how much does shopify cost uk

Shopify Pricing UK (2022) How Much Does Shopify Costs In United Kingdom in this video I'm going to b

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Updated on Feb 01,2023

Shopify Pricing UK (2022) How Much Does Shopify Costs In United Kingdom

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Shopify Pricing UK (2022) How Much Does Shopify Costs In United Kingdom

in this video I'm going to be going over,Shopify pricing plan for United Kingdom,hey guys it's Adam here and today I'm,going to be going over the uh how much,it costs how much Shopify costs in,United Kingdom or UK,so anyways before we get into it so,usually normally what you will do when,you want to get uh you'll go to the, you will enter in uh you,will enter in your email and hit start,free trial right but the thing with this,is uh it gives you three days with no,credit card required by it in your email,but I actually have a special deal for,you guys which not only gives you a,longer free trial but it also gives you,um,a a discount on top of that so I'll,leave a special link in the description,you know and it will take you to this,page right here now Shopify is always,doing these special deals,um this is the current one but even,let's say you miss out on this special,deal that's going on currently,um you know maybe a few months or maybe,a year or two later from the,um the date this video is uploading on,um you'll still have the latest Shopify,uh trial deal which gives you the,discount which gives you the highest,discount possible,because that's what Shopify does if two,selective Partners anyways you just want,to put in your email and hit start free,trial and it'll take you to this page,now,so you get the special deal uh which is,one Great British pound,and um otherwise it would be normally it,will be 19 British pounds,and that's the basics on the flashlight,then there is the Shopify,um Shopify plan which is the which costs,49 pounds per month and then there is,the advanced Shopify which is uh 259 uh,pounds per month,now with the special uh deal that I was,talking about the discount I was talking,about if you've hit on the yearly tab,you actually saved you actually get a,discount on these so that's uh you get,uh,the basic Shopify plan for 17 pounds you,get Shopify for 44 pounds per month and,you get Advanced uh Shopify plan for,230 230 pounds and uh,uh basically you want you you do save,like uh what that's 20 20 uh 20 pounds,um probably more but I'm pretty bad at,math don't uh quote me on that anyways,now which plan which Shopify plan should,you go if you uh live in the UK or even,in general,most people will say go with the basic,Shopify plan and while they are correct,the thing with this plan right here the,Shopify plan is uh if you come down here,it says transaction fees for all third,party payment providers which is one,percent uh but in the basic Shopify it's,two percent now this might not seem like,a lot,but uh given the fact that uh you get a,couple sales here and there you actually,end up saving way more going through,this plan than you will with this one,so I hope you guys,um you know understand the difference,I'm not telling you guys to go with the,more expensive one but that's I'm just,saying that one percent keep this in,mind when you're uh picking one and in,this one you get even less,okay,this is 0.5 anyway again this time might,not seem like a lot but uh you actually,end up saving a lot more so,whether you're doing uh Drop Shipping or,or prints on demand um I feel like these,or these this this one should be uh good,to start off with,um yeah and then maybe you can uh go go,take this one if you really want to,scale or maybe you already have you,already expect a lot of sales,anyways I hope you guys found this,useful those of you who live in Great,Britain or in United Kingdom uh found,this uh useful,and I hope you uh take uh take the,special Shopify deal,for United Kingdom,anyways I hope you guys like this video,and see you make sure to hit that like,button subscribe and see you guys next,time

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