shopify how to edit page urls

HOW TO EDIT URLS IN SHOPIFY [avoid 404 pages and broken links] hey guys it's maggie from rock paper,

Rock Paper Copy - Shopify Experts

Updated on Feb 25,2023

HOW TO EDIT URLS IN SHOPIFY [avoid 404 pages and broken links]

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HOW TO EDIT URLS IN SHOPIFY [avoid 404 pages and broken links]

hey guys it's maggie from rock paper,copy in this video i'll show you how to,change url in your shopify,why should you change urls well google,prefers,short and easy to understand urls and if,you've got a long,product titles the url becomes the same,as your product title or page title,which means that it's very confusing,for google and can definitely affect,your seo because,google won't automatically understand,from the url,what the page contains so url definitely,counts towards your seo,and it makes your website more google,friendly,and if you change your urls in an,existing,website remember that you risk a lot of,broken links or four or four pages so in,this video i'll show you how to safely,change your urls,and make sure that the redirect is set,up so people are redirected from the old,url,if they find you through an old link to,the new one so you don't lose any,traffic,you don't risk having broken links or,error pages showing,on your website so now i'll show you how,to do it let's get started,welcome to rock paper copy best place,for shopify store owners to learn about,seo getting traffic and sales so now,i'll show you how to,update a url so i have created a new,product and as you can see it's quite a,long title,which means that the url will be quite,long as well because it will be,contained,all the elements from the title as you,can see it is a quite long,and quite complex and it makes google,a little bit confused crushing it's its,robotic head,so we'll have to make it short and i,recommend,not going over three elements of the url,and handle as you can see i,i clicked on edit the seo element at the,bottom of every pair so you can edit it,for every page not only for product but,also for a collection,for the extra page and for the blog post,so this gives you plenty of,opportunities to make your urls,google friendly seo friendly and so on,so let's,make sure that this url will tell google,what this page is about and be shorter,and more,easier to understand so basically this,is a red shirt sleeve men's shirt,men's t-shirt with a dinosaur print so,okay so let's say we want to say red,t-shirt,red t-shirt,dinosaur and now if we save it,if you are changing a url of the,existing product on your website you,might risk,of having error pages or broken links,because,if someone visits the old url they land,on an error page so,to make sure that they are redirected to,the new page the new url,make sure that this field is ticked to,create a url,redirect from the old url to the new one,and this will make sure that people will,smoothly transit from the old,destination to the new one without any,glitches without seeing error pages,and without interfering in their user,experience in their journey which is,perfect so make sure that this is always,ticked when editing urls,don't go over three elements and this is,how you optimize your urls in shopify it,is easy as one,two three if you love this video smash,the like button now,and subscribe to my youtube channel for,regular shopify,and seo tips now check those two videos,recommended for you here to watch next,to learn about running a successful,online business,driving free traffic and styles i'll,speak with you soon bye

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