what is oberly for shopify

Dropshipping App Oberlo Is Shutting Down (Use This Instead) shopify dropshipping app oberlo is,offic

Anton Kraly - Drop Ship Lifestyle

Updated on Mar 01,2023

Dropshipping App Oberlo Is Shutting Down (Use This Instead)

The above is a brief introduction to what is oberly for shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what is oberly for shopify

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Dropshipping App Oberlo Is Shutting Down (Use This Instead)

shopify dropshipping app oberlo is,officially shutting down on june 15th,this is leaving a lot of people,wondering what they should be using,instead and if you're watching this and,you're not aware oberlo was an app that,shopify actually acquired themselves,back in 2017 that allowed users to link,aliexpress products to their shopify,stores so that the drop shipping store,owner could easily import products and,then have them drop shipped from,aliexpress vendors and i'm not gonna lie,this whole thing sounds really strange,to me because if you have the capital,that shopify has and if you believe in,the drop shipping with aliexpress,business model then i think it would,only rationally make sense to invest,into making this product better if,what's happening is your competitors are,doing a better job of you in this case,the competitor would be an app called,de-essers now i want to quickly share,this and i'll link to this below this,video but this is on so here,it says why is the oberlo app shutting,down and they say their top priority is,doing the best in the entrance of,merchants of course it is we're,sunsetting the app on june 15th and,transitioning how we are enabling drop,shipping to a more optimal solution,trusted by shopify partners de-essers so,they're basically saying they're,shutting it down so that somebody else,can do a better job of it again if,you're shopify and you have the capital,and you believe in this business model,why wouldn't you just make your thing,even better that would be like shopify,saying you can't send emails with,shopify anymore now you have to use,clavio because they're better it's like,maybe that's true but don't you want to,make your thing better isn't that why,you're a company isn't that why you,originally acquired this and if you,don't think you're going to do the best,why not at least sell the asset anyway,they go on to say this product,appreciation which is a routine,occurrence is in pursuit of providing,merchants with the best solutions to,reach their customers wherever they are,again you know while things do get,sunsetted i just think it's strange if,they actually believed in this that they,wouldn't just do a better job and,continue to have more people be,successful with it and again i don't,know for sure but maybe shopify just saw,after all these years now that drop,shipping from aliexpress with that model,isn't really as great as they thought it,was when they first acquired oberlo,which is also what many people who start,to dropship from aliexpress learn the,hard way so now that we're only about,two weeks away from this app no longer,being functional let's talk about what,you should use instead now like i just,pulled up over here shopify is,recommending that you use a shopify,partner in the app store called,de-essers so that is one option however,and this is a big however being you're,gonna have to transition anyway if this,is the model you already use i think,this is a great opportunity for anyone,out there who has been dropshipping from,aliexpress in the past to transition,into drop shipping high ticket products,from domestic suppliers which in my,opinion is the only way to drop ship,profitably for the long term okay with,this model you make more money per sale,you don't need tons of customers which,then leads to tons of customer service,you don't need to have customers get,products three weeks later and then be,unhappy with the quality and you don't,need to sell products that are simply,not what they're represented as because,they're coming from a supplier who you,can never check reviews on because it's,some random factory or a random,third-party agent in the middle of china,now there's not an app that you can,magically use to find the type of,suppliers i'm talking about that make,these products that are domestic but,what i want to do is share my screen and,give you a quick preview of how this is,done and how you can find them for your,own drop shipping store whether that's,the current store you have if you want,to transition from aliexpress to,domestic high ticket suppliers which is,what we call the drop ship lifestyle,model or if you're just getting started,and you want to start out the right way,from day one so let me switch my screen,right now and show you how to find these,brands so right now i'm on,you've probably heard of them they're a,publicly traded company that does,billions of dollars in sales and there,are many smaller websites out there that,are drop shipping but since this one has,so many different categories it's just a,good starting point especially for a,short video like this but let's just say,again you want to transition to using,the high ticket model with domestic,brands you can simply come to, maybe you sell lighting so,i'll just hover over lighting and maybe,you want to sell something like table,lamps okay so i'm gonna go here i'm,gonna click on table lamps and then i'm,gonna let these load and then what i'm,gonna do is in the sidebar here i'm,gonna go to show more filters and i'm,going to keep scrolling down and here,i'm going to look for where it says,brands now i know that the majority the,vast majority of products on wayfair are,drop shipped wayfarer doesn't stock them,they have other companies fulfill the,orders domestic companies suppliers in,in this case the states so you'll see,here it shows three brands what i'm,going to click on is show all brands and,i'm going to let this expand and you can,see here i have a list of all of the,different brands that make table lamps,for wayfair that wayfarer sells for so,what i would encourage you to do is find,your niche on wayfair whether it's your,current or your future or just go to, search for whatever your,niche is again table lamps led lighting,obviously i'm in the lighting category,now so that's what i'm on but whatever,it is stand-up paddle boards right model,train sets whatever find websites that,are domestic in the countries where you,do business make sure they don't have,warehouses make sure they don't have,stores or showrooms go to their stores,go to their categories look for the,brands they sell for in this case it's,probably hundreds if not a thousand and,what you wanna do is reach out to these,brands individually one on one let them,know where you're calling from what your,store is let them know you wanna sell,their products when you get approved and,i'm just going to keep scrolling through,this but when you get approved to sell,for them they're going to give you a,list of their products they're going to,give you the wholesale price they're,going to give you something known as map,minimum advertised price that you'll,sell it for you'll be able to sell,products that are in warehouses in the,countries where you do business you'll,be able to have solid profit margins,you'll be able to sell products that,people are actually searching for and in,my opinion this is a much better way,than ever trying to drop ship from some,random company on aliexpress where,things take forever to get to the,customers where you need tons of order,volume to make money because products,are typically inexpensive and where it's,just not that great of a business model,and again i don't know this for a fact,but i don't think that shopify would,shut down oberlo which they acquired for,a lot of money which they can easily,improve if their competitors are doing,better if it was something they believed,in long term so it's something i've,tried in the past the whole china thing,as experiments it's something that has,never been better than what we do and,that is what i would encourage you to do,as well which is find domestic brands,get approved to sell for them become an,authorized retailer you'll have a much,more profitable business and you'll have,a business that can last for the long,term now if you want more in-depth,information on what this is how we do it,how to get set up plus a list of 237,profitable products to sell online go to, and you can register,for a free training there it's about,three hours long i go in depth on all,this show you how we do research and,give you that list of 237 profitable,product ideas again go to, to get that so thank,you all i appreciate you best of luck in,business and life and i'll talk to the,next one

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