how do i purchase slingly for shopify

Slingly Pro Advanced Review Demo Bonus - Ecom Full Automation for Shopify, Etsy, Amazon, WooCommerce

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Updated on Mar 03,2023

Slingly Pro Advanced Review Demo Bonus - Ecom Full Automation for Shopify, Etsy, Amazon, WooCommerce

The above is a brief introduction to how do i purchase slingly for shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how do i purchase slingly for shopify

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Slingly Pro Advanced Review Demo Bonus - Ecom Full Automation for Shopify, Etsy, Amazon, WooCommerce

hey what's up guys my name is Ricky,mateka I am the founder and owner of, I have put several years of,my life and my team into slingly and its,automation platform we started off as a,simple cataloging system and helping,people manage their Ecommerce stores on,Shopify it has grown into a print on the,man Evolution with over 32 different,products that you can print on shipped,and deliver to your customer hands-free,we have Integrations such as Amazon,Shopify,Etsy and plenty more cards and more in,the workings we have Advanced Training,in our Academy from industry experts,have produced seven figures and a Beyond,on these platforms selling e-commerce,via Facebook and other traffic channels,the deal that I got on this page is,exclusive you're not going to find this,anywhere else you can go to,and get a regular deal but if you want,something Ultra special then pay,attention to this short message that I,have was built with you in,mind I have helped thousands of people,live the life they deserve and get out,of their nine to five jobs and join a,Shopify Amazon and Etsy Revolution just,like our girl Jennifer did 123 thousand,dollars just using Etsy and the platform,we have groups we have coaches we have,everything that you need to be,successful now slightly is not just a,make money online opportunity slingly is,a cataloging management tool you could,stock your own print on the man,inventory we have over 32 products that,you can print on from t-shirts to tank,tops to flip-flops the sneakers to,jewelry to Canvas art and much much more,I am proud to say that I have put over,1.8 million dollars into the platform,with daily development for every single,day we take pride in our software and we,take pride in helping people succeed in,the e-commerce business we make it,really easy for you to get started in,less than 24 to 48 hours we show you how,to put your Shopify theme together we,show you how to sell on Amazon we show,you how to sell on Etsy we give you the,training you need as well as the tools,the resources that you need to get going,right away so what I'm going to do right,now is I'm going to step off the camera,and I'm going to go into slingly and I'm,going to show you with slingly Pro,account come with me right now all right,guys so let me show you the inside of a,slingly pro account and how this is,going to save you a lot of time and,money in the automation of your,e-commerce business across multiple,platforms so I'm going to show you the,premium product catalog this catalog has,over 18,000 designs ready for you to sell within,one click of the button we have mugs we,have hoodies we got crew neck fleeces we,got front and back designs we have so,many different niches from Christian,through guns to get married okay,Christmas Halloween pets and so much,more all you need to do is Click one,button to upload to your store but,before I show you that let me show you,something like more products okay when,you click that if we uploaded more,products for you you will see that these,are all professionally designed that you,can upload right to your store of choice,the way that it works is you click a,button like add the store and it's gonna,pop up a box and then you'll be able to,select where you're gonna add you can,add from Shopify Groove card,Etsy and Amazon at the current time in,this video and we're adding more,platforms it's really really simple the,base course is right here for you to,sell and your price so if you want to,sell this and we show you in our,training how you can sell t-shirts up to,29.95 and make 16 for sale and all you,gotta do is Click one button so I have,my Shopify store loaded okay I'm gonna,load my demo store I'm gonna select,whatever uh you know collection that I,want to put it in and then you can,select the variation now this variation,is a black unisex shirt but you can have,different colors you can have gray you,can have red you could have maroon you,could have so many different colors as,long as we support them and this is all,auto fulfilled you do not have to touch,a product at all we make deals with,specific vendors across the US that,print and ship the unisex shirts the,mugs the hoodies and any products that,we support inside of slingly and all you,click this one button and right now it's,offloading everything to your store in,one click so I'm gonna look at look at,this as an admin to show you what it,looks like okay and you can see how,you'll be able to just get selling in,literally one minute so this is if you,just wanted to sell this unisex shirt,you can see all the sizes and your,pricing and everything is done for you,okay let's let's look at what it looks,like all right on the shop itself so we,even give you a way to get our theme and,this beam converts as well so check this,out we have our magnifying glass we have,our pricing right here we have our,Styles we have our color and we have the,sizes that we support and this is where,you're gonna drive the traffic to from,Facebook and I'm gonna show you,something real exciting about that in,just a few moments so let's go back to,our print catalog and let me show you,some other amazing things you could do,with slingly we made deals with jewelry,manufacturers and as you can see if you,click this one button you have,variations that you can sell and the,pendants look gorgeous this is all print,on demand you can upload your own,designs we give you templates that you,can upload right in the slingly and sell,hot you can sell dog tags you can sell,bracelets and much more and the same,accessibility click one button and then,you can add it to your store if I click,assets right now not only does slingly,give you mock-up images you can use for,your advertising we also give you other,images that look gorgeous and just sell,on Facebook Instagram Pinterest and much,more it has the same power as the,catalog where you can literally come,click one button and upload it right to,your store now let me show you something,cool about it had over,2.1 billion views in literally one month,and what that means for you is you can,use sling to upload directly to Amazon,so let's come over here back to,the cafe I want to upload this mug okay,I could just click this one button right,here and what it's going to do is an,issue where you want to upload to now,I'm going to upload it right to Amazon,okay so all I have to do right here is,just like the category leave everything,alone change my price and then all you,need to do is select the UPC put the,code in and we're going to show you in,the training how you get unlimited upcs,as well as be exempt so you do not have,to worry about a UBC at all and this is,a setting inside of slingly now mind you,I can't show you it live because Amazon,has a 24 hour delay turnaround on the,stores so I'm going to show you what we,already did so let's go to our manage,inventory and you can see that we have a,ton of Mugs Up on Amazon already all the,pricing is done all the shipping is done,and this is auto fulfilled I mean you,can go nuts here you can upload mugs you,can upload uh t-shirts you up Club,sweaters and much much more ride to,Amazon and we show you how to do that,and the training what does it look like,it looks like this okay and then all you,have to do is come in and description we,show you how to do that type of stuff,but it's done for you ready to sell,right on Amazon so ain't that amazing I,showed you how to one click these,products up to Shopify okay be ready to,sell I showed you how to use it on,Amazon and be ready to sell well I'm,gonna go to our next platform of choice,called Etsy now Etsy has about 220,million premium buyers that hit their,site a month so between Shopify Amazon,and Etsy you're truly getting the power,of e-commerce on autopilot because,slingly allows you to upload right to,Etsy so I'm going to click this one,button and I'm gonna change and,basically sell this on Etsy so I have my,Etsy stores I have my shop name I have,my mug ready to go I'm gonna click this,one button and upload live now the,difference with Etsy you can do this in,real time Amazon you can upload them,we're gonna give you a success,notification but you're not going to see,it in your managed inventory for at,least 24 hours so just buying that now I,can view it in my admin click that and,what you're going to see,is it's ready over here and I'm gonna,view this on Etsy check this out it's,live and ready to be sold your title,your prices your description and stuff,your shipping is done for you and these,are some other products that I uploaded,on various videos it's so gorgeous what,you can do across all the now I'm not,gonna stop there because I'm gonna go,back to my slingly catalog and I'm gonna,show you some more amazing things we,have a premium print catalog which you,can do the same things for can we,support backpacks tote bags socks,flip-flops a front panel backpacks kids,boots kids high tops kids low tops,leather tote bags man canvas booms and,more and we designed this in various,buying niches that you can use slingly,and press one button upload these,premium products right to your store,they look gorgeous and in slingly you,must know that we keep on adding designs,every single month that that you could,use and sell same exact thing you click,one button,you select where you want it to go you,select which shop you wanted to go on,okay you select with variation you set,your price and you click that one button,and the store bada bing bada boom you're,ready to sell in a few clicks now let's,view that product really fast and just,to take a quick peek what it looks like,all done few pricing everything all,styles add the cut this is where you're,gonna drive your customers to the,purchase this sort of product now,slingly gets even more amazing as you go,through the system you see we're gonna,allow you to have your own print on the,man catalog so what does that mean you,have an Administration panel where you,can make your own designs across various,different items so this is your own,unique catalog that no one has access to,all you need to do is press create new,product and what you're going to do is,come here and you select what kind of,product you want to create do you want,to create a mug do you want to create a,backpack do you want to create a bib for,a baby do you want to create canvas odds,do you want to create jewelry do you,want to create flip-flops and much much,more so all you come over here you,select the product type I'm going to,select for this demo just a unisex shirt,okay you can do front design back,designs pocket designs and more but all,you have to do is upload your image okay,so you're going to come over here choose,your file okay I'm going to select my,file here,it's going to upload as a unisex shirt,okay and get it ready for you to sell so,look at this you could have multiple,different calls say I want to make this,gray say I want to make this charcoal,say I want to make this red okay slingy,is very smart you can add other products,along with it you can add long sleeves,hoodies tank tops zipper hoodies because,this is what we call an apparel products,all you have to do is literally just,come over here add the product type or,you can remove it up to you you can we,make your own ad images as well we make,beautiful ads that you can sell right,with on Facebook or you can add your own,images as a management system for,yourself all your variations are right,here you can edit you can upload your,own designer images if you use a service,say like place it or something like that,you can set your prices for all the,different variations if you want to go,that deep but I suggest you just leave,it alone and you press the create button,oh I forgot I gotta enter my product,title so I'm gonna put this as a demo,okay just for quick purposes uh Niche uh,beard all right I'm gonna put demo Ricky,so I know how to find it later and then,you just leave this alone this is tested,we sell Many Many Items just with this,exact copy here don't press anything,else press create the product and right,now what we're doing is we're making you,a unisex shirt in those colors okay that,you can upload to your various platforms,and get ready to sell with your own,images that you uploaded it's so easy,remember you can do this with mugs you,could do this with a t-shirts you can do,this with ladies crew neck fleeces and,and tank tops and much much more so,while that's going I'm going to show you,some more powerful stuff in slingly,remember I told you I'm gonna show you,some awesome stuff about Facebook we,have advanced targeting that you can,copy and paste in the Facebook and we,have tested this in our train you will,see that we spent hundreds of thousands,of dollars across multiple different,niches testing different audiences that,buy our print on demand items we got,stuff like bow hunting box of dogs cats,okay dog chihuahuas CrossFit medical,emergency uh Services technicians,firefighters fishing so much more you,literally just click this button copy,and paste this targeting right into,Facebook and then just Target these,people we have already tested this,audience and as we continue to grow,slingly we add more and more and more,and more in here for you to use now that,product has just been created so we're,gonna come over here and we're going to,view that product sometimes it takes a,little bit longer depending on how many,colors you select how many different,items you want to create at the same,time and as you can see these colors,were selected here is your shirt here is,your 32 variations so I'm gonna go back,I'm gonna go back to the catalog admin,okay where you're gonna go see this,shirt now this shirt over here is ready,ready to go so in your print catalog you,have your uh print catalog okay so we,have a sling lead catalog which I showed,you but this is your personal print,catalog I need to hear these are all,your designs that you can sell if I,wanted to click uh one button over here,I can upload to this to the store I can,upload this to Amazon I can upload this,to Etsy let's just do Etsy okay and I'm,just gonna pray upload live okay you can,do whatever you want here but you also,have the assets everything has been,created for you your shirt okay your,colors your variations and more so I'm,going to view the product anyway but I'm,also going to come over here and view,the asset so let's look at what we got,and what we made for you look we made,this shirt then we made every color for,you we made your ad images so you're,also ready to sell okay and people can,choose their colors all right so if I go,back over here to Etsy look it's ready,to go ready to cell all done for you and,I'm doing this live okay on this video,to show you the power of slingly now,let's say you do not have a designer and,you want to make your own prize and,slingly well guess what I'm gonna allow,you as a pro user to use our designs and,make as many products as you want so you,look over here this is the product that,we just uploaded to Etsy well check this,out say I want to take this product over,here or any of these products and I want,to make a new product with it so all I,have to do is click this one button,create product and what slingly is going,to do is going to load it for you right,here and then you can select whatever,product you want to put it on now I,suggest that if you make a black unisex,shirt the next step is you want to make,a black mug so you click that right,there you leave it all alone it's all,ready to go all you gotta do is press,the create product and slingly it's,going to turn that unisex t-shirt into a,black black mug that you can sell and,upload to various platforms alright so,that's done I'm going to click View and,edit the product,and you can see we took that T-shirt and,turned it into a beautiful mug with your,mock-ups right here everything ready to,go so look if I go to our personal pod,catalog it's right here ready for us to,sell okay now I'm gonna come down and,I'm gonna look at some other cool things,I want to show you another platform that,you can upload to it's called Groove,card you click this one button okay and,say I want to upload this right to,groove card I click my groove cut stores,I select what shop I want to put it on I,literally set my prices and I click add,the store now what this is doing is the,same as it's doing for Shopify Amazon,and Etsy in one click it's uploading,right to groovecon if you do not know,what groovecon is is an advanced,shopping cart just like Shopify with a,lot of features too many for me to go,over in the sake of time for this video,but it allows you to get into e-commerce,really fast as well and inside slingly,we're gonna give you a way to get a free,trials Groove card if you wish look why,I was explaining that it's now done,ready to go inside a Groove card you,click this one little button as a little,security check and then it takes you,right to the product Administration tool,where you can edit everything you can,edit uh variations you can edit images,you can edit everything it's all done,ready for you to go all the sizes look,at that beautifully done inside of,GrooVe quad now like I said I'm not,going to go through everything in Groove,card you can get more information on,Groove caught inside of slingly buy now,you're probably wondering what else,could Ricky put in slingly to make us,more money I made a deal with a company,called Silk Road and what it allows you,to do is basically replace AliExpress,with three to five day shipping from,China you got Tech products pet products,MINI USA Brands you can sell and it's so,easy to use okay these are tested,products that sell like hotcakes and all,you need to do is Click click one button,added to your import list and then on,the top you will see you have your,import list right here okay you could,change your descriptions which are all,done for you you can change the,variations which is all done for you,okay you could change the images and,then all you got to do is Click import,the store now caveat Silk Road at the,current time of this video only pushes,out the Shopify I am working with them,to see how we can get other platforms,integrated as well very very simple to,use Easy and then you can do this for as,many products as you like and the Silk,Road is something that comes with,slangly because when you're in slingly,I'm gonna give you a place where you can,sign up for free,now this is only to Pro users and this,is what you're gonna get if you get it,now all right so I'm gonna bring you in,the sniffly right here really allows you,to get trending content okay around the,web as well as do your research okay we,support things it's t-shirts spies some,frogs best sellers Teespring Trends eBay,spies hot AliExpress AliExpress spies,with nello spies okay FB Tools YouTube,Pinterest you have a favorite section,and I'll just show you how that kind of,works all right so if you're in t-shirt,research and you can save favorites,you'll see that we support all these,different things you can go find okay,different designs that you can give to a,designer have them recreate them have,them make them even better okay you can,search for your hearts contempt over,here go through all this see images more,get gift ideas t-shirts hoodies okay,t-shirt designs it's really really cool,I mean honestly you could spend probably,a good hour here finding good designs to,give it to a designer and then and,testing it out uploading it the slingly,and getting it done other parts is where,we have on eBay you can come over here,see the watch counts you can see okay,how many hours like what the prices is,so I want to click the dogs okay it's,gonna pull up everything on um eBay that,has to do with dogs and you can see uh,you know how many people are watching it,right now how hot the product is how,many people are buying this type of,stuff go you know get it off of eBay,whatever all right then you got okay,AliExpress Hot Products so we have,AliExpress tools which tells you these,are the hottest products on AliExpress,that is selling right now right from,AliExpress okay so you're going to want,to investigate these see what it is get,the ratings all the other stuff all,right and let me tell you something we,are integrating this stuff into slingly,now this was a separate platform that we,used to sell this is now going to be all,moved into slingly so you now have to,worry about having two platforms and say,I want to like look on Facebook okay for,Dropship products I want to look up you,know for dogs okay all I do is you know,type that while all and this you know,saying maybe you know this week whatever,like that but I search post and see what,we can find,okay and we can see different items over,here that people are selling for dogs,and we can you know Analyze This see,with the likes comments shares and find,Hot Products this way and you can,literally do this over and over you can,come into any different Niche you can,pick all these different options you,could do all like recent live Pages shed,more okay we even got stuff like hot spy,tools for like YouTube all right so you,can come over here see the hottest,videos on on YouTube okay that can give,you Trend ideas and a bunch of other,stuff if you want to like you know type,something like Pit Bulls that you're,going into a niche all right what's,gonna do it's gonna play with all the,pit bull uh videos and sometimes it'll,get songs and stuff like that but over,here look this is a pitbull video 3 39,million views 204 000 likes you can,download this video run it on your fan,page get the same kind of traction build,your audiences up and you can do this,over and over and over now that's pretty,amazing Ricky but how do I know how to,do this well I'm glad you asked because,as a slingly pro don't use it you're,going to get our e-learning portal mix,with everything you could possibly need,in an academy type of fashion because,you would start with slowly Academy and,you will go in there and understand how,to use sling lead get our bonuses and,resources and get familiar with the,program and then we're going to give you,our boot camps ready to go and get you,selling as fast as possible so say we go,into slingly Academy,we're looking to be in there and you're,going to understand everything about,slingly you're going to look at the,knowledge base how to contact support,how to plug your stores in how to manage,your wallet system product sourcing and,all that great stuff and then we're,going to want you to go through our get,you going boot camp which is setting up,your stuff your environments making,stuff sell running your ads managing the,day-to-day operations and a recap of,everything resource links and bonus,material now also as a slingly Pro,customer I said you're going to get our,boot camps we have sold these boot camps,for hundreds and hundreds of dollars and,you're going to get them as a slingly,pro member so you'll have our get you,advanced boot camp which is going to,show you how to work with suppliers talk,to physical product vendors get the best,prices product calculation tools and,much much more then we're gonna dive,even deeper and give you a Black Friday,boot camps and a custom product formula,boot camps where we taught how to,dominate e-commerce in these time frames,and with our custom product formula,bootcamp show you how to never ever run,out of products that you could promote,on Shopify and many different platforms,and if you thought that wasn't good,enough we're also going to give you our,social media domination boot camp which,shows you the ins and outs of reverse,engineering finding your competition,growing on different print on demand,sites finding uh literally any kind of,design that you can repurpose we go so,deep and you're gonna also get our,Marketplace profits primer which is,going to get you started on Etsy and,show you how to dominate that as well,see slingly is truly automation at its,best and I've dedicated the past four,years of my life with my team building,out such an amazing platform that's,going to help so many people and we want,you to be involved all right let me get,back on camera and I'll talk to you,there all right guys ain't that amazing,with slingly you can literally Press,buttons and be selling within minutes,and our Advanced Pro training will show,you how to get selling how to do it,properly in today's markets of,e-commerce so on this page I got a,special offer for you you're not gonna,find this anywhere else I am giving you,a discount on our pricing models and I,am giving you every tool that we have,you're going to get over 18,000 print on demand designs that you can,sell right now product creation tools,where you could sell your own print on,demand designs you're going to get all,the platforms all future upgrades all,our slingly Academy and course training,from Etsy to creating your own products,so I'll get you Advanced to get you,going boot camp to show you how to sell,more products you're gonna get,everything on this page I've made deals,with not only vendors that ship and,print International but I've made deals,with Drop Shipping experts that are,allowing me to get you access to their,platforms as well see slingly is not,just an automation tool it's a full,e-learning e-commerce portal where you,could take your time and you can go in,and get top-notch information and then,use and apply it with Automation in,place see I learned back in the day that,I needed to automate my business and,that is what made me wildly successful,in making a lot of money online is,because when I was doing things manual,there was a lot of mistakes designers,would give me the wrong images okay I,would literally have wrong Facebook ads,to deploy I'd have to wait time for the,designers to get me back we didn't have,the right catalog management we didn't,know our inventory we didn't have,one-click uploads to multiple different,platforms we had to manually go up there,and list the product put all the,variations we had to hook it up into the,Fulfillment it was a complete nightmare,but this is what we did and slingly came,out of true business need I need need to,automate this so I can automate my print,on demand business and I can get people,working for me and you can do the same,we'll show you how to build a team of,virtual assistants designers and,developers that you could use within,slingly and you could be the guy that's,sitting there and collecting while,running a team of expert e-commerce,individuals that you're going to train,see we got this all in slingly and on,this page you can get a special deal,that's not available anywhere else with,everything listed right below me so take,your time go through everything on this,page and make the decision because this,is not going to be here forever once the,timer on this page expires this deal,goes away so thanks for watching this,short video I hope you see the power of,slingly and his Automation and I look,forward to seeing you on our trainings,foreign,guys so let me show you the inside of a,slingly pro account and how this is,going to save you a lot of time and,money in the automation of your,e-commerce business across multiple,platforms so I'm going to show you the,premium product catalog this catalog has,over 18,000 designs ready for you to sell within,one click of the button we have mugs we,have hoodies we got crew neck fleeces we,got front and back designs we have so,many different niches from Christian,through guns to getting married okay,Christmas Halloween pets and so much,more all you need to do is Click one,button to upload to your store but,before I show you that let me show you,something like more products okay when,you click that if we uploaded more,products for you you will see that these,are all professionally designed that you,can upload right to your store of choice,the way that I work works is you click a,button like at the store and it's gonna,pop up a box and then you'll be able to,select where you're going to add you can,add from Shopify Groove card,Etsy and Amazon at the current time in,this video and we're adding more,platforms it's really really simple the,base cost is right here for you to sell,and your price so if you want to sell,this and we show you in our training how,you can sell t-shirts up to 29.95 and,make 16 for sale and all you gotta do is,Click one button so I have my Shopify,store loaded okay I'm gonna load my demo,store I'm gonna select whatever uh you,know collection that I want to put it in,and then you can select the variation,now this variation is a black unisex,shirt but you can have different colors,you can have gray you can have red you,can have maroon you can have so many,different colors as long as we support,them and this is all auto fulfilled you,do not have to touch a product at all we,we make deals with specific vendors,across the US that print and ship the,unisex shirts the mugs the hoodies and,any products that we support inside of,slingly and all you click this one,button and right now it's uploading,everything to your store in one click so,I'm gonna look at look at this as an,admin to show you what it looks like,okay and you can see how you'll be able,to just get selling in literally one,minute so this is if you just wanted to,sell this unisex shirt you can see all,the sizes and your pricing and,everything is done for you okay let's,let's look at what it looks like all,right on the shop itself so we even give,you a way to get our theme and this,theme converts as well so check this out,we have our magnifying glass we have our,pricing right here we have our Styles we,have our color and we have the sizes,that we support and this is where you're,gonna drive the traffic to from Facebook,and I'm gonna show you something real,exciting about that in just a few,moments so let's go back to our print,catalog and let me show you some other,amazing things you could do with slingly,we made deals with jewelry manufacturers,and as you can see if you click this one,button you have variations that you can,sell and the pendants look gorgeous this,is all print on demand you can upload,your own designs we give you templates,that you can upload right into slingly,and sell hot you can sell dog tags you,can sell bracelets and much more and the,same accessibility click one button and,then you can add it to your store if I,click assets right now not only does,slingly give you mock-up images you can,use for your advertising we also give,you other images that look gorgeous and,just sell on Facebook Instagram,Pinterest and much more it has the same,power as the catalog where you can,literally come click one button and,upload it right to your store now let me,show you something cool about,it had over,2.1 billion views in literally one month,and what that means for you is you can,use sling to upload directly to Amazon,so let's come over here back,to say I want to upload this mug okay I,can just click this one button right,here and what it's going to do it's,gonna ask you where you want to upload,to now I'm going to upload it right to,Amazon okay so all I have to do right,here is select the category leave,everything alone change my price and,then all you need to do is select the UF,UPC put the code in and we're going to,show you in the training how you get,unlimited upcs as well as be exempt so,you do not have to worry about a upcn oh,and this is a setting inside of slingly,now mind you I can't show you it live,because Amazon has a 24 hour delay,turnaround on the stores so I'm going to,show you what we already did so let's go,to our manage inventory and you can see,that we have a ton of Mugs Up on Amazon,already all the pricing is done all the,shipping is done and this is auto,fulfilled I mean you can go nuts here,you can upload mugs you can upload uh,t-shirts you up sweaters and much much,more right to Amazon and we show you how,to do that and the training what does it,look like it looks like this okay and,then all you have to do is come in and a,description we show you how to do that,type of stuff but it's done for you,ready to sell right on Amazon so ain't,that amazing I showed you how to one,click these products up to Shopify okay,be ready to sell I showed you how to use,it on Amazon and be ready to sell well,I'm gonna go to our next platform of,choice called Etsy now Etsy has about,220 million premium buyers that hit,their site a month so between Shopify,Amazon and Etsy you're truly getting the,power of e-commerce on autopilot because,slingly allows you to upload right to,Etsy so I'm going to click this one,button and I'm gonna change and,basically sell this on Etsy so I have my,Etsy stores I have my shop name I have,my mug ready to go I'm gonna click this,one button and upload live now the,difference with Etsy you can do this in,real time Amazon you can upload them,we're gonna give you a success,notification but you're not going to see,it in your managed inventory for at,least 24 hours so just mind that now I,can view it in my admin click that and,what you're going to see,is it's ready over here and I'm gonna,view this on Etsy check this out it's,live and ready to be sold your title,your prices your descriptions stuff your,shipping is done for you and these are,some other products that I uploaded on,various videos it's so gorgeous what you,can do across all the now I'm not gonna,stop there because I'm gonna go back to,my slingly catalog and I'm going to show,you some more amazing things we have a,premium print catalog which you can do,the same things for can we support,backpacks tote bags socks flip-flops a,front paddle backpacks kids boots kids,high tops kids low tops leather tote,bags man canvas booms and more and we,designed this in various buying niches,that you can use slingly and press one,button upload these premium products,right to your store they look gorgeous,and insanely you must know that we keep,on adding designs every single month,that that you could use and sell same,exact thing you click one button,you select where you want it to go you,select which shop you wanted to go on,can you select what variation you set,your price and you click that one button,and the store,boom you're ready to sell in a few,clicks now let's view that product,really fast and just to take quick peep,what it looks like all done for you,pricing everything all styles add the,cut this is where you're gonna drive,your customers to the purchase this sort,of product now slingly gets even more,amazing as you go through the system you,see we're gonna allow you to have your,own print on the man catalog so what,does that mean you have an,Administration panel where you can make,your own designs across various,different items so this is your own,unique catalog that no one has access to,all you need to do is press create new,product and what you're going to do is,come here and you select what kind of,product you want to create you want to,create a mug do you want to create a,backpack do you want to create a bib for,a baby do you want to create canvas odds,do you want to create jewelry do you,want to create flip-flops and much much,more so all you come over here you,select the product type I'm going to,select for this demo just a unisex shirt,okay you can do front design back,designs pocket designs and more but all,you have to do is upload your image okay,so you're going to come over here choose,your file okay I'm going to select my,file here it's gonna upload as a unisex,shirt okay and get it ready for you to,sell so look at this you could have,multiple different calls say I want to,make this gray say I want to make this,charcoal say I want to make this red,okay slingy is very smart you can add,other products along with it you can add,long sleeves hoodies tank tops zipper,hoodies because this is what we call an,apparel product all you have to do is,literally just come over here add the,product type or you can remove it up to,you you can we make your own ad images,as well we make beautiful ads that you,can sell right with on Facebook or you,can add your own images as a management,system for yourself all your variations,are right here you can edit you can,upload your own designer images if you,use a service say like place it or,something like that you can set your,prices for all the different variations,if you want to go that deep but I,suggest you just leave it alone and you,press the create button oh I forgot I,gotta enter my product title so I'm,gonna put this as a demo okay just for,quick purposes uh Niche uh beard all,right I'm gonna put demo rookie so I,know how to find it later and then you,just leave this alone this is tested we,sell Many Many Items just with this,exact copy here don't press anything,else press create the product and right,now what we're doing is we're making you,a unisex shirt in those colors okay that,you can upload to your various platforms,and get ready to sell with your own,images that you uploaded it's so easy,and remember you can do this with mugs,you could do this with a t-shirts you,can do this with ladies crew neck,fleeces and and tank tops and much much,more so while that's going I'm going to,show you some more powerful stuff in,slingly remember I told you I'm going to,show you some awesome stuff about,Facebook we have advanced targeting that,you can copy and paste into Facebook and,we have tested this in our train you,will see that we spent hundreds of,thousands of dollars across multiple,different niches testing different,audiences that buy our print on demand,items we got stuff like bow hunting box,of dogs cats okay dog um Chihuahuas,CrossFit medical emergency uh Services,technicians firefighters fishing so much,more you literally just click this,button copy and paste this targeting,right into Facebook and then just Target,these people we have already tested this,audience and as we continue to grow,slingly we add more and more and more,and more in here for you to use now that,product has just been created so we're,going to come over here and we're going,to view that product sometimes it takes,a little bit longer depending on how,many colors you select how many,different items you want to create at,the same time and as you can see these,colors were selected here is your shirt,here is your 32 variations so I'm gonna,go back I'm gonna go back to the catalog,admin,okay where you're gonna go see this,shirt now this shirt over here is ready,ready to go so in your print catalog you,have your uh print catalog okay so we,have a sling lead catalog which I showed,you but this is your personal print,catalog I need to hear these are all,your designs that you can sell if I,wanted to click uh one button over here,I can upload to this to the store I can,upload this to Amazon I can upload this,to Etsy let's just do Etsy okay and I'm,just gonna press upload live okay you,can do whatever you want here but you,also have the assets everything has been,created for you your shirt okay your,colors your variations and more so I'm,going to view the product anyway but I'm,also going to come over here and view,the asset so let's look at what we got,and what we made for you look we made,this shirt that we made every color for,you we made your ad images so you're,also ready to sell okay and people could,choose their colors all right so if I go,back over here to Etsy look it's ready,to go ready to cell all done for you and,I'm doing this live okay on this video,to show you the power of slingly now,let's say you do not have a designer and,you want to make your own prize in,slingly well guess what I'm gonna allow,you as a pro user to use our designs and,make as many products as you want so you,look over here this is the product that,we just uploaded to Etsy well check this,out say I want to take this product over,here or any of these products and I want,to make a new product with it so all I,have to do is click this one button,create product and what slimly is going,to do is going to load it for you right,here and then you can select whatever,product you want to put it on now I,suggest that if you make a black unisex,shirt the next step is you want to make,a black mug so you click that right,there you leave it all alone it's all,ready to go all you gotta do is press to,create product and slingly it's going to,turn that unisex t-shirt into a black,black mug that you can sell and upload,to various platforms alright so that's,done I'm going to click View and edit,the product,and you can see we took that T-shirt and,turned it into a beautiful mug with your,mock-ups right here everything ready to,go so look if I go to our personal pod,catalog it's right here ready for us to,sell okay now I'm gonna come down and,I'm gonna look at some other cool things,I want to show you another platform that,you can upload to it's called Groove,card you click this one button okay and,say I want to upload this ride the,groove card I click my groove card,stores I select what shop I want to put,it on I literally set my prices and I,click add the store now what this is,doing is the same as it's doing for,Shopify Amazon and Etsy in one click,it's uploading right to groovecon if you,do not know what Groove card is is an,advanced shopping cart just like Shopify,with a lot of features too many for me,to go over in the sake of time for this,video but it allows you to get into,e-commerce really fast as well and,inside slingly we're gonna give you a,way to get a free trial Groove card if,you wish look why I was explaining that,it's now done ready to go inside a,Groove card you click this one little,button as a little security check and,then it takes you right to the product,Administration tool where you can edit,everything you can edit,um variations you can edit images you,can edit everything it's all done ready,for you to go all the sizes look at that,beautifully done inside a Groove clock,now like I said I'm not going to go,through everything in Groove Cod you can,get more information on Groove caught,inside of slingly buy now you're,probably wondering what else could Ricky,put in slingly to make us more money I,made a deal with a company called Silk,Road and what it allows you to do is,basically replace AliExpress with three,to five day shipping from China you got,Tech products pet products menusa Brands,you can sell and it's so easy to use,okay these are tested products that sell,like hotcakes and all you need to do is,Click like one button added to your,import list and then on the top you will,see you have your import list right here,okay you could change your descriptions,which are all done for you you can,change the variations which is all done,for you okay you could change the images,and then all you got to do is Click,import the store now caveat Silk Road at,the current time of this video only,pushes out the Shopify I am working with,them to see how we can get other,platforms integrated as well very very,simple to use Easy and then you can do,this for as many products as you like,and the Silk Road is something that,comes with slangly because when you're,in slangly I'm gonna give you a place,where you can sign up for free now this,is only to Pro users and this is what,you're gonna get if you get in now,alright so I'm gonna bring you in the,sniffly right here allows you to get,trending content okay around the web as,well as do your research okay we support,things it's t-shirts spies some frogs,best sellers bring Trends eBay spies hot,AliExpress AliExpress spies Ronaldo,spies okay FB Tools YouTube Pinterest,you have a favorite section and I'll,just show you how that kind of works all,right so if you're in t-shirt research,and you can save favorites you'll see,that we support all these different,things you can go find okay different,designs that you can give to a designer,have them recreate them have them make,them even better okay you can search for,your hearts contempt over here go,through all this see images more get,gift ideas t-shirts hoodies okay t-shirt,designs it's really really cool I mean,honestly you could spend probably a good,hour here finding good designs to give,it to a designer and then testing it out,uploading it to slingly and getting it,done other parts is where we have an,eBay you can come over here see the,watch counts you can see okay how many,hours like what the prices is so I want,to click the dogs okay it's gonna pull,up everything on um eBay that has to do,with dogs and you can see uh you know,how many people are watching it right,now how hot the product is how many,people are buying this type of stuff go,you know get it off eBay whatever all,right then you got okay AliExpress Hot,Products and we have AliExpress tools,which tells you these are the hottest,products on AliExpress that is selling,right now right from AliExpress okay so,you're going to want to investigate,these see what it is get the ratings all,the other stuff all right and let me,tell you something we are integrating,this stuff into slingly now this was a,separate platform that we used to sell,this is now going to be all moved into,slingly so you now have to worry about,having two platforms and say I want to,like look on Facebook okay for Dropship,products I want to look up you know for,dogs okay all I gotta do is you know,type that but all and this you know,saying maybe you know this week whatever,like that press search post and see what,we can find,okay and we can see different items over,here that people are selling for dogs,and we can you know Analyze This see,with the likes comments shares and find,Hot Products this way and you can,literally do this over and over and we,can come in any different Niche you can,pick all these different options you can,do all like recent live Pages shed more,okay we even got stuff like hot spy,tools for like YouTube all right so you,can come over here see the hottest,videos on on YouTube okay that can give,you Trend ideas and a bunch of other,stuff if you want to like you know type,something like pitbulls that you're,going into a niche all right what's,gonna do it's gonna play with all the,pit bull uh videos and sometimes it,feels you know I'll get songs and stuff,like that but over here look this is a,pitbull video,339 million views 204 000 likes you can,download this video run it on your fan,page get the same kind of traction build,your audiences up and you can do this,over and over and over now that's pretty,amazing Ricky but how do I know how to,do this well I'm glad you asked because,as a slingly pro don't use it you're,going to get our e-learning portal mix,with everything you could possibly need,in an academy type of fashion because,you would start with lonely Academy you,will go in there and understand how to,use slingly get our bonuses and,resources and get familiar with the,program and then we're going to give you,our boot camps ready to go and get you,selling as fast as possible so say we go,in the slingly academy,we're going to be in there and you're,going to understand everything about,slingly you're gonna look at the,knowledge base how to contact support,how to plug your stores in how to manage,your wallet system product sourcing and,all that great stuff and then we're,going to want you to go through and get,you going boot camp which is setting up,your stuff your environments making,stuff sell running your ads managing the,day-to-day operations and a recap of,everything resource links and bonus,material now also as a single Pro,customer I said you're going to get our,boot camps we have sold these boot camps,for hundreds and hundreds of dollars and,you're gonna get them as a slingly pro,member so you'll have our get you,advanced boot camp which is going to,show you how to work with suppliers talk,to physical product vendors get the best,prices product calculation tools and,much much more then we're gonna dive,even deeper and give you out Black,Friday boot camps and a custom product,formula boot camps where we taught how,you dominate e-commerce in these time,frames and with our custom product,formula bootcamp show you how to never,ever run out of products that you could,promote on Shopify and many different,platforms and if you thought that wasn't,good enough we're also going to give you,our social media domination boot camp,which shows you the ins and outs of,reverse engineering finding your,competition growing on different print,on demand sites finding uh literally any,kind of design that you can repurpose we,go so deep and you're gonna also get our,Marketplace profits primer which is,going to get you started on Etsy and,show you how to dominate that as well,see slingly is truly automation at its,best and I've dedicated the past four,years of my life with my team building,out such an amazing platform that's,going to help so many people and we want,you to be involved

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