what is shopify $9

REVEALED: How I Spent $9 And Made $727.70 With Shopify Facebook Ads - (Dropshipping) so how did it t

Beast Of Ecom

Updated on Mar 30,2023

REVEALED: How I Spent $9 And Made $727.70 With Shopify Facebook Ads - (Dropshipping)

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REVEALED: How I Spent $9 And Made $727.70 With Shopify Facebook Ads - (Dropshipping)

so how did it turn nine dollars into over $700 let me show you what's popping,people it's your boy the Beast of ECOM and I am back with another video dropping,nothing but you already know value bombs if this is the first time ever,watching one of my videos then you've missed out on tons of content so make,sure you check out all of my other videos if it isn't then it's nice to see,you again of course if you get some value from this one make sure you like,comment and of course smash that subscribe button and be sure to hit the,notification bar as well so that you stay up to date with all of my latest,content so recently I posted a story on my Instagram showing how ad set had over,80 bro ass now a lot of people asked if people want to learn how exactly I was,doing it the obviously the response was how yeah so I thought why not just put,out a video showing you how I'm actually doing this strategy q4 is officially,here it's cold as hell in the UK hence you're probably gonna see me wearing a,lot of jumpers and looking a little bit homeless but yeah we're working hard and,of course is still in the works if you are on the wait list make sure you click,the link down below but let's jump straight into this video I'll show you,how I'm doing a strategy because I've been doing it every single campaign when,I have something that's working and time and time again I'm getting fantastic,results so make sure you stay to the end watch all of the video and most,importantly if you get some value then make sure you implement what you learn,today so let's jump straight into the computer and let's get straight on with,it okay so let's jump straight into this,video I'll show you guys well first and foremost the proof it's all well and,good saying you've made X amount of money but if it's all about the proof in,the pudding so this is the campaign and you can see here at the top one here a,TC did not perch which is you know makes goes without saying Add to Cart and did,not purchase and you can see here we're getting sales for one dollar fifty which,is you know absolutely crazy yes this is of course retargeting you know it's the,only pretty much way you're gonna get very,hi hi hi bro asked campaigns you know you kind of view 10 X 15 X 30 X and,obviously of course we've got here 81 X so let me just refresh the screen just,so you can see numbers are exactly the same so this should load it here we go,so you can see here what we're getting is a fantastic click-through rate of 6%,so of course a click-through rate a high click-through rate means you get a low,cost per click and you can see what we've got here,CPM is $16 which again it's high in terms of high ish in terms of you know,CPMs in some people's eyes but at the end of the day all that matters at the,end of the day ok all these other indicators are fantastic but you know at,the end of the day row us and cost per purchase is the main indicators so you,can see here exactly the same race as eight-point err 80 1.22 so we spent 896,so close to $9 and generated over $700 so how how will we actually doing this,and of course I'll set up a few other things in this actual campaign using,view content did not add to cart and then 95 percent viewed the video but,didn't view the product page so how is he I'm actually doing this and how is it,am I able to generate these results and you know over and over again the same,strategy is just falling into place and the reason why I feel that this is,because a lot of people when they do retargeting they then do conversion,campaigns so they do the conversion campaign and they set up an ad set to,you know ad set within the main campaign and obviously do your view content you,know did not add to cart or add to cart did not purchase not also while I'm good,but that's wasn't what I was doing here so what I've recently been doing I've,been doing it for a while now fair few months and time and time again it's,always working he's setting up traffic campaigns so the campaigns are used now,for retargeting are traffic campaigns now a lot of people,out there either you know like I mentioned even do website conversion,campaigns or sometimes they test out a reach campaign as well so you know,trying to get as much reach as possible with the offer that you've got going on,but um after split testing you know all of these ones from a website conversion,campaign to traffic campaigns to reach campaigns I'm finding that traffic,campaigns are blowing everything cows out of the water,especially on ad to car and did not purchase now the reason why I'm moving,towards more of using traffic campaigns is because when you set up a retargeting,campaign for just you know for retargeting you're gonna remember,Facebook what they're doing is they're gonna show it back down to the people,who are more likely to convert which sometimes isn't always the case you know,you limits the pool when you run in you know website conversion campaigns,because it's showing it to the buyers that Facebook have put into their,buckets essentially but with traffic campaigns what we're doing is we just,drive in traffic that is it we're just driving traffic regardless of their,bucket regardless of if they're buyers if they Add to Cart whatever it may be,and you got to remember that these people have added the product to their,car so they're essentially you know they're they're warm audiences,they've shown a buying intent now that is obviously fantastic because I find in,that you know when you do this on the Add to Cart purchase it just always,seems to you know get robots which is absolutely crazy,now for you to view content and Add to Cart I'll switch this one off because,what I'm finding is that website conversion campaigns work better for you,know view content to Add to Cart and of course on the ninety five percent viewed,and did not view the products but when it comes to active car and did not,purchase traffic campaigns just seem to be for some reason you know the best now,like I said some people do use reach campaigns but you know again they just,don't seem to be that what I seem to get all the time is I get a lot of reach to,get a click-through rate like that but know that everyone just,seems to be a tie kicker okay I get loads at the cars but no one actually,purchases but what I'm doing with this Add to Cart and traffic campaign is I'm,optimizing for link clicks not landing page views which i think is the default,which it sets itself to and not conversions or anything like that I'm,literally just sitting for link clicks and what I want Facebook to do is go out,you know remember these people have shown buying intent and I just want them,back to the website I want them absolutely I just want I,don't care you know what Bukit they're in I swung back to the website so they,can see the offer that I'm putting out there now in terms of the offers you,know to get these people obviously to convert with a retargeting campaign you,need to make sure that you'll put in in make sure that you're out front and,adver is you know it has some sort of offer these people haven't purchased,they haven't gone through the you know they've added it to their cart they've,got to maybe the initiate checkout stage but they haven't purchased for a,particular reason now this could be you know there's too much shipping on there,there's you know the the price wasn't right at the time they just didn't want,to pay or for some reason the doorbell might have rang and they just had to fly,out the door there and then we don't know what that reason is however what,I'm finding is is that when I put a significant discount in there for the,people who have added to cart and not purchased then they seem to convert a,lot better so with this one I believe arm work I think I'm giving people about,this is a high ticket products of course but I'm sinking giving people off about,even 15 to 20 percent or something like that so you know what I do,Add to Cart to purchase retargeting I give people a minimum of 10% always a,minimum off for 10% obviously you want to work out to see how much you can,actually afford to give off you know if you can't afford to give off 10% then,you know of course it makes no sense giving off 10% but I personally like to,give off at least a minimum of 10% for people who have Add to Cart and didn't,purchase you know just to push them over the edge and actually get them to,purchase the product you know this is literally the the time range on this is,people who just 180 days you know and you can take,this a little bit further as well if you wanted to I haven't right about now you,know so you can do people who have shown you three days seven days ten days but,this is literally just everyone because it's a fairly new campaign you know I,just want people in through the door to see my offer and to make the purchase so,make sure that you setting up traffic campaigns and give it a go you know for,people who are adding to car and purchase and you know I'm seeing these,same results over and over again in multiple different niches multiple,different products every time I see something that is dying to work I'll,always set up a traffic campaign and optimize for link clicks and you know my,offer is always at least a minimum of 10% to get them through the process so,so yeah that is how I'm generating these results and I hope you go out and give,it a go give traffic campaigns ago for your retargeting and yet most definitely,let me know the sort of results that you get so as usual I hope you got some,value from this video if you did make sure you like comment and of course,smash that subscribe button be sure to hit the notification bar as well so you,stay up to date with all of my videos and you don't miss a single one,we go in every single day I think we're probably close to 12,000 subscribers now,so become a part of the notification team and the subscriber and never miss,out on a value bomb again so as you can see using traffic campaigns for,retargeting campaigns works absolutely fantastic definitely for you know you,Add to Cart and people who haven't purchased it's just working absolutely,crazy for me right about now of course if you like this video you're gonna,absolutely love the course so if you aren't on a waitlist and want to be up,to date for when that is out before any body else then make sure you click the,link down below and join the waitlist okay you'll be the first to know when,that is live and of course make sure you're in the free Facebook mastermind,group I'm in other marketers are in there we talked about nothing but all,the best strategies tips and tricks on a daily basis again the link for that will,be down below is 100% free hit me up on Instagram drop me a line drop me a DM,drop me a follow and of course we can try and connect on there so that is it,for video and I'll be back with another,one's open si but you already know very bombs take care and I'll see you there

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