what to sell on shopify 2017

Building A Shopify Store From Start To Finish In 2017 Part One Finding A Niche To Sell On Shopify h

The Prince Of Ecom

Updated on Feb 27,2023

Building A Shopify Store From Start To Finish In 2017 Part One Finding A Niche To Sell On Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to what to sell on shopify 2017

Let's move on to the first section of what to sell on shopify 2017

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Building A Shopify Store From Start To Finish In 2017 Part One Finding A Niche To Sell On Shopify

hey andy pleasant good evening to,everyone joining us today,um,welcome to another video by the shopify,store builder coming to you from,saint petersburg florida,from my,nice comfortable,lean back falling out chairs like super,cozy leather and all these good things,but um,today,is the start of another series um we're,gonna do a store build,um,reason is um the last video i did is a,bit outdated since shopify changed their,systems so we're just gonna do,you know,how to get a store together how to build,and we're gonna do it from scratch,and,that little sony won't be hearing in the,background that's my,oneplus 5.,if you haven't got one of these phones,and you need a phone get one it's good,for you it's a great phone for ecom,all right so,first things first we need to find a,niche to selling,or,um we need to know what we're gonna do,or what kind of store we're gonna make,now a lot of persons will tell you to do,a general store,um that's totally fine if you'd like to,do that,i'm not,really into general stores that much,because um they're really hard to you,know brand and,you know make into a big brand,but,what i like doing,is um new stores,but that gives us an extra problem you,know finding a niche,but today we are gonna,just go through,look at some niches see if they're good,see if they're good for us,and um we're gonna use facebook,aliexpress amazon,ebay,and instagram,to do this,so let's just jump in and the first,thing we're gonna do is just go to best,selling on aliexpress,and,best selling on amazon as well you want,um,you could just look up best selling here,our best sellers on amazon,all right what this will do is give you,niche ideas all right we have um,knife sharpener for kitchen um,mind you,for each review you get on amazon you,get around five to six sales on the item,so the amount of sales on this item is,about five to six times this amount,and we're seeing,fake fake flawless this is um these are,soups and stuff like that um we won't be,selling any electronics we won't be,selling any baby clothing or baby items,anything that an infant will be using,we definitely won't be selling um,anything,that's,pharmaceutical or pseudo pharmaceuticals,so,shampoos and um face masks and stuff,like that we're not gonna be selling,those,um we won't be selling,knives,well weapons,weapons we won't be selling any form of,weapons either,the reason we're not going to be selling,those is because um you'll either have,problems,um advertising on facebook selling these,items,or problems with your payment processors,that is um a lot of credit card,processors won't accept these products,on sites,so you'll be stuck using just paypal and,believe you me you do not want that,moving on we have mobile items here,this,blinging toilet,accessories,like good guess started accessories,sells great on amazon,uh we have this again,um,sheet set,this this is really tempting you know,it's really tempting to to go in,activated charcoal products but just,don't as i said pseudo farming,certifies,um more kitchen item,no add no odor dish cloth for,all-purpose dishwashing um,three packs that's good,okay,what that is we're just gonna skip over,this okay,so so far we see that kitchen looks,pretty good,mr coffee mug warmer,that's an electronic item,so i wouldn't really mess with it but it,shows you the theme,this,sandwich maker,a digital tire gauge,but yeah seen a lot of,stuff there for kitchen,um,here in the aliexpress we're looking,through the bestsellers here,it's a compression bar,one belts,bracelets,socks,just scrolling through to see,what are our best items are our best,options,we could do a men's store main wallet,store it would probably work well,okay,so,that's an idea for someone,um,float accessory,cases,phone accessories,okay i'm i'm thinking about doing,something in the cooking niche so,um since amazon gave us that idea let's,check aliexpress for cooking products so,we're gonna go cooking,accessories,and we want to see if the items in this,niche,um,are selling,so,a thousand orders,609 orders right off the bat even,without um,really checking,the proper way for sales,let's just do that now so first we want,to start by 4 stars and up,then we want to sort by the amount of,orders each item has,and,nine thousand almost ten thousand orders,almost nine thousand almost eight,thousand so kitchen items are doing,pretty pretty well,they're doing wonderfully,um,let's check,ebay,now this is just a validation check um,could go cooking,accessories,just to see what comes up seven thousand,for watching,we want to,check,soul listings,and,one hassle today today is august the 3rd,2017.,um,this is so today so,cooking is doing pretty well august 2nd,yeah,it's doing pretty well,here we have some accessories but what,about baking you know,person's big and persons cook,let's check,bacon,accessories,well baking wrong,all right,and it orders,and for starting up,yes we do have,great items here,so yeah,so we're seeing that,it's a cupcake,um,you might want to check molds as well,all right,kick,okay,let's do kate decorating tools,so,that's one way to really niche them so,wow,27 000 sales let's,yes i really like baking niche,i really really like the baking dish,but first before i i,decide to build a baking store,we need to validate the niche so,we are gonna go to,cake,right up in amazon,that means someone has been searching,for this,yes we have,this this particular spreader in a set,we saw this,these are being sold as well,this is just,this another image,that's been sold everything here,cupcake mold our cupcake decorator um,and we can see,how many sales these items are making so,we're gonna use unicorn smasher it's an,amazon plugin it's totally free and it,shows you the amount of reviews the rank,of the item price and the estimated,sales per month,so,one item here has been doing almost 50,grand a month,50k a month,selling bacon goods,so,we definitely like this well i,definitely like it,and,what we're gonna do next is just,search for,look to see if other persons are selling,baking goods so,first we type in in facebook search,posts about,then we want to use,um,our um quotes,what's about,bacon,and,wanna add,gu,and see what we get,sorry about that,it's just right there,um,17k,let's just check the post see what we,have,we're looking to see if,persons are,making sales,this one,i love bacon,yep persons are definitely making sales,um,the baking niche even though they're,selling t-shirts,i like you i big for you like,simply at,itself so yes persons are,in the baking niche you know they are,selling items in there that means there,is an audience to target there,persons uh,that's 17k,all right,just to,ensure that we have it,two tally right we're gonna check,audience insights as well so you go to,,you wanna go to,your,ads account,and,i'm gonna use,this one,then all tools,and audience insights,so what everyone on facebook,the country should be united states,and let's see if we have anyone,interested in baking,oh,my bacon addiction like,we have proof in baking,cake boss bacon,but let's just see bacon first brad,20 to 25 million active people so yes we,do have an active audience on facebook,who are interested in baking,we could check again,baking power,900k so yes we have,great interest to target as well so,we're gonna move on to,the next bit so we can target on,facebook but can we target on instagram,because a lot of persons um when they,start the store they are like okay so,facebook and then they get on facebook,and realize they need to do a lot of,testing and it's a bit expensive,but they didn't check instagram and then,they want to use influencers,now we'll be using influencers to,validate this store um we'll be making,we'll try to make a sale on it,and,we'll know if it works,so,first things first we are gonna do,hashtag baking,all right and then we want to look for,the posts,that have,very high engagements,for example this one,then we check out her account,2.5 million followers,yes there are influencers,on instagram who are into bacon,and let's check this one,dessert b,yes yes yes yes yes,that is wonderful 639,key,and,very active engagement,all right this is good,and they even have a way to contact them,email,for promotional inquiries now if you're,on instagram um,then you'd see the option to email these,guys um directly but because i'm on the,laptop then it won't show,so,we have our niche,we are going into the baking niche,all right guys,so,now go forth find a niche um,get your ideas together,you know,find a few niches find more than one,and i'm also gonna be including,a set of evergreen niches um,with this,with this video let's check the link in,the,description,for it,um,and,as i said follow the process find,yourself a couple niches and pick the,best one,all right so in the meantime please,remember to subscribe share and like,and,hopefully you fi you guys find wonderful,evergreen self-sustaining niches

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