ads moderation specialist tiktok

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Ads Moderation Specialist at TikTok: Ayuna Dorzhieva (DMS)

um,hiya junior thanks for joining me for,this um short short interview,um uh so you graduated just this year,um from masters in digital marketing um,and last two months you started working,with tiktok,uh last few weeks actually thank you,yeah so congratulations on that that's a,it's a really exciting company to be,working for,and the reason why i reached out to you,is because,you are uh you've experienced what it's,like to be job hunting,in a challenging marketplace,so you graduated in the middle of the,pandemic,so really unfortunate timing um but,yes you've you've managed to find a,fantastic opportunity,and also being an international student,you've had to go through the visa,process,um also during a lockdown so that was,harder to actually get access to the to,the relevant government bodies,um so it would be really interesting,just to hear a little bit about your,experience of job hunting in the current,market conditions um,i think like what we're looking at is,these the situation is going to stay,this way for a while,so for the new intake of students it,would be just great to hear,what tips suggestions advice you would,have,for students when job pointing in a,market like this what has been,experienced sure yeah so i started to,look for a job about two three months,ago,and i was applying for two positions,today i was really laid back because i,was still,working on my thesis so i didn't have,much time and i was only applying to the,jobs that i,kind of liked uh the new ones that,appeared every day so i think i applied,to probably like,60 jobs most of them didn't reply to me,and probably like five or ten replied,and scheduled an,interview and i've gone through a few,stages with different companies,and i received two off,first one was from tick tock and another,was from for a translation position,somewhere in cork,and i didn't really want to move to cork,so i yes,and i like tick tock so i joined tick,tock recently,um yeah i don't really have much,tips about the interview process because,most of them didn't turn out good so i,don't think i'm in a position to give,any advices,the only thing i would highlight is just,to prepare and to check,the company's culture and what they,value and their,um mission of,of the company uh i did not go through,the visa,process uh because tick tock said that,they're gonna take,care of it so they require they,yeah that's very convenient yeah so they,asked me for a list of documents to send,to them,and i'm kind of working on that,gathering my ppsn,and stuff like this so and after that,i'm gonna send it to them,and as far as i know as of now,they're gonna be working on it on their,own,um that's great so i don't really have,much,yeah so i don't have much advice on that,um yes so i just started so i don't,really have any,information about how it is to work at,tick tock so far it has been,uh fun and i'm just going through the,training process,but the fact that it's uh working from,home,it's a little bit different and,challenging so i didn't really see any,one of my colleagues,i just text with them and i don't really,know how they look like,i don't know how anyone looks like,pretty much so it's a bit uh,it does feel a little bit you know,hard to adjust but uh,yeah but i guess,soon it's all gonna be over hopefully so,yeah i'll get a chance to meet them in,person,which i'm very excited about good good,and so coming back to the job hunting,then you said you sent about,60 applications and you got maybe a,couple of interviews out of that so i,guess,the message the key takeaway there is,that you gotta be consistent and you do,have to,send quite a few applications uh before,you get get interviews is that kind of,the key takeaway for you,yeah yeah i think so i i actually wish i,started,earlier i yeah i did start in like,probably,june yeah um but i think i could have,started in like,may or something like that because,while thesis does take a lot of time um,you know job application takes like an,hour a day every morning so,i was a little bit probably scared of,the process so i was like delaying and,procrastinating on it,but i think applying just even like one,for one position a day,after month would you know get a few,interviews at the end of the,month so yeah i if i was to go back in,time and change it i would start,applying earlier,like i think a lot of other of my,classmates did,who started applying you know back in,like,april or something okay so okay,so you'd suggest april may is probably a,good time to start to start job monday,yeah i'd say so yeah,and even if you do get like a job offer,right away,i think it's still possible to manage to,do thesis,and work at the same time like i've,heard other people,from uh other last years aluminized a,few did that,and i know some people start doing that,this year as well so it,it is hard but you know,it's possible so it's kind of up to you,how,urgent it is for you to find a job so,if you have enough time of course you,can take a few months break and stu

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My TikTok Interview Experience in Singapore (and why I accepted their offer)

My TikTok Interview Experience in Singapore (and why I accepted their offer)

today's video is going to be a little,different,i want to share with you about an,experience i had recently,and i hope that it will be useful to you,a couple of weeks ago i was on linkedin,searching for a new job,and then i came across this role that,was posted by ticktop,talent acquisition specialist,i wasn't too sure if i wanted to join a,china-based company due to several,factors,one,cultural differences as i'm currently,working in a local company,and two,stability of operations as they had just,set up their office in singapore despite,these factors i also knew that i wanted,to,one work in a regional role,two,do tech recruitment,and three to find a job in the internet,industry,so i applied for the job,anyway,besides i found on glassdoor that they,paid pretty good money,about a week later i received a whatsapp,message from their recruitment,coordinator in china she scheduled the,interview with me over whatsapp and i,attended the first round of interview,the interviewer was a talent acquisition,lead based in singapore many of the,questions she asked were situational,testing for my problem solving skills,examples would be,if you had to hire 100 developers in one,year what are some of the metrics you,will use,if at the end of one year you have only,managed to hire 30 of your recruitment,targets what will you do next,what are some sourcing avenues you use,to higher niche positions,how will you roll out a staff referral,program,if your quantity or referral,applications are too high what will you,do to streamline the search to improve,the quality of applications,after the first interview,they contacted me again in about two,days,to arrange a second interview but the,thing is,they wanted to offer me a 12-month,contract role instead if i were to pass,the second interview,usually when companies do this,the likely explanation is that they did,not find my experience good enough for,their permanent recruiter role and they,have some doubts about hiring me for,that position,by offering a contract they can observe,my performance for a year,before converting me to a permanent role,this is a great solution for companies,if they have a candidate they are unsure,of,but they believe have potential to be,groomed,i was quite hesitant to say yes to the,contract role mainly because i didn't,want to leave my comfy government job,for something so unstable,but i actually went ahead with the,second interview in the end as i wanted,to find out more about the potential,renumeration they can offer,the second interview was pretty much the,same as the first and they asked similar,questions,a couple of days later i received,another message from their recruitment,coordinator in china saying they wanted,to offer me i waited two days for them,to get back to me and then to my,nightmare they wanted to arrange me for,a third interview with another one of,their talent acquisition lead they told,me the reason is that they have an,overwhelming number of candidates for,this role and we need one more round of,interview to decide,at the end all three interviews i,attended had lasted around 50 minutes,each,they were really thorough in their,questioning,one week later i received a phone call,from their partner recruitment agency,offering me the role,it was a one-year contract with plans to,convert me full time at the end of it,the salary it was a 20,increment from what i was currently,getting,i quickly jotted down the pros and cons,of taking up the row,the cons,it was a contract rule therefore dropped,instability,the benefits such as annual leave and,medical were way less than what i was,currently getting,i knew that this role would be a lot,harder and more hectic as the company,was expanding really quickly in,singapore,but what eventually led me to accept the,job and leave my permanent position,would be,one my boss said tick-tock she was,patient and kind throughout the process,when i voiced out my concerns regarding,it being a contract role and i'm pretty,confident that i would have a lot to,learn from her,number two it's an amazing opportunity,for me to step into the internet,industry,many of the fan companies i applied to,previously were not open to my,background as i did not have the,experience they wanted,and three of course the high salary,increment,it was a really hard decision for me,but eventually i decided that the pros,did outweigh the cons and i knew that it,was a step closer to achieving my career,goals,changing jobs is never an easy decision,to make,lay down your pros and cons like i did,and focus on your personal goals for,your career as cliche as it sounds ask,yourself where do you see yourself in 5,or 10 years time,overall i had an extremely pleasant,interview experience with tiktok and i,hope that this video will help you to,make your decision if you're currently,in a dilemma about changing jobs,you

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CONTENT MODERATION JOB - Description, Qualification, What does it take to be one?

CONTENT MODERATION JOB - Description, Qualification, What does it take to be one?

hi how are you doing,so in today's video i really want to,talk about content moderation,basics i have had some questions coming,from you about what type of job this is,so i thought why not create a video,because i think this is very timely,since i myself have,created and built a career in the,content creation industry so i'm very,familiar with what content moderation is,but we're going to cover the basics,so what is content moderation,if you take a formal definition of,content moderation,from the internet hundred moderation,means the practice of monitoring and,applying a predetermined set of rules,and guidelines to user generated,submissions to determine,if the communication is permissible or,not content moderation is obviously not,new but i should say in the realm of the,bpo industry it is a bit new because,previously a lot of employers or,business owners would just outsource,things like customer support,in the telco banking travel industry,and,when the bpo industry,boomed there are already a lot of other,industries that were covered or that,were,outsourced such as healthcare i.t and,now content moderation and where else,would companies go but the philippines,the philippines is considered the social,media capital of the world um that's,based on,previous years research i'm not sure,which country now is a social media,capital of the world but if you're a,filipino you know for sure how big the,philippines is when it comes to social,media and before we even talk about,content moderation and what,the job of a moderator is it is,important for you to know what content,is for sure if you're experienced enough,you already know what content is but if,you're new to this type of job let me,tell you what content is it is any type,of,material or media that is,uploaded online especially because we're,talking about,um online content here,there there's also offline content uh,for example newspapers and magazines,that are not published online but in,this video we're,talking specifically about online,content so any type of material that you,can see online is basically content such,as blog posts published in different,types of medium it could be,your own website or social media,anywhere it can also be videos on,youtube like what i'm doing now this is,a video content it can be on tick tock,instagram and any type of social media,posts on facebook instagram,linkedin everywhere you know the drill,and without knowing it or maybe not,necessarily considering yourself as a,content creator,you are actually considered one if you,are creating something online even if,you're just sharing um photos or videos,of your cats and dogs or your family on,social media or on youtube and you,haven't really considered yourself a,content creator,know that you are actually a content,creator because you're creating these,types of content and you're uploading,them,online,but not all people have good intentions,so you know that,online or in the internet there are,a lot of things that are uploaded daily,um and,platforms like facebook or instagram or,even youtube,you know,need help to make sure that all of these,user user-generated content that are,submitted online,are not harmful or gruesome in any way,to the community as a big platform such,as facebook or youtube they have the,responsibility to make sure that the,community is safe from,you know bothersome,dark and poor,content,probably know exactly what i mean,and,we need content moderators to keep the,internet a safe place for the community,try to go through,an actual job description of a content,moderator okay so it does say here,online the job description is,understanding client policies and,guidelines and making decisions based on,them so if you're a content moderator,it is very important that you know the,specific rules and guidelines because,that's how you will base your actions on,so for example if you see a photo of a,dancing,naked,woman or something like that is it in,accordance to the policy of the platform,should you be removing that or is that,something that is actually allowed but,to some degree you have to,um,add a,disclaimer that it is that it contains,nudity or something like that so it is,important that you know those guidelines,uh every specific detail so that you,know you'll be able to do your job well,it also says here reviewing user reports,regarding website content so that's what,i mentioned earlier that any type of,content submitted online you're going to,have to review them um some platforms,will,will just publish all of those content,without review but some um if it's,flagged by the system then it will go,through a review system review process,which will then be,acted upon by human beings i know for,youtube it happens a lot because of,course i'm a youtuber so i know that,after the technology review of the,actual video it also,um a lot of the videos also goes through,human review especially if it's flagged,for inappropriate content,then we also have identifying,improvement opportu

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How We Make TikTok A Safe Advertising Platform

How We Make TikTok A Safe Advertising Platform

hi,everyone welcome to joining today's tick,tock happy hour,this is our webinar series where tick,tock employees talk about their live,work and personal perspectives i am,select from vulnerable integrity team,and i will be the host for today's,episode with a topic as,how we build a safe advertising platform,this is a topic i,actually personally have most passion,for and i also have two,amazing teammates here that will share,more insights and,experience with me today so hello arjuna,mike and guys i just,noticed like we just chose black,t-shirts together right,it's a good look it's always meant to be,lying exciting,cool thank you so much so i journeyed,why,i'm wondering like if you can help to,introduce yourself a little bit,as well as like your rose and team maybe,mike you can go first i know that it's,quite late for you how is texas,texas is great it's hot it's beautiful,i'm based here in austin and i'm from,denver colorado,uh the fact that we're all wearing black,is actually like a 90,chance of me wearing a black t-shirt my,wife is a nurse and she works a night,shift so i have a drawer,where i know everything in this drawer,matches everything else in this drawer,so i can get dressed in the dark,when we're trading places in the night,so i'm pretty much in a black t-shirt at,all times,but um it's it's beautiful here in,austin and i'm really excited to be here,i work on the ad policy team and we're a,part of,monetization integrity and our focus is,understanding risks and harms on the,platform,and designing policy to keep users safe,cool thank you mike and adrian i know,you are dealing in singapore right,yep that's right so well uh as always,it's a bright sunny morning here in,singapore,and i won't be surprised if this,transforms into a very cloudy rainy day,uh as the day progresses so hi folks my,name is arjun,uh i was born in india grew up in west,africa and singapore has been home for,the last uh 10 years,i'll leave the monetization integrity,operations team globally,i've been with tiktok for about 11,months and i'm based here in singapore,uh the fundamental role of my team is,ads policy enforcement,and we moderate all types of ads using,an in-house as well as an outsourced,team,cool thank you arjun so to help the,audience,know more about you maybe we can share,more about the personal,interest so the next question i will be,i will be interested is like,what's on your tic tac for your feed so,i personally got music,dance piano pads those are all my,interests,and i'm wondering like arjun what is,your setting there,uh well recently i've got exercising at,home uh,for the last one and a half years which,i think is pretty uh fair and natural,uh i've got innovative cocktails which,is also reflective of the fact that,we're always at home,uh can't go out in singapore uh sports,is something i've been getting,throughout and most recently i'd say,babies as,soon as a month back i started getting,how to get rich videos,so i'd say the talk in my feed really,understands my passion and my mood,cool how about you mike yeah so um i'm a,musician i love producing music i get a,lot of,um content creators who are showing how,to how to produce music,but my favorite stuff from my feed is,all these really eccentric,comedians like people taking the format,to the,max of how to spend 45 seconds,creating an eerie weird sketch like my,there's an account pd usa is one of my,favorite creators he plays every,character in this house and he just,interacts with himself,in these super bizarre short form movies,and i love that tiktok gives people the,ability to create content like this,because i don't know how it would be,created otherwise,so mostly weird esoteric comedy,cool thank you so much so um,as everyone know that monetization,integration is a global team we have,different offices and team members in,austin mountain view dublin london,singapore tokyo right a lot of locations,so how to help the audiences to better,understand our team,i'm wondering like maybe a journey mike,you can share more about your,understanding of our,mission and vision and maybe would you,mind to go first,yeah sure maybe i can start with the,overall uh mission of the monetization,integrity then i'll move into operations,so at the core for monetization,integrity we unblock and unlock good,revenue,uh while we continue to focus on user,safety advertiser experience and our own,brand safety as well,and from an operations perspective you,know we we moderate,all of these ad contents uh on our,platform,so we have round-the-clock moderation in,all of our monetized markets,which essentially means taking the right,decision at the right time because,quality is,one of our most important and critical,metrics to support our users and,advertisers,i see so mike would you mind to add more,maybe delicately from the policy,perspective,sure yeah um,advertising gives people an ability to,reach a large audience,beyond what users would naturally um,uh be exposed to in in the course of,your

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How We Recruit at ByteDance

How We Recruit at ByteDance

hi everyone i'm vito and i'm a business,recruiter for the trust and safety team,here at bydance,and i'm joanne a tech recruiter for the,research and development team,or otherwise known as rnt in today's,video,we will be covering three main topics,one our recruitment process two,what we look for in a candidate and,three how you can best prepare for your,interviews,but first let's take a little bit of,time to talk about what makes bite dance,such a great and innovative place to,work,to me what really stands out is the,organization's commitment to our six,core values,that shape everything that we do which,we call bite styles,these include aim for the highest be,grounded and courageous,be open and humble be candid and clear,always day one,and last but not least champion,diversity and inclusion,so jimin which bite style do you,resonate with the most,i definitely resonate with always day,one the most,what i love most about bite dance is the,autonomy to,allow myself to push my boundaries and,constantly think of ways to better,existing processes,and frameworks or even come up with,innovative solutions,the folks invite guns embrace change as,part of our rapid development,and see it as opportunities for us to,build and grow our organization,what about you vitto for me i'd say,champion diversity and inclusion is,close to heart here at bite dance we're,a truly global organization with over 50,000 employees worldwide who support a,vast array of global products,services and users and we arrived here,by bringing together,brilliant motivated individuals from all,walks of life,and carefully fostering an inclusive,culture where people can bring their,whole selves to work,every day if these bite styles resonate,with you and you want to join us in our,journey,here's how you can get started,the first step is to visit our careers,page find an opportunity that really,excites you and submit your resume,if selected a recruiter such as myself,joan or the rest of our recruitment team,will reach out to you to begin a series,of conversations,to learn more about your motivations,achievements,role related skills and any other cool,experiences that tell your personal,story,for r d each candidate will be required,to go through an online coding,assessment,should you pass the assessment you will,be invited to two to three rounds of,live coding technical interviews,where we will assess your thought,process problem solving ability,as well as your technical competencies,focusing on the speed and quality of,your code,during the interview you may answer the,questions in the programming language,you are most comfortable with,if you are proficient in multiple,languages it is recommended to code with,the one that provides the most optimal,or speedy solution to the problem each,of these interviews will last around 45,minutes,now that you know everything about,interviewing process,let's get you prepared for your,interviewing experience and how you can,best set yourself up for success,let's start with your resume here are my,top 3,recommendations to get your profile,noticed,firstly less is more ensure that your,resume,is clear and concise highlighting your,key achievements,if you have experience participating in,hackathons,case challenges or have worked in,academic research projects,we would love to learn more about them,secondly,indicate the measurable impact of your,relevant work experiences,and projects lastly include links to,your linkedin,github stack overflow or any other,relevant projects to showcase,any of the cool work you've done it,would also be great to indicate your,graduation year,which would help the recruiters review,your eligibility for the respective,roles,all fantastic tips on the resume juan in,terms of the interviews,first of all don't be nervous just be,yourself and if needed,build your confidence through your,preparation in business interviews,we like to ask a mix of behavioral and,situational questions,behavioral questions on one hand dive,deep into your past experiences,so think tell me about a time when for,these questions,be sure to think through the key,experiences you want to highlight,and organize your thoughts in advance,using the star framework which is,situation task action result,if this is a new concept to you we,encourage you to look it up,situational questions on the other hand,put you in situations that you might,encounter in the role to understand,how you would navigate them for these we,recommend,imagining yourself in the role and the,kind of challenges you may face,the key here is to stay composed walk,your interviewer,through your thought process be,structured be methodical,use data when possible and of course be,creative,to practice these find sample questions,online and run mock interviews with your,friends,do remember to prepare some insightful,questions for your interviewer,that demonstrate your interest in the,role and showcase your understanding of,the space,on the technical side you can also start,prepar

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Why Content Moderation Costs Social Media Companies Billions

Why Content Moderation Costs Social Media Companies Billions

what's acceptable on social media is in,a constant state of change,and behind each decision about what can,stay and what should go,there's a big expensive often hidden,industry of content moderation,you can't have a usable platform,if you don't do some sort of content,moderation otherwise every platform will,just be,porn and diet pills this is expensive,this is hard,and the brand costs of not having a,strategy,are also higher than they've ever been,there's a widespread,understanding that the systems and the,processes that are being used by,big tech companies to manage their,content challenges they aren't working,well,and that has huge impact on freedom of,expression,as well as human rights while some like,tiktok directly employ content,moderators,facebook twitter and youtube largely,outsource the grueling difficult work,they have contracts with a handful of,companies some in the u.s and some,overseas that employ,thousands of moderators who sift through,hundreds of posts,every day removing content that doesn't,match platform's community guidelines,we have people who are trying to you,know sell drugs and,we had one instance where we were,concerned if someone was like,trafficking children,on marketplace i've seen hundreds of,buildings,in in my complete career for,content moderation while some companies,are developing algorithms they say can,take over the nasty work,machines cannot detect everything like,the nuances of hate speech,and misinformation humans will make the,decisions they'll make the judgment,this photo is not allowed this type of,you know phrase,it's you know if when it's said and this,exact word is not allowed,and then what they do is they they,program the ai to look to look for,repeated instances of this happening,over and over again,there's also a host of alternative,social networks that rose primarily,because they promised minimal content,moderation,but that approach has its downsides as,well every user generated content,platform,will have content moderation problems,it's just,a fact whether it is dating apps,or whether it is you know peloton and,people having q anon hashtags in their,usernames,there is just no escaping this now,with debate swirling over how platforms,moderate content and what is protected,as free speech,one thing is clear the online decisions,have real world implications for the,businesses involved for safety,and for the future of our democracy,that's why we wanted to find out just,how big the business of content,moderation has become,and how social networks determine what,content we can and cannot see,content moderation was first thrust into,the international spotlight following,concerns around russian interference in,the 2016 election,then in 2019 the murder of 51 people,was live streamed on facebook at a,mosque in christchurch new zealand,it was viewed more than 4 000 times,before facebook removed it 17 minutes,after it started,in the next 24 hours facebook had to,remove 1.5 million different versions of,the video,it's not just going to be policy alone,but it's going to be companies,stepping to the table with,self-regulatory actions understanding,that this matters,in terms of their reputational risk as,well as their performance of the,models in which they create no one wants,to be part of,a company that engenders hate speech and,disinformation in ways that starts right,twitter added labels to trump's baseless,election fraud claims in november,following the capital riots twitter,facebook and snapchat removed trump,google suspended his youtube channel and,read it banned some pro-trump forums,the platforms are plagued with hate,speech racism,and misinformation about covet concerns,around misinformation in the context of,the pandemic in particular i think,really changed,the way that these platforms saw their,roles in society about cracking down on,false information because it could,literally,cause people to die what we're asking,them to do is to keep us safe,keep us in a space that we know the,networks will be resilient enough,to help me discern when i'm being,viciously attacked,by somebody who is going to show up at,my door or show up at the capitol,and take my rights away during such a,volatile period like this,one of our top priorities is making sure,that people don't use our platform,to to organize any violence or civil,unrest,despite the focus most platforms are not,forthcoming about the specifics of how,they moderate content,the extent to which we're aware of how,companies are actually engaging in,best practices around content moderation,that matters right it matters to,legislators,so they can understand where the,breakdown is the global content,moderation solution market reached 4.9,billion dollars in 2020,and it's expected to grow in a big way,twitter facebook and youtube use a,combination of machine detection and,human moderators,youtube says they have 20 000 people,broadly working to enforce policies and,moderate content,while twitter didn't disclose how many,people

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Fired Twitter Employee Applies For First Real Job

Fired Twitter Employee Applies For First Real Job

foreign,yeah come on in you know uh you're 20,minutes late,yeah Twitter we didn't have like start,time schedules are uh,remnant of an oppressive colonialist,regime oppressive colonialist regimes,okay well look the work here is pretty,demanding we need to find someone who,can inspect all of our outgoing Miss are,you okay I'm sorry I'm not really used,to bosses using trigger words like,demanding and inspect and work,but this is a job we don't say that,either then how do you get any work,well I mean so how do you get any uh,laborer stuff production the hand work,Network sorry stuff done how do you get,any stuff done,a strip's got ten some stuff,okay well what would you say,you did there I was responsible for so,much as a Content moderation specialist,some days during my afternoon cornhole,sesh I get a text telling me I had to,ban someone so then you'd have to,actually like walk over to your computer,and ban them uh no I would just hit a,button on my phone and then bam Babylon,b band Libs of tick tock band Steve from,Fruitport Michigan you know he banned,and then back to cornhole uh all right,well what else did you do there drink,like a sailor they had wine on tap,mimosas a full micro Brewery,they also had a a which was,kind of helpful for me,one day at a time,uh well congratulations,uh well so I think I've seen everything,that I need to see did you have any,questions for us tons okay first you,don't actually like,expect me to,come well how do you expect to get any,work done labor done stuff done at the,factory without coming into the factory,oh so this is like a job job,yeah that might be a deal breaker for me,uh also I didn't notice any meditation,rooms when I came in do you guys have,any gurus on site or is it more like a,byog type situation by what also I,didn't see a QR code for your lunch menu,but I assume your shrimp is non-GMO and,cage-free shrimp where'd you get shrimp,we don't have any shrimp hey sorry to,interrupt boss pneumatic drill is on the,fritz again I need to go pick up some,parts I'll be back in five,oh what was on his hand uh it was Grease,how did it get there because he worked,does stuff engages in manual labor okay,that's it I can't do this,I'm sorry Mr Dunson we've decided to go,in a different direction,all right well I'm sorry to hear that,Miss,nope nope,hey boss she gone yep you thinking what,I'm thinking rooftop cornhole sesh I got,the mimosas,are you a paver of fine goods and a,patron of quality entertainment if so be,sure to like subscribe and comment to,support the fine institution known as,The Babylon bear and if you don't,subscribe you must be one of those,unfortunates who can't even afford an,in-house sommelier speaking of which,Reginald bring the 1986

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Google and YouTube moderators speak out

Google and YouTube moderators speak out

(dramatic music),- Part of the job description was,,"You will be part of a team,"that protects free speech online,",which makes it seem very heroic.,It felt like you were putting on a cape working at Google.,- Over the past year, I've been reporting on the lives,of Facebook's content moderators in America,and they've told me about their low pay,,their dire working conditions and in some cases,,the long term mental health consequences,of doing the work that they do.,A content moderator is kind of like,a police officer for the internet.,If you ever see something that you think,doesn't belong on a site and you report it,,that report is gonna be reviewed by a human being.,While a lot of what they see is really benign,,like spam, for example, some of it's really disturbing.,I'm talking about murder, terrorism and child exploitation.,Recently, I started seeing out people who did,this kind of work for Google and YouTube.,I wanted to see how their experiences compared,to the ones I had heard about already.,What I did learn surprised me.,(dramatic music),- Part of doing our job and how they would make,us feel better about it was that,,"You guys see this so other people don't have to see this.",(dramatic music),- Over the course of my reporting,,I talked to both people who worked at Google full time,and people who had been hired,on through third-party contractors.,It became clear to me that no matter who hired you,,doing this job over a long enough time period,can cause significant mental health consequences.,But it also became clear to me that there is,a big difference in how Google employees get treated,and how those third-party contractors get treated.,Today, a former full-time Google employee,named Daisy Soderberg-Rivken is going on the record,to talk about her experiences as a content moderator.,She had access to all the perks and all the benefits,that come with being a full-time Google employee.,But at the end of that day, that didn't save her,from the consequences of doing the job.,- I was a legal root removals associate,,which is a very fancy way of saying I was,a content moderator at Google.,- Let's talk about what the job actually was.,You show up, you have your orientation,,you sit down at your computer, it's time to do your job.,What is your job?,- You usually start your work by going through a queue.,So you're assigned to a queue based on either,an issue area or a geographic area.,I focused on the French market,,because my first languages were French and English,and I also worked on our child sexual abuse imagery cases,and our terrorism cases.,- And you were working primarily on web search, right?,- Yes, we as in-house content moderators,,we would usually handle more high level, complex issues.,Certain things that were very high volumes,,such as defamation and copyright were typically,sent over to contractors.,They would then escalate to us if it was kind,of a gray area, but if it was even a gray area for us,,we would then escalate to our council.,It was kind of levels of how specialized we were.,- At what point did you start to feel like you,were seeing more disturbing stuff than you expected?,- Very early on.,They said we would be analyzing child sexual abuse imagery,but I remember clearly, in parentheses, it said,,this kind of content would be limited to one,to two hours per week, when in reality,,we were understaffed, so we would be in there,sometimes five, six hours a week,,which sounds like nothing, but it's actually...,- Oh, it sounds like a lot. - It's a lot.,- Yeah, yeah.,When do you first notice that doing this job,was starting to affect your mental health?,- When I was walking around San Francisco, actually,,and I was with one of my friends and we saw,a group of kids, toddlers,,that were hanging on to one of those ropes,so that they don't go far.,I looked at them and then, I kind of blinked once,,and suddenly, I just had a flash of images,of some of the images I had seen, children being tied up,,children being raped, at that age.,This is three, three years old.,I kind of like stopped and I was kind of blinking a lot,and my friend had to make sure I was okay,and I had to sit down for a second,and I just exploded crying.,She was like, "What just happened?",And I couldn't explain it to her and I just,,these racing thoughts and then, an instant panic attack.,I was having nightmares, I wasn't sleeping,,I had spent multiple days just crying in the bathroom.,I was having all of these panic attacks.,My work productivity just dipped.,Finally, my manager was like,,"Listen, we really need you,"to step up your productivity game.",I just snapped and I turned to him and I said,,"Do you understand what we're looking at,"and we're not machines, we're humans.,"So we have emotions and those emotions,"are deeply scarred by looking at children,"being raped all the time and people getting,"their heads chopped off.",It was like there was no escape and yeah,,I finally snapped and they took that as,,oh, she needs to

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