what is the perfect dimensions for shopify narrative slide

Shopify Narrative Theme Product page Image Size too Large | Problem Solved hello and welcome to thi

Jahin Shahriar

Updated on Mar 05,2023

Shopify Narrative Theme Product page Image Size too Large | Problem Solved

The above is a brief introduction to what is the perfect dimensions for shopify narrative slide

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what is the perfect dimensions for shopify narrative slide catalogs

Shopify Narrative Theme Product page Image Size too Large | Problem Solved

hello and welcome to this video,in this video we will solve the issue,related to narrative theme,so if you are using narrative theme this,is a very,nice and popular theme in shopify and,also free to use,but one issue in it could be showed is,that your product image,in your product pages is too large and,if you want to,decrease the size you won't find any,option in the,theme editor so how we can decrease,the size of this product image to less,or something smaller if you wish so in,this video i will show that,and if there's something interesting,keep watching the video and if that,helps smash the like button and,subscribe to the channel,and also let me know in the comment as,well so,to do the task or to small the image,size of your product images,you will need a piece of code so where,you will find the code i will leave the,a blog link in the description just go,to this,that link and just scroll down you will,find,here that add these codes in theme.css,file,so what you need to do just copy those,from top to bottom okay,just click on copy then go to your,online store and then click on themes,and after themes as you can see there is,a narrative theme i have already,installed okay,so click on action click on edit code,so after clicking on the edit code what,you will see,that,okay so now what we need to do is just,to find the theme.css file so to,find the theme.css file you need to go,to the assets folder,and then click on team dot scss the,team.css and theme,dot scss means same so in that case it,could be dot css or dot scss click on it,and then scroll down to the bottom of,this page,and then click on enter and then press,those codes that i have provided,from this link okay then click on save,okay then click on save and then i will,explain what this code,means okay then now you can see this how,the product image looks right now so i,will just refresh it,and straight away you can see it becomes,a small how,it becomes small from this piece of code,so here you will find two code one is,this one which call max with hundred,pixel,and a bottom one called max with 320,pixel this is for,all devices and this one which has max,with 767,is only for mobile okay so in that case,if i wish to make it large for desktop,version i will make it 400 pixel,any below that you want to give it,okay then i will now again refresh it,you will see that it become it will,become larger,okay so it becomes large once again so,now you can see it is looking,good but in mobile you could want to,give it,a separate value okay you could you want,to give it a separate value,like if you want to give it 100 pixel in,muba in desktop,i have 400 pieces in desktop you could,want to could give it a,200 pixel in mobile because in,in desktop larger pixel could look,better but,in mobile it could not be so to only,change for the mobile version you should,change those values,the underneath values of these okay so,in that case it is 400 pixel in desktop,and 320 pixel in mobile so if i want to,reduce it to a 250 i could just easily,do that,okay so these values is just as you wish,you can change those as you wish so then,click on save again,and refresh once again,so you will see that dextro has not,changed anything but in mobile it will,be 250 pixels so you can see it is now,much less than what we see before okay,so this how you can do that,and also you can see that we have effect,in that,logo size for the mobile as well so i,have a two separate video for that,how to control the logo size of,narrative theme for desktop and mobile,for both version you can find those,video in my channel as well and i'll,leave those in the card so this how we,can,control the product size of the images,of a narrative theme so i hope that,helps if that helps please smash the,like button and subscribe to the channel,let me know in the comment,thank you very much for watching the,video

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