whats going on with shopify

What Is Going On With Shopify? what up guys Ari here and man what is,going on with Shopify lately as

Arie Scherson

Updated on Mar 13,2023

What Is Going On With Shopify?

The above is a brief introduction to whats going on with shopify

Let's move on to the first section of whats going on with shopify

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What Is Going On With Shopify?

what up guys Ari here and man what is,going on with Shopify lately as you see,here on my screen the stock just,continues to go down even though in the,last year they've been down 80 percent,that is insane it's Shopify is coin,now I'm just kidding obviously Shopify,is an incredible company however it's,pretty crazy to see that even a major,company like Shopify can get completely,obliterated in the current market so in,today's video I just basically want to,give you my thoughts on this give you my,thoughts on the overall Market because I,also want to introduce something new to,the channel I actually recently started,a trading challenge in the netsphere,Discord which by the way is 100 free no,upsells or nothing it's literally just a,cool little community that we're,building and I've been sharing some of,my plays on here and you can maybe start,calling me Warren Buffett here pretty,soon because we started the account at a,thousand dollars this month and we're,already at 13.20 right here but the,reason why I'm bringing up Shopify and,this trading challenge right now is,because look I actually don't really own,any stocks right now I'm trying to just,stack up a lot of cash right now and,slowly invest into some crypto I'm not,gonna lie though this does look like a,great opportunity but the markets right,now are so choppy and all these,different news headlines that we've been,seeing don't make me really confident in,investing my money into anything really,so the reason I started this challenge,was because what I see is that in these,markets it may actually be easier to,make money with shorter term trades so,what I've been doing is trading options,I'm trying to be smart here though and,only use like 10 of my account with some,of these trades so that I don't lose big,right now I bought some put contracts on,Twitter and I'm up eight percent on,those so that means that I'm betting on,Twitter going down and this is why I,started this challenge right because I,see that the market is just going up and,down every week there's really no,telling where it's gonna go so I might,as well try to make some money while,it's choppy like this and then the,reason why I only use the thousand,dollars is because that's basically what,I'm willing to lose right now like if I,lose this entire account I'm total,really fine with that it's really just,for fun but my goal would be to take,this account to 10K maybe even 20K that,would be really cool so follow along let,me know if you want me to make some,videos about this on the channel some,more but yeah it's so concerning to see,Shopify doing this even though for,example we just got news that Shopify is,preparing to acquire more Brands so to,me internally it seems like Shopify is,making All the Right Moves they're,recruiting a lot of different Ecom,influencers to be more deeply involved,with the company and as you see the Drop,Shipping search term continues to pop,off the e-commerce search term is only,going up as well and even Shopify as a,whole is still continuing to rise up so,to me this is so fishy and it really,speaks for the market as a whole right,now it seems like people are very scared,of tech stocks and even though Shopify,doesn't make a ton of money if they have,such an influence in culture right now,that in my opinion is really intangible,right for example they have a lot of,relationships with giant influencers on,YouTube like Mr Beast for example who is,the biggest Creator on the platform and,that shouldn't be taken lightly I feel,like those sorts of things are not being,reflected in the Shopify stock price,which they should be so obviously I'm in,no position to give you investing advice,I just wanted to talk about this,objectively and give you some of my,perspective as someone who uses Shopify,for literally everything almost every,single one of the six figure a month,stores that we have or work with use,Shopify so yeah as you can see while,we're talking in this video our thousand,dollar account is reaching New Heights,so if you want me to make more videos,about this challenge or you just want to,follow along make sure you join our,Discord for free and subscribe to the,channel for more and this right here for,example is another reason why I think,Shopify continues to make good moves,internally even though that's not really,being reflected in the stock price this,deal right here that you see on my,screen is pretty crazy you can actually,start your Shopify business for a dollar,a month now keep in mind I have a good,relationship with Shopify but we're,still sort of just getting started so,they didn't really tell me about this,therefore I'm not really sure when it's,gonna end but if you use my link in the,description you can sign up for this,bonus we just launched a new brand using,this and to be honest with you if we get,enough people signing up to Shopify,that's going to strengthen my,relationship with them which might allow,me to go to Shopify HQ to meet with some,of the higher ups and we can start,taking over internally which would be,pretty dope so that would be a pretty,cool favor if you want to start your,store make sure you use that link in the,description share it with family friends,but yeah just a quick little video kind,of overviewing what's going on with,Shopify right now and also introducing,you to this trading challenge that we're,doing and that's about it see you guys,in the next video peace

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