how did you hear about us shopify

Add HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US Survey To Your Cart Page - Easy 2022 Shopify Tutorial hi there welcome

Andrew from EcomExperts

Updated on Feb 21,2023

Add HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US Survey To Your Cart Page - Easy 2022 Shopify Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how did you hear about us shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how did you hear about us shopify

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Add HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US Survey To Your Cart Page - Easy 2022 Shopify Tutorial

hi there welcome back to our youtube,channel and i know you're wondering,where's andrew don't panic andrew is,fine,he's just taking a short break off,youtube and i'll be here to help you,every step of the way now my name is,tamara from ecom experts and today i'll,be walking you through how to add,how did you hear about us button to your,shopify store first of all,you need to know which of your marketing,campaigns are worth this is so that you,don't keep spending,a lot more money your marketing,campaigns are not converted into paying,customers so you need to know if your,customers are coming from your referrals,from which of your ads you know from,google search organic set you need to,know where to put more marketing efforts,into,and this how to how to your about us,button would help you a,long way to do this the first step you,have to do,is log into your shopify store,now i'm all logged in i'm going to on my,admin page i'm going to click,on team i'm going to click on teams and,i am going to duplicate,our current i'm going to duplicate our,current,teams this is so that any errors i might,make if i'm not satisfied with them i,can always go back to,you know remove them and still have my,original team or if i don't like a line,of code if i don't like an app i can,always go back to my store and just i,don't want this anymore go back to my,original team,which is why i would always advise that,before you add a line of code before you,add a team to your store,you need you need need need to first,duplicate your team my first step is,going to be,to create the how did you hear about,those form field now to create this,field,i'm going to need to go to my online,store i'm going to also need to go to,themes and,then from the actions click on edit code,once you find the snippets directory,you're going to add a new snippet,and now you're going to save it as how,do you hear about us you're going to,name your news but here about us so,i am going to name my new snippets,here about us and i'm going to create,that,event once created it will bring out a,new form field where you can increase,another line of,code then you're going to copy this line,of code,you'd find this line of code if you,click on the link below,check our blog or subscribe to our,newsletter you can get any of these,lines of code included in the video,so i'm going to copy these lines of code,i'm going to copy them now,once i copy them i am going to now click,on,i'm going to paste them and then i'm,going to click on save remember to,always save any to all please remember,you need to always always always always,save any changes you make,please do not forget to save all your,changes if not it means all your efforts,are in vain which takes it with the,whole purpose,so now i'm going to now that i have,saved my line of code,i'm now going to to include this snippet,in my cart page now to,add the how did you hear about a snippet,in your cat's page you need to go to,your sections and find,cat liquid templates now if you can't,find card template liquid in your,sections you can also find cut liquid in,your templates,directory so you either go to the,sections directory find,cat liquid template or you go to your,template and then you find cat liquid so,i'm going to,go to sections or here we have a card,template liquid,i'm going to click on cut template,liquid there,once there i'm going to click i'm going,to find the closing,line of the tag form the closing form,tag,so now i'm going to keep finding it you,can always do this using ctrl f,but for me it's a lot easier to find,this way oh found it now,now that we've found this line of code,i'm going to create,go to the next line and i'm going to,copy this,the next line of code to include this,snippet in my cart page,next step you need to do now is to add,your team settings for configuration to,do this you need to go to your,configuration directory,and you need to find this um you need to,find the settings schema,so i'm going to find the settings schema,in my configuration directory here,settings schema and i am going to find,the closing curly bracket i'm going to,find the first one obviously this is the,first one here,and i am going to go to the next line,immediately after the closing but i'm,going to,post another line of code which i'm,about to copy,right now found it,and then i'm going to paste and i am,going to click on,save that as usual save all your changes,once saved i would now need to make this,form required so making this form,required means that before your,customers check out,or complete their purchase they need to,tell you where they heard about,you so this is very good to actually,make sure that they always answer this,question because you will add this to,your store,and they could also ignore it but making,this compulsory means that they cannot,check out except the answer,they tell you how they heard about you,so now to prevent,them from leaving all you need to do is,make the field required as i said,earlier,so in the settings directory you're,going to find click,you would find um card template,liquidity game,cut template liquid again,in this in this sections directory,card template liquid then you're going,to find,this navigate,attributes i'm going to find the videos,i found it,once you find nobody dates the next step,would be to replace nobile with another,line of code,so as i said earlier you can find all of,these lines of code by clicking the link,below,to subscribe to our channel to,or you can also subscribe to our,newsletters and then you know find this,on our blog,so i'm going to click on novi dates and,i am going to replace lovely dates with,this line of code,so and then i'm going to click on save,also,so i'm going to go to my team editor,so i'm going to go to customize team,find my team settings okay finally,loaded so now i'm going to go to my team,settings,and i'm going to click on here about us,here about,us and then i can see the form option so,there's facebook there's twitter there's,google there's instagram there's youtube,so we're going to add let's add let's,add referral,and then let's add e-com experts to it,so you can add as many options as you,want in this situation,and now we're going to enable from,validation but on our end has already,been enabled,so i'm going to save this once i'm done,with that,i'm going to go to any product item,i'm going to add the cards and i'm going,to view my cards,here you can now see there how did you,hear about the selection so you have,referral you have become,experts you know you have others as many,as you want you can include this all of,this and that,this is tamara from e-com experts,signing out see you next time bye

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