what is a shopify monitor

Shopify Monitor - Introduction hey guys so this is a project of them,working on for about a week now

Peter Soboyejo

Updated on Jan 25,2023

Shopify Monitor - Introduction

The above is a brief introduction to what is a shopify monitor

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Shopify Monitor - Introduction

hey guys so this is a project of them,working on for about a week now and I'm,when I just present but I've had so far,I'm pretty busy with my school schedule,midterms,yeah although it should not too much,intense as a sophomore book it's pretty,annoying but um I'm going to show you,what I have so far,um so over here this is a repository and,there's a pretty detailed readme and,just want to quickly mention that the,readme kind of has a lot of really felt,on documenting the readme in the wiki so,the wiki um has the guide from settings,of slack it's going to have a slack,integration and even if you want to add,the Twitter integration so that's just a,quick note so the first thing you want,to do is one thing I recommend is having,get - SCM if you're on a Windows machine,if you're on links or Mac OS you should,have Mac OS developer tools which you,can easily install oh I can't exactly,remember what you have to do I know,every time I use a Mac I ended up,installing the first minute I set up a,Mac so it's pretty easy to have get,working if you have Xcode installed you,should have get already there just,another quick note a lot of people are,using my Shopify monitor needed not,download it as a zip file,everyone seems to be downloading a zip,get Clooney best way to do it so I'm,seeing in the instructions you can get,clone seaming let's say you're on your,desktop for example yeah you could be on,your desktop,yeah when you're on your desktop we can,just probably do it here you can get,clone PDQ Shopify monitor and then,taking CL FSG over here readme API to,everything simply all you have to do is,just type in npm install and installed,all the necessary dependencies to have,this thing working again um for the,people are using this for example let's,say I make a tweet thing hey new update,out that I made all you have to really,do is rather than downloading it they,have been extracting onto your desktop,again just type in git pull and that,will pull the new changes um,so over here we actually have a config,file so if you can see here is a config,example JSON file I'm just simply going,to open that up into atom and show you,guys how to run that alright so this is,some basic stuff what you do is you can,have certain keywords associated with,what you want all tributes easy all,sorts of keywords associated which what,you're seeking for but what this can,also do is it will detect for new items,restock sellout items and removed items,from stores,so with this underneath the site's array,you can add the sitemap products,XML for ml URL on that's applicable um,and there's other options there's only,two actually I could add more a SSP,antisocial social club and you can also,add house if you really wanted to don't,really need this,no but here are the two sitemaps and I,can actually provide you guys with a,whole lid of sitemaps that inside the,repository that people might find useful,so that's pretty cool I'm just gonna,yeah so yeah those are just an example,of slice you can add if you want to have,it tweet out new items the Twitter,feature which only tweets out new items,or restocked items then over here you,just put in your Twitter API consumer,key secret access token to access secret,and then over here if you want to set up,a black thought like what I'm about to,show I'll show you what the slack,thought looks like it's pretty,self-explanatory you just get the bought,token and you can change the image if,you are the user name of the bot and,what channel so I have a channel called,monitor and that's why I want to go to,know image URL if there's no image,available for a product then this will,be like the image that it's a,placeholder image that you can have,that's just an m3 link I have up there,and then over here notify one on keyword,matches and all that stuff on this magic,magical jazz over here it's just in one,place but one important thing is this,interval right here this is millisecond,so be careful with the amount of sites,that you have and be cautious knowing,your internet speed and your computer,kit and your computer's capacity of how,fast it would be able to process things,in and out learn an experiment with the,interval do not have a interval 300,links in one second because it doesn't,work like that,um that being said I'm going to show you,a currently running instance of it a,current running instance of it so right,here,this is an example of a couple key words,I had and it found all the key words for,me alongside it actually found a new,item and tweeted it out and add it to my,black so in slack I'm going to show you,an example this is what it looks like my,father newly added item is found out at,4:41 it's 500 for it now and these are,all my keyword matches and even if I,screw up a little bit of kid even fun,removed items so yeah that's a mousepad,from kit that they removed from this,store and it also provides you with the,stock count of the items if available,and not all brands have available stock,count and also provides you with the,prize and the brand and everything,basically that one would love to know,there anything else I need to mention,there's I've been spending a lot of time,buffing out the book it's sort of,Douglass right now um but stay cautious,um also in addition you oh whoops wrong,thing,yeah also in addition you don't have to,have just a sitemap that I recommend,using the side that you can also add,slides that you can just add the site,name but not all sites will work because,some have blocked the products that,Jason's URL so you rather want to go,using sitemap um yeah so it just it,builds that again as I said whenever,there's a new update for example if I,were say there's a new update you can,also run get poll you know close already,it's already up to date but yeah thank,you so much for watching if you haven't,question to me through email make a,github issue or whatever Thanks

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