what questions should i put on faq on shopify

Shopify FAQ Page Tutorial - Complete Template Setup (EASY) all right guys so in this video i'm,going

Casual Ecommerce

Updated on Mar 20,2023

Shopify FAQ Page Tutorial - Complete Template Setup (EASY)

The above is a brief introduction to what questions should i put on faq on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what questions should i put on faq on shopify

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what questions should i put on faq on shopify catalogs

Shopify FAQ Page Tutorial - Complete Template Setup (EASY)

all right guys so in this video i'm,going to show you how you can create a,faq page for your shopify store,and you'd want to do this because this,is going to help save you a lot of time,in regards to customer support if a,customer can go ahead and just go to an,faq page and go ahead and get,their questions answered without having,to use customer support or anything like,that then it's going to save you a lot,of time,and or budget if you have a customer,support team,so in this video i'm going to show you,how you can create a,professional looking one using a free,app so the first thing you want to do is,log,in and come over to the app store and,just search for,help center and then click on this app,right here,so help center by vertex lv and go ahead,and add,this to your store and you can see they,have a free plan right here,and that's the one we're gonna be using,so once you've went ahead and added this,in,uh you can come over here to apps and,then just open it up,and then i'm going to go ahead and show,you how to go ahead and edit this right,now,but the first thing i want to cover is,the type of stuff that you should put on,an faq page so i'm going to kind of give,you,a few categories that are going to be,useful so if we take a look at this,notepad here,i kind of uh split up questions into,five different categories of questions,here so not every question is going to,be applicable to every store depending,on what you're selling,but a lot of these are pretty universal,so uh the type of content that you're,gonna have on your faq page is going to,vary depending on what you're selling,and uh you know you're gonna have to put,in your own um custom ones,but i wanted to provide some universal,ones that could help,get you started and give you a little,bit of a template to go off of,so we can see here now the first,category would be like general type,questions,so this could be something just like i i,need to change something on my order how,do i do this,and then the second category could be,like product specific questions,however um if you're selling like a ton,of products on your store you have like,a couple hundred products and you're,probably not gonna have product specific,questions for every single one of those,products,on the faq page so this would only,really be applicable,if your entire uh store is,solely based off of like one product or,one offering,and then you know the question could be,like can i use this product to do tasks,or whatever,like any type of question related to,that one product,another universal category for any store,where you're selling physical products,would be shipping,so questions in here could be like where,can i track my order or do you ship to,my country,and the another universe category could,be payments so like,what form of payments do you accept and,do you offer financing could be a few,examples in there,and then another example would be,returns and refunds,another universal category it's like,what is your return policy,and like my product is broken how do i,return it and one thing you want to make,sure you do is keep track of questions,that you get from customers,throughout the lifetime of your store,and if you start to see the same,question pop,up multiple times then make sure you add,that to your faq,so that way the customers can see that,on the faq page,the next time and not have to reach out,to your customer support,so these are just a few universal faq,questions to kind of get the ball,rolling for you that you can go ahead,and use,and then like i said make sure that you,think of some of your own,that are custom and unique to your store,because you know every story is going to,require different ones,so that said now that we know what we,can put in here i'm gonna show you how,you can actually start putting it,together,so once we're in this page right here,um the first thing we need to do is go,ahead and edit these right here,so what we're going to do is we're going,to be sticking with,the free plan so the free plan gives us,unlimited what's called articles but we,only get one,broad category in one broad section,which is fine because we're just going,to be putting all of our questions,inside of the articles which we get,unlimited articles on the free plan,and if you want to go ahead and add,different sections and everything you,can but you have to get the paid version,of the app,so if i go ahead and open up this,first one right here i'm going to just,change this to,frequently asked questions,and then click save and then after we,save this we can go ahead,and publish it and then we're going to,change the section name real quick,to just like top faqs,save click publish and then down here,uh this is where we can actually start,putting in our questions and answers,so the first one right here if i click,on edit we can see that right here,there's a section where we just put in,the question for the faq so i'm going to,take one of the example questions,that we were looking at earlier and go,ahead and paste that in,and then down here this is where we can,go ahead and put the answer to the,question,so what i'm going to do is since there's,a lot of formatted and yellow text in,here i'm going to just click,on the view html and just get rid of all,this here just that way you can start,from,a blank template and then as far as,using the text editor,it's really no different than the text,editor within,the shopify page editing it's the same,thing you can come in here,edit the size of of the text you can,change your font,i would recommend choosing a font that,looks uh somewhat similar to the font,that you're using,within the store within your store and,then you can bold,and then add bullet points and things,like that so down here,we would just want to go ahead and,answer the question,so in this case i'm not going to go,ahead and type out full answers for each,one of these,um questions that i'm going to be,putting in because that'll make the,video too long,but i'll just put like you can,change your order by doing,this and then you can just come down,here once you put in the answer click,save,and then we can go ahead and click,publish and what you want to do is just,continue to repeat this process,for every single one of your,faq questions here so i could put in a,question,come over here get rid of the text,and then like in this case for example,where can i track my track my order,um you could go ahead and be like,something like,if you're shipping with like usps you,could be,go ahead and copy,your order,into the link here and then you could go,ahead and link,by highlighting the text and then,inserting a link,to the tracking page so if you have a,tracking page,on your site you can put that in here or,if you're shipping with like usps or uh,or ups or fedex or anything like that,then you can put the link to their,tracking page,right there so in this case i'm going to,just put an,example link in here,and then click save,and then that's going to publish and,then we just keep going down the line,and we go ahead and continue to add our,additional questions in and then add our,answers,and you can go ahead and just save that,in here and,we just keep on rinsing and repeating,until we have all of the,questions that we have filled out so in,this case,i'm gonna go ahead and stop here at four,because i think you get the point at,this point when it comes to adding these,in,and if you go ahead and use off all of,these you can like i said add,a new one and you can add unlimited ones,with the free plan here,so if i come up here to preview we can,take a look what this looks like so far,so you can see we have the frequently,asked questions section and then,we have all of our questions showing up,down here and then,a customer can come over here click on a,question and then,see the answer so this is where you'd,see the answers that you went ahead and,put in,so it's pretty simple and it looks a,little bit,better than just putting a faq page into,a basic shopify page because it makes it,look a little more,clean and professional but one thing,that i want to do,is i want to get rid of the search,function up here just because,uh if you only have five or six faqs,they're going to be able to see all of,them here regardless so they're not,really gonna need to search for,something when there's only five options,to see,so if we come back over here we're gonna,edit these settings right here,and i'm gonna show you a couple things,you can do within the settings,so the first thing that we can do here,is we can come down here and change,the main color if we want which is just,going to be like this black,or we can change the highlight color,which is this color right here,so in this case i would recommend,changing this color to like match the,color of the branding you're using with,your store,and then if we come down here,all i'm gonna do is i'm gonna uncheck,so show search bar and then click save,and then once this saves i'll go ahead,and go up here,and preview this again and we can see,that now,the search bar is gone and we just have,the faq page set up right here so at,this point,all we need to do is add this to our,navigation so the last thing we need to,do to go ahead and add,this to the menu is we just need to copy,this bit,of text right here so i'm going to ctrl,c to copy that and then if we click add,menu item,we can go ahead and then choose to add,it to the main menu or the footer,i'm going to add it to the main menu i'm,going to click add menu item,and i'm going to go ahead and name this,faqs,and then i'm going to go ahead and just,paste this link in,and then click add paste this link in,click this and then click add and then,what i'm going to do is i'm going to,save the menu,and then if i go over here to preview,the online store and we take a look at,the menu and i click on this page,we can see that the faq page is now up,and running,so this is an easy way that you can,create a neat looking faq page,uh using a free app now you can just go,ahead and use like the same template,right here and do the same thing,literally within,a page if you want so you could like,come into shopify pages,create a page and you could you know,come in here,give it like heading two,frequently asked questions,and then you could come in here with,like heading three,take one of these questions paste it in,and then,like place paste the answer here and,then you could rinse and repeat and,create it manually without the app so,you don't have to use the app i just,kind of like how the app looks with this,uh click open functionality but you can,create the same exact thing,um within just a shopify page itself,either way,so the most important thing is just to,have the faq page set up,so go ahead and use this template to uh,get ideas of where to start out with and,if you found this video helpful leave it,a thumbs up,subscribe to this channel and i'll see,you guys in the next one

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