what does my shopify look like

What A Good Shopify Store Looks Like… in this video i am going to review,stores that you guys have s

Hayden Bowles

Updated on Mar 19,2023

What A Good Shopify Store Looks Like…

The above is a brief introduction to what does my shopify look like

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What A Good Shopify Store Looks Like…

in this video i am going to review,stores that you guys have sent me some,that are making,zero sales some that are starting to,make a couple hundred dollars a day,and others that are making thousands of,dollars a day,now this actually used to be one of the,most popular types of videos on the,channel so let me know if it's something,you would want to see more often,i love showcasing as many examples as,possible as you guys already know,so being able to go through multiple,stores i think is really going to give,you a great perspective,on what you should be doing and what you,should avoid for sure so i want to make,it,clear before we go through this there's,no judgment on anyone this is purely for,a learning purpose,this is based on my opinion and my,experience everyone builds,stores differently this is just my last,four years of experience,i spent a lot of made a lot with,e-commerce and this is,my perspective on it okay so i have not,looked at these yet i haven't gone,through them i just clicked the link to,make sure it would work,i'm gonna kind of run you through it,give you my perspective on the home page,the product page anything to do with the,photos the title of pricing,and just overall the entire thing okay,we could dive a little bit deeper,you guys should already be looking at,stuff like making sure you have a terms,and condition page,a refund page a contact us page just,some basic things that pretty much every,website needs to have,but we're going to focus more on the,actual stuff that's going to get a,customer to buy,now before we jump into it i want to,mention we do build,custom shopify stores for people who,would want one,now whether you have no experience with,e-commerce or you're looking to,diversify into a secondary or third,store,what we do is we actually build you a,custom store and find all the products,for you that are already winning,products,so it's monday as i'm posting this video,if you follow me over on instagram,you know that every monday we open up,about 30 shopify stores it depends how,many we can do that week,where my personal developers who build,all my stores and my client stores,build an additional 30 each of them,unique each of them separate everything,completely different,and i don't really make a lot of money,on it i've talked about it from a,marketing perspective why we do this,it's something where as long as we can,break even over deliver value for,whoever does end up purchasing one,and then hopefully down the road they,become a client on something else that's,kind of the ltv,you know lifetime value perspective of,the marketing for what we do,so that's kind of my front end offer if,you will so feel free to check that out,in the description below again there's,like 30 of them a week so they usually,go within like a day or two,so feel free to check it out and without,further ado smash a like on this video,and let me know if you want me to keep,doing,it let's get like 500 likes and i'll,start doing these every single month,i think would be really fun so let's,jump inside my computer let's go through,these stores,and see what's looking good and what's,not all right so like i said,i promise i have not looked at these in,depth i just made sure that the links,work,all right so let's start with the first,one,i jotted down some notes so that i could,tell you what's one just based on what,the person told me,uh the infinity brush two to three,thousand dollars a day in sales mean,revenue,you know depends on what the margin is,margins can be all over the place,um let's take a look here first of all,currency exchange that's good especially,running ads,to other countries in the third world,countries just other countries in,general,that's huge because especially for,people who don't speak english,that's one of the biggest things people,who are in other countries like canada,or australia,they can order and place an order in usd,but it is nice to be able to change that,so it's a great thing to have they have,a messenger chat here which is a good,bot,i personally don't use those on my store,i don't really use a lot of pop-ups,anymore it just,hasn't had the biggest effect on me in,the last year but if it works for you,and it generates a lot of leads then i,definitely recommend sticking with it,logo i love it i'm gonna assume you're,selling a toothbrush,just based on the background here uh,there's a feather,that's interesting let's see how that,relates to a toothbrush experience the,softest,brush ever over 12 000 ultra fine,bristles that's cool,i'm genuinely intrigued by this now okay,so infinity brush,18 bucks for a toothbrush it's a very,unique toothbrush i could see that being,valuable,white green inverted black i think you,could try to get some better pictures,correct me if i'm mistaken but i think,these are supplier pictures,you see the green it's just a little,fuzzy it's not very clear i think you,could get a lot better pictures of this,so if in fact you are doing two to three,thousand dollars a day in sales,i my friend would invest in the content,now if this is working extremely well,for you,and you've tested that then i take it,back but in my opinion,i would definitely work on getting some,super super cool custom creatives,and i think this is something you could,brand and probably sell if you wanted to,i've never seen a product like this,i might end up buying one from you so uh,yeah i mean this is cool you know i,think a toothbrush is great because,it's it is a tapped market obviously but,it's also untapped it's not really a,sexy,market in general you know i have,friends who own teeth whitening,companies i have a friend who owns a,huge huge,uh like recharging mobile phone case,company so it's like a case that has a,charger built in,it's like not the sexiest product but,it's it's very real it's a real market,you know it's,has health benefits for this so i think,you could do really well with this,see free worldwide chipping satisfaction,guaranteed 30 day money back guarantee,great 24 7 customer service so if you,have a va linked up to this,um you know like a virtual assistant who,replies within a few minutes that could,be super beneficial for you,personally i don't do it one of the,reasons as well is because i have phone,support,so i pay per minute for my phone support,team so they people can just call in if,they want,let's see privacy policy boom you got it,on there,i'm not gonna like get into the mumble,jumbo of exactly what you should be,having on there,30 day refund policy cool cool,let's see is it just a one product store,let's let's click shop let's see if,you've got anything else going on inside,of here,okay no i just see this okay get some,reviews down here at the bottom,super cool it comes in a tube that's,nice looks fancy um packaging would be,huge,from a branding perspective i like this,product i don't have a lot of uh a lot a,lot of bad things to say,your description is a bit long i would i,would point that out it's a little bit,long i would try to stick to maybe your,two best,animations i would probably ditch this,one,i don't think that's as appealing but,you know showcasing the product showcase,not cool it is,definitely mentioning some health,benefits you might want to just be,careful if you're advertising on,facebook because if you mention,like any sort of guarantees and health,benefits you can definitely have,problems so overall really cool i would,rate this like an,8.5 out of 10. you can just clean up the,site the description and work on the,photos i think your pricing is great,i realistically think oh wait is this,u.s it's only 13 bucks did i or did i,change the currency,regardless i think you could sell for,more this is probably a 24.99 product if,it's working,so slowly slowly increase that once your,ads are already stable and working don't,mess with your ads very much,and then slowly increase your price over,a few weeks and see how that affects,your conversion rate,so good story good product really cool,next one,200 to 400 a day it's one month old now,he's actually a student,um he's inside of the ad academy which,is the facebook ad training program we,have,you can find that linked below so he's,just getting things going,brand new one month in i mean i know i,was not making that much money when i,was just starting,so that's awesome let's take a quick,look at the store,okay about us,we've got express yourself forwards pro,i i'm not a huge fan of having text,right away i like to be visual,um that's just me so i would usually put,this towards the bottom,definitely i'll put that under here oh,cool this is in the music space,some music products are really really,good i've seen people who are actually,friends of mine crush it,with different guitar picks and stuff,like that so music is great as well,because if you brand it,it's something you can mark up just,astronomically well so you got a,portable,guitar amplifier a wireless guitar,transmitter 75 bucks,i'm sure you're making a pretty good,margin on here um,okay got all these different plugs i'm,not huge on music i don't know a lot,about instruments but,yeah i would just clean up the site,again um one thing i do notice,all of these say save so save 80 save,nine bucks,let's try and click on some of these,other things here and just kind of get a,sense of what's going on,say 55 save 34 save 100 um i would,really,probably only put your one or two best,selling products on an actual sale,and bump the price up a little bit on,those other ones it just it's all about,that value perception,it helps make you solidified as a brand,and even if you're not really selling,those other products it's a great way to,at least,look like it's a little bit more,legitimate and that even helps funnel,people,even further into buying the product,that you're marketing to them,so let's take a quick look at the,descriptions uh just kind of that's,always a huge thing it's kind of the,long-form version of your ad copy,so someone's almost always going to read,that before they do decide to purchase,let's take a look okay so it's not gone,from 80 to 45.,why not take your music with you on the,go i would i would i'm all about,shortening you guys know that you've,probably seen a few of my videos,um and one of the most recent ones,talking about ad copy sure go short,so i would literally change this right,now to why not take your music on the go,right you'd fit in two lines instead of,three everything counts you know,especially if someone is shopping on,mobile,you should take a look at your ads if,you're doing two to four dollars a day,uh if a huge percentage your audience is,coming from their phone,the longer it is man the quicker you're,gonna lose them okay so,presenting the muse lady must lady,portable guitar amplifier,cool cool features and benefits,lightweight got some great,shots here that kind of explain each,little button that's cool that's great,to have,explaining the usage of it you know the,different jacks and aux cords that plug,into there,awesome awesome specifications package,includes,that's good a product like this where,it's an electronic product you will have,to do more explaining that's okay,i think you might be able to cut out or,shorten up a medium piece of it,if i'm on my my computer like this and i,have to scroll kind of like ready this,is,one scroll two okay three,four if i have to do four i usually try,to keep it like two,so if i have to really kind of scroll,there's a lot to read it gets a little,bit overwhelming,um consider adding a video i don't think,you have a video you could add a video,into the description,you know that that could help shorten it,up because it explains everything in,there,overall super cool product you're,definitely in a great niche if you can,just identify that right product for you,that works and you have a really good,margin,i think you could do extremely well with,it i mean musicians,at least in my experience haven't sold,much in that space but,super passionate you know it's a big,passion space so you can definitely do,really well,good looking store glad you're starting,to do some sales love seeing you put,that good information from the ad,academy to use,i wanted to talk about this one because,i've seen a few people try to do it,canvas art specifically in the,entrepreneur space,i've had close friends try to do this i,have probably 50 or 60 pieces in my,basement that i,don't even use um from one of my friends,companies that's like a,hustle motivational entrepreneur art the,only time i've seen this work really,well i've talked to him a few times is,the owner,of iconic that's a huge company you guys,might know especially,in this space but like a lot of,entrepreneur stuff you know it's pretty,similar like different things money and,quotes and stuff like that,but iconic has branded themselves,they've worked a huge huge amount with,influencers which brings me to my point,here,um just my recommendation to you you,should definitely be working with,influencers in the space,you know like if i was to build uh,something like this i'd be promoting it,myself i would be sending,a bunch of these for free to all of my,friends into space that would in my,opinion be the fastest way to kind of,build a brand,is to get uh you know reputable people,in the space promoting it that would be,a very very good way,now your products look dope your website,is great,one thing that i do see on here,specifically,is kind of the way that you phrase this,main header text,now i don't know if you're from the us,or what's going on but uh totally fine,quick fix i would put hustling in,capital because it doesn't make sense,for especially that word which should be,kind of emphasized a little bit that one,should not be the only word out of this,sentence that is,not capitalized so start hustling art,for all entrepreneurs this should,definitely just,be a normal hyphen or whatever you call,a colon um,you know just with two dots i wouldn't,put it like this so i think you could,rework that a little bit just threw me,off a little bit when i saw it,let's take a quick look at some of these,again dope art super cool photos,you got a great logo a logo is crucial,especially when you're trying to brand,something like that super super cool,content,39 bucks okay so here's the cool thing,and what i've noticed about these,because i've bought artwork before,that's uh,i mean in the entrepreneurial space a,few hundred dollars but it's really cool,because,you know you can make a lot of money on,these upsells that are super simple like,a frame,bigger sizing and your profit margin,only goes up,uh you know the more little upsells they,buy so no frame no frame small frame,um you know just doubled but you need a,frame what are you gonna do like hang on,your wall and put some pins in it,it doesn't really work as well so it's a,huge way to increase your aov but,advertise it as a low,product cost you know low cost for,someone to buy and you get them in that,way so that's that's great,limited stock due to high volume of,orders okay,um i would recommend at least this is,what i'm filming this right now,take advantage of all the corona stuff,say limited stock due to corona virus,you know literally mention it,um you know say something like that if,your shipping times take a long time,you could say slightly delayed shipments,because of um you know health,regulations and custom inspections and,stuff like that,you can kind of use that as a reason for,the longer shipping time,let's see you got some cool eco-friendly,made with the environment,friendly materials great high quality,easy to hang,oh never mind there you go you already,have the code alert that's awesome,um canada cool united states worldwide,awesome awesome,i would recommend giving yourself a,little bit more cover room than this,okay,2 to twenty four days look but it's not,gonna be two days it's really not you,know like,my fastest one is three days and that's,that's like to the u.s,so i would not recommend saying that you,know it's going to take longer,it's better to just be straight up with,a customer especially with everything,going on,put it as like 10 to 24 days you know,like one week to three weeks something,like that,a little bit bigger give yourself a,little bit more room on that front okay,you don't want to,have their hopes up and then they don't,get it as quick as they thought they,could,so a lot of cool things love how you,kind of did the amazon move here,frequently bought together,that's great um fbts like this can make,a lot of money if those products go,together,so super cool got all the frames and,stuff here love it,no customer reviews i'd get that taken,care of i know you said you just started,um but it kind of looks better to not,have it versus have no reviews,so just keep that in mind other than,that everything looks great i can't,complain about your description,um i know when you dm this to me you,said you've been working really hard on,it i think you did really well it's just,that header,uh text right there on the front of the,site that's the only thing that could,use updating and that'll take you like,six seconds so,awesome job there let's keep moving uh,finesse,and oh okay this is actually uh one that,was dm to me,on instagram doing 40 000 a month in,revenue targeting just mexico so very,like specific audience here so,let's take a look at what's going on i,have not seen this one,okay i got the translation there we're,going to pop that over in english,uh start to buy uh you might want to,just make sure the translation's,good if you're only targeting mexico,doesn't matter as long as it's good in,that language,um but to buy usually would just be shop,secure shipping we care more and 10 000,satisfied customers,i would recommend making the first,letter capitalized on any kind of,announcement header,that's one thing i do except but the c,here capitalized,the ten thousand s and satisfied things,like that i would recommend putting that,specifically capitalized pain is,weakness leaving the body,it's a very big uh very big saying i've,heard that before,like long text and an image just like a,product so uh,yeah you gotta gotta write something,there and,okay hang on link long text to the image,to get visibility,just like body pro blog post uh okay,that's just interesting,that seems a little out of place paint,is temporary prizes forever,cool you got a quote in there awesome,let's go to the shop page i want to see,what's going on here okay,if they are making money i haven't,verified any of this so so don't hold me,to the one that's,you know confirming that it's done 40,000 in sales um however resistance bands,i know are a big product you know,to be straight up i was selling like 35,000 a day worth of this product this,year,consistently so i it is a huge product i,don't know how well it works now,uh did slow down for sure but resistance,bands are huge it could be doing very,well i don't doubt it,um you know especially if there's target,in one country as long as all the,language stuff makes sense when it's,translated over there i know it can be,difficult when you're trying to do that,but uh description let's see got a,little,moving animation video there that's,great couple main bullet points,more examples of people showing it more,examples,excellent excellent i promise i don't,think it's crazy long,you know like let's see one two three,three and a half to four scrolls it's,okay it's a fitness product i think you,definitely should be showing different,examples of this,i think you might be able to eliminate,one of these um definitely a little bit,just shorten it up,again like i said short has definitely,worked a lot better for me but i like,this overall,uh shipping about three to four weeks,through the current situation,uh shipping delays made her hashtag stay,at home,awesome yeah and you got a 4.9 star okay,so you got 46 reviews,helps make you look legit um whether,those are real or not you know that's,definitely a solid point there so i'll,just work on your description there,i would work on a couple of those uh,just making those things capitalized,but at the end of the day that's that's,small details you know i don't want to,nitpick here,especially if it's making money i mean,there's not a whole lot for you to,change,so let's keep going here the last one,four percent conversion rate,doing two thousand a month in sales so,barely off the ground hasn't really done,any sales yet,let's see if we can find a reason why,okay,and let me know your guys's opinion by,the way in the comment section below,what do you think of these,you know drop some advice for these,people um and then let me know what you,guys like to do on your store so i'm,just kind of giving you my,my feedback here gear bay something for,everyone love the logo looks great,questions support at gearbest i would,recommend removing the question mark and,just putting a hyphen colon whatever the,two dots are,i forget what they're called um just,because it kind of blends together a,little bit,but it looks good definitely good to,have an email there health and beauty,home decor,pet lovers okay very broad store i,personally do not run general stores i,used to have one,got rid of it like a year and a half ago,it was like my testing store,so what i would do is i would just,launch all these products figure out if,they're working or not,and then build their own niche store,kind of seemed like a waste of,time for me if it's working for you,though i know you're just getting,started doing two thousand dollars,i would recommend narrowing your focus,whatever is bringing you the two,thousand dollars in sales can probably,bring you a lot more,especially if it's already profitable on,that small of a dollar volume,so focus on that try to just narrow the,store down around that,find other products that relate to that,and get that working then you can start,testing outside of that,but uh like you know if it's watches for,an example let's go in here and take a,look,luxury watch portable wireless charger i,don't know why that's in there,okay smart watch cool smart watches can,do great targeting the fitness side of,things,only seven in stock 10 people viewing,estimated delivery cool cool,the product descriptions down here 39,bucks product features,keeps it easy click that card due to,high order volume please that dude three,weeks,or trackable great great yeah so i mean,i like this it's a short description,let's take a look at the reviews here no,reviews again,it's just a little pet peeve of mine,it's better to have nothing,it's better to not even have that review,section than it is to have nothing so,you either want reviews or get rid of,the whole review section that's that's,just my personal opinion,but uh other than that these product,pictures look pretty good i can tell you,haven't ordered them yourself so,whatever you find,to be your winning product when you're,getting your ads going definitely order,that product take photos you can use,that not only for your ads or social,media,but also your website so that'll be huge,having your own custom stuff because if,you've pulled these off aliexpress,i guarantee you there's other people,using those photos and you want your own,unique,content 100 but overall don't really,much complain about you got a contact,page here,let's see just the reviews i would i,would shorten up the store i think it's,just a little all over the place so if,someone's scrolling through the store,that's why i'm not a big fan of niche,or of general stores i prefer to have a,niche one that keeps things more focused,especially like if you're targeting,fitness and then you bring them here and,especially bring them to the home page,well you're targeting fitness it's so,much stuff doesn't relate to that,so i always like to keep it focused it,just does a lot better for me,okay you gotta contact us for them,that's great i like this you know i,think you should just focus in on your,ads find that winning product,and keep running you guys might notice,i'm not crazy picky with stores and,there's things that i do that are,very very clear that are kind of habits,and patterns i do on every single store,and there's stuff that i like to stay,away from you know certain things like,we saw in there,that i always make sure i do just basic,things like grammar and capitalizing,properly,making sure the product photos are great,descriptions are short enough where it,looks good on mobile,and you don't have to scroll too far,over on your desktop if you're on your,laptop,or an actual desktop computer so things,like that can help the optimization of,it and that just,you know even a third of a percent boost,in the um,in the conversion rate can make a huge,difference when you're doing,a very large volume ten thousand fifty,thousand a hundred thousand dollars a,day,i mean you know point three percent that,can be a lot of money so it adds up,every little thing does matter i don't,want to get too deep into like oh the,color of this and that and,you know that's kind of your own,personal style you're the one,controlling the company,you're the creative side of it you're,the entrepreneur brain so you're,building it,in your vision right build a brand,around and have fun with it for sure so,that's my opinion on those five stores,which are all great by the way i don't,really have any complaints about all of,them just some small details,which i'd love to see that means you,guys are crushing it and killing it so,if you want me to do another video like,this let me know in the comment section,down below,let me know if you want me to maybe look,at the ads uh maybe we could only look,at two or three stores next time but,also look at their ads i think that,would be really fun,so let me know what you guys want to see,if you enjoyed this video at all make,sure to smash the like button and be,sure to grab yourself,a custom built high converting shopify,store pre-loaded with winning products,every single one unique in the,description down below you can either,get a one product store which is very,very focused,on just that product right so you can,drive sales over and over to it,or get a niche store that's focused,around a couple winning products and has,all those other products for upsells,down sales cross sales,and can really help get that average,order value through the roof for you so,click the link in the description i'll,leave it somewhere down there it's a,super easy way just to get things going,especially not skilled at web,development or building a store on,shopify,so that you can kind of get the product,research out of the way as well as,building a store and you can just start,focus on your marketing,which at the end of the day is is what,drives sales so you gotta make sure you,take care of that,then focus on your ads and then you can,be off to the races and getting your,business running,with cash flow coming in so again let me,know if you have any questions in the,comment section down below,you can read a little bit more about the,stores watch the short video i please,encourage you,to make an educated decision you know if,the store is something you want to do,do it but learn about it beforehand you,know so it's kind of our front end offer,i look forward to going above and beyond,for you guys who do decide to get one,and i hope you enjoyed this video again,make sure to smash the like button and,i'll be seeing you in the next one,peace

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