what does fb:app_id error message mean? shopify

Fix Error The Following Required Properties Are Missing: fb:App_id Yoast Plugin hey guys this is Rah


Updated on Mar 31,2023

Fix Error The Following Required Properties Are Missing: fb:App_id Yoast Plugin

The above is a brief introduction to what does fb:app_id error message mean? shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what does fb:app_id error message mean? shopify

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what does fb:app_id error message mean? shopify catalogs

Fix Error The Following Required Properties Are Missing: fb:App_id Yoast Plugin

hey guys this is Rahul and you're,welcome to go Mahamaya calm and this to,told we are going to fix the following,require properties are missing there,have to be tidy for that you need to go,to and once you are inside,developer dot you have to,click on create app and here it will be,your email ID and here it will be your,name like whatever name you want to give,to that app so I will give Yoast and I,will click on trade app ID like you have,to verify that you are a human and you,have to click on submit and now you'll,be redirected to this page and if you,could not you have to make a login on W,dot and in this area you,won't find anything you have to hover or,dashboard and you have to click on that,and once you are inside the dashboard,you'll find API version app ID and the,app secret for Yoast you does not need,app secret you just need app ID if you,still could not find your Yoast or,whatever name you gave for your app ID,you have to hover over this or click on,this you'll find your ID name if you,still could not find your ID name you go,to again back and you type developer dot, slash apps and you will,find all your apps already you have,created you can click on any of the app,if you still could not find you have to,click on add a new app and again you,have to follow the same procedure and,let me let me click on this Yoast again,back and I'll copy this app ID I'll go,back to my dashboard now and once you're,inside your dashboard you have to hover,over a CEO and you'll find a bunch of,options you have to click on social and,next you have to click on Facebook and,once you're inside that Facebook tab you,have to scroll down and you'll find,Facebook app ID you have to paste that,code whatever code you have copied from,there you click on paste and you have to,click on Save Changes and on the top of,the screen you'll get,save message and now we'll go back to,our Facebook page and we'll take where,that's working or not,and now we'll refresh the page and now,still we are not getting any kinds of,images so we'll go back on in the debug,tool and we'll click on debug again and,now we'll check the error we are still,getting that error so we have to click,on a scrap again and now we have to,click on debug again back and I'm,getting that old images whatever the,image I'm getting is the old image so I,will click on debug again and now you,won't get any error and your original,image you'll get here now if you go back,to your Facebook page and refresh it,you'll get the correct image of your,website I'm not getting any image for,one of my blog post so I'll open that in,a new tab and I'll copy that link of the,blog post and I'll go back and I'll,paste in the debug tool again and you,have to click on debug and again you,will find error for that you have to,click on scrap again and once you click,on scrap you have to click on debug,again and you'll get an image for your,post now if you go back to your Facebook,page you'll refresh you'll get images I,hope you find this video useful if you,have any question ok let me know in the,comment section I if you haven't,subscribed to my channel click on,subscribe and for the more further takes,and trips thank you

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