how to create multiple shopify stores

I Launched 3 Dropshipping Stores at Once (How to Test Multiple Products w/ One Product Dropshipping)

Scott Hilse

Updated on Feb 01,2023

I Launched 3 Dropshipping Stores at Once (How to Test Multiple Products w/ One Product Dropshipping)

The above is a brief introduction to how to create multiple shopify stores

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I Launched 3 Dropshipping Stores at Once (How to Test Multiple Products w/ One Product Dropshipping)

all righty guys so I've been getting a,lot of questions on how can you test,multiple products when you're only doing,a one product store it's pretty simple,especially with Brandon one product drop,shipping this is the really the only way,you can test multiple products before,with the general one product drop,shipping you could you know get away,with just directing them straight to the,product link I never really recommended,that myself but with Brandon one product,drop shipping where the domain the,products and everything is related to,your specific product you have to test,on multiple stores at once and sometimes,this can scare people like well what do,you mean Scott like Shopify is $30 a,month that's not cheap well in the grand,scheme of things it is cheap if you,really have seen the results with drop,shipping or you know the possibilities,but that's besides the point I just want,to make this quick video on how you can,test multiple one product stores at the,same time and I'll go through exactly my,process of what I do when a product,fails but it does take a little bit of,work but it's gonna be worth it so first,off I'm gonna show you my stores that I,did right here I launched three stores,on October 4th and these are the current,numbers I'm sitting at oh you can see,this first store it didn't do that well,I actually ended that on the seventh it,looks like it only pulled in about $70 I,think I lost about fifty or eighty,dollars on this one and then this next,door this one is really popping off each,product is around three to four dollars,so my profit margin has literally been,just around like 40 to 50 percent,consistently that's after ad spend,that's after product cost that's after,all expenses about 50% so in the past 10,days I made about two and a half three,grand right here just with this one,product and again each one of these took,me one hour to set up that's the biggest,thing I want to mention here it took me,about an hour to two hours to set all,this up I'm talking not even the store,I'm talking the Facebook page I'm,talking to add accounts important the,products important of the descriptions,intertwining it all all that literally,an hour and a half so it's definitely,worth it to put in the extra time I mean,as you were sitting here I think I just,got another sale right here because,we're up to 807 for the day and then,right over here I launched this third,store it pulled $600 and then Facebook,actually shut me down because the,product didn't comply with their,standards so sometimes you just got to,deal with that so I talked about this in,other videos but I'll just go through,briefly why new one of these products,was going to work first of all none of,these you can definitely find none of,these at Walmart this one I've seen,before but I know if those market,well enough it seems like it's been,saturated I can't get it this one hasn't,marketed before but I did it with the,brand of one product drop shipping,that's why this was going to take off,until Facebook shut me down so I,couldn't scale that but this one I knew,for a fact that this one was going to,take off because it's specific to a,certain thing that is trending hard,right now like very very hard and I even,went a step further so most of these,sales are coming from Facebook it's hard,to say I mean right here it says 94% of,my social network referrals are coming,from Facebook but what I did was there's,a viral tweet going around about a,product like this and I just basically,paid the guy $200 to reply to his own,tweet with like oh my god guys I found,it and it was that simple I can't I wish,I could say exactly what it was so you,could get the bad idea but basically I,want you to use your creativity when,you're marketing this because you really,never know what can take off and if you,see a trend just take it just take it,hard,but in terms of actually testing,multiple stores it's really simple I,mean you can even pull up on a monitor,like this you can just pull up on your,monitor and you can work on all three at,the same time I wouldn't do that I mean,that doesn't really make sense this one,at a time but start with two to three,stores and it's basically you find a,product you buy the domain the general,name of that product com or a branded,name that you create related to the,product that can't be found with the,Google search all the other products are,found with the Google search I mean calm,and then you open up once or boom you,finish it you open up the next door boom,you finish it you open up the next door,boom you finish it and you you know you,make the Facebook page for each and you,make a different ad account for each one,in this situation I tested three,products on three different branded,accounts one took off so now what I'll,do is obviously I'll keep this I don't,need to do anything it's already branded,everything's cool now I'm gonna take,this store and this store with the same,ad account with the same pixel you do,not need to worry about you know messing,up your pixel or likes or making a new,ad accounting thing it's like there's,solo activity on both of these it really,doesn't matter so now what I'm gonna do,is I'm just gonna buy the domain for,this one domain for this one relative to,the product I'll be testing on each one,and it's that simple it's rinse recycle,repeat until you got three stores that,are doing these kinds of numbers and,then you might want to think about,outsourcing honestly you should really,outsource I haven't gotten there yet,I like being very hands-on,with all my things so I know exactly,what's going on and I can keep up to,date for you guys exactly the techniques,that are working the best yeah it's,basically that simple it's just a matter,of if you want to put in the extra work,or not but if you do that is the best,way to test multiple products at once,with multiple one product dropshipping,stores specifically branded but if,you're do in general and probably drop,shipping you might as well do this,anyway like I'm a strong believer in,this I'm a strong believer in the funnel,and and giving them just to a product,page with no other tabs would be a,little weird but anyway hope you guys,like that video be sure to smash like if,you like these types of videos I'm,moving to LA in two weeks that's why you,see all this stuff behind me I'm gonna,make a video of why I'm selling all my,diamonds on my clothing all this stupid, I'm just done with it I'm,completely over it now I'm going back to,my root and that's it and the funny,thing is like 30 people on Instagram I,made a post about this with like oh why,you selling it you go and broker,something okay first of all if I was,going broke I probably sell the i8 I,paid for in cash well before I sold,these clothes okay I just want to make,that simple point later but I'll make a,whole video on why specifically I'm,choosing to sell everything and why I,think everybody else honestly should so,anyway thanks guys for watching peace,out

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