what is option value on shopify

How To Add Option In Shopify Products hi guys welcome back to the channel this,is ani here from the

Ani's Learning Class

Updated on Jan 23,2023

How To Add Option In Shopify Products

The above is a brief introduction to what is option value on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what is option value on shopify

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what is option value on shopify catalogs

How To Add Option In Shopify Products

hi guys welcome back to the channel this,is ani here from the learning class,today's video is about how to add,options in your product options are,absolutely vital,for your business because if you are,offering a product which has you know,different size different color different,material and also different price for,you know each of the different options,uh,how do you add that so today's video is,on that uh let's get into it uh before,we start do consider subscribing liking,our video we're a brand new channel so,it just helps us out,okay so,that's my shopify,store okay in the shopify store you go,on products,so let's just do,the first product so i'm just gonna,click on the first product,and,as you can see,i've just got one option here right now,which is the color and i'm offering,black single black set gray single and,gray set,let's look at how this product looks,like in the actual website,so here you can see it's a,12 volts heated car seat cover,and currently i've just got one option,which is the color option right so now,we are going to add,different options so,i'm going to quickly scroll down as you,can see if you scroll down,under the variance,it just got color over here,and,it's got,the four images the price the quantity,the skew,and that's it,okay so,we're gonna add one option let's say,we're gonna add size,okay,so that's the name of the option size,and then i'm going to add in the values,let's say i'm offering,a large size,and a medium size,okay so once i've added that,i'm just going to click on done,so now you can see,in my options i've got the color which,is the four different uh four different,color options and i've also got size i'm,offering a large size and a medium size,if you scroll down you can see now in,the variance,the size has been added,and you they have also added,some new,options as well some new variants so you,can see the ones which are newly added,you will see this little,sign called new,so let's try to,play around here so let's say,the black single i'm going to offer it,at,15.99 it's the medium size,and this is just a fictitious number i'm,just going to add 100 for example right,and then,this one is,15.99 as well,100,and then scroll down and then,i've got,this one,the medium again which is for 15.99,and 15.99,and i'm gonna,add my,quantities as well,so now i have changed the price,and i have changed the,quantities available as well let's just,click on save,so it says sku can't be blank so we have,to also put in the skew so for the skew,just scroll,further,and this is your skews okay so i'm just,going to add a fictitious number here,this 200 but obviously this would be,uh as per your business products queue,right,so just gonna copy this and quickly,paste,in all these queues,okay gonna click on save,so the product is is saved it says some,variant quantities were unable to update,so let's quickly update that so here we,go,this was not able to update so,let's update that as well,and save,okay so now,our product,is completely ready to go obviously i,haven't had added the pictures but if,you have the pictures,that you want to add,feel free to add your pictures over here,but,i've added my,quantity,and i've added my,skew,okay,now let's now this is the original,product which was color and that was the,only color of you know available and,that was the price there is no other,option available right,so now he's gonna go back and click on,view,we scroll down,and now you can see,the new option that we added size,is now available,okay,let's just see if we select the medium,the price changes to 15.99 that's what,we modified right so that's pretty cool,uh,if i can select another one gray single,medium,size 15.99,if i select the large one it's 19.99,and,that's pretty much it guys you know this,is a very very quick and easy way on how,you can add options,so i hope this video was helpful and if,you learned something do consider,subscribing liking and we'll see you,guys in the next video take care and,goodbye,you

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