tiktok ads creative best practices

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How To Create High Converting TikTok Ad Creatives (FREE COURSE)

tick tock ads are starting to become,really popular in the digital marketing,community and it only makes sense as to,why so many brands are literally,switching over from facebook ads,snapchat ads youtube ads and literally,going to tick-tock because there's so,many conversions happening on the,platform and with all of that attention,gives you lots of opportunities to be,able to get sales with tick tock and,that's exactly what we're going to be,covering but most brands and businesses,are missing this one key mistake that,they continuously make and i want to be,able to show you exactly what you can do,to be able to get high converting tick,tock ads,what's up y'all it's chase chapel here,your favorite digital marketer and we,literally cover content online and help,some of the biggest brands and creators,in the world that you know and follow be,able to generate successful results,using facebook ads and tick talk ads and,even google ads online,and we literally have hundreds of,students taking our online trainings and,programs where we have 600 plus six and,seven figure earners who have literally,taken our trainings and been able to,scale their actual brand or business,using these platforms and by the way if,you haven't already make sure to like,and subscribe because it truly does help,the algorithm so let's go ahead and get,into this video,all right so we're going to be covering,high converting tick tock ads and we've,literally spent 600 000,on tick tock through testing this far in,the last 90 days on the platform and,literally all of our insights in today's,video are recommendations we're making,purely based off of data none of our,personal opinion is in this video it's,100 backed by the actual science and,data that we see with the testing that,we're actually doing on tick-tock with,our platform and being able to,understand what makes the most sense for,our clients business and being able to,generate them results and through that,we're able to identify what tick-tock,ads are really converting best and be,able to give those insights to you so,that way you can be successful as well,you can quite literally see that the 600,000 that we've spent in this amount of,time has literally generated over 147,million impressions 2 million clicks and,we're literally getting cost per clicks,of 30 cents a click these days that is,far and few between on other platforms,so you can definitely see the,opportunities that you have on tick tock,alone so let's go ahead and go through,some of the ads that actually don't work,on tick tock and what we're seeing so,these are just some examples of tick,tock ads that don't work there's a,common misconception that people have,it's that they're running facebook ads,they're getting good results and then,they want to use the similar content,that they have there on tik-tok because,they think it's just copy and paste and,to be honest with you it's not like that,using images or gifs on your actual,tik-tok ads are not going to increase,your conversions if anything it's,actually going to decrease your,conversion rates and actually raise your,overall cost per cpm,and you know you don't want your actual,tick tocks to look like ads and a big,motto that ticktock has is make tick,tocks not ads and that's the main,premise here you don't want to be,creating content that looks like this,where you have these overlays or these,big call outs of the you know specific,offer and like red you know these red,circles here or having you know the,branding on the side of this those types,of ads just don't work on tick tock,people scroll right past those you want,the content to look native you want it,to feel like user generated content in,fact i'm actually going to be covering,ways you can get ugc later in this video,but specifically right here you want to,make sure to avoid you know templated,content even some of the biggest brands,in the world have fault prone to this,where they actually you know use the,branding and they use these basic videos,and while they get engagements they're,not really resulting in conversions so,if you're really looking to drive actual,sales and increase your actual,conversion rate and get more people to,actually convert from seeing your videos,and feel that they're actually a part of,the brand then you're going to want to,create tick-tock ads that are actually,native on the platform and have these,key conversion metrics driven behind,them and so these are just some examples,of tick-tock ads that do convert you,want to focus on actual vertical video,and fast cut you know jump cut videos,that are you know no longer than one to,three seconds per clip maybe,six seconds at the absolute most we're,actually clipping throughout the video,so that way you can keep people's,attention throughout the actual tick,tock tick tock is very fast-paced and,you want to keep that you know flow,going so people stay engaged and this,allows you to deliver way more,information about your product or,service in a much s

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads creative best practices

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TikTok Ad Creative Tutorial For Jewelry Brands - How To & Best Practices

TikTok Ad Creative Tutorial For Jewelry Brands - How To & Best Practices

chicken leg ads are growing every single,day and it cannot be neglected if you,want to take your your brand to that,next level in this video I will talk,about with the how to and the best,practices when it comes to making voted,creatives that actually convert before I,break down all the aspects of that,should be covered when it comes to,making these at creatives let's take a,look at one at sample and for this ad,we'll understand what are those most,fundamental things that we have to pay,attention to if we do not even cover the,fundamentals or the basics none of the,things that I'm about to show you is,going to work so let's just play real,quickly this ad for Maduro brand and I,will explain one of those fundamentals,that we have to pay attention to,foreign,what we can observe is that first of all,the format is 9x16 this is vertical and,this is a must if you are creating these,videos in a 4x5 format where in a square,format that is an instant signal that,this is an ad and this is the last thing,you want to do when it comes to tick,tock ads you want to create tick tocks,and you don't want to create ads the,moment when it seems like an ad people,will skip that creative right away,because users on Tick Tock they are on,this platform because they want to be,entertained they are not there to buy,it's important to keep that in mind and,the second format that we can see in,this ad is that it is recorded with a,phone and this gives for most business,owners a huge Advantage because it,doesn't involve a huge advertising,budget let's say for creating this high,production videos you just simply need a,phone and you can get an unlimited,content for running ads so for no excuse,this even if you're a small business,owner with limited budget for marketing,you can still create tick tocks and then,convert them into the ads now let's talk,about with the work four most important,aspects when it comes to making Visa,videos and this is the hook the,background sound that text overlays and,the call attraction these four elements,make this platform different from other,ones now some of these aspects can be,also seen on Facebook or on Instagram,but I think that this is what,differentiates this social media,platform from the other ones so let's,cover each one in much more details the,first thing is the hook now when it,comes to the hooks there are many and,many and many types of hooks that work,pretty well on this platform here are,some of it work quite well for your,brand so we have first of all problem,slash solution in nutshell this hook,pretty much starts off with section,where with a frame where you you state,the problem that you're solving with,your product and in the jury space I,know maybe you'll ask that actually I,don't solve any problems and that's not,true because you could still find out,with problems within this Niche for,example I'm gonna just give you one,problem and that is people literally,they don't know how to style jewelry and,this is a problem that I noticed quite,often that it happens within mature,space but you can make your customer,research and find out what other,problems you could solve with your,product because I know every single,business is different so you could solve,actually quite different problems and,then after stating that problem you go,straight forward into introducing the,product which is pretty much the,solution and you start talking about,with the benefits of your product and,you end up with a coach action the,second Hook is what I bought versus what,I got this is another hook that I would,highly recommend using it because this,is handling one of the biggest objection,that customers have which is they are,free rate of the thing that on the,website of a product photography looks,in a way but when we're getting this,product in the real life that might not,be as Vape seen on the website and this,is a pretty big concern maybe they've,been born in the past with this type of,problem so you have to handle this and,this particular Hook is doing the heavy,lifting when it comes to handling this,objection the third one is unboxing,experience this build-offensity when you,have a person where a content creator,who is reviewing or recording this type,of unboxing experience it builds this,authenticity in front of a potential,customer and it makes the customer think,that this business is actually legit,next one is three reasons why in,Persuasion when you simply give a reason,to a customer why they need this product,this makes your marketing message much,more appealing and much more compelling,it doesn't necessarily need to be three,reasons you could have two four or five,but I think the sweet spot is around,three because also something from the,psychological aspect people also think,in freeze so when you're giving them,free stronger reasons and pretty much,with these reasons you are explaining,your unique selling propositions of your,product that's what is going to appeal,to your customer next one is Tick Toc

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TikTok Ad Creative Tutorial - How to & Best Practices

TikTok Ad Creative Tutorial - How to & Best Practices

so in today's video we'll be talking,about tick tock ad creatives,so i want to share with you some best,practices some examples and some,tips on how you can create very,good performing ads for your tick tock,advertising campaign,sounds good let's do this,hi how are you doing my name is oscar,chanel and me and my partners have spent,over seven figures on ads in general and,multiple six,figures on tick tock and snapchat ads so,we know a thing or two when it comes to,tick-tock or snapchat ads as that in the,intro i will share with you right now,all the best practices and tips we know,about tikto gets,so you can create highly profitable ads,for your tickter campaign but before we,hop,into the video make sure to like this,video and to subscribe to the channel,to don't miss out on any future content,i make about ticktor guides or marketing,in general,alright so we prepared this short,presentation for you guys,and as you can see tick tock adds,creative best practices so let's just,start with watching this,quick tik tok ad just the beginning of,it it's a,quite longer but as you can see first of,all it's definitely an unboxing,video ad so this should be enough to,just get an idea of how the tick tock,interface looks,so as we can see at the bottom we have,the call to action so the button,which has shop now in this example we,have the likes comments shares,etc so this is how and tick tock ad,will look at the end if somebody just,watches it,as you can see on the right we have the,resolution so it's 9 to 18 so it's just,the exact same format and resolution,as facebook stories or instagram stories,so it's a stories format by the way,a lot of what i mentioned is really also,applies to snapchat so obviously for,snapchat the resolution stays exactly,the same,so about the length 5 to 60 seconds is,allowed but,it's suggested and this is right from,the tick tock,official page they suggest 9 to 15,second video ads,and what we have seen is something,around this,your eyes can definitely be long,eurocads can definitely be 30 seconds or,more,but it's very important to convey your,message to bring,your message in within the next first,second so to show what the product is to,show what this video is about,all right so now let's get into detector,creative best practices,by the way this video will be a bit on,the shorter side just because,texture creatives in theory aren't that,complicated,it's quite easy to talk about the best,practices,but the thing is implementing everything,of this in the actual ad,is already way harder and this is what,will take most of the time,but no worries i will talk about how you,can actually create these ads later,as well so first of all we have the,sound,so you might already know that but if,you don't ticktock is a very,sound heavy platform so you actually,can't even disable,the sound of tick tock videos in the,tick tock ad itself,also music so songs are,very important on tick tock so as you,can see it is important to choose,a song that's popular and what i,recommend to do,is to have a voiceover that explains the,product,and then have this viral song that a lot,of people who actually use sector,will know and it also fits to product,and brand into your vibe,to have this song in the background,playing the voice over,over it and the music just not too loud,in the background so this works really,really well,even if somebody only hears this song,unconscious,it's really important to have something,similar like that next which,is arguably the most important part by,far,is it has to be organic so if somebody,sees the first seconds of your,ad they shouldn't know that it's an ad,overall,as you can see for example utc so user,generated content,is really important and the best way to,just get creatives is to send it out to,tick tock influencers,pay them a bit send them the product and,they create,tick tocks for you so this is literally,the easiest and safest,way to get high performing tic too guts,because these tick tock influencers,already know what performs on tick tock,best,and if you just say to them they should,do a regular tick tock and just,implement your product in any way shape,or form then,this is a very very safe bet to get a,highly converting tick to get,also what helps a lot doing this is to,implement,trends in your tik tok so there are a,lot of,different trends on tick tock and they,come and go,every couple weeks or every couple,months and if you manage to,implement a trend that actually fits to,your product you can't just use,any trend and at the end say buy my,product,if it doesn't correlate so it has to be,matching,and as i said the easiest way to do this,is to send it to an influencer because,they know all the trends,they know what fits they know the music,that to add,so they know what they're doing about,the tik-tok ad platforms this is again,the safest bet,but of course if you are on tector,yourself regularly and if you have a,feeling for the vibe and the trend that,goes on there you can definitely

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Creative best practices for TikTok Ads Manager

Creative best practices for TikTok Ads Manager

content diversity and creativity are,rewarded on tick tock,making it important to constantly,iterate creative combinations,tik-tok for business ad manager offers,various tools,advertisers can use to more easily and,efficiently produce creatives,these include video template smart video,smart video soundtrack tick tock ads,studio app,let's take a deep dive into each one and,see how they can help you with your,creatives,the video template tool allows you to,create eye-catching tick-tock ready,video ads,using nothing more than existing photo,assets your logo,and some creative text copy some key,benefits of using video template,include create videos faster and more,easily using our guided creation,choose from tons of video templates for,every stage of the marketing funnel,regardless of your campaign objective,easily turn your images into video ads,to improve ad performance,smart video is another powerful tool on,tick-tock ads manager,this tool uses cutting-edge technology,to combine clips,photos music text effects and filters to,make the perfect asset for your campaign,with smart video you can automatically,cut video clips,add video transitions and edit it to the,rhythm of the music,generate batches of videos easily each,with a different style,saving you time and effort when wanting,to expand your creative library for,testing different creatives music is a,special part of tick tock's creative dna,the rhythm melody style and mood on your,ad,are key to leaving a lasting impression,with consumers,and building a strong brand image smart,video,soundtrack makes it easy by offering 300,plus copyrighted soundtracks to choose,from,across 10 music genres including rock,country,ambiance pop edm and others,upload your videos and the system will,automatically select the appropriate,music,based on your content switch sound,tracks and further fine-tune your audio,with adjustable video,and soundtrack volume options try using,smart video soundtrack to easily apply,different background music to your,creatives,and test their effect on ad performance,ticktack ad studio is the official video,creation app for advertisers and video,creators to easily create captivating,short form video ads using their phones,some key benefits of tick tock ad studio,include create videos with the same ad,specifications required for tick tock,ads manager,tons of features available for recording,videos and editing them,including effects filters and stickers,push directly to your tick tock ads,manager creative library when you link,your account,whether you are using one of our tools,or not before you get started on your,next creative,keep in mind some of our best practices,tell an engaging story and capture,people's attention in the first three,seconds,make sure your creatives meet our video,and image ad specifications,keep testing different combinations aim,for diverse creatives with big,differences in the beginning stages when,testing,update your creative at least every,seven days and keep your creatives fresh,to avoid ad fatigue,try one of our creative tools as well as,our automated creative optimization,feature,which automates the process of,identifying winning creatives,having good creatives is important in,order to take advantage of tick tock's,content graph,with our unique set of creative tools,and our best practice,tips you can now more easily and,efficiently produce creatives to scale,and optimize your campaigns

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TikTok Ads Strategy, Best Practices, & Scaling in 2022

TikTok Ads Strategy, Best Practices, & Scaling in 2022

how's it going guys welcome to the,youtube channel my name is america hoot,and in this video we're going to be,doing a tick tock ad strategy and best,practices video we're going to cover,creative finding creative inspiration,tic toc ads best practices and scaling,strategy if you're a member in our free,telegram group chat you know all about,this giveaway we're giving away one,thousand dollars to one of the people,who commented on this video over here,and i just listed all the names who met,the requirements which was commenting a,video idea on this wheel of names right,over here ignore these ads how can i,close this ad,there we go but basically i listed all,the names on this wheel of names,and i'm going to spin it at the very end,of the video and we're going to list the,winner how's it going guys let's jump,right into it um i made this document,just quick run through of you know the,tick tock ad strategies and best,practices okay all right starting off,with the creative um tick tock is a very,creative rich platform where creative is,extremely important so there's a few,things that you're going to want to do,to make sure your creative is on point,the first note that i want you to take,is that,you should not make ads on tick tock you,should make tick tocks,that are engaging and really tick-tock,native does that make sense so basically,instead of you know the typical ad using,urgency,countdown timers very salesy type of,content,you're going to want to see what,tick-tock trends are going on and or,what kind of on-platform videos you can,recreate which shows your product in use,how to use your product,et cetera you know what i'm saying and i,included a couple of video ideas here,that you guys could use uh you can make,a how-to with your product you can make,a video of you packaging your orders you,could be replying to some karen's emails,i've seen a few people do that and their,business starts going viral because of,it because you know you can you can even,create a story,and,you know,make all of it up like pretend you know,email your business by yourself and be,like hey where's my order and you know,basically make up a fake store i've seen,some people do that saying like oh this,customer tried to scam me and it gets,loads of views gets lots of eyeballs on,their business all right and this is,with organic content by the way you,could you don't necessarily need to,spend money on tick tock to get sales i,have a couple of,friends of mine who are running,just organic posts on tiktok they post,like three to four times a day and just,their organic content is getting them,sales on autopilot okay,another video you can make is like get,to know each other so like introduce,yourself to your customers and whatnot,and ask or maybe do a q a with your,customers you can do tutorials of how to,use your products,you can uh follow some trends and,utilize these trends to show what,products and or services you offer and,why they need it okay um you could even,do some behind the scenes of like the,business you know it's kind of similar,to packaging orders but you could also,do like you know advertising photo,shoots etc um guilt trip marketing i've,seen a lot of people do this um and,you'll be surprised,these people they'll actually make a,video and they said they'll like record,their stock all their inventory and then,they'll make a video saying,guys i have to close down my business,because i ordered all this inventory and,nobody's buying it and they made it,guilt trips people it goes viral and,then they sell out it it's,it's,it's not the most you know,nice way of marketing but it works all,right,um you could do product and use,you could also reply to comments i'm,currently doing this this one tends to,work really well because you get to,connect with your audience and also,people when they see or reply to a,comment they're more encouraged to,comment because oh maybe they'll reply,to my comment you know so you can be,witty with it you can kind of be a troll,um just you know build your brand,persona your brand personality while,engaging with your audience okay,another thing that you could do is when,you're packaging an order you can shout,them out,and you don't have to tag them or find,their username by the way you can legit,be like oh the pack um today i'm,packaging bob's order or come package,bob's order with me there's so many,things on making the videos that you can,do to make your tiktok creatives really,good like utilizing all the effects and,or like voice overs the text on screen,the transitions there's so many things,you can use to make your creatives,really good and there's loads of videos,on youtube which will walk you through,like how to make really good tick tock,creatives and how to you know make or,how to edit your tick tock videos very,easy to learn i'm not going to dive into,that in this video because i primarily,want to focus about on things that you,know that you can't really find,everywhere else does that make sense um

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How to Film & Edit Tiktok Ad Creatives (Best Practices)

How to Film & Edit Tiktok Ad Creatives (Best Practices)

what's going on guys welcome back to a,brand new video now we are in a,different part of my little,office bedroom here because i am,actually going to be filming a tick tock,ad,live now it's not going to be for a,product that i'm going to run or that i,suggest that you run,but just to give you an idea of how you,can be creative and resourceful,with things that you might have at home,to be able to film your very own,native tik tok ad for pretty much any,product that you want to run,now there's two styles of ads that you,can run one of them is just,sending the product to an influencer or,filming it yourself,where you are giving your opinion on the,product and you know you're pretty much,just making a natural tik tok,video with it as you would normally,without promoting a product at all so,that it doesn't seem that salesy those,are the types of ads and,pieces of content that resonate well,with tiktok and then the second type of,ad is having a piece of existing content,or your own custom content,where you can pretty much just throw a,song behind it and,some pieces of text that are convincing,in the siri voice if you don't want to,show your face,or you don't want to have any type of,voiceover now truthfully i don't know,how this video is going to come out,because i'm not an expert at making,creatives but i'm going to try to make,something very very simple,and show you guys how i would edit the,different clips,and piece them together to make a good,tick tock ad through the actual tik tok,app on my phone and only with this,tripod right next to me,and my iphone so without further ado,let's get into it all right so the,product that i'm going to use for,reference,are these boxing gloves uh obviously not,going to sell them but i'm just going to,show you,kind of some b-roll shots that i would,naturally take that can be really,effective and useful for a creative,now this is kind of the background that,we're going to be getting,with the little gw bridge in the,background you know we might take some,shots on that ledge over there but i'm,going to go ahead,and take these shots and see how they,come out,now sometimes it might take a few tries,so don't be afraid to take your time on,these,i'm just rushing it so we can fit this,video within maybe 10 to 15 minutes,all right so i think that'll be clip,number one maybe we'll get another clip,here by the window,again not a professional videographer,but,usually your iphone shots like this will,do just fine for an app,all right now this is gonna look really,weird because of the different framing,but i have my phone on this makeshift,tripod stand and i'm gonna be filming,myself,punching without the boxing gloves,pretending to hurt my hands,and then pretending like the boxing,gloves came falling from the sky,using them and then maybe giving a,little flex and then,putting the actual brand logo up to the,camera,might sound a little bit weird but i'm,going to try it right now i have the,vision in my head,and i think it'll take like 30 seconds,this probably looks so corny,all right i think you guys get the point,i am not a professional boxer or,videographer,but we're gonna see what we can do with,the clips that we just had and even if,it comes out remotely halfway decent,i'm gonna be happy all right now we're,actually going to go ahead and edit the,clips that we just took,in the tic tac app so bear with me,there's going to be a couple periods,where i fast forward just to make sure,that,this video doesn't end up being too long,but anything that's important i will,make sure that it's slowed down,so that i can tell you exactly what it,is that i'll be doing,all right so right now i'm just editing,that initial clip that we took and i'm,breaking it up into like three to four,parts,so it's going to be easier for us to go,ahead and edit on tiktok,all right so the first clip is me,punching and hurting my hands,the second clip is going to be me uh,looking like hurting my hands and then,looking up at the sky pretending that a,pair of boxing gloves are falling from,it,the third clip is going to be falling,and catching the fourth clip,is going to be the transition of them,actually being,on my hands and then the final one is,going to be punching,flexing coming up to the camera,now again i didn't quite get the footage,that i wanted to in frame but,i'm doing this all in a matter of like,20 minutes so bear with me right so we,have all our clips prepared so now we're,going to plug it into the tick tock app,and see what we can come up with,in less than 5 or 10 minutes,this is going to be interesting,all right so usually we'll put maybe a,clip like this one,in either like the first or second frame,so that you can have a shot of the,product in the beginning and at the very,end,but i don't really know where we're,going with this we'll see how it comes,out of the end,so once we have all our clips prepared,now it's time to add the music and maybe,a siri voice,or we can do a voiceover which i've,personally never

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The Best Examples of TikTok Ads Creative

The Best Examples of TikTok Ads Creative

what's up marketers today we're going to,be looking over some great examples of,tick tock ads now I know what you're,thinking how do we know these are great,Tick Tock ads how does she know that,they perform well maybe just maybe I,have access to some of these accounts,and I actually know the performance,therefore I am showing you ads that are,performing well,maybe or maybe I'm just showing you the,ads that I found in Tick Tock top ads,Library which actually shows the ads,that are getting the top percentage of,conversions for the industry maybe and,maybe at this point I just know a good,ad when I see one so let's go ahead and,dive into these 10 or so ads and we'll,do a little analysis together so I,actually just saw this ad on Tick Tock,top at library,and number one I love this hook the,Smashing of the egg I actually think it,wasn't super clear what it was at first,and I was wait no is that an egg is it,nine egg I don't know,this I feel like could have been a,little bit better done I always love a,green screen effect but if you actually,listen to his script for this I'm like,not convinced that nectar actually sent,him this mattress I kind of think that,they just had someone in a showroom do,all of this and he just like,filmed like some part of it as like a,ugc Creator uh maybe not but I'm,skeptical anyways I still think it's a,good ad it has like all the Hallmark so,gonna add good hook,they could change up the framings a,little bit but you know this is a fun,one also you support green screens I,just see that working a lot right now,this ad by done this is kind of,interesting,and this isn't like super traditional,you know this isn't like the standard,ugc single testimonial format that we,always see,and I kind of like that,it's cool let's watch that again I feel,like it could the coloring could have,been a little more obvious because when,I see this I'm not immediately seeing,which one is right which one is wrong,but that's maybe why people are watching,it because they're a little confused I,wouldn't opt for the confusion method,but this is something that's so simple I,don't know this is a fun one to try,maybe you should try it too,ah this ad right here,let's take a look do you have a lot of,random messes,now what's so crazy this is an excellent,hook but what amazes me about this ad is,like Hoover is doing Tick Tock ads now,like,I mean she looks great and this is very,oddly assassin I like this I wish they,would just would have made an ad that is,them cleaning up all this random stuff,that would have made it I would have,watched like 20 seconds of that but I,think this is so funny her like a little,setup with like the Hoover and like all,the cleaning products like you can just,tell some like creative directors like,oh and you have to set it up like this,and do it like this and,this screams corporate meddling but I,mean it's still a pretty good Tick Tock,ad right but this little setup no one's,gonna do that I don't like that I'm not,gonna show this Daily Harvest ad you,guys have seen it in my videos add,nauseam we all know it's a good,performing app,let's watch this Issa ad,ah so a few things I really like about,this hook number one love this like,split screen ugc effect and one second,and it immediately changes she's inside,then she's outside and we also have,really engaging text want to become a,personal trainer this is immediately,calling out to people who want to be a,personal trainer so those people are,going to sit through and watch this now,this is really standard modular type of,ugc format what I mean by that is we,have a single testimonial that is then,overlaid with tons of really engaging,b-roll this is a super solid ad 10 out,of 10.,10 out of 10.,okay let's watch this other Issa ad now,I really love the use of these Tick Tock,response bubbles I find this to be,really really good on Tick Tock ads and,it's especially good if you are working,with a brand or product that maybe some,people aren't super familiar with so,this is a really good way to be like hey,like what is your product and like why,should I sign up why should it work for,me,um this is definitely one of their top,performing ads and I also just think the,Creator here Sonia she is super talented,we've worked with her on a number of,Brands before and her content is always,top-notch so way to go Sonia she's also,just super engaging in this ad she has a,lot of energy I think one of the things,that I have problems with the most with,working with creators is they don't,bring the energy it feels like they're,reading from a script they're not really,invested in what they're doing Sonia,brings the heat every single time we,love that,this bag right here this is interesting,now this ad has been running for Thrive,Cosmetics forever I just assume it's a,talk performing ad and right like you've,seen this on the channel before if,you've watched my channel this is a,really great example of a before and,after ad and you can just see the value,that you're get

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How To Create Viral TikTok Ads (Step-by-Step)

How To Create Viral TikTok Ads (Step-by-Step)

let's face it whether you're a drop,shipper brand owner agency owner or,freelancer if you're not taking,advantage of advertising on tick tock,you are missing out on some serious,games most people who start advertising,on tick tock whether that's organically,or using the paid tick tock ads manager,seem to think that there is some sort of,winning media buying strategy that's,just going to have them getting insanely,low cpms or single-digit cpas as you can,see brand right now is at 25 000 in,sales for this month and the month has,just begun,but after scaling a brand new brand to,multiple six figures per month using,tick tock ads and spending hundreds of,thousands of dollars on the platform i,can confidently tell you that the only,thing that you need to do insanely well,is the creatives,the platform is so fast-paced people on,it have the attention spans of a,goldfish telling you right now the only,way to succeed,is to create content consistently that,sets you apart from the rest,so today you're going to learn for free,exactly how i create high converting,viral tick tock ads to promote my,e-commerce products and services that,work for both posting organically and on,the paid ads managing platform as well,but first i don't want to just shovel,this information down your throat,without showing you any real-life,examples so i actually found a wow,factor product to sell this summer,ordered into my house and then went out,and shot viral organic tick-tock ads,with it and just before we get started i,do want to announce the weekly giveaway,to win a custom-built shopify,dropshipping store built by my team here,at outright,three simple steps to win all you have,to do is smash a big like on this video,comment something insightful down below,and go ahead and subscribe to the,channel those three things you're,automatically entered for your chance to,win and the winner will be announced in,my next week's video and while you're,down in the section below the first link,in the description is actually a link to,book a discovery call if you are,interested in seeing how my team here at,econ can help you with your e-commerce,goals this year all right so recently i,attempted a zero dollar dropshipping,challenge with a wow factor product that,i could promote purely organically using,the power of tik tok so that i can show,you firsthand exactly what i do to,promote my businesses now before i start,revealing all the secrets to creating,viral high converting tech talks to,promote your brand i just want to show,you a few of the ads from this challenge,that performed very well so you can get,an idea of what it is that we're going,to be talking about now i won't go,through every single one we actually,made 10 different ads on the one shoot,but i'll show you a couple of them and,perform quite well on the challenge,which by the way if you do want to see,the full challenge video i'll leave a,link to that video somewhere up here my,bro got new shorts so we went to the,beach for a photo shoot,then he showed me the reason he bought,them,gonna go buy myself a pair for the,summer now,so the product i was selling was as you,guys could tell the color changing swim,shorts was a pretty popular drop,shipping product over the years on,facebook but i figured it needed some,love on tick-tock it had all the right,elements and that wow factor that'll,catch people's attention in the first,couple seconds so that's exactly what i,did and all i did was i went out and,grabbed my friend to use as the model,you can do that if you have a friend or,family member who would fit with what,you're selling just simply ask them you,know maybe pay them a small amount of,money and go up and do a little shoot,with them so now that you have an idea,about what i'm talking about don't worry,you don't have to shoot all the content,yourself i'm going to talk about that as,well let me start showing you how i did,this and how you can get other types of,content created for your brand as well,and the keys to what i do for promoting,all my brands and finding success on,tick tock both organically and paid,right now all right so first things,first before you even think about,creating an advertisement on tick tock,you must understand these two things,first one is that you really need to,understand your customer and the,audience okay so who's your target,market who are you appealing to what,types of content do they want to see on,the platform etc etc next thing is you,want to make sure that you're planning,your pieces of content out to be,somewhere between 8 to 15 seconds long,remember when i said people have the,attention spans of a goldfish on,tick-tock that's entirely true so i,found if you go over this time limit,your watch time is likely going to,suffer which is going to lead to,decreased performance in your ads now,starting off with what not to do here's,a couple examples of ads that just,wouldn't work okay and big brands make,these mistakes all the time not only on,tick tock but just

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