what is shopify embed

Shopify App Extensions Explained shopify app developers use shopify's,apis to create new and extend


Updated on Feb 21,2023

Shopify App Extensions Explained

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Shopify App Extensions Explained

shopify app developers use shopify's,apis to create new and extend the,functionality of the shopify platform,and help merchants solve their business,requirements,app extensions are one of the tools,shopify offers to help app developers,build tightly integrated apps,app extensions allow app developers to,add their functionality directly into,shopify interfaces like the shopify,admin shopify checkout merchant's online,stores shopify point of sale and more,head over to the documentation on, to see the current list of,available extensions and expect to see,more coming soon,you'll find the list broken up by the,shopify user interface they surface,functionality on,a different app extensions will have,different requirements and,configurations you'll have to dig deeper,into the ones that are relevant for your,application,some app extensions won't require you to,write any user interface code,you'll be able to manage them from the,shopify partner dashboard other,extensions like the post purchase,checkout extension will require you to,host your code on shopify's cdn you'll,manage creating and updating these,extensions with the shopify cli let's,take a look at some of the popular use,cases for app extensions to get a better,understanding of what they are and how,apps use them when viewing an order in,the admin if you have the order printer,app installed,you'll see an option in the more actions,drop down,this link will send you to a page in the,order printer app with an invoice for,that order that you were viewing,this is using an admin link app,extension,your app will have a route for this link,and shopify will append the shop and the,object id to the request,you'll configure this in the partner,dashboard,you'll select to create a new admin link,extension,and add the target url and what page you,want this functionality on,let's switch gears to the buyer facing,ui now,the map extensions allow app developers,to integrate with the online store,merchants can add and move these ad,locks in the theme editor and because,these theme app extensions don't,actually edit the code this reduces the,chance of app developers introducing a,breaking change,let's look at the product review app,after the app is installed merchants can,add and move around app blocks in the,theme editor such as this app star block,app developers using theme app,extensions will write the code in liquid,css and javascript according to the,theme app extension file structure,developers can push this code to shopify,and new versions will be released to,merchants,to wrap this up app extensions are how,app developers add their app,functionality into shopify interfaces,different shopify services will have,different app extensions which require,different development and different,configuration,for more information about shopify app,development make sure to subscribe to,this channel and check out the,documentation on,if you run into a problem,check to see if it's already been,answered in the shopify community forums,and join the shopify dev's discord,server to meet fellow shopify developers,you

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