what's better big cartel or shopify

Shopify vs Big Cartel | Which Store Builder Should You Choose? shopify vs big cartel which e-commerc

How to Digital

Updated on Jan 27,2023

Shopify vs Big Cartel | Which Store Builder Should You Choose?

The above is a brief introduction to what's better big cartel or shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what's better big cartel or shopify

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what's better big cartel or shopify catalogs

Shopify vs Big Cartel | Which Store Builder Should You Choose?

shopify vs big cartel which e-commerce,store builder should you choose hey guys,today i'm going to be giving you a brief,comparison about shopify versus big,cartel and which e-commerce partner you,should be choosing so let's get into it,first off i'm going to compare the,prices on both of them and then i'm,going to show you the websites that you,will be able to create on uh both big,cartel and shopify here we have the,pricing of shopify so shopify is not,available for free however they will,give you a free 14-day trial of shopify,to get to know the platform and if you,really want to use it however the basic,shopify plan starts at,a month and it goes up to three hundred,dollars a month so uh taking a look at,big cartel uh they have a free version,so um if you're just getting started,with your business you might want to opt,for a big cartel they have a free,version and then they have a 10 a month,and then a 20 a month version,if you take a look at the features on,all of these programs the basic shopify,plan allows you to have your online,store you can have unlimited amount of,products that is something that you,really should,take into consideration because big,cartel only allows you 50 products on,their 10 program and 500 products on,their 20 program and then you also get,staff accounts you get two staff,accounts on the basic shopify program,you get 24 7r support you get sales,channels you get inventory location so,you can have up to four inventory,locations so if you want to add your,pop-up store or your retail store you,can add up to four of these on shopify,you also have your manual order creation,you have your discount codes you have,your free ssl certificate which is very,essential nowadays to have a website you,also have your abandoned cart recovery,you have gift cards however you do not,get any reports or analytics on the,basic shopify version you also get,competitive shipping so you get up to 77,percent discount on shipping you get,free shipping labels you get fraud,analysis and you also get shopify pos,lite so you can get in-person payments,instantly at your pop-ups or your retail,stores taking a look at big cartel,however uh if we were to compare both of,these the basic shopify version compares,to the premium big cartel version,because it's twenty dollars a month and,the basic is thirty dollars a month on,shopify so shopify is a lot pricier than,big cartel but it provides a lot more,compared to big cartel so if we take a,look at the premium version of big,cartel you can see that you get five,images per product free customizable,themes you can sell online in person so,they also accept pos payment so,in-person retail or pop-up store payment,you get real-time stats you get custom,domains theme code editing google,analytics inventory tracking discounts,and promotions bulk editing shipment,tracking product option groups and sales,tax autopilot however it is very limited,to 500 products so this is something to,keep in mind if you are running a large,store and you have a large number of,products you're gonna sell more than 500,products i would just say go for shopify,because shopify allows you unlimited,products and the overall features,provided by shopify do outdo big cartel,by a lot now let's take a look at both,of their ecommerce platforms and how,they work so this is big cartel so i,have already created a big cartel,website i'm just going to show you guys,this is their basic dashboard you can,see my account discounts products orders,and the general dashboard here you can,see your analytics you get charts you,get a timeline view you can see your,product,here is the website that i created using,a big cartel i just added one product as,a sample and this is uh all customizable,moving on to shopify now i'm going to,create a website on shopify so we're,going to select uh what we're selling,i'm just playing around you can just add,whatever you want so i'm just gonna say,i'm selling clothing go on next and then,you are going to add your personal,details i'll get back to you guys in a,minute once i enter those and now this,is the basic dashboard on,you can see on the left side you have,your home your orders products customers,general analytics marketing discounts,and apps so apps are application,integrations that are available now,taking a look at our online store it,provides you with a whole lot more,detail as you can see you know a big,cartel is really lagging in that domain,now i'm just going to click on view your,store and you can see i haven't designed,anything yet so this is a general layout,of the store that,shopify will provide you a general theme,now if you want to customize it,you're going to go back on the store,you're going to click on customize and,you oh from over here you're going to,add whatever kind of imagery you want so,let's just,add a image we're going to upload it i'm,going to try to upload the same image as,i did on the big cartel website just to,show you guys how both of them are,pretty alike not sure if is if this is,the same one okay it's different but,let's just go with it let's just select,it and after that you can change the,titles or tagline so over here we're,gonna change,this we're just gonna say blogs just,like this and the text has changed if we,were to change this text we're just,going to say vintage clothing california,um,now we're going to add some details,about it,best,grabs,at all,thrift stores and just like that i'm,going to save it once my changes are,saved i'm going to go,back exit that and view my website once,again and here you have it my changes,have been made in real time so you can,see how both of them are pretty,efficient in their,customization and designing even on big,cartel if we take a look at the website,you can just click on design and you can,see from over here i can change my,website image i can drop more,logos or any kind of color scheme that i,want to change i can also add pages to,my website add different kinds of themes,so whatever kind of e-commerce store,that you're running so if i'm just going,to change this i'm just going to use,this theme instead of the previous one,i'm just going to publish it the theme,is very,pretty so you can see over here i have,published this new theme and as soon as,i refresh on my big cartel website the,new theme has been applied so both of,them do provide pretty efficient,real-time changes but now that you have,seen both of their dashboards i think,you can get a pretty good estimate of,how they are really different in terms,of their services how big cartel is only,for someone that just wants to get,started if you're starting out a,ecommerce business you're not sure where,it's going to go you're not sure if this,is a long-term thing or if it's going to,stay around for a while you just want to,try it out i would say try creating your,store on big cartel for free just add,your first five products because that's,the limit after that you can't add more,product so if you're just starting out,with a tiny business you have one or two,products up to five products and you,want to try selling them online uh check,out brick cartel but if you're even,considering buying the 10 or the 20 plan,on big cartel i would just say go for,shopify buy the basic shopify version,which provides you with a lot of,features for,the amount of money that you have it,might seem like oh it's thirty dollars,and big cartel is twenty dollars but,shopify is providing you with a whole,lot more it's gonna give you 24 7 hour,support and you're going to get sales,channels you're going to get manual,order creations and your inventory is,going to be unlimited so you can add as,many products and for as long as you,want so if your business is a long term,project you're planning to stay in the,business for a couple of years i would,say go for shopify and if you found this,video helpful drop a like so just to,wrap it up i'm just gonna let you guys,know that if you are just starting out,you wanna try it out for free go for big,cartel if you ever feel like upgrading,for a big cartel go for shopify so i,hope you guys found this video helpful,and i will catch you guys in the next,video

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