what is the shopify partner program

Shopify Partner Program Overview hi everyone let's get to our topic of,the day and the first of our

Shopify Partner Program Overview

The above is a brief introduction to what is the shopify partner program

Let's move on to the first section of what is the shopify partner program

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Shopify Partner Program Overview

hi everyone let's get to our topic of,the day and the first of our webinar,series in this partner accelerator,program,today we will learn about the shopify,partner program,and i thank you once again for joining,us this session,i thought giving you a sense of the,scale of the shopify platform,would be a good starting point for our,discussion today,and what better than real numbers to,make a point but before we dive into,these numbers let's quickly understand,what is shopify shopify is the leading,global commerce company,providing plus the tools to start grow,market,and manage a retail business of any size,shopify makes commerce better for,everyone with a platform and services,that are engineered for reliability,while delivering a better shopping,experience for,consumers everywhere getting to the,numbers now,we have over 1.7 million merchants,across 175 countries,all these merchants are being supported,by partners like you,as you can see we've had over 30k,partners who've referred at least one,merchant in the last 12 months,and this data is from june 2020 and the,partner payouts in 2019 alone,was over 180 million dollars once we,dive into the details of the partner,program,you will see how you could earn via this,partnership,here is another slide with some more,recent numbers,what you see is from shopify's economic,impact report in 2020,the first two bullet points are partner,specific,and the numbers are huge our partners,generated 12.5 billion dollars in,revenue in 2020.,our partners collectively earn more than,four times the revenue of shopify in,2020,and we are very proud of that the other,numbers show the overall impact,i'll take a five second pause and let,you comprehend the scale of our impact,we've had in 2020 alone and what we,could,do together going forward,meet our merchants here are the faces of,some of our merchants from southeast,asia before we dive into the core agenda,of our session,they have trusted shopify to be the home,of their online business,and by doing so they make our partner,ecosystem a core part of their business,all these photos were clicked during,merchant photo shoots that we conducted,across the region to build some,inspiring content about their respective,entrepreneurial journeys,for example the merchant business on the,top right is run by a husband and a wife,they are based in ho chi minh city,vietnam,and sell traditional vietnamese attires,the other merchants mostly from the,philippines sell a wide variety of,products ranging from musical,instruments to food and beverages,by now after seeing some of those,numbers earlier and now our merchants,i hope you're excited to collaborate and,be part of the shopify ecosystem,soon great,now that you have a fair understanding,of shopify and a merchant community in,the region,uh let's look at how you could,contribute to the this story,and of course grow together we will,discuss the shopify partner program,today,the various types of partnerships how to,earn via each type of partnership,your opportunity in the region,navigating the partner dashboard,that we provide you once you sign up,share resources with you which we,recommend you,look at post the session before we moved,into the q a all right,meet our partners once again seeing is,believing,so meet our partners most of our,partners that you see on the slide are,from southeast asia,we conducted a photo shoot again to,capture their partner journeys and the,partners you see in,the four corners of the slide are from,singapore and vietnam,they offer a wide variety of services to,our merchants ranging from web,development web design,digital marketing to also building apps,for their businesses,i hope to see all of you join us on this,journey,what is the shopify partner program uh,in simple terms,the partner program is a business,partnership between shopify and,web app and team development agencies,content creators marketeers service,providers and other e-commerce related,companies,that allows them to earn revenue by,working closely with the shopify,platform,every business is different and has its,own priorities and we appreciate that,we want you to choose your area of,interest to engage with our merchants,and us on that note it is also important,to note,that our partnership is unified under,this partner program offering as you,grow and do more as a partner this,program is designed in a way to help you,get more recognition earn badges,participate in exclusive projects and,much more,for example if you aspire and are the,right fit to become a plus,partner the shopify partner program will,help you get there,there are these are the broad categories,of,of our partners uh firstly store,development,and i would assume based on the sign ups,most of you would fall under this,category,i believe again this is applicable for,freelancers and agencies in the web,development space,particularly you will help,refer and build stores for new bunches,on shopify or work with existing,merchants to make them successful,that's that's the objective for store,development partners,for referrals uh for every referral you,want a 20,monthly revenue share on the merchant,subscription fee for the lifetime of the,merchant,you will learn more about the various,subscription plans in our how to sell,shopify session,uh next week i quickly wanted to touch,upon the plus two referrals here,which is our enterprise plan commissions,paid out to non-plus partners is 10,while it is 20 for plus partners again,more on how to become a plus partner,later this week,in our next session app developers,if you want to build plugins we call,them apps,for our app store that solves for so,many use cases,please feel free the revenue share is 80,20,with 80 going to our app partners,the billing integration can be done in a,variety of ways details again will be,covered in how to build on shopify,session,uh theme there are two options first is,a 70,revenue share model for our partners,where the partner is responsible for bug,fixes,answering support questions with this,option the theme can also be sold on,personal channels,like company websites for option 2 it is,a 50,revenue share model while support will,be provided by shopify and the theme,cannot be sold through other channels,again details of,theming will be covered in the how to,build build on shopify session,affiliates uh this is mostly for,bloggers and influencers who can create,content and use the referral link we,provide to retro merchants to shopify,the revenue share here is a 200 bounty,payout which is uh paid out in two,installments for example,if a merchant signs up on our basic plan,at twenty nine dollars a month,the affiliate partner will get paid,fifty eight dollars uh,paid out in two months provided the,merchant has been a paying customer for,both months,we then have strategic partners like,payment and shipping partners,these partnerships are tailor-made based,on the one-on-one alignment we have,with the broader common goals please,remember that you can choose to fit into,one,or more types of partnerships that we,have discussed so far,you are also not restricted by geography,and you can choose to refer to work,you can choose to refer or work with,merchants,from across the globe,opportunity for partners now based on,what we,or you've learned so far let's dive into,the opportunity ahead for us,together uh the first line item,highlights the feedback we've received,from,merchants highlighting their key asks,from shopify to be able to grow,as you can see all of these require the,help of partners like you,and merchants in south east asia prefer,working with local partners,approximately 70 percent of the work,that our partners from this region do,are with local merchants and our tens of,thousands of merchants in the region,right now have access to,very limited existing partner network,with e-commerce as a vertical experience,experiencing exponential growth i,believe,it is a good time for you to consider,this partnership,and do more with shopify,if you are able to represent quality,merchants within the first three months,of getting started,we have a few interesting core marketing,initiatives in mind so go for it,and as you can see we have a roadmap for,you to grow successfully with us as our,partner,with dedicated partner management and,plus partner management for our high,value partners,all of this is under one unified program,like i mentioned earlier,let me give you some more flavor into,growth opportunities that our,partner program has to offer,so with growth comes complexity your,to-do list grows with an ever-increasing,number of product launches,website updates stockouts and more,as you help more and more merchants,become successful we help you get listed,in our experts directory,which could potentially become a lead,source for you,and as you grow more and you deal with,high volume merchants on shopify plus,you will have the opportunity to become,a plus partner that will let you work,more closely with our enterprise sales,team among others,let's conclude uh the opportunity aspect,of our discussion by,so uh by showcasing,a couple of slides highlighting some of,the initiatives that we have run closely,with partners,here is an example of the creators,market in malaysia where we let our,agency partners and a few strategic,partners like paypal and dhl,create a platform for shopify merchants,in malaysia,to showcase and sell their products via,pop-up stores in the concourse area of a,shopping mall,i was there in person as you might,notice in some of the pictures,and i had an absolute blast seeing our,merchants and partners in action was a,humbling experience to say the least,here are some conference style events,some of them were seminars most of them,were shopify meetups as we call it,and all the pictures you see here are,from across the region,some from jakarta in indonesia a few,from vietnam where we hosted events,across hanoi ho chi minh,and then i would have loved to share,more pictures because there is so much,more to share,especially from events that we've hosted,in other parts of malaysia like penang,and so many meetups in manila in the,philippines,but i'll save that for some other time,maybe when you register for your,one-on-one office hours next week we,could touch upon more of these real,stories,okay everything starts here before we,get started with the partner dashboard,if you haven't signed up as a shopify,partner yet,it is very simple simply go to the url,highlighted on this slide and key in,your basic details,we then ask you a few details about your,business and your intent,after you fill out those details those,fields,please read and agree to the partner,program agreement then click on view,your dashboard and you're all set,this is another slide explaining the,same process that i just spoke about,let's discuss navigating the pattern,dashboard,before we dive into the finer details,let's look at the key utilities of the,dashboard,so you can track all the stores that,you're working on either record,or as a collaborator you can build apps,from the dashboard,you will be able to keep a tab on your,payouts as well as manage your teams,access levels when you assign them to,work on merchant stores from the partner,account in short your partner dashboard,is where you will complete,most of your activity with shopify we,will walk you through the navigation,menu on the left to go over the,key areas and important aspects of the,dashboard,right onto the first ad stores,this is where you will be able to add,new stores by clicking the add store,top right of figure one and selecting,among these two options,both of which you can see in figure 2,development store,for all new stores you create or manage,store in case your customer has already,created a shopify store but needs,additional help with their design,or management when you no longer want to,work on a development store,you can archive it so that it is removed,from the stores page in your partner,dashboard,after you archive store you can,unarchive it later if you want to,continue working on it,and when you click on view store,performance,top left of figure one you will be,directed to the performance dashboard of,your stores,uh it will let you view and track the,speed of uh the speed score,and ranking of your client store you,could also get started with performance,education and tools,to see how you can improve store speed,just to throw some more light onto this,here is an example of adding a,development store,as a shop shopify partner you can create,unlimited number of development stores,uh development store is a free shopify,account that comes with a few,limitations,you can use a development store to test,any themes or apps that you create,or to set up a shopify account for a,client setting up a development store,and transferring it to a client gives,you a recurring commission,coming to manage stores this is uh this,will give you access to your clients,store directly through your own partner,dashboard uh collaborator accounts give,you access to,only the sections,of of a store that your clients want you,to see so you do not,uh so so we don't count this uh,as part of the store's stuff limit any,stores that you have access to by using,a collaborator account,are labeled as many stores in your,partner dashboard,referrals once you start creating,shopify stores for your clients,uh they will show up in this section,with information on the status,shopify plan type of referral and also,the detailed revenue amounts for,each of the clients that you have,referred to shopify in my case,i'm already approved as an affiliate for,this example,in your case you will see an option to,apply to become an affiliate,i would like to point out that you can,submit a plus merchant referral from the,top right corner of figure one,more details about the lead submission,process and the revenue share for plus,referrals in the following session,perhaps if you are a developer,you could create an app click create app,in the section as seen on figure one and,then follow the instructions provided to,you,you will be able to see this box where,you will need to add the information,required by our apps team,to get your app listed on the app store,the introduction to shopify apps,section will throw more light on the,types of apps you could build the apis,available,and the app review process as an app,developer,you can create search ads to,help merchants discover your apps in the,shopify app store,ads are shown to merchants on the search,results page above the organic,results again more on this in the,subsequent sessions,payouts um as a shopify partner,you earn money based on your,contribution to the shopify ecosystem,uh you know that's again based on your,activities with uh,shopify and the partner program that you,join,so shopify might charge you taxes on,its fees or pay out taxes um,on your referral commissions in certain,cases these taxes,vary based on your location the type of,partner activity and also the tax,information you provide in the partner,account settings,you might be responsible for limiting,these taxes to the appropriate,government authority,payers are divided by activity type,sales payouts,contain payout details of app sales,theme sales,and service sales referral payouts,contain payout details of development,store referrals,shopify referrals and affiliate,referrals,you can track all of it from this,section,you can download invoices for uh the,fees charged or commissions paid,in a specific payout period uh,fee and commission invoices are,generated when a payout is processed,these payouts are sent to the paypal,account link to your partner account,uh in case paypal is not available in,the country that you operate out of we,can also do a manual bank transfer when,the amount,uh is the when the uh amanda was more,than a thousand us dollars,if you have more questions on this uh,let's take those during our q a,uh the getting started section gives you,actionable,uh next steps and dynamic you know,resource recommendations,tailored to your unique journey and,actions taken,so we also have the partner academy,section which is a series of fundamental,courses that covers 11 topics related to,shopify's product,and business best practices uh complete,with two exams to test your knowledge,and,earn industry certifications uh some,of these courses course links will be,part of the homework that we would,recommend you to complete,before you attend the next session um,and then we have the partner town hall,section uh please refer,refer to it to get a sense of our,community it is a place where shopify,partners and developers get the latest,platform news,learn from each other's triumphs and,failures and ultimately,thrive together,the support section reiterates some of,the most important resources,listed in the documentation section such,as partner community forums and blog,or if you'd like to speak to one of our,support team members the options to,contact them,are listed on the right side email,support is available in english while,phone and live chat,are available 24 hours a day seven days,a week in english and a few other,languages,the team tab you can choose which,information,or what information each of your team,members can access on the team page in,your partner dashboard,these are there are two different types,of team member accounts owners,first have permission to see and do,everything they can also add and remove,other owners or change the status of an,existing staff,member account to an owner account our,staff members can only see or manage,sensitive business information such as,financial data,if you give them access you can also,grant staff members access to a subset,of the stores connected to your partner,organization,finally the settings section allows you,to add,uh or to edit your agency's information,this is also where you,you can update your paypal account,information,before we move to our qna session i,wanted to reiterate the purpose of our,partnership,2020 has certainly been a year full of,change,2021 doesn't seem to be much different,either,as we all work to support our merchants,during this uncertain time,staying on top of what's possible on the,shopify platform is more important than,ever before,i strongly believe it is an opportunity,for us to come together,align on our mission and share our,vision for the future,of commerce for my freelancer friends on,the call today,start by helping out your neighborhood,stores by getting them online,and making those businesses anti-fresher,for my agency friends,you already know how to reach out to,smbs msmes enterprises,now is the time for you to leverage,shopify to implement some if not all of,your ecommerce projects,in short let's go and support our,business communities together,as for the next steps if you haven't,signed up for our partner program yet,please do so by going to the link,highlighted,we will also email you the same along,with a few links from the partner,academy which we expect you to complete,by the end of this week it will make the,upcoming sessions more meaningful,for you with that,and on behalf of shopify welcome to the,partner program once again,i sincerely thank you for your time with,us today and i hope,you become an active member of our,ecosystem at the earliest,let's move to the q a session now ah,thank you

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