where to find soundest email sign up on shopify

Shopify Unite Interview: Email Marketing hi from San Francisco California you can,see the beautiful


Updated on Mar 18,2023

Shopify Unite Interview: Email Marketing

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Shopify Unite Interview: Email Marketing

hi from San Francisco California you can,see the beautiful view behind us and,today I want to talk about an email,marketing and I have a special guest my,dear friend ritas from Summersville,cover this hi nice to be here thank you,figured in our first question it is,introduced as the Sun is what you do,that sound estes email marketing tools,tailored for online stores as we help to,capture email subscribers with pre-built,pop-up signup forms landing pages who,helped to send our beautiful email,newsletters with ease and we helped to,send an automated emails for example,abundant car to cover e customer,reactivation emails welcome emails which,really increase the sales for online,stores okay great and what are the most,common mistakes and that almost just,making an email marketing I wouldn't say,that brolic mistakes but email marketing,works really well for anyone who sells,online and a lot of online stores do,that mainly they send the email blasts,campaigns the manual made newsletters,like once per week once a day once per,month so that's great but still very low,percentage of online stores take the,benefit from automated trigger based,emails like for example abundant card,recovery customer reactivation emails,which are being sent by the system,automatically which is composed once and,the system analyzes your customer,behavior Ivan purchase behavior or the,behavior on site and resend automated,emails and depend,on how well you do it really it really,increase your sales by like forty fifty,percent bio email marketing so I think,that all my stores are not benefiting,from those features enough yet but we,help them to do that so that's great,sure perfect and most of us we were the,United conference from Shopify what do,you think about the new features and,product should behind announced on the,conference do you think this is a part,of future of e-commerce yeah that's what,definitely is and I'm really happy to be,here and to see all those announcements,as I really believe that ecommerce in,the future will be will die actually sad,to say that but there will be no e,commerce or offline commerce there will,be just commerce omni omni-channel,everywhere anywhere in social media in,email your phone in a tablet in your,watch anywhere and I really believe that,offline like brick and mortar stores,will convert into showrooms where you,going to come just to touch touch and,feel or to fit if it's a clove for,example and then you're going to order,with your phone and you'll get delivered,to next day or even same day in the,afternoon just to your door and I,believe it and all the features all the,features Shopify just announced I think,they are moving Commerce towards that,direction so I'm really happy that one,special you're based on them I'm going,to you ah time to time we're considering,that I think that like being being in,London is okay it is good as it sits is,the hardest hottest hottest spots for,startups in Europe,we are considering moving to the US I'm,not sure if it's really to Silicon,Valley as if we have a look at our map,customers maps so vast majority of our,customers within the US are based in,East Coast looks like e-commerce is,strong in East Coast so being closer to,your customers is really important so,we're really considering to if not move,headquarters or at least open office in,an East Coast because yeah thank you for,time with this feels great to meet you,leave us with this from Sounders thank,you for watching this episode and see,you bye,you

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