what is the best seo app for shopify

Best Shopify SEO Apps & Tools To Rank Higher hi guys in this video we're going to be,talking about w


Updated on Feb 22,2023

Best Shopify SEO Apps & Tools To Rank Higher

The above is a brief introduction to what is the best seo app for shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what is the best seo app for shopify

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Best Shopify SEO Apps & Tools To Rank Higher

hi guys in this video we're going to be,talking about which,seo tool is the best for shopify if,you're looking to get more traffic and,sales from google,this video is for you you'll learn about,the top shopify seo tools and how to set,them up,the best part you'll learn a complete,six-step process for seo,including two of the biggest mistakes,that most shopify business owners make,my name is rory hughes and i'm from,enquire convert,the place where entrepreneurs go to,learn shopify growth and in this video,you're going to learn which seo shopify,app is the best,how to set it up and the complete six,step process,for shopify seo so keep watching,if you're new to e-commerce or the,shopify platform,you're probably asking yourself do i,need seo for my webshop,the answer is definitely yes let's learn,why you need it,by studying some statistics,39 of all global traffic comes from seo,the top three google searches get 75.1,percent,of all clicks only 0.78,of google's users click something on the,second page,so if you want to make more traffic and,sales from your shopify store,you're going to need to drive at least,40 percent of all of your traffic from,seo,you're going to need to get listed in,the top three results for your important,keywords,plus you're going to need a ranking on,the number one page,now we know that seo is essential to,e-commerce and your shopify store,so before we start comparing the best,shopify seo apps,we need to completely understand what a,seo process for e-commerce actually,looks like,so the first big mistake that store,owners usually do is thinking that,seo is only about keywords and meta tags,choosing the right keyword and adding,them into your meta tag,is an important part of seo for any,online business,including shopify stores the real name,for this part of the seo process,is on-page seo this means optimizing the,pages on your store,so google will know which individual,keyword each page is focused on,but on-page seo is just one out of six,steps,you need for a complete seo process but,more about that in a minute,the second big mistake is that seo is,something you set up,and it's done this could not be further,from the truth,as you have learned on-page seo is just,one out of six steps,without the other five steps your,store's seo will not improve,you will not generate more traffic from,google and you won't get shopify sales,from that traffic,let's now learn the complete shopify seo,process,shopify keyword research shopify website,structure,shopify on-site seo technical seo for,shopify,content marketing and blogging and last,but not least,link building step 1 shopify,keyword research find the keyword with,the most monthly searches and the lowest,competition level,that is relevant to your brand's,products and categories,step 2 shopify website structure or,architecture,match those keywords to the pages of,your store,buying intent keywords should be placed,on your sales pages,and informational intent keywords should,be placed on your blogs,step 3 shopify on-page seo,optimize those pages using best,practices,letting google know which keyword the,page is focusing on,step 4 technical seo for shopify,audit your website and improve metadata,rich snippets,and internal links set up and maintain,your google search console,and sitemap jsonld and more,this is what most shopify seo tools help,you do,step 5 shopify content marketing and,blogging,we create content that is focused on,informational intent keywords,to publish on your blog and wider,publications,step 6 shopify link building,get links from other websites to your,shopify store,through a variety of backlink building,strategies such as,guest posting cold email outreach and,more,now you know the complete six step,process what people usually refer to as,seo,is step one and step three what most,shopify apps help you with is step two,and step four,let's now look at the best shopify apps,and tools,ahrefs versus plugin seo,for most shopify store owners you'll,want to decide between,enterprise level tooling for seo such as,ahrefs or shopify only apps that will,help you with your on-page seo,and technical seo shopify plus stores,should probably choose ahrefs,they'll need a more robust tooling and a,complete feature set,to help them with the six steps of seo,here are the reasons why,starting from 99 per month it's not a,cheap tool,but shopify store owners can't afford it,it allows you to work on,all aspects of seo it can track rankings,as well as find keywords check,competitor rankings,and much more it can perform a deeper,seo audit,and allow for a high quality of,technical seo work,for all non-shopify plus users the best,shopify app,is plugin seo you will however need a,few other free tools to use alongside,to help you with some of the seo steps,step 1,shopify keyword research we recommend,keyword,just put in your keyword and it will,find longer tail variations of your,keyword that are less competitive,and easier to rank for step two shopify,website structure,or architecture matching keywords to,collections products,and pages in shopify is a real skill if,you want to learn this,and much more click on the link below to,find our detailed shopify seo guide,step 3 shopify on-page seo,plugin seo is great for helping you set,up your on-page seo,step 4 technical seo for shopify,again plugin seo helps with technical,seo a lot,step 5 shopify content marketing and,blogging,this is blogging for your shopify blog,plugin seo,can help you with on-page seo for the,blog post,step 6 shopify link building link,building is a huge topic,so if you want to learn more click on,the link in the description below,how to set up your plugin seo,once you get into your shopify store go,to the app segment,and install the plug in seo app,when installed click on the burger menu,that is located in the top,left corner and select titles and,descriptions,go under products and add a short,description of your product under the,title template,and additional product details such as,free shippings and returns,in the description template when you're,happy with your copy,click save and preview and then go to,pages which you can find in the drop,down located in the left corner,again add a short description about your,brand and products in your title,template,and a copy on why you think people,should visit your store in the,description template,click save and preview and voila you're,finished,in this video you learned why you need,seo for shopify,a complete six-step process for shopify,seo,which shopify stores named atrips and,which one plug-in seo,and how to set up plug-in seo,step-by-step,so did you enjoy today's video then make,sure to like the video,and subscribe to our acquired convert,youtube channel then click the,notification bell to make sure you never,miss any of our free videos,if you want exclusive shopify app,discounts and shopify marketing,tutorials,that we only share with our subscribers,head over to,yes and sign up for our free newsletter,now it's over to you,which shopify's app from today's video,will you try are you a shopify plus,store,then ahrefs just click on the link below,to learn more,if not then get started with plug-in seo,just click on the link below,for more details got more questions,leave a comment below the video,and we'll get back to you with more free,advice

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