you,put your credit card details in there,you don't know what's gonna happen to,them you just really have to be careful,when it comes to those things mama,broccoli has spoken,so i finally got my jacket it's a fire,jacket i'm so cold,i need a jacket all eyes on my jacket,it's silver inside oh this is such a mom,jacket,while our jacket is charging we're gonna,get to another thing which probably,needs to be charged,also to be honest with you i don't even,know why i bought this,well it comes in a cool box i wonder,what's inside oh my god it is the nebula,orb and charger exactly what i always,wanted thanks tick tock and if you throw,it it comes back at you,i mean yeah that also got me with the 50,off,i wanted to buy this beautiful ball for,35,and i did so right here we have the,nebula charge shot spinnering spinning,charge ball a club spinner,press the power button maybe it is like,charged,it is,i think i broke it,and you owe,yay for the nebula or fly nova pro,spinning ball,relaxing time i mean i think it could be,fun i guess there's no cable in there is,this the nebula orb and charger no,charger to be seen this is a ,scam i am pissed the next thing we're,gonna try is this phone case i have,never purchased something so quick from,tick tock no photographer no problem is,all i'm saying obviously if you do like,group pictures or you want to have a,little photo shoot in your room this is,what you need this was 25 euros so it,better be worth it let me just try to,get my old phone case off that's a good,charm but we have to say goodbye to,nathan kochan and you have to peel this,off,i guess it's kind of sticky,and,am i doing something wrong,i do,we gotta do some cpr yeah it's working,we've never been able to take a picture,like this vincent,i'm

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How To Fix Tiktok Ads That Are Not Spending

How To Fix Tiktok Ads That Are Not Spending

so we've all been there we finally found,a winning product spent days perfecting,our ads and our store and have never,been more excited for a smooth launch,into profits using tick tock ads and,then we wake up the next morning just to,find out that our tick tock account,didn't even give us a chance but after,spending multi-six figures on tick tock,ads networking with seven and,eight-figure tick-tock drop shippers and,talking to tick-tock representatives i,finally figured out the fix to this,problem i know exactly why this happens,and i figured out the most efficient way,to fix it so that you can relaunch again,and find success what's poppin youtube,welcome back to the channel my name is,nathan and i'm a 21 year old ecommerce,entrepreneur just before we jump into,this here i do want to announce the,weekly giveaway all you have to do is,subscribe to the channel comment one,thing down below and go ahead and smash,that like button those three things and,you're automatically entered the winner,will be announced at some point in next,week's video and the giveaway is for a,custom built shopify drop shipping store,equipped with the winning product and,everything built by my team and i at,outright econ now diving straight into,this there might be a few different,scenarios as to why your ads aren't,spending but regardless the reason,stands the same your ad account is not,optimized and tick tock actually doesn't,want to see you throw away any money,without getting any type of results he's,got to be an idiot to put those on,social media remember tick tock wants to,take your money as much as possible but,why would they take just 100 from you,when they can take 10 million let me,explain so what i'm saying here is they,want you to succeed they want you to go,ahead and spend a ton of money on their,platform and achieve great results and,in doing so you'll keep coming back and,you'll keep spending and if you're not,set up properly you won't get any,results thus they don't want you to keep,spending because then you're just gonna,leave the platform now with agency,accounts or accounts that i've already,spent thousands of dollars on i,typically never have this issue because,tick tock knows that i know what i'm,doing and they give me free rein to go,ahead and spend my money how i want it,we'll touch on agency accounts just a,bit later the issue of your ads not,spending typically happens on a brand,new tick tock account that hasn't,achieved any spend or results yet so yes,you're probably thinking this is all,common sense and you're probably already,wondering what you can do to set,yourself up for success and not have,this problem upon launch and here's how,you do it so much like facebook tick,tock actually has a learning phase as,well and to exit this learning phase on,a conversion campaign you have to show,tick tock that your campaign can,generate at least 50 conversions within,one week or seven days but for tick tock,to even want to spend your budget they,have to first believe that you can,actually achieve those results and hit,those metrics to exit the learning phase,and if they're not spending any of your,budget it's because they don't believe,that you can do so i'm sorry it's not,going to happen so what you need to do,first obviously if you believe that your,campaign's going to be successful is you,need to show them that you can hit those,conversion metrics on a lesser event so,what you need to do to show them that,you can actually exit the learning phase,and hit those conversion metrics is you,need to choose an easier objective first,like page views or add to carts now the,proven strategy that has worked for me,about eighty percent of the time has,simply been opening up a brand new,traffic campaign and just spending,twenty dollars on it for the following,day after you've done this the next step,is to simply go to sleep and watch your,ad account burn through twenty dollars,the next day with likely no results but,don't worry your account is still,gathering very much important data that,it can later use and it's also getting,you ready to launch that conversion,campaign the complete payment objective,which is obviously what you're looking,for now like i said this will fix your,account spending issues about eighty,percent of the time if your account,still isn't spending and yes this has,happened to me as well then again spend,another 20 the next day but this time,the conversion objective set it to add,to cart and repeat that same process,every single day just getting closer and,closer to the event you desired which in,this case is complete payment if none of,that worked for you the next alternative,that's easiest and most likely to work,is to simply open up a brand new tick,tock ad account now for the rest of the,cases it's likely due to your creatives,themselves some of these small things,that i'm about to break down right now,actually affect the algorithm and don't,ask me why the tick tock algorithm is,wildly complex and it's

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block Tiktok app

block Tiktok app

one of the techniques to block,applications like,tick-tock is to get hold of,ips that are related to tick-tock or,list of domains that are related to,tick-tock,and block them on your dns filter,how do you do it coming up,tick tock has gained a lot of attention,recently due to the fact that it,probably,gets hold of your private and,sensitive data now i'm not taking any uh,position on either if it does so or not,but if you want to block then one of the,techniques that you can try,and block any domains or,ips that are related to tick tock is the,following,you start with a text file where you,enter all ips that are related to,tick tock just google tick tock ips,domains,how to block and you will find a list of,ips that are related to tick tock once,you do so,save your text file put it in a web,server in a place that is accessible,and move over back to your photogate,on your photogate dashboard fabric,connectors,create new connector of type threadfits,ip address now name your,connector let's just name mine tick tock,and enter the address of that text,file so i will just use an address that,doesn't really exist,but for our purposes if you need to,authenticate that you then you can you,enter your credentials,on the following fields if not just,disable it,okay now once you have a new threadfit,with a list,of ips that are related to tick tock,move over to your security profile dns,filter,create new dns filter let's just,name my dns block,external ip block list,and add up the external thread,feeds okay,now move over to your policy and objects,and on your policy,just enable the,tick tock block security profile,now this is not bulletproof and,uh ips are changing frequently,but this is one method that may be of,help,when you need to block ticktack,connection,with clients that are connected to your,network,and are monitored by your 48 firewall

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How to Block TikTok App for Mobile & PC on MikroTik

How to Block TikTok App for Mobile & PC on MikroTik

in this tutorial ,,how to block TikTok app

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How to stop ads on android Phone in 3 Minutes

How to stop ads on android Phone in 3 Minutes

hey guys,today's video is about how to remove,pop-up ads from your android phone which,cause trouble for you,these are the types of ads you can,simply skip them by pressing the cross,button at the top of the add bar but,it's really annoying,let's see how we can remove them,permanently,okay there are two sources of these ads,from where they come,the first one is from google which is,the normal ads you cannot stop these ads,completely but you can lower their,number a lot and the second one is,because of some kind of virus which you,installed accidentally into your mobile,phone,i will provide solutions for both in,this video,so like and share the video also give me,a subscribe and if you want to support,me then give me a separate thanks,let's start the procedure to stop google,ads first,open your mobile setting,scroll down and find the google option,if you are unable to find it you can,also search it,open this ad section,in my case there is an option missing,called opt out personalization or,something like this from this tab,if you see that on your device simply,turn the option off and also reset your,advertising id,ok now go back and press this manage,your google account,go to data and privacy and find add,personalization settings,these are all the categories of ads that,appear on your screen,you can remove them one by one,there may not shown many categories,because we just reset our invertement id,but there are always more out there to,be added to this list,so simply turn this ad personalization,option off,okay next open your chrome browser and,go to settings,scroll down and open site settings,open cookies,set this option to block third party,cookies,then go back scroll down and open this,ad section turn this option off if it's,already on,ok the problem of google ads is solved,now,if you installed a virus into your phone,accidentally which cause annoying,pop-ups then follow these steps,go to settings find apps section or,manage applications,hide the system apps if you have any,difficulty,okay find the app without name and logo,from here and simply uninstall it,your problem will be solved,i didn't have any virus on my phone so i,can't able to show you how it looks,if there are still ads coming the final,way to remove them is by simply,resetting your mobile phone,this can easily solve your problem,make sure to create a backup of your,data before resetting your mobile phone,you can try another trick before,resetting your phone,the link is available in the description,or at the end screen of this video,watch it and remove ads using dns,if you like this video please subscribe,to my channel and if you want to support,me then give me a supper thanks,thanks for watching

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