dont make ads make tiktok

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How to Create TikTok Ads When You Don't Have the Product OR Money!

here's the thing with drop shipping,people often get in because they don't,have money and want to make money but,they quickly find out that ads can end,up costing a ton of money and if you,aren't getting conversions it ends up,being a huge waste,in this video i'm going to tell you how,you can create a tick tock ad for your,drop shipping product for free without,having the product physically with you,before we get into the video if you like,videos about winning products drop,shipping shopify themes apps and,tutorials do us a favor and hit that,subscribe button and turn notifications,on now let's get into the video okay so,my first tip is to jump on a trend we,are doing this with a zero dollar budget,so there will be no running ads which,means the best way to reach a lot of,people quickly is to jump on a trend now,how do you know what's currently,trending you want to head to tiktok's,creative center i've posted a link in,our description box for you to follow,along then click on inspiration,and then under trend discovery click,tick tocks,i'd recommend keeping the trends to the,last seven days because they changed,quickly ones that happened 30 days ago,are likely on their way out,now what you want to do is take a look,through a few of these and see which,trend would work well for your product,another way to see what is currently,trending is to open the ticktalk app and,then scroll through the homepage there,you will see a list of training sounds,and hashtags as well,now let's talk about video creation if,you have a zero dollar budget then you,don't have the product with you so how,do you create a tick tock video when you,don't actually have the product,physically with you,here are a few ideas from top performing,tick tock ads,in this video here they are using tick,tock's green screen with this filter you,can put yourself in the video with a,screenshot of the product behind you,i've muted this clip for copyright,reasons but the sound clip she's using,is from the simpsons the clip starts out,with marge saying but this is a real,find and then lisa says just buy it you,don't have to rationalize everything and,then marge says hmm all right i will buy,it it will be good for the economy so,you can do something similar by finding,a clever sound clip that will work well,with your product,the next type of video you can do is,using product photos or a screenshot of,the product on your website so in this,video she isn't speaking all you hear is,the background music and then the,transition from photo to photo is in,sync with the background music so it,works really well together this would be,a great type of video to do with songs,that are currently trending if you don't,want to be in the video you can always,cut out the first part and just sync the,photo transitions with the music but,make sure whatever you do it's adding,value and helping the customer just,showing your product won't convert well,so if you sell clothing for example,maybe piece a few photos together and do,like a five fall outfit ideas video,if you're comfortable talking to the,camera this type of video is great in,this clip she's defining what,mindfulness means and then she goes in,to share a bit of her personal story so,by defining what mindfulness means she's,providing value to her audience and then,by being vulnerable and sharing a bit of,her personal story with her audience,she's creating that connection with the,viewer at the end she shows a screenshot,of the app she's promoting,another idea is to point to your,computer screen now in this video she,has the product with her but ignore that,you can do the same thing without the,product in hand the part i want to show,you though is here when she's pointing,to her computer screen she's putting,this product in the problem solving,category by saying it helps with sore,feet bad joints and etc you could easily,duplicate this yourself by showing a,clip of you talking to the camera or not,if you don't want to be in the video and,then pointing to your own website on,your computer screen,another type of video you could do is a,reaction video in these types of videos,you can react to a news article or other,people's videos or photos or etc so if,your clothing store you could be,reacting to celebrity outfits or if you,sell pet supplies you could be reacting,to and raiding dog halloween costumes or,if you're a tech company maybe you want,to react to a news article that says,that the product that you sell has been,named one of the top 10 must-haves for,christmas,i have one last suggestion for video,creation and that is to download and use,the product photos from aliexpress now i,will preface this by saying that i,recommend reaching out to the supplier,first to ask if it's okay to use the,video the other thing i want to caution,you on is that the supplier may have,been given rights to use the video for,themselves but may not have the,authority to give you the okay so if you,do go down this route be cautious do,your res

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Savannah Sanchez: DON'T MAKE ADs, MAKE TIKTOKS - Social Creatives Prep for Q4

Savannah Sanchez: DON'T MAKE ADs, MAKE TIKTOKS - Social Creatives Prep for Q4

hey everybody this is savannah sanchez,from the social savannah so excited to,be here today today to talk about all,things tick tock ads definitely my,favorite subject to talk about and,creative trends post ios 14.5,so all this information you're receiving,today is very relevant this is what is,working best for me and my clients on,tick tock right now and how you can,level up your creative strategies to,really crack the tick tock ads platform,great so just a little rundown of what,i'm going to discuss today,first is the golden rules of producing,great tick tocks and then the value of,taking your tick tock ads and also,publishing them on facebook reels,instagram and testing them on your other,platforms i'm going to be sharing some,evergreen content ideas as well as some,trend specific content ideas that i,recommend testing for your tick tock ads,i'm going to share how i like to get,inspiration from my clients and how i,like to stay up to date with the tik tok,trends so i can produce the best ads,i'm going to show you the best tools for,editing ads in tiktok as well as other,external tools that i use to edit ads,and then,greatly add examples of ads that work,well for me and inspiration some other,top brands and then talk a bit about,white listing as well so i think you'll,get a ton out of this presentation um,just a little bit of background so my,business is the social savannah i am a,consultant that helps a number of,e-commerce brands with their ad creative,strategy as well as their tick tock,media buying so for instance i'm i'm,partnered with a number of brands,including snow teeth whitening sugar,bear hair gainful our place just to name,a few,and i help them with their tick tock,media buying strategies and then me and,my team we film new tick tock ads for,them each week to test so every week,we're out shooting new content trying to,follow the trends edit editing at tick,tock style,and then launch them in the ad account,each week so a lot of what i do is the,creative production side for tick tock,and so i'm going to share really all my,creative tips and tricks and all the,formulas that work the best for me,and my clients of course,um since really with tick tock ads the,main thing to remember is that,in terms of like setting up your,campaigns like it's very simple broad,targeting interests,auto bidding,there's really no secret sauce in terms,of the media buying or ad,setup,there's a lot there's some best,practices but really what's going to,make or break your tick tock ads is what,is actual creative is it native for tick,tock is it utilizing trends is it,organic to this platform you can't just,take what you're writing on facebook and,try it on tik tok it's not gonna work,i've tried it before,and failed um so learning from my,lessons that you need to start making,tick tocks as um for your tick-tock ads,not just taking,your content from other platforms,so that's why i'm going to focus today's,presentation on tick tock creative,specifically because that's really,what's going to make or break your,success with tick tock ads,if you do want to see a campaign setup,on my youtube channel which is my first,and last name savannah sanchez i do have,complete setup into installing your,pixel setting up your campaigns,targeting,but this is really the most important,thing to keep in mind with tick tock ads,is producing really great creatives that,encourage people to go to your site,leave tick tock and actually purchase,so making effective tick tock ads so,this is one of my creators winter on my,team we created this for my client outer,aisle,and it is a,demonstration of how we use the,cauliflower sandwich things to make a,really great,sandwich and so as you can see from this,ad,tik tok the best tik tok ads don't look,like ads at all it's using native tik,tok text transitions,filmed with the camera filmed in her,apartment it's not in a studio,so using native elements within the tick,tock app to make your content appear,organic like the text overlays,second thing that's really important is,always providing the viewer with value,and a reason to buy within the first,three to five seconds so really in that,first few seconds is where you're going,to hook people,and to make them watch the rest of the,ad so in this ad for instance i think,it's a really great hook because it,shows her,opening the fridge,and then kind of scavenging around and,then ultimately choosing,the cauliflower thins which is her new,obsession,and then of course for ads playing into,emotion being authentic and genuine with,your feedback and reactions is only,going to help the effectiveness of your,ab,so for instance like at the very end,she's trying this her sandwich and she's,just so happy with it so as you can see,her genuine reaction,really goes a long way so showing,someone with your product what's their,genuine reaction to it,making it look super organic to tick,talk,so here's another one we made this one's,from,under lucky stars again using tick tock,text

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How To Make TikTok Ads That CONVERT (7 Figure Ad Scaling Strategy)

How To Make TikTok Ads That CONVERT (7 Figure Ad Scaling Strategy)

what's up guys my name is kazzy sharara,and I'm co-founder of viral growth we,are focused on Tick Tock and we run,multi-six figures and Tick Tock ads,every single month and in this video,we're going to go over exactly what our,strategy for tick tock ads is how we,test how we come up with Tick Tock ideas,what are some of the kpis we look at and,how you can actually start a tick tock,campaign and scale it all the way to,whatever numbers you're looking for,every single month before we jump into,the video guys hit the Subscribe button,like the video and hit the Bell button,because we're going to be posting videos,every single week and you want to be on,top of tick tock content so hit the,Subscribe now and let's jump in the,video when it comes to tick tock ads one,of the first things you have to,understand is it actually different than,any other platform whether you've ran,Snapchat ads Facebook ads or Instagram,ads you'll typically find that Tick Tock,ads in general are way more competitive,and what I mean by that is it isn't as,easy as throwing up a quick little image,and calling it an ad it's not like you,go to canva and just have a real quick,little image and a quick little video,and or a strong video video and throw it,up there Tick Tock itself is very very,particularly picky in terms of the ads,that they like to actually promote so,you might throw up an ad you might throw,up a stock video ad but the performance,of the ad will absolutely be awful so in,terms of tick tock as a platform to,advertise on it's actually super,competitive and the reason for that is,you have to be on top of your creatives,creatives is the name of the game for,tick tock and I'm going to show you how,to actually come up with the creatives,that you know are constantly coming in,and you get results over and over again,but the main thing is to understand that,if your creatives are not good no matter,what kind of media buying strategy you,have on Tick Tock specifically it's,never going to work so to summarize in,terms of the main thing about Tick Tock,is that you want to avoid stock footage,generally doesn't work well images you,won't even be able to run ads on those,what really works is content that looks,native so now that we've covered kind of,the difference the major difference,between Tick Tock ads and other,platforms let's go into how you can come,up with infinite ideas for the ads,themselves so what I typically like to,do is with our agency we usually have,about two to three testing days per,client what that means is that let's say,on Monday and Friday of every single,week we will have testing days for ads,to go out and we'll usually have like at,least five to ten different creatives,uploaded on those particular dates what,that will allow us to do is constantly,have testing going on and we'll be able,to find new winners as we go throughout,the week if you have this process you'll,never have any any shortage of the,winning ad creatives another thing about,Tick Tock that is super different than,other platforms is that the creatives,themselves exhaust significantly faster,in something like on Facebook or,Instagram and the reason for that is,Tick Tock hates showing the same ad over,and over again and what you're really,trying to do is keep that freshness,there's positives and negatives to that,one positive of this is that you can,typically allocate significantly larger,budgets right off the get-go and Tick,Tock algorithm will still perform,whereas in Facebook if you go from 20 to,500 right off the bat you're actually,going to have a really hard time doing,that scaling on the other side of things,if your ad is more than a week or two,weeks you'll typically see like a sharp,downturn of the ads themselves and the,CTR will go down the video views will go,down and The Tick Tock ad platform will,actually suppress your videos so I say,all this so you guys can understand how,important it is to have a steady stream,of creatives coming in and all the ideas,and copywriting flushed out and ready to,be put into the ads manager next I'm,going to break down how I come up with,ideas and write copy for these ads,effortlessly over and over again so like,I said we're managing about multi-six,figures in ad spends with multiple,clients of hours so we need to have a,very very steady process the way I like,to do it and I've trained our media,buyers on our copywriters to do it is we,go to two locations and they both can be,found in the tech talk creative Center,so you can see the top performing,organic videos and you can see the top,performing advertising videos so the ads,and the organic what most people make,the mistake is that they try to be too,much of an ad and not enough organic the,ideal Tick Tock video strikes a balance,between the two side it looks organic,enough but it actually has enough,click-through rates so when you have,these two come in you will have a really,good ad that will last you a,significantly longer time than an ad,that is not super c

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How To Create High Converting TikTok Ad Creatives (FREE COURSE)

How To Create High Converting TikTok Ad Creatives (FREE COURSE)

tick tock ads are starting to become,really popular in the digital marketing,community and it only makes sense as to,why so many brands are literally,switching over from facebook ads,snapchat ads youtube ads and literally,going to tick-tock because there's so,many conversions happening on the,platform and with all of that attention,gives you lots of opportunities to be,able to get sales with tick tock and,that's exactly what we're going to be,covering but most brands and businesses,are missing this one key mistake that,they continuously make and i want to be,able to show you exactly what you can do,to be able to get high converting tick,tock ads,what's up y'all it's chase chapel here,your favorite digital marketer and we,literally cover content online and help,some of the biggest brands and creators,in the world that you know and follow be,able to generate successful results,using facebook ads and tick talk ads and,even google ads online,and we literally have hundreds of,students taking our online trainings and,programs where we have 600 plus six and,seven figure earners who have literally,taken our trainings and been able to,scale their actual brand or business,using these platforms and by the way if,you haven't already make sure to like,and subscribe because it truly does help,the algorithm so let's go ahead and get,into this video,all right so we're going to be covering,high converting tick tock ads and we've,literally spent 600 000,on tick tock through testing this far in,the last 90 days on the platform and,literally all of our insights in today's,video are recommendations we're making,purely based off of data none of our,personal opinion is in this video it's,100 backed by the actual science and,data that we see with the testing that,we're actually doing on tick-tock with,our platform and being able to,understand what makes the most sense for,our clients business and being able to,generate them results and through that,we're able to identify what tick-tock,ads are really converting best and be,able to give those insights to you so,that way you can be successful as well,you can quite literally see that the 600,000 that we've spent in this amount of,time has literally generated over 147,million impressions 2 million clicks and,we're literally getting cost per clicks,of 30 cents a click these days that is,far and few between on other platforms,so you can definitely see the,opportunities that you have on tick tock,alone so let's go ahead and go through,some of the ads that actually don't work,on tick tock and what we're seeing so,these are just some examples of tick,tock ads that don't work there's a,common misconception that people have,it's that they're running facebook ads,they're getting good results and then,they want to use the similar content,that they have there on tik-tok because,they think it's just copy and paste and,to be honest with you it's not like that,using images or gifs on your actual,tik-tok ads are not going to increase,your conversions if anything it's,actually going to decrease your,conversion rates and actually raise your,overall cost per cpm,and you know you don't want your actual,tick tocks to look like ads and a big,motto that ticktock has is make tick,tocks not ads and that's the main,premise here you don't want to be,creating content that looks like this,where you have these overlays or these,big call outs of the you know specific,offer and like red you know these red,circles here or having you know the,branding on the side of this those types,of ads just don't work on tick tock,people scroll right past those you want,the content to look native you want it,to feel like user generated content in,fact i'm actually going to be covering,ways you can get ugc later in this video,but specifically right here you want to,make sure to avoid you know templated,content even some of the biggest brands,in the world have fault prone to this,where they actually you know use the,branding and they use these basic videos,and while they get engagements they're,not really resulting in conversions so,if you're really looking to drive actual,sales and increase your actual,conversion rate and get more people to,actually convert from seeing your videos,and feel that they're actually a part of,the brand then you're going to want to,create tick-tock ads that are actually,native on the platform and have these,key conversion metrics driven behind,them and so these are just some examples,of tick-tock ads that do convert you,want to focus on actual vertical video,and fast cut you know jump cut videos,that are you know no longer than one to,three seconds per clip maybe,six seconds at the absolute most we're,actually clipping throughout the video,so that way you can keep people's,attention throughout the actual tick,tock tick tock is very fast-paced and,you want to keep that you know flow,going so people stay engaged and this,allows you to deliver way more,information about your product or,service in a much s

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Don't Make TikToks, Make Ads that sale on TikTok

Don't Make TikToks, Make Ads that sale on TikTok

yo what the is going on everybody,um in this training in this little video,specifically i am back home um touched,down from vegas i got home on saturday,late late last night early sunday,roughly,and then yeah now we're back home back,in the home base,just creating content for you guys just,sharing uh the knowledge everything from,air to z with tick tock,and with this information alone i mean,you could take this and apply it to your,own business and make some some killings,in terms of like sig figs months in,terms of econ so um with that being said,i just want to touch on my recent pdf,posts i'm going to be doing this weekly,where i make loom videos just covering,different aspects when i do release,these trainings these are just my,thoughts my feedback and what is,currently happening in the market as we,speak,and then this is just ultimately a free,resource you guys can watch you can,apply to your own business,and then if you do have any concerns or,questions about my offer my service how,i'm scaling brands with tick tock,complete done for you,then feel free to book in a call with me,where i can walk you through our system,our offer and how we source creators,from influencers how we launch campaigns,and how we ramp things up in terms of,generating you guys a solid return on ad,spin and making it an unreasonable roi,for you not to invest with my my agency,and what we offer so,um with that being said i mean don't,make tick tocks make ads to selling tick,tock,uh biggest misconception,is the organic side of things versus the,paid side of things in terms of ugc,organic presence i mean you can,literally create any type of content and,then you can really scale in terms of,going viral,and building out that organic presence,with just,any type of content that talks about the,product,talks about specific features benefits,maybe even show like what it looks like,on making funny clips,in terms of role play that works well,and then just having,you know there's no direction with,organic,but with when it comes to getting cells,getting impulse purchases that is a,different story that is a different,beast because we're trying to get people,to stop scrolling people don't like ads,but we want to make sure the ads feel,not like an ad in terms of native to the,platform native to the algorithm and is,able to get people to stop schooling to,make it impose purchase so,with that being said here are the cases,and how we do that,so in terms of if you're not familiar,with the posts i've been making over the,past couple weeks where i touched on,different aspects of the mechanism it,takes to scale efficiently on the tiktok,platform,the analogy i typically like to say is,that we're simply directors of our own,films when it comes to shooting content,that gets sells so i'm going to cover um,the ugc that gets cells from influencers,so that you can get them to produce,content that works really well that good,cells and it makes them seem human,as well as they're not sounding like a,complete robot just reading off the,script so,um yeah the goal is to get impulse,purchases there has to be a storyline,when it comes to creating ugc made to,get cells on the platform the way i like,to structure my film and my videos in,terms of ugc is just we have an intro,which is the first zero to five seconds,we have a hook which is a five to ten,second mark we have a bridge from the 10,to 15 second mark where it connects the,main problem has the people's attention,and then leverages that and transitions,that into the next step of getting,people to want to learn more,and then from the before and after,that's typically like the the 20 to 25,second mark and then the call to action,where we get people to buy uh the,product right away which is a 25 to 30,second,mark in terms of ugc so,i want to cover the first zero to five,seconds right this is i would say the,most important when it comes to any,piece of content especially running paid,ads on tick tock because people have a,really really small attention span and,the goal is for us to capture that,attention span in the first zero to five,seconds so the way we can do that is by,sharing a common pain that is present in,the market and makes it uh really,hurtful for people because they're,trying to solve that pain right let's,say,there's different ways and different,levels to it but we want to tap into,this pain right away to then get people,intrigued because they have a common,problem in the market and they're,looking for a solution the reason why,people are paying money the reason why,people pay for makeup right look at,females why do they pay for makeup well,they want to look better why do they,want to look better well they want to,attract men,let's look at men right the reason why,men go to the gym they want to build out,a physique that can,promote,ability for them to attract more women,ultimately that's,one of the common reasons why why people,go work out,look at eating healthy a healthy,lifestyle well not only does i

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Don't Make Dynamic Ads, Make Dynamic TikToks - How to design templates for Dynamic Showcase Ads

Don't Make Dynamic Ads, Make Dynamic TikToks - How to design templates for Dynamic Showcase Ads

hey everyone welcome to the webinar,don't make dynamic ads make dynamic tech,talks where i will show you how to,design great templates for dynamic,showcase ads,first of all my name is mikel i'm the vp,of growth at shaker and i'm the host of,today's webinar the webinar will be,recorded so you can watch it later,today's agenda firstly what are tick,tock dynamic showcase ads,secondly how to prepare a creative brief,for a dsa template,thirdly how to incorporate tick tock,trends,fourthly how to incorporate creator,footage,fifth how to incorporate music,sixths how to incorporate product images,price and titles,then how to adhere to brand guidelines,and finally what to expect from our,upcoming webinar,first thing on the agenda what are tick,tock dynamic showcase ads,simply puts dynamic showcase ads enable,you to show ads for the right product to,the right person at the right time,automatically,all powered by your product catalog in,combination with data from your tick,tock pixel or mobile measurement partner,this is possible no matter if you have,hundreds thousands or even millions of,skus in your product catalog,the video you can see here was created,by the shaker creative lab for a catalog,with millions of skus,so if you have a product catalog with a,variety of products dynamic showcase ads,will ensure that the right product is,shown to the right person at the right,time,either through retargeting based on how,and when they interacted with your,product or through prospect targeting,where you can get your products in front,of people who have not yet interacted,with your business but have shown,interest in similar products from other,shops,in this example in this simple example,slide walter white aka heisenberg added,this lip tint to his shopping cart 0 to,14 days ago and will be retargeted with,that product within that time period,the black widow viewed the face mask 15,to 30 days ago and will be retargeted,with that product with that within that,time period,and gerald obrivia will be served an ad,for the caller makeup which he has,desperately desperately been looking for,although he has not yet been in,although he's not yet been to your,website,all of this happens automatically if you,have set up your campaign and ad groups,correctly,now that you know what dynamic showcase,ads are let's let's take a closer look,at how you can ensure optimal dsa,performance with amazing creative,starting with how to prepare a creative,brief for a dsa template,but before i show you how to prepare put,together a brief i want to explain the,topic of this webinar don't make dynamic,ads make dynamic tick tocks,as you can see here this is the tick,tock for business home page and you,might have heard this many times already,don't make ads make tick tocks,don't make ads make tick tocks has been,a fundamental driver for enabling brands,to keep audiences engaged with fun,positive and engaging content on the,tick tock platform,and this has led to tick tock being,ranked number one globally for ad equity,ad equity measures audiences attitude,and preference towards ads across media,channels and premium media brands tick,tock has changed how brands advertised,around the world and audiences have,noticed,and according to duncan southgate that,cantar it is,it is to the extent which consumers find,ads on tick tock fun and entertaining,which is the single most differentiating,feature in the global media landscape,given that it makes sense that over,three in four global marketers plan to,increase their media spend on tick tock,in 2022,so what about creative quality for,dynamic showcase ads can you make fun,and entertaining ads for dsa for,hundreds thousands or millions of,products,does don't make ads make tick tocks,apply to the scale of dsa,we believe so because at shaker we have,made it our mission to enable brands to,be able to produce amazing creative at,scale and we call it creativity times,infinity,with shaker creative automation you're,able to create dynamic showcase ads that,look and feel like tick tocks which is,why we say don't make dynamic ads make,dynamic tick tocks,every successful dsa campaign has great,creative like this,but in order to get great creative you,need to communicate your ideas ideas,with the design team so they can unleash,their creativity which means you have to,provide a creative brief,a good creative brief should include,clear information about your upcoming,campaign,the more details you can provide the,better the creative will be,it's important that the creative team,has an oversight of the project,including the target audience and,campaign type by knowing the target,audience of the ad designers can create,a base video aligned with the target age,group gender and interests,and whether you are retargeting or,prospecting that also affects the,creative direction,as people have different levels of,familiarity with your business and brand,based on how they have interacted with,your brand in the past you need to think,about

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Don't Make Ads, Make TikToks

Don't Make Ads, Make TikToks

uh and i'm going to talk to you today,about all things tick tock so what i'll,do is i'll run through the presentation,um,if you've got any burning questions feel,free to drop them in the chat or come,off mute and ask i don't mind i'd rather,be more of a kind of two-way discussion,if you want to keep your questions till,the end also fine um i'll try and keep,enough time towards the end for q a so,um,hopefully you're all aware of the,phenomenal that is,tick-tock um,and uh and yeah hopefully this is going,to provide some kind of background,information into how you can start,making it work for your business,regardless of what your business,actually is,so uh i will share my screen hopefully,you'll all be able to see it in just two,seconds and we will go from there,awesome cool so um,yes as mentioned my name is is ollie,uh i'm the ceo of an agency called,nonsensical we are based in uh central,birmingham but we also have an office,down in bristol as well so what we'll,cover today is kind of why listen to me,um i feel like we're pretty good on tick,tock but we'll let you be the judge of,that afterwards,um why you should be on tik tok kind of,how it's absolutely transformed the,world of social media and content,production and consumption,how tick tock differs from your,traditional kind of facebook instagram,linkedin,and other social media platforms that,you may use,um i'll then take you through kind of a,different types of content you can,create again tik tok is very different,in in the style and format that you,create in content um we'll then talk,about kind of how you can get started,the good thing about tic toc is actually,relatively easy to get started in terms,of the equipment that you need and the,type of content you can create,and then i'm just going to run through a,couple of great companies on tiktok and,some inspiration for you to go and have,a look at and then we'll jump into the q,a so hopefully that's all good,um so who are we first of all so we're,nonsense school um we're a tic toc,marketing agency and publisher,uh so we've actually been and grown up,some of our own um communities online on,tiktok which i will talk through in just,a moment we've got over a million,followers combined on the publications,and communities that we run ourselves,and then on behalf of brands we do,everything from tick tock strategy,through to content creation through to,tik tok community management both,organic where you're creating content,and building community and also paid,when you're using tick tocks algorithm,and data to start advertising to your,potential um audience on the app,so this is us this is what we do in our,in our in our time so we have two sides,of the business as i said one is the,actual community building so,we've got combined a million followers,um,on tick tock and and instagram um,predominantly on tick tock now though,uh birmingham updates which started 11,years ago,we're now up to just shy of 14 000,followers best of bristol which,showcases all the good stuff that's,happening in in bristol and awesome city,is up to twenty three and a half,thousand um on facebook and instagram on,those two we've actually got another,eight hundred thousand followers so,pretty big communities on other,platforms as well,and then just 12 months ago um we,decided to to launch our own tiktok,community um called endless mythology,we started that 12 months ago it's now,at 254 000 followers we've had about 25,million video views in that time,and then finally,just in december of last year we,launched endless pride,and as you can see just in the short,space of time we've managed to grow that,community to 78 000 followers and it's,now actually already bigger than the,official pride account which is,absolutely amazing and we'll come on to,how you can do that yourself um,very soon because like i said it is,possible to to do that and get that kind,of reach and engagement through,communities,so everyone asked me like why tick tock,well first and foremost,the the most people will will think of,tick tock but if you've got kids in,particular if it's just an app for kids,dancing um i can confirm that yes it may,be was and it started like that but it's,absolutely not anymore,so thinking about tick tock as another,channel to reach your community is is,really important again both business to,business and business to consumer,overall globally they've got a billion,monthly monthly active users but even,just in the uk there's over 23 million,monthly active users on the app,and um 44 of those are over the age of,25 so yes 56,of them are younger than 25 but i'm sure,there's not many over 25 year olds that,are just using the app for for dancing,and again it's one you can get that out,of your preconception out of your mind,that's actually becomes a really really,powerful place to build communities,the big two things that that tick tock,have done is one they've actually,overtaken google as one of the biggest,search engines so people are now going,to t

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How to Create a Tik Tok Ads Account (+ FREE $300 AD CREDIT)

How to Create a Tik Tok Ads Account (+ FREE $300 AD CREDIT)

hey what's going on guys team eff here,back with another video and in today's,video,we're going to be going over how you can,create your very first tick tock ads,account or,tick tock ads business manager on this,channel we like to talk about e-commerce,tick-tock ads facebook ads shopify drop,shipping everything of that nature guys,and if you want to learn more you can,join our free facebook group called the,ecom huddle,we have a pretty you know large growing,community,on that channel you guys can join that,completely for free and we talk about,everything,digital marketing so guys join that but,let's get straight into this video,so we have our tick tock ads you know,business page up here this is the very,first page,uh when you want to make your account,we're going to go ahead in the top right,and click,get started all right so we're going to,click get started,and then this page should load and pop,up where it has the tick tock ads,login right so this is the login you're,going to click the sign up below,and it's gonna bring you to a page like,this i already filled some of this out,for you guys so you have to wait,just put your email address in password,for your account and then just go ahead,send the code to your email,and the code should pop up here for me,okay here's the code let's see boom boom,i'm just gonna go ahead and copy this,code,and then we're gonna paste it in here,guys right paste in the verification,code so it's pretty quick pretty easy,and then we'll click sign up and it's,going to load up for us,and now it's going to you know you put,your country and region and this is,super important guys because once you,put your country and,region in you can't change it and that's,the same with the time zone i know it,kind of sucks,but that's just the way it is i'm from,the united states so i'm gonna click u.s,and if you're from the us put that as,well new york obviously kind of like,calculates where you're from i'm from,pennsylvania so it kind of you know,already filled in what i had,put your phone number in there and then,your account name whatever you want to,name it,um you know just,literally call this test tick tock,doesn't really matter this is a test,test account for you guys um i would,recommend,like you guys can put say yes i work at,an agency,and i think from what i know the,approval process is much quicker because,they do favor agencies,you could just put that it's not really,a big deal it's up to you guys uh,confirm that there,and i'm gonna put a phone number in,that's just the random phone number,let's see what goes advertiser name,already exists okay,so you have to put whatever you want,let's see what comes up okay boom so,that's registered up let's see what it,goes to,now and it should open the tick tock wow,guys boom so right we have the tick tock,ads manager said we're all signed up,i know a ton of people were saying like,how hard it was but guys i literally,walked you step by step through it's,super easy and super simple,and then you can launch your very first,campaign right but like i said before,you do any of this,set up your pixel watch my initial,launch strategy it will be linked above,so how so you guys know how you can,launch your tick tock ads effectively,without blowing through your budget and,guys now let's go to the profile right,let's go to our um our account info here,and i'm going to show you guys how you,can,uh get your free credit right so tick,tock gives you up to,300 in free ad credit if you verify your,business i just bought a giant room full,of gold coins and i'm gonna dive into it,like scrooge mcduck,ah it's not a liquid,it's a great many pieces of solid matter,that form a hard floor-like surface,and then on top of that they will match,up to two thousand dollars,um in ad credit i don't i don't know if,they're still running that offer but,they were running it,oh yeah see they are still running it,verify your business now and get up to,three hundred dollars in u.s,in uh you know ad credit and like i got,like i said guys,fill out your business name here your,your company website,you know your industry your street,street address all that good stuff,all this right and then verify your,business uh this this should be pretty,simple and,you know straight forward if you're from,the us especially just put your you know,business name verification and then,you know your ein with the documents and,that should take around 24 to 48 hours,guys,and then once you have that in,everything should be you know completely,good to go,they'll give you the 300 in free ad,credit and you'll be able to start,running your tick tock ads pretty you,know quickly,but guys like i've gone through so many,videos like this on the opportunity of,tick tock ads obviously it's it's still,a very new platform,and the algorithm is still trying to,learn it's not as good as facebook yet,guys but it's getting there,in terms of like consistency and you,know the way you're able to run,ads but guys like i have a like i s

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