ads quality specialist tiktok salary

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My TikTok Interview Experience in Singapore (and why I accepted their offer)

today's video is going to be a little,different,i want to share with you about an,experience i had recently,and i hope that it will be useful to you,a couple of weeks ago i was on linkedin,searching for a new job,and then i came across this role that,was posted by ticktop,talent acquisition specialist,i wasn't too sure if i wanted to join a,china-based company due to several,factors,one,cultural differences as i'm currently,working in a local company,and two,stability of operations as they had just,set up their office in singapore despite,these factors i also knew that i wanted,to,one work in a regional role,two,do tech recruitment,and three to find a job in the internet,industry,so i applied for the job,anyway,besides i found on glassdoor that they,paid pretty good money,about a week later i received a whatsapp,message from their recruitment,coordinator in china she scheduled the,interview with me over whatsapp and i,attended the first round of interview,the interviewer was a talent acquisition,lead based in singapore many of the,questions she asked were situational,testing for my problem solving skills,examples would be,if you had to hire 100 developers in one,year what are some of the metrics you,will use,if at the end of one year you have only,managed to hire 30 of your recruitment,targets what will you do next,what are some sourcing avenues you use,to higher niche positions,how will you roll out a staff referral,program,if your quantity or referral,applications are too high what will you,do to streamline the search to improve,the quality of applications,after the first interview,they contacted me again in about two,days,to arrange a second interview but the,thing is,they wanted to offer me a 12-month,contract role instead if i were to pass,the second interview,usually when companies do this,the likely explanation is that they did,not find my experience good enough for,their permanent recruiter role and they,have some doubts about hiring me for,that position,by offering a contract they can observe,my performance for a year,before converting me to a permanent role,this is a great solution for companies,if they have a candidate they are unsure,of,but they believe have potential to be,groomed,i was quite hesitant to say yes to the,contract role mainly because i didn't,want to leave my comfy government job,for something so unstable,but i actually went ahead with the,second interview in the end as i wanted,to find out more about the potential,renumeration they can offer,the second interview was pretty much the,same as the first and they asked similar,questions,a couple of days later i received,another message from their recruitment,coordinator in china saying they wanted,to offer me i waited two days for them,to get back to me and then to my,nightmare they wanted to arrange me for,a third interview with another one of,their talent acquisition lead they told,me the reason is that they have an,overwhelming number of candidates for,this role and we need one more round of,interview to decide,at the end all three interviews i,attended had lasted around 50 minutes,each,they were really thorough in their,questioning,one week later i received a phone call,from their partner recruitment agency,offering me the role,it was a one-year contract with plans to,convert me full time at the end of it,the salary it was a 20,increment from what i was currently,getting,i quickly jotted down the pros and cons,of taking up the row,the cons,it was a contract rule therefore dropped,instability,the benefits such as annual leave and,medical were way less than what i was,currently getting,i knew that this role would be a lot,harder and more hectic as the company,was expanding really quickly in,singapore,but what eventually led me to accept the,job and leave my permanent position,would be,one my boss said tick-tock she was,patient and kind throughout the process,when i voiced out my concerns regarding,it being a contract role and i'm pretty,confident that i would have a lot to,learn from her,number two it's an amazing opportunity,for me to step into the internet,industry,many of the fan companies i applied to,previously were not open to my,background as i did not have the,experience they wanted,and three of course the high salary,increment,it was a really hard decision for me,but eventually i decided that the pros,did outweigh the cons and i knew that it,was a step closer to achieving my career,goals,changing jobs is never an easy decision,to make,lay down your pros and cons like i did,and focus on your personal goals for,your career as cliche as it sounds ask,yourself where do you see yourself in 5,or 10 years time,overall i had an extremely pleasant,interview experience with tiktok and i,hope that this video will help you to,make your decision if you're currently,in a dilemma about changing jobs,you

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Ads Moderation Specialist at TikTok: Ayuna Dorzhieva (DMS)

Ads Moderation Specialist at TikTok: Ayuna Dorzhieva (DMS)

um,hiya junior thanks for joining me for,this um short short interview,um uh so you graduated just this year,um from masters in digital marketing um,and last two months you started working,with tiktok,uh last few weeks actually thank you,yeah so congratulations on that that's a,it's a really exciting company to be,working for,and the reason why i reached out to you,is because,you are uh you've experienced what it's,like to be job hunting,in a challenging marketplace,so you graduated in the middle of the,pandemic,so really unfortunate timing um but,yes you've you've managed to find a,fantastic opportunity,and also being an international student,you've had to go through the visa,process,um also during a lockdown so that was,harder to actually get access to the to,the relevant government bodies,um so it would be really interesting,just to hear a little bit about your,experience of job hunting in the current,market conditions um,i think like what we're looking at is,these the situation is going to stay,this way for a while,so for the new intake of students it,would be just great to hear,what tips suggestions advice you would,have,for students when job pointing in a,market like this what has been,experienced sure yeah so i started to,look for a job about two three months,ago,and i was applying for two positions,today i was really laid back because i,was still,working on my thesis so i didn't have,much time and i was only applying to the,jobs that i,kind of liked uh the new ones that,appeared every day so i think i applied,to probably like,60 jobs most of them didn't reply to me,and probably like five or ten replied,and scheduled an,interview and i've gone through a few,stages with different companies,and i received two off,first one was from tick tock and another,was from for a translation position,somewhere in cork,and i didn't really want to move to cork,so i yes,and i like tick tock so i joined tick,tock recently,um yeah i don't really have much,tips about the interview process because,most of them didn't turn out good so i,don't think i'm in a position to give,any advices,the only thing i would highlight is just,to prepare and to check,the company's culture and what they,value and their,um mission of,of the company uh i did not go through,the visa,process uh because tick tock said that,they're gonna take,care of it so they require they,yeah that's very convenient yeah so they,asked me for a list of documents to send,to them,and i'm kind of working on that,gathering my ppsn,and stuff like this so and after that,i'm gonna send it to them,and as far as i know as of now,they're gonna be working on it on their,own,um that's great so i don't really have,much,yeah so i don't have much advice on that,um yes so i just started so i don't,really have any,information about how it is to work at,tick tock so far it has been,uh fun and i'm just going through the,training process,but the fact that it's uh working from,home,it's a little bit different and,challenging so i didn't really see any,one of my colleagues,i just text with them and i don't really,know how they look like,i don't know how anyone looks like,pretty much so it's a bit uh,it does feel a little bit you know,hard to adjust but uh,yeah but i guess,soon it's all gonna be over hopefully so,yeah i'll get a chance to meet them in,person,which i'm very excited about good good,and so coming back to the job hunting,then you said you sent about,60 applications and you got maybe a,couple of interviews out of that so i,guess,the message the key takeaway there is,that you gotta be consistent and you do,have to,send quite a few applications uh before,you get get interviews is that kind of,the key takeaway for you,yeah yeah i think so i i actually wish i,started,earlier i yeah i did start in like,probably,june yeah um but i think i could have,started in like,may or something like that because,while thesis does take a lot of time um,you know job application takes like an,hour a day every morning so,i was a little bit probably scared of,the process so i was like delaying and,procrastinating on it,but i think applying just even like one,for one position a day,after month would you know get a few,interviews at the end of the,month so yeah i if i was to go back in,time and change it i would start,applying earlier,like i think a lot of other of my,classmates did,who started applying you know back in,like,april or something okay so okay,so you'd suggest april may is probably a,good time to start to start job monday,yeah i'd say so yeah,and even if you do get like a job offer,right away,i think it's still possible to manage to,do thesis,and work at the same time like i've,heard other people,from uh other last years aluminized a,few did that,and i know some people start doing that,this year as well so it,it is hard but you know,it's possible so it's kind of up to you,how,urgent it is for you to find a job so,if you have enough time of course you,can take a few months break and stu

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Google Ads Specialist? What Does a Google Ads PPC Specialist EVEN DO?

Google Ads Specialist? What Does a Google Ads PPC Specialist EVEN DO?

hey guys what's going on rob from clicks,geek,in today's video i want to walk you,through what,is a paid search specialist right so we,hear you keep hearing a lot of things,about it and a lot of people who don't,know,anything about adwords are very confused,with what people who manage adverse,campaigns actually do,and uh their actual job so this is this,is not for,advanced marketers so if you're advanced,marketer sorry guys this video is not,for you,this is more for people who just want to,learn more about what,what goes into actually running a,successful google ads campaign,so there's a few different a few,different things here that,you have to take into consideration when,you hire a paid search specialist,their job is to do the research,build your campaigns write all your ad,copy find all your keywords,all that stuff okay their job is to,launch your campaign,their job is to make sure that your,campaign is producing leads and phone,calls at a profitable rate,and their job is to adjust course if,things,start to go sideways or the campaign,starts to fail,their job is to make sure it gets back,on track and uh,producing again right so that is the,gist of what a paid search specialist,does i'm actually going to go into,a live campaign and show you some,nuances of things that they might be,doing inside of your campaign to make,sure,all those things are met right so we're,at google right now you can see here,if we just go to let's try something,like pest control,ah let's try here test,control,you'll see here we have two different,types of ads we have these are google,home service ads we're not going to,touch on those today those these are,completely different than,google ads these are the google ads all,right,so these are the types of ads that your,page search specialist is going to be,building,and running for your business okay,and there's more down here you can see,so these are,showing bucks county which is where i am,which is right outside of philadelphia,if you're wondering why,and there's a bunch here i've actually,used these guys they're great,so that's it that is google ads that's,where they show when someone searches a,keyword your ads pop,up for your business right here and that,the search,specialist job is to make sure that your,ads are showing and that they're getting,clicked,and that they're producing leads and,phone calls so if we go into the back,end inside google ads you can see here,we have a junk removal client,this is their google ads campaign i'm,not going to go too,in depth into it today but they're,spending about 200 a day as their budget,in the last 30 days which was september,22nd to october 21st 2020,they've gotten 224 clicks on their ads,and they've gotten 81 conversions now,conversion is an inbound phone call or a,contact form submission,okay their cost per lead so they're,getting the leads at 34,and the conversion rate for those leads,is 36 percent,all right so that's exactly where we,want to be we're right on point with us,and um so we're paid search specialists,and this is what we do and this is what,every paid search specialist should be,doing,now if the next 30 days the cost per,conversion goes,up to you know 48 or 50,and the conversions are lower we gotta,then we got a problem,we got to go into the account we gotta,start going through the keywords you,gotta start going through the ad groups,we have to uh diagnose the issue and,course correct it so we're back on track,again,all right that's pretty much it there's,not really i mean there's more in-depth,stuff that goes into managing the,campaigns but that's,not really for this video i mean you got,to find the profitable keywords how to,do that you got to write the ads,that actually make people want to pick,up the phone and call you you got to,craft a hook,what's your hook for your ad like why is,someone going to choose you or the other,eight ads on the page you got to manage,the keywords you got to you know,increase bids on the winners and pause,the losers,you gotta monitor and analyze and report,all the data that comes through the,accounts all the raw search terms,bid prices stuff like that conversion,rates,click through rates you gotta stay,current on google ads,you know learning and stuff like that,and make changes when they're needed,and that's the job of a paid search,specialist so hopefully i've,helped clear that up for you on what,exactly they they're doing when you hire,them,if you're confused or anything like that,so hopefully i've answered that question,now don't forget to subscribe to our,channel guys and give this video a like,if you can and check out the links in,the description i put some,some cool stuff in there for you guys,alright catch you later

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How I Became a Paid Media Specialist [Flexible Lifestyle]

How I Became a Paid Media Specialist [Flexible Lifestyle]

what's up my name is sergio and in this,video i want to talk about how i became,a uh paid media specialist and the,flexible lifestyle i have uh because of,it,and i wanted to talk about my story and,uh how i got to this position that i am,right now,so from the very beginning,right after high school i went to,community college not knowing what i,wanted to do,took a bunch of general classes decided,i want to be like a software engineer,eventually i took a very hard like,programming class that i was just like,yeah i don't think this is what i want,to do,during that time during those uh,it was about two years,in community college,i was uh,kind of just uh experimenting on the,marketing side i was,uh growing an instagram page i was,trying to build an email list,and all uh related to like fitness i was,really into fitness in that time so,i wanted to grow like a fitness,instagram page and get email subscribers,i mean i was watching a lot of youtube,videos and that's what got me interested,into digital marketing when i was,growing that page and getting all these,followers,uh and building this list,so during that those two years in,college i was just experimenting doing,that,um,but still,kind of committed to like,wanting to become like a software,engineer until eventually i took that,class and i was just like no and i've,taken hard classes too i'm taking,calculus uh,like advanced chemistry put like this,programming class just didn't click with,me,it's just something that didn't really,interest me and i didn't want to put in,the time actually learn it so,i found marketing much more interesting,so i decided to not,transfer to university after i got like,my associate's degree,from community college so i got this,associate's degree,didn't want to transfer,did not want to tell my parents that i,wasn't going to transfer and become an,engineer i told them that's what i,wanted to do,so i decided not to uh tell them,for about i think six months or a year,um i didn't tell them that i wasn't,going to be an engineer and i was going,to pursue,digital marketing,and,uh all i did was i was just taking like,online courses,and i just told my parents that i was,doing um university online,so i felt pretty bad about that but,it just it was just something,i wasn't sure about and i didn't want to,uh feel that pressure like my parents,telling me that i got to go back to,college,i just did this,so i took a bunch of digital marketing,courses i i watched a lot of youtube,videos i read a lot of articles and,during that time i was even,drop shipping,um i i got to the point where i made a,lot of money in one month but i didn't,understand um i guess,uh the whole business i mean it's it's a,lot of work to like do an online,business,and i was just trying to like learn a,skill,and run a business at the same time it,just didn't work out um i was doing that,and i was learning digital marketing,um eventually i just i was getting into,debt with drop shipping and i was like,okay,um i got i gotta get like a skill and i,gotta get like a job in digital,marketing,so,i had all this knowledge i i built from,like drop shipping and also just from,learning a lot,on my own and i decided to do,apprenticeships,where i work for a business for free in,exchange for marketing help,so they helped me pretty much use,like their marketing software maybe run,like small campaign on google or,facebook ads,use uh like market research tools,i i worked with a couple different,companies and it was through,a website called um,gen m but now it's called on acadium,and i pretty much just i just worked for,free for about six months to eight,months,that was like pretty much my full time,uh i guess job,and just keep in mind i was living i was,living with my parents i didn't really,have much expenses,and i was just doing this i was just,committed fully committed i was just,working and hoping i was just trying to,generate experience so i could leverage,that,to get my first digital marketing job,so after six months eight months doing,that i mean i i could have done it,sooner i just felt like i needed a lot,more um experience,to like start applying the jobs,and also during that time i was taking,courses and also courses on um,helping me with my resume helping with,my linkedin profile helping me with what,i need to do to get my like my first job,especially because i didn't have any,prior job experience i just i just,worked with my dad um,before in his business but that's that's,all i did and i was just like every once,in a while anyways once i started,getting more experience generating,results,learning about how to,build a good resume,good linkedin profile,and i felt confident,that's when i started applying to jobs,in digital marketing,and,i remember i applied to a few,i actually got a lot of callbacks,and um one even invited me to uh,get like a do like an interview and i,mean i didn't get that job but literally,my second interview i got the job and,this is what like no prior experience,all i d

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TikTok Agencies Add Millions in Annual Revenue in 4 months - What I've learned.

TikTok Agencies Add Millions in Annual Revenue in 4 months - What I've learned.

hey guys hope you're doing good so uh in,today's video i have something pretty,amazing to share with you guys and um,before i get started though i'd like to,ask you for one small favor if you end,up finding this video helpful in any way,leave a like,comment below okay even if maybe it's a,hate comment,leave that thing below okay,and lastly just subscribe if you want to,help me help you or help me help more,people right i think youtube is one of,the best platforms that has ever been,created and,i'm actually serious that i actually,want to grow this platform and the,people that follow me on or that just,watch the content right,so yeah please help me help me grow,that's all i ask okay but,today's video though i you know i,actually want to share something that's,actually pretty important okay,um i'd love to share with you guys the,lessons that i've gotten from helping,over 50 agencies introduce tick tock,okay,in the last four months we've helped,over 50 agencies introduce tick tock,okay and these are not necessarily,people are just starting out although,we've seen a trend where a lot of people,are getting you know who are finishing,courses right being taught to sell,facebook ad email marketing services sms,you know cro all these other services,that have been,you know existing for a lot of years now,they end their course and then when they,go to the marketplace you know start,doing outreach,start trying to you know close deals,over the phone they realize that it's,actually pretty,effing hard to actually scale right so,they might see a video on youtube and,they're like hey serge yeah let's let's,get on a call i'd love to actually work,with you okay or we've also had this,other side of clients where,they're actually already making multiple,six figures right almost seven figures,but when they see this new offer that,you know we're helping people introduce,they're like hey i think this could be,the thing that helps,us break uh through the ceiling that,we've had right because i know that when,you do end up making money with an,agency,you end up hitting a ceiling i'd say,around that 30k a month mark right,because you're making really good,margins so,you're kind of like art this cent this,and is incentivized to not to actually,take action to grow right because you're,comfortable you're making more money,that you never ever made in your life so,you're like maybe i should stay here but,the truth is that,you owe it to yourself to grow to grow,past,to grow past just comfort right there's,so much potential in you that if you,just settle for 30 count month you're,doing a disservice,not just to yourself but to everyone,around you to your family okay,uh but,um,in the last four months we've seen some,of the best transformations that we've i,mean we've seen the best transformations,that we've ever seen in our community,okay uh the first one which is you know,probably the one that actually made me,want to start this uh tick tock thing uh,which was umar i thought it was an,anomaly because he literally went from,zero to 60k per month sixty thousand,dollars every single month,in less than seven weeks okay but that's,not even the impressive part what's,impressive is the fact that he did it,without any,paid ads,album prospecting no acquisition team,it was all through inbounds okay and for,me personally as a founder of,of a clown acquisition business when i,see such a thing i'm like whoa,if we can if we can be able to replicate,this,for all our customers we can literally,be the biggest company okay because one,of the things that most people don't,really understand,the only way that you get really big is,if you can guarantee results right and i,realized that like hey if i can,guarantee this type of transformation,for almost um for every customer then,yeah we kind of like become,you know it becomes a pretty big deal,right and um i think ammar is now over,uh six figures per month i think almost,150k per month and um we've had you know,lashes are coming our community uh for,at 7k i think he joined like two months,ago now he's over 25k a month,i think he hit over 25k last month this,month is aiming to hit 40k per month,right and that's just in 60 to 90 days,um we've had alex who's joined under 5k,per month now he's doing over 25k per,month,we've had nick roach go from zero to 30,000 a month in,30 days helping sas businesses okay,because um i think one of his mechanisms,in his agency is tick tock and um yeah,that that's in that's insane guys if you,add up what every every number that i,just mentioned,in annual recurring revenue,that's over seven figures that's just,from the last three customers i just,mentioned that's over,a million dollars right if you add,tomorrow all that good stuff that's over,multiple seven figures in just the last,four months and that's just from four,customers i just mentioned we have over,400 customers right um,so so yeah for those who don't know me,though my name is serge i run clown,acquisition at io it's a consult

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Find the EXACT salary you should DEMAND (How to do Salary Research)

Find the EXACT salary you should DEMAND (How to do Salary Research)

What is your salary expectation? ,In that moment she filled with dread ,as her future flashed before her eyes....,Would she ask for too little and get a lowball job offer? ,Ask for too much and lose the opportunity? ,Would they laugh her out of the office ,out of the audaciousness of the ask? ,I never want you to have these fears ,or these outcomes when you're in a job interview, ,or when you get a job offer and are ,negotiating your salary. So in today's video, ,I'm breaking down exactly how you ,can do salary research for free so you can be ,confident that you're asking for the right number. ,If that sounds good, tap that like button ,and let's jump straight into it! ,We gotta start with something I know ,everyone is wondering: ,why don't they just tell us? ,If you buy the line that a lot of HR folks give, ,it's because they don't want their competitors ,to know what they pay, which ,n my humble opinion is BS. ,First, if the company pays competitive pay, ,as they proclaim to and their competitor just as well, ,they're already going to be in the same pay range, ,assuming they know what that is. ,And in my experience, even without operating ,with pay transparency have always known ,exactly what my competitors were paying. ,It also doesn't explain why companies ask you ,what your salary expectations are. ,Instead of telling you the budget for the role ,to make sure it meets your salary expectations. ,There is change coming Colorado led the country ,with pay transparency laws. New York City has ,an incoming pay transparency law this spring, ,and of course businesses are mad about it. ,In fairness, there are a lot of factors that ,can influence your specific salary:,where you live, your education, your specific experience, ,the industry and the size of the company. ,Other compensation like equity, ,and much, much more. ,Of course, you need to do an appraisal of the role ,that you're taking too. That said, you can ,still nail down the range that you're looking for, ,and make sure that you're appraising yourself ,correctly in the job market - even a rapidly shifting, market like the one we're in right now. ,This is where my Goldilocks strategy comes into play. ,Like Goldilocks, we're going to consider three numbers ,to find the one that's just right. First, ,the walkaway number. ,This is the lowest you would consider if it was ,an otherwise perfect opportunity. Second, ,your dream salary. ,This number is too big to make your target ,because if you got it you would literally feel like ,they were throwing money at you. ,And finally your target salary. T,his is the one that is just right. ,Towards the end of the video, I'm going to tell you ,exactly how to use these three numbers. ,But before we use them, ,we need to figure out what they are. ,So let's start our salary research already. ,Let's start with the easiest tools online salary sites, ,there are a lot of them PayScale, Comparably, ,Glassdoor, LinkedIn salary, there are so many to choose from. ,But here's where most people go wrong, ,they only go to one if the data is off, your numbers will be off. ,This is why I suggest you go to at least three ,of the big ones to find the average salary ,and the salary range. This makes more sense ,if you see it in action. So let's go see it in action ,based on request that I got from a post that I ,put up in my community tab the other day, ,we are going to be researching what the salary ,should look like for a data scientist. ,So let's go to a few sites and see what they say. ,Okay, so here I am in PayScale and just an FYI, ,it did make me sign up for a free account, ,it didn't used to do that it's a new thing. ,It also made me verify that I'm not a robot more than one time. ,So you guys know now I'm not a robot. ,Anyway, I'm going to go into the salary report,,I'm an individual, I'm going to put that I am just ,exploring because that is indeed what I am doing. ,And I am an individual, I will put in the target job title. ,Hopefully without making too many errors. ,As I'm typing this, I'm going to put in some ,random information, including just I'll use my market. ,So New York, New York. ,Now the thing that I do really like about PayScale is ,it gives you a lot of different options to ,give additional data that is going to help PayScale ,gave you the most relevant information based on ,the job title in which you're seeking, ,you can fill in this information, ,you can not fill out this information that is up to you. ,So I'll just click a couple of things here. ,And let us see what our salary range would be ,based on what we're telling it we have our range. ,And we can see that this one is a pretty big range. ,So the range itself is 64k to 137k. ,I'm writing that down with a median of 98k per year, ,we can see the variable pay is included here as well. ,market will your worth, so your market worth 102k. ,So there's a lot of different data points that I can look at here. ,But this isn't the only place that we're going to look

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4 Reasons Why You Should NOT Become a Media Buyer

4 Reasons Why You Should NOT Become a Media Buyer

what's up marketers it has been so long,since i've said that i've truly missed,you all i know that i haven't posted in,over a month and to be honest a lot has,changed since then i've moved back home,i got a new apartment and,um in many ways i feel like i'm starting,over again i'm still at thesis work is,still going well but i definitely needed,a break from youtube but i'm really,happy to be back and to be pushing out,more content than ever so we will be,meeting here every single sunday for the,foreseeable future i also wanted to say,that i really appreciated all of your,comments and all of your tweets asking,how i was i felt really supported by,this community even when i know that i,needed a break from making the content,so i appreciate you all so so much so,for today's video we're going to be,doing something a little different that,is actually inspired by one of my,favorite youtubers so be sure to check,out his video in the description bar,below today we're going to talk about,the four reasons why you should not,become a media buyer that is someone who,buys advertisements on facebook ads,snapchat ads tick tock ads google ads,all of the ad buying platforms now the,reason why i want to talk about this is,because i know many of you are media,buyers or you want to become media,buyers and while i love my career it is,not easy i am incredibly familiar with a,lack of work-life balance burnout and,yet i feel like most of the content that,i see about,becoming a media buyer or starting smna,is all about the positives the money,that you can make the flexible lifestyle,so i actually want to dispel some of,those common misconceptions about what,it's actually like to be a media buyer,so number one is don't do it because it,seems easy to learn now while i do think,certain technical aspects of learning,the ad buying platforms is quite simple,to learn um marketing itself is not easy,to learn it requires a lot of research a,lot of thought and frankly a lot of,failure to get it right and i feel like,on youtube i see a lot of gurus put,forward these super templated ideas or,approaches that make it seem like this,platform is really easy to learn or that,marketing itself is even easy to learn,overnight and in practice this is really,not the case especially in light of all,the data privacy changes and the lack of,data that is now at our disposal i feel,as though i am leaning more and more on,traditional best practices as it relates,to marketing in general so like knowing,your customer knowing your product and,just trying to figure out what makes,them tick so if you're now trying to,learn this platform because it seems,like an easy way to make money i can,confidently say that those days are over,the second reason why you shouldn't,become a media buyer is you shouldn't do,it for the glory because everything is,always going to be your fault now a,massive downside of being a media buyer,is when results aren't going well,i feel like a lot of the blame is always,placed on the media buyer and the reason,why that is is because we are really,expected to do a lot with a single,advertisement we were expected to,attract attention drive the click and,drive the sale which if you think about,it is kind of wild because you're just,showing up in someone's instagram or,facebook and you're expected to do all,of that so what i've noticed over the,last few years is that when things start,to go wrong,the blame is almost squarely put on the,media buying team and i have two major,thoughts about this and number one is,that the main function of paid social,advertising is to add fuel to the fire,so paid social advertising is going to,work really well for you if you already,have product market fit a solid,retention plan and your conversion rate,is solid on your website or it's going,to highlight a lot of problems and,because of that i feel like as media,buyers we are expected to have a really,wide range of marketing knowledge that,is not necessarily expected of other,types of digital marketers and that is,because we ultimately drive the revenue,sorry email just kidding love you,now the second thought that i have about,this is actually something that a mentor,recently said to me that was about the,mad men era versus the today times in,terms of advertising and it's this don,draper got two weeks to work on a single,print ad and in the same amount of time,media buyers are expected to do 50 video,ads,so,now number three is don't do it for the,flexibility because you are always on,call so yes you can technically media,buy from anywhere in the world i have,personally worked on about five,continents and even spent several years,of my career working as a digital nomad,but the reality is that as a media buyer,you are always on call for your clients,and there are also certain times of the,year where you are literally working,around the clock do we remember the,black friday cyber monday video,and as you begin to move up in the,industry you are not working at nine to,f

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Phone Sales Training Live Sales Calls with Grant Cardone

Phone Sales Training Live Sales Calls with Grant Cardone

oh that's presenting crazy making phone,calls to it all right,okay you're on a Thai massage yes your,team play sandy todd todd yeah okay what,about this then so hey I got justice my,god just connected I was trying to get,all the metal business or give you a,30-day out of we can't call you a,football force a a business you contract,it will cancel the term we're just great,that's 30 days to help your guys a, good I don't I don't need any I,don't actually remember I need you read,it okay I need to read your script the,way I want it done,okay make the calls yep you're my best,cat right yeah what does that mean yeah,hi it's just bill okay good so I'll,reach back out in Oh bill jr. hey Tom,Mike bought it from Grant Cardone,zombies we saw this the other day we'll,do that I can train your guys I'm doing,very well hey listen I just wanted to,see pinky not catch up and now five,minutes of your time to show you the,grants program you know against the,contract but one should I circle back,with you I wanted to I wanted to look,and here's a person call again it sounds,great John probably sings why purse,great personally wanted me to call you,to get five minutes of the time in to,show you the program's office how are,you today,G I'm doing fantastic I wants a better,time to call you that you receive,information regarding car down,University and only CEATEC details I,could pass you,yeah that's fine yeah 2 o'clock or three,o'clock make a 3 p.m.,sure no problem all right perfect are,you actually going to give me a real 10,minutes to show this a 3 p.m. you,looking for information on just for,yourself is you know one user or do you,have us no actually you're right at that,man I apologize for that,all I need is five minutes to show it to,you ok perfect at 3 p.m. at all so ok,look what it is is look forward to,seeing you that go to get access to,re-bond own 24 hours a day 7 days a week,to be there's a deal nurse ok yep you're,bouncing code I'm buying yeah we got to,get you good ok what are you good I want,to get awesome I want to be a massive,sale ok I need you to follow the script,honey just stay in the chair why don't,you running down the hall alright,running all over the place that has no,value all right I know you think it does,something to you and makes you better,got it you need to just right here dude,ok,are you pound you pound frequency,already be frequent before you're going,to be great,alright god you're never going to be,great on a handful of Hong Kong's ok so,when people say it's not a number saying,this ok there's numbers because,it starts breaking your you need numbers,to get great ok and so you need to get,to this in the call hey I'm calling,because mr. Gallardo wants me to give,you something,ok ok yup what what's he want what's he,want to give me he wants to give you a,protein he's created a sales tool that,can increase sales 15 to 40 percent and,within the first 30 days ok it's not a,bit I'm telling you it's not an,over-exaggeration,feel crying but before I do that I need,to know a few things sir to be sure this,can help you I'm gonna give you the,script right here all you gotta do is,read off this you don't need to write it,in you oh we're taking out someone do it,right now I'm going to my choosing,shopping I'm just gonna just hammer ok,ok good I'm gonna hammer what are the,two things advertiser your sales team,could benefit from what are the two,problems what's that one magical problem,what's that thing that one thing is in,your eye a sicredi bothers you every day,what you guys job and then and then it's,gonna be good ok ok we getting we can I,show you this ok ok yep I'm hammering,okay you got you got a timer does he,have a timer,everybody in here needs timers Todd I,want a little cook time,with the ecology communion is find out,how many phone calls goggles,make it he can't manage and so we do,actually you find somebody so these guys,are running off the clock dude they,don't even know Italian but everybody,needs to cook up a minute little get,everybody approves out tell me,here we go let's roll let's roll Phil,Scott mikono means someone either,together tight change 24 minutes here,are seven over zero tornado and seven,seven sided okay that you're more value,from this tornado just go back over here,hearing the last nice and big balls,before the freakin electricity goes down,there's out we got tornadoes and we're,still making calls,you

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