what is a typical conversion rate for email list mailchimp shopify

Mailchimp vs Shopify Email - Which Is Better? hey there guys my name is marcus and in,this video i'm

Knowledge By Marcus

Updated on Mar 16,2023

Mailchimp vs Shopify Email - Which Is Better?

The above is a brief introduction to what is a typical conversion rate for email list mailchimp shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what is a typical conversion rate for email list mailchimp shopify

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what is a typical conversion rate for email list mailchimp shopify catalogs

Mailchimp vs Shopify Email - Which Is Better?

hey there guys my name is marcus and in,this video i'm going to compare,mailchimp,and shopify email so let's start i'm not,paid by shopify,or mailchimp to say one is better,comparing to the other i'm just going to,give you my honest opinion,uh the truth so let's start first i will,look on the pricing plans then i will go,how the workflow how both of these,platforms work,and then some advantages and,disadvantages i personally see,so shopify is cheap,because you got the basic plan or the,advance plan that you're paying right,now monthly or yearly,and then there is like shopify email,cost which works like this first 2,500 emails you get completely for free,so that's amazing,so if you're gonna say i don't know you,got 1 000 subscribers you would send two,emails per month,that means you're not going to pay a lot,of money but after that,let's say sending 1000 emails would cost,you,one dollar additional so let's say that,you want to send,40 000 emails and that's like 40 dollars,that you would pay,additionally every single month but,still,it's better comparing to mailchimp let,me explain,if you would go to mailchimp pricing,plan so mailchimp pricing plan,you get free account which is up to 2000,subscribers,uh 2 000 contacts that you can have but,let's say that you want to have 10 000,contacts and you would say 4,40 000 emails to the four emails per,month,you would pay on essential 79,it's still much better to use,shopify at this position and let's just,talk about the work for or what do i,think about it,so it's really great to use a shopify,email because it's directly,with working with shopify mailchimp you,can get lost sometimes,and from the design standpoint a,mailchimp is much harder to master,comparing to shopify,you have options to go with the campaign,in shopify and you just click,create campaign email shopify email,click new and now what let's just wait,until it's going to load,now you have like templates that you can,actually use and it's really great that,you can target it directly,with for example let's say that you have,a gift card or you have some coupon that,you can use,it's directly going to connect with your,email campaign so holiday ship,chipping select,and now it's going to load and as you,can see to all subscribers you just add,a subject preview text,let's just move my camera here create,your email,you just click here plus you can add a,button,learn more or you can add a gift card or,a simple product directly from your,um from your products so that this is,really great because you can,get directly connected with shopify the,shopify email,now this is how you do it and then just,like send test another thing we can do,is to actually click automations and,create automation,and you can go for,email and shopify app store if you want,to and then,also find it in shopify app store and,sms,so this is the way you can do it now,it's not integrated directly,you can have google ads as automations,on mailchimp you have automations but,it's not that easy to,learn and master let's move my camera,again sorry,so what i would do is this if you want,to use extensive application with,shopify,go with the clavio go with the shop uh,send in blue,in which you got advancements for,customer card etc,let me show you so if you would go to,send in blue,there's thing that i really like you,have a link down below in description,click automations email templates,oh no sorry just automations,create a workflow and you have like,increased revenue here and you got,templates that you can use and for,example,mailchimp doesn't have it abundant card,product purchase marketing activity,and you can actually integrate it with,shopify and also it's based it's much,cheaper comparing to mailchimp,and i would go this way so if you're,deciding if you want to actually use,a mailchimp go with ascendant blue is,much better the customer reviews are,better,the customer support is better and,the templates and creating campaigns is,much easier comparing to mailchimp,so thank you very much everybody for,watching if you have any questions guys,ask me download comments i'm really,happy to help you and provide you some,guidance and support and let me down,below,if any questions see ya

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