what percent of sales does shopify take

Why Your Shopify Store Isn't Making Sales (The Truth) what's going on guys today i'm going to,be div

Tan Choudhury

Updated on Feb 13,2023

Why Your Shopify Store Isn't Making Sales (The Truth)

The above is a brief introduction to what percent of sales does shopify take

Let's move on to the first section of what percent of sales does shopify take

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what percent of sales does shopify take catalogs

Why Your Shopify Store Isn't Making Sales (The Truth)

what's going on guys today i'm going to,be diving into the most common reasons,why beginners never make sales on their,shopify drop shipping stores,this is going to be a super valuable,video because i'm going to be uncovering,some mistakes that you probably didn't,know that you even had,and i'm going to be giving you some tips,and tricks to do this properly,so you don't waste time testing dead,products or shucking away money to,facebook ads,that aren't going to convert so with,that being said my name is tan,and i'm currently releasing the most,informative and transparent e-commerce,content,and if you do get some value please make,sure to hit that like button,and subscribe to the channel but with,that being said let's get into today's,video,all right so truth be told there's three,main pillars that make a successful,e-commerce business,the product the website and the,advertising,now in today's video i'm not only going,to be pointing out the most common,mistakes in these categories,but towards the end of the video i'm,also going to be reviewing some of your,guys's stores,live but the first mistake that i see,beginners make which is preventing them,from making sales on their shopify,stores,is the product they're choosing now for,some reason i see,so many beginners selling random,trinkets like the ones all pop on the,screen,and guys products like this just don't,sell what i look for in products is,either a wow factor,or it solves a massive problem a wow,factor product is a product you've might,never seen before and when you look at,it you kind of say,wow wow and problem solving products are,just like this posture corrector,that you put on and it takes strain away,from your back giving you better posture,and the reason we focus on products like,this is simple,we have a clear customer avatar and we,know who's going to purchase this,product,so for example if we're selling this,posture corrector,we know that the people who are,interested in this product are people,that have trouble with posture,and suffer from pain in their back and,neck so what we can do is we can cater,all the copy on our website to target,this customer,and solve their problem now the second,biggest reason i see beginners never,making sales on their shopify store,is their product description so most,beginners don't realize this but a,product description can be an,absolute game changer there's something,on your ecommerce website called a,conversion rate,which identifies how many customers out,of 100,purchase a product from you the industry,standard on shopify,is about 1.6 but one way to put into,perspective on how important this number,is,let's take for example you had a 2,conversion rate,on a 50 order value that means every 100,people that come to your website,you're gonna be generating a hundred,dollars but what if you could increase,that conversion rate by one percent,so you take that two percent conversion,rate and bring it to,three percent that means every hundred,customers that come to your website,you'll be making a hundred fifty dollars,which is a straight up fifty percent,increase from the conversion rate before,so without optimizing our product,description we're left with a bad,website that doesn't convert as highly,as it could,and the reason why we want to optimize,this as much as we can,so we can spend less money on facebook,ads and get,more results from this and that's why i,actually recommend beginners to spend,most of their time when they get started,on figuring out how to curate product,descriptions that sell,and this has a few different components,number one is gonna be the copy that,you're including in the product,description,the copy is essentially a fancy word for,the writing that you're putting in this,product description and it's important,that you're concise,you call out their problem and talk,about how your problem,solving it in the product description,and then something i've really seen take,product descriptions over the top,is adding gifts inside the product,description,these gifts help simplify concepts that,might be a little bit difficult to,understand,and you can put it in a two second gif,so the customer understands what's,happening,almost immediately now the next reason i,see beginners fail when they start drop,shipping,is they're using low-quality product,photos on their website,and they lack an overall theme to their,website the best ecommerce,industries in the market right now all,have a clear concise theme,that portrays their brand image,immediately when you view the website,so some ways that you can implement this,on your website,is by having a congruent color theme i,see tons of beginners using like three,or four colors on your website and you,can make this super simple,just find one color that properly,represents your brand,and have it be the color for everything,be all the button colors,the product colors everything so that,way when people come on their website,they're able to identify with their,brand rather quickly,and then if you're suffering from poor,product photos on your website,it's pretty simple to swap it out and,find better product photos,i see a lot of sellers get into,e-commerce and they're a little bit,lazy they go with the first aliexpress,link they use,use some mediocre photos and wonder why,their website isn't converting,so the product photos are actually the,first thing that they see,on your website so that's why it's so,important not to overlook this and put,some low quality images,because in the product photo section you,have a chance to represent your brand,and represent the product and get a lot,of information across,super simply so i'll pop on the screen a,bad example of product photos,and a good example of product photos and,you can see,clearly which website you would purchase,from you don't want to buy the website,who doesn't merchandise the product very,well,because at the end of the day all,consumers are very visual,and if we're able to understand this,then we're able to always put our best,foot forward,and we don't have to waste time and,money with,poor product photos so it's too simple,not to do this one guys,alright guys and the last mistake i'm,gonna be going over today,is probably one of the biggest achilles,heels that i see beginners make,and it's laziness i see so many,beginners get into this industry,and they want fast money they want fast,results,and they're not willing to put in the,workload in order to see the results,that it takes,so i'm gonna be honest if you guys,expect to launch up a store in maybe,a day or two's time without much,research or putting in,effort and passion then it's probably,honestly not worth trying,because in order to be successful with,your drop shipping stores,you guys are gonna have to make it,interesting you're gonna have to make,it yours and overall it's gonna take a,lot of effort to see the results you,want,so just stay patient make sure that,you're not rushing,into anything and trying to launch your,store too fast,what you should be focusing on is,learning the concepts within this,so you can rinse and repeat this process,because it's not about starting one,profitable store that makes you a few,hundred dollars,it's about turning this into a business,model that we're able to use for years,to come,all right guys so those are the biggest,mistakes that i see beginners make which,are preventing them from making sales,but what i think is going to be really,interesting is reviewing some of your,stores,live i posted on instagram yesterday,asked you to submit me your stores so,i have tons of stores i'm gonna go,through i'm gonna review them,and i'm gonna be giving them a rating on,three separate categories,number one the product they choose,number two their website,and number three their product,description alright guys,so this is the first product that we're,going to be reviewing it's called,,and overall when i get to this website i,kind of like the vibe that it's going,for but one thing i see over here,is the logo that they have looks just,like the standard shopify text that goes,in here,so you can create a logo super simply on,canva so there's no excuse for that so,i'm gonna be taking a point off for that,but if we come scroll down to this,website one thing that i notice,is it's not very clean to be honest this,is a general store,so i understand they need to have a lot,of products on here but i just,don't like how they have this pricing,set up and then when you scroll down it,takes you to this random,mic macro flash ring light so in my,opinion this just doesn't look that,clean,but overall we can't judge the website,100,until we view the product description on,most general stores they don't really,spend too much time on the product,description,so like you see guys this is a terrible,product description,i give this product description honestly,a one out of ten,zero effort they pretty much didn't do,anything like i feel bad for the guy who,made this but you're not gonna get sales,with the store like this so i get tons,of people dm'ing me like hey tan my,store's not making sales,and then they send me a store like this,i have so many videos on my channel that,you can learn how to do something better,than this,in a few minutes so i am gonna give them,one more chance i'm gonna look at,another product maybe that one they just,didn't add product descriptions,so let's check this wireless hair curler,okay so this one does have a product,description,you can see they have gifs in here which,i like,but overall the text in here isn't clean,it's not breaking down too well but,anyways i like how they have this purple,color scheme,but now it's time to rate this store i'm,gonna give this store a five on product,selection,because it seems like they have quite a,bit of decent products inside of here,but i don't like how they didn't really,niche down this store,i'm a big fan of doing niche stores or,even one product stores and i think this,lacked that congruency,that i was talking about earlier now the,website,i'm gonna give about a four i don't,think this website's too special,they have a good theme on their website,but it's not organized properly,and on a general store you need to make,sure it's organized amazingly because,when people come on your homepage,they're gonna be confused and if you,don't direct them to proper categories,then it's just not gonna work out too,well so a four on the website,and for the product description guys i'm,gonna have to give them a two,i'm not trying to be hard on them but,overall like i would never buy something,from this website,so with that being said let's hop on to,the second store,i'm hoping this one is a little bit,better i'll try not to choose a general,store,alright guys so this next website is,called shop flex,pro and right when i get on this website,i'm a little bit hesitant i don't know,if this is going to be the best website,but um the home page honestly home pages,don't need to be amazing so i'm not,going to judge them for that,but let's hit this buy now button and,let's see their actual,product page so it looks like they,kind of have a general gist on how to do,the product pages,and overall the product page is decent,but i think they could,organize this a little bit better use,more gifts,and better images inside here but,overall it's not a terrible product,description,so for the first rating on the product,that they chose is this gimbal,i'm gonna give them about a six here i,think it's an interesting product,but if we're gonna talk about their,website i have to give their website a,solid,four it's not special it's not something,i would buy from,and it doesn't look very branded or have,that congruency that i've been talking,about,now the last one is product description,and i think this gets a five,they obviously have the gist of how to,do this but it doesn't properly portray,what i think needs to,to have a successful and converting,website all right guys so this is going,to be the last store review i'm going to,do,this store is called pop spot and it,looks like this website,might be better i'm kind of hoping so,they're selling this,pup bottle and i've seen this product,all the time i honestly have this for my,dog,it's a really cool product so i'm going,to give them a high rating for that,but i can also see they have some,different pet products on here,so i like how they did pick a niche i,think it's important to niche down when,you're selling products,but overall let's check their product,description out,um it seems like they use some high,quality product photos so i like that i,like how they have this lifestyle,product photo inside here,this is really important to show people,using the product and in this case,show a dog using the product but overall,the product description i mean it looks,a little bit,childish i don't think this is a great,product description to be honest,so based off what i've seen so far i'm,gonna give them a rating on the product,of seven i'm gonna give them a rating on,their website,of probably a five in their product,description,i gotta give them a four so guys those,are gonna be all the website reviews,that i'm gonna do today,i hope these reviews were kind of,valuable so you could see in my eyes,what i think is a good website a good,product and if you guys want to see more,videos like this,where i do live reviews then let me know,down in the comments and i would love to,do this again,on a larger scale but thanks for,watching this video i hope you got some,value,peace out

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