how to add adobe font to shopify

How to install Adobe Fonts to Shopify (Dawn theme) now i will show you how to install an,adobe font

Code and Tonic

Updated on Jan 26,2023

How to install Adobe Fonts to Shopify (Dawn theme)

The above is a brief introduction to how to add adobe font to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add adobe font to shopify

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How to install Adobe Fonts to Shopify (Dawn theme)

now i will show you how to install an,adobe font to the dawn theme on shopify,so here is a nice font that i found,you will go to,and find your font,click on add to web project,click here on this little drop down,thing create a new project,i'm just going to call this my new shop,bifi store,cool you can click here and add all the,cuts you want might want to take don't,add unnecessary ones that might make it,slower to load,but for demonstration i'm just gonna,take all the cuts,click on create,now keep this tab open,click here to copy this,style sheet,into your clipboard next we'll head up,to our shopify store,and online,under online store and themes,we've got the current theme which is the,dawn,theme,under the actions drop down go to edit,code,now look for,theme dot liquid,open that,and we need to add it in inside this,head tag so you could add it just here,i'm gonna,find a little bit nicer place for it i,think below this would be pretty nice,before it starts adding these font font,things,okay so,added,the,adobe font style sheet the theme.liquid,inside head,tag uh,below this guy so for example line 41,should be nice,click on save,perfect then look for a css file,and under assets we we're going to go,with the base.css,something a little bit weird going on,i'm gonna refresh,okay base.css perfect so scroll all the,way down,a couple of extra lines,now you will need to add the css snippet,and it's in my blog post and i will add,it to,the shopify forums and wherever,so you want all of this,and just add this here to the base css,as the last thing,i'm actually gonna hit save so,i have my demo site which which is my,demo store for my kind of code snippet,which hides these variants but take a,look at this font this is now the,default font,so i'm gonna hit save,and,we're not gonna use the adobe font yet,but we should turn this into helvetica,so when i refresh this will turn into,helvetica,a slight difference but it's there this,is definitely the helvetica font perfect,so the css snippet is working,now let's go back to adobe fonts,and,we want this,kind of the,css,font name,so it's after the font family,going back to shopify and our css file,i'm just going to replace both of these,helveticas,as this,name kind of,the adobe font name,and when i hit save,again,now this helvetica is going to turn into,our lovely itc avant-garde gothic so,let's see,oh,that's pretty cool,looks very nice,okay i hope this was helpful,let me know if you need any help you can,also hire me one-on-one if you need just,a specialist to take care of this,shoot,a message let me know in the comments,how can i make the tutorial even better,uh also,here,this is the main text,font,and this is the heading text font so you,can of course and often you wanna have a,different font for each of these now,going through this,endless css file there are a lot of,places where those fonts are kind of,applied one thing that i wanted to make,a little bit custom just for information,is the announcement bar,so,the announcement bar by default is going,to use the heading font,so,in some cases if your main body font is,for example a sans serif type of font,and your heading is a,something more,kind of not not that basic you probably,want to switch those around and have the,announcement bar show,the,sans serif version even if it's the,the body font family cool thank you so,much for watching and again feel free to,get in touch if you need help with this,or you know your shopify in general

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