when shopify ask for store name what do i put

Shopify Store Name Taken - Find Out Why And How To Get Around It Here hello everyone uh welcome to e

eCom Simplified

Updated on Mar 29,2023

Shopify Store Name Taken - Find Out Why And How To Get Around It Here

The above is a brief introduction to when shopify ask for store name what do i put

Let's move on to the first section of when shopify ask for store name what do i put

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when shopify ask for store name what do i put catalogs

Shopify Store Name Taken - Find Out Why And How To Get Around It Here

hello everyone uh welcome to ecom,simplified again um thank you for,watching my video uh like and subscribe,on the way in,so um this is a very common problem,where um your shopify name is,already taken so this is an example of,you know,what um a lot of people come across,it can be incredibly frustrating and,while it's not the most,ideal case today i'm going to go through,how quickly,this store name works and how it links,to,the store url so generally when you,first um start your store you'll be,asked to name your shop so,um unfortunately this can create a large,amount of confusion however,original your store name may be so in,the shopify world it doesn't necessarily,um end there if your name is taken,how works with shopify is that when you,first choose to name your store,be it you know simple store or,simple shop you can see that it is taken,unless you you know try a very,weird name then it can be,available so what this does is simply,generates a my shopify url so if i,use the store name as an example it,would generate a store called,shopify store store stored,my so it generally just uses,the spaces as a dash,and then ends with,so if we try that here you can see that,it's not an,available store at the moment because it,is not an available,store it hasn't been made yet so now,that if we go back,um to look at the name again,um you want to decide on how you want,that to work so example if i name my,store ecom simplify ecom,simplified you can see that the store,was already taken as well unfortunately,not by me,but the key point now to remember is,that whenever um,you create the store name it just,generates a default store url,so it doesn't really mean that you you,can't use,this particular name for your store it,just,makes this url as a default,and if you plan to make things,professional hit run a successful store,most likely you would buy a com domain,or a professional domain so this url,isn't actually something that customers,will see,so we'll touch on this in a moment so,going back to the store name,it's it's all great until your store,name that you are trying to use is taken,you've got you know the greatest idea,you want to launch it,um in this case there can be many,possibilities,you may want to watch to check out what,the store is currently looking like,that's using that name so if we try and,take this store name for example,and try and see what happens so ecom,simplified,you can see that that's not currently,available,if you see that and the name has been,used then it means that,that store was once used once upon a,time,but that's not alive anymore that the,store owner has closed it or they,don't want to carry on anymore,so um that's kind of like a dead end but,if the store is still open,you can always consider reaching out to,the store owner to buy from them but,that's,only if the store now would like to let,it go if it is,a dead page then you know as i mentioned,it can't be reused,so waiting now if your um dream store is,as use,what what would you do so in essence,all you need to do is come over the,variation of the store name,until uh it is not taken so you could,try either with maybe no spaces,in between your words you can add extra,words such as ecom,simplified shop then you can see that,that's available you can try income,supervised store,that's also available so if you try,or if you want to see what it looks like,you can add my,that's what it will look like um,and you know what i want to create the,store of that name,so that's just an example so i know it's,not the ideal case but,just remember once you make this store,name,it just creates a url but you can always,change the store name to what you like,it to be,regardless of the url so that's a,confusing part,so once you create a store it will,become,a um one with the my shopify url,so i'm gonna use my source example so if,you go to,simplified shop,or simplify shop is the one that i'm,currently using,so if so my store name here,is,so if you go into your store and go to,settings,and go to general you can actually,see that my store name is just,simplified shop,but if i wanted to i can just call it,simplified and save that,and then my name store name would become,simplified,so it doesn't matter that my url,is looking like simplified shop because,once you kind of want to launch and have,a professional url,you'd like to buy a domain so what a,domain is,is that you'll go go to online store and,go to domains,most stores or you know professional,stores you visit will have a dot-com,website such as,you don't really see stores that says,,you just see say,so that's very common,commonly used so just remember that when,you generate the store name,it just generates the my shopify url,so you can buy a domain and then um,through straightforward shopify which,which makes things,fairly straightforward or you can,connect an existing domain through,another provider that you bought such as,godaddy,which is a very popular domain provider,as well,and then once you link your domain once,you've connected it,all you need to do is change primary,domain if you change your primary domain,and select your professional domain,that is actually the domain that people,will see so not the my shopify url,so once you connect your primary domain,and make it your primary domain,this store name or store url,is people won't see it when people visit,it for whatever reason it will,automatically be redirected to your,professional primary domain because you,you made it your primary domain,so that that's in a nutshell um,something that you don't really need to,worry about,so i hope that clears it up that once,you start your store with whatever name,you'd like it to be,you can still go to settings and change,the store name,or you can go to uh and you i mean you,can go to primary domain,and then change whichever link you,wanted to be,um showing to your customers,so to reservate once your store name has,been taken by someone,it's not the most ideal case but but you,can still,call your saw whatever name you like,after you've created the store although,the my shopify url,is something fixed and cannot be changed,um,as long as it doesn't as long as you,aren't using a name that,trades on other people's property or,trademark such as naming your store, or,you can name your store whatever you,like and just connect to your domain,and then your domain will be what people,see not your shopify,url so to generalize your primary domain,is what matters,and your my shopify url will just be,used for kind of back of house like say,you might see this here,and um if you ever need to contact,shopify support for any reason,then this is the store url that you'd,give to them to identify,your store for example so actually going,back to the,start it's actually the primary domain,that you want to,figure out um that's available or not,because that's going to be the thing,that's going to show your customer,or where your customers are going to,visit so make sure making sure that your,primary domain such as,,is available is actually more important,before you,start your ecommerce store on shopify,so for example if we go to godaddy you,can always search for your domain,and see if it's available beforehand,before you go back to,shopify to start your store so if you,search here you can kind of,see that the godaddy um engine will come,up with,suggestions um that it is available or,not,so you can see that this store is,actually available,but if you know your choice isn't you,can either choose other ones,or you can see other names that are,potentially available for whatever price,it is so that's just an example of,doing your research before you start,your store,so i had hope that clears that up um,it's,it's it can be very confusing when um,you sign a surname and it says it's,already in use but then,technically you can just create any,other random store name and then rename,it in your store settings,going back to settings general install,settings,and then go back to domains online store,domains and then connect it to your,domain,all right if you like this video or if,you,have this helped you please like and,subscribe really supports my channel,thank you again for watching i'll see,you in the next video

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