wholesale winning products shopify

Shopify Dropshipping UK Winning Products To Wholesale in this video I'm going to show you some,of th

Wholesale Hustles

Updated on Jan 25,2023

Shopify Dropshipping UK Winning Products To Wholesale

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Shopify Dropshipping UK Winning Products To Wholesale

in this video I'm going to show you some,of the trendiest products that are being,drop shipped in the UK via Shopify,sellers but here's the great thing I'm,going to show you how you can bypass,AliExpress so make sure you watch this,entire video because you've probably,never seen a video like this before,because it's purely focused in the UK,and you're going to be getting some,fantastic product recommendations so the,first product we're going to be looking,at is just basically a wind Chomp now if,you actually have a look at it it's got,over 2 700 reactions over 200 comments,133 shares if I actually show the newest,comments you'll see that five days ago,one week ago six days ago so there are,fairly recent comments on this but don't,worry as we go on throughout the series,of products I will be showing you even,better more trending products now if you,actually have a look at the product on,AliExpress it's selling for 5.61 with,7.13 shipping if we actually open up the,products it's actually selling for 24,pounds 99 now if we add it to Carter,we've already seen that they're actually,going to be charging four pounds 99,shipping if you look at their delivery,you scroll down you click on their,shipping it shows that the item will,take 7 7 to 20 days for the item to be,delivered so they are definitely Drop,Shipping this product from China that,will be actually a great time to sell,these binchon because we're coming into,the winter we're coming into the windy,days so a lot of people would like this,type of product now how do I know it's,based in the UK so this is the actual,product inspection tool that I'm using,it's called drop a spy I'll leave a link,to it in the description of this video,all the products that we found are,actually through this tool over here now,the countries that this product is being,advertised in is the United Kingdom it's,100 United Kingdom so they're not,actually selling it to anywhere else we,already know from AliExpress the product,plus shipping is 12.74 so you're,approximately paying 10 pounds 37 per,unit when you do make a sale now if you,buy this product wholesale you can buy,30 units for,318.50 which is about 259 pounds 67,Pence delivered so that means you're,going to be paying eight pounds six to,six you go out there you create a,Shopify ad and you target the same,audience if you sell it for 29 pounds 98,the transaction fee is going to be about,a deduction of 85 Pence deduct the cost,of the product which is about eight,pounds 66 if you send the item out with,every so it'll be delivered on track,that's going to cost you 2 pounds 99,let's just assume you're going to spend,an extra 20 pounds on postage labels and,bags you'll be making 17 pounds 28 Pence,profit per sale on this specific item,that gives you a return on investment of,199 I know one thing that many of you,guys are going to be thinking what if,the product doesn't sell well you know,what if the product doesn't sell,absolute worst case scenario you know,that you've paid for this product eight,pounds six to six pence per unit go out,there put it on eBay sell it at break,even and get your money back it's as,simple as that then reinvest the money,back into the next product now look the,benefit to you guys is that these,Shopify sellers they are Drop Shipping,products from China items are taking,over 20 business days to get for the,items to be delivered and think about,how many customers get annoyed so once,you buy the product wholesale the items,in your inventory you are holding the,product when you make a sale you can go,out and post it the next day you could,even use every collection service I,think they charge an extra something,like one pound they'll come and pick the,product up from review and then they'll,take it you don't even need to leave,your house and your customers will be a,lot more happier because they are buying,from UK sellers they'll have the items,delivered to them within two to three,business days if you are finding value,in the video so far go ahead and smash,that like button because we've got even,better products to come so if you,actually have a look at this ad here,this product is some gloves with some,LED lights on there the theme of this,product is you know what you can use it,for fishing you can use it for DIY and,things like that now actually have a,look at these reactions it's got over 2,900 interactions over 1 000 comments 592,shares now if you actually have a look,at the the latest comments on there look,33 minutes ago 54 minutes ago one hour,two hour so it's getting a lot of recent,interaction so this is definitely a,successful product because they're,spending a lot of money on these ads and,guess what many people are interacting,to it so how much does a product it cost,itself left and right hand are selling,it for 10 pounds 99 and they are also,charging four pounds 99 for specific,delivery on this product if you go into,their details the item will be delivered,within 9 to 12 business days so they are,actually Drop Shipping it from China,technically they're selling it for the,best part of 15 pounds 98 as you can see,here now if you have a look at the,product on AliExpress if you look at,both hands at 4.87 with free shipping so,they're selling it for 15 pounds 98,they're paying around about 3 pounds 99,per unit delivered so they're making,well best part of about 10 pounds profit,per cell by having it shipped from China,if you buy this wholesale you could buy,100 units for,271.80 means that you pay only 222,pounds 90 delivered two pounds 23 Pence,per unit and that's for both the left,and the right hand now if you also sell,it for 15 pounds 98 you're going to be,making 10 pounds 53 Pence profit per,sale after all expenses which is,absolutely fantastic that gives you a,return on investment of 472 percent,which is absolutely fantastic if you are,enjoying these type of videos and you,want to see more videos like this then,go ahead and leave a comment in the,comment section below saying give me,more and I will certainly make more,product recommendation videos just like,this one and of course if you do want to,purchase any of these products I'll,leave a link to our website in the,description of this video as well,product number three have a look at this,ad so basically it's just a foldable lot,I mean I really like this ad because you,know it's just someone actually,reviewing the product and it looks very,good it's a West West Wing or whatever,it says it says got the brand name on,there but here's interesting because if,you go onto the website right they're,called lock spiking or something else,now have a look at the interactions over,4 500 interactions 1600 comments over,700 shares if we go over to the newest,let's see if there any recent,interactions on there four hours seven,hours uh that's pretty or 14 weeks nine,weeks one day one day two days ago two,days ago so they're definitely getting a,lot of recent interactions on there if,we actually look at the dropping spy,link let's have a look at the ad and you,can see most of them are from the United,States which is around about six to six,percent but at least a third of them are,from the United Kingdom which it shows,me that this is a very English-speaking,audience that they're targeting now if,you actually have a look at the product,how much are they selling it for they're,selling it for 49 pounds 95 with free,shopping and 7 to 20 business days to,get delivered this is the item on Alex,are selling for,23.24 with 15 dates delivery free,shipping so they're paying the best part,about 19 pounds and three pounds per,unit so if they sell it for 49.95 then,they're paying about 19 pounds so,they're making what nearly 30 pounds,profit on this specific product per cell,if you buy this wholesale 30 units for,570,72.40 which means you pay around about,468 pounds 15 pounds 63 Pence per unit,delivered so if you also sell it for,49.95 after all the postage deductions,and any other deductions you're going to,be making 29 pounds 88 Pence profit per,sale which is absolutely fantastic 30,pounds profit per sale let that sink in,right you saw one of these a day I'm,pretty sure you're doing all right that,gives you a return on investment of,191 product number four have a look at,this these are basically some wireless,bluetooth earbuds over 6 900 reactions,of a 1700 comments over 1 000 shares,let's have a look at the recent,interactions on this three weeks ago one,week ago that's not looking good but,this is looking great five hours ago six,hours six hours ago nine hours ago 20,hours ago so this is definitely getting,a lot of recent interactions if you,actually have a look at the dropper spy,data for this 100 UK audience selling to,a UK Market which is absolutely,fantastic how much are they actually,selling the product for on their website,is showing us 19 pounds 99 if you could,see this specific product here is,14.72 from AliExpress for them to sell,the product they are charging four,pounds 99 for shipping and it's taking 7,to 20 business days for the item to be,delivered so basically they're selling,it for 24 pounds 98 in total and they're,paying around about 13 pounds 92. now if,you buy this wholesale you can have 50,units delivered to you for,291.50 which is 238 pounds 90 delivered,meaning you only paid four pounds 78,Pence per unit if you also sell it for,24 pounds 98 after all deductions you'll,be making 16 pounds per 26 Prince profit,per sale selling to UK customers,offering fast UK shipping you just can't,go wrong with that that gives you a,return on investment of 340 there are,other places you can sell wholesale,products which includes eBay click on,the video that you see on the screen,right now and I'll show you some winning,products to sell on eBay with some,really good profits

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