shopify where to change email address for legal pages

Shopify Legal Settings. How to Create Your Legal Pages what's going on everyone it's Jamie here,from

Ecom Masterclass

Updated on Mar 05,2023

Shopify Legal Settings. How to Create Your Legal Pages

The above is a brief introduction to shopify where to change email address for legal pages

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Shopify Legal Settings. How to Create Your Legal Pages

what's going on everyone it's Jamie here,from Shopify masterclass and today we'll,be going over your Shopify legal,settings mainly the legal Pages you want,to have on your Shopify store we're,going to go over where to find them on,your Shopify site how to create them and,how you can add them to your footer menu,so they can be displayed many ad,platforms require them to be on your,website available to your customers and,most Shopify stores just simply put them,in the footer menu so we'll go over how,to do that today before I dive into it I,just want to thank our sponsor profit,calc The one-click Profit calculator app,available on the Shopify app store it's,going to allow you to skip your,spreadsheets and get back to Growing,your store in real time it comes with a,15 day free trial and there's a link in,the description below I'm also going to,show a quick video detailing their full,feature set are you a Shopify business,owner who spends hours doing your,accounting have messy spreadsheets kept,you from growing your business discover,profit cap the affordable and easy to,set up Shopify app that crunches your,numbers in just one click it,automatically syncs with all your,accounts and expenses to calculate your,profit displaying everything in an easy,to read dashboard so you understand your,business in real time start for free on,the Shopify app store today so now let's,dive into the Shopify legal settings so,if I go into our test Shopify store here,this is going to be the homepage so,where it's first gonna load when you log,into Shopify the way you access it is,from the left hand side menu you want to,scroll all the way to the bottom here to,the top of settings then from there it's,going to have quite a few settings on,this page and you what you're going to,want to look for here is the policies,it's going to be on the bottom here at,the time of recording so you just want,to hit policies and then from there it's,going to load the different policies,your store can have there's the refund,policy so higher store Grants refunds,how long you want to wait to Grant a,refund maybe there's a 60-day window in,which you can request one after that,you're not going to grant them things,like that there there's also gonna be,where to send your refunds so you're,gonna have to put an address in is your,privacy policy there's also your terms,of service your shipping policy and your,contact information and this page is now,required if you are selling in the,European Union it's also a really easy,one to create here so you might as well,just include it you can be a little,intimidating here thankfully Shopify has,a create from template for each of these,Pages here so if you're on the privacy,policy and I hit create from template,it's going to automatically generate,quite a bit of information here drowning,personal information collection sharing,a personal information behavioral,advertising and so on Shopify is going,to automatically do a lot of the heavy,lifting here you're going to want to pay,attention to these square brackets as,it's not something you just simply just,create and not touch there's going to be,information that you want to include so,here it's going to say insert,information about other service,providers up here it's going to say,insert the age make sure you're paying,attention to these you're reading these,over because these are a great start but,you're going to have to put in certain,information Shopify will populate things,such as your address or your email,automatically but you might want to,change it to something else but this is,a great starter I said and it's great as,seeing these markers here make it really,easy to edit and so for your legal Pages,you just want to hit create template,from each of them then read through all,of them to make sure they are correct,and they're reflecting things such as,your correct return address your email,in certain specific information,depending on the advertising your store,does and where it's located so once,you're done with all these Pages you,just want to hit the save button so once,you've done that there let's go to how,you can add these to your footer menu,from the Shopify menu again you want to,head to the left side head to online,store from there head to navigation and,your footy manager should be,automatically set up here as a default,for your Shopify store so you want to,click into it you might have renamed it,to something else what you want to do is,just hit add menu item you then want to,create the name for this footer menu,item I'm trying to call this one privacy,policy Shopify makes it really easy to,find you can paste the link if you,previewed it there or you can click down,to policies here I have the policy,created for the Privacy hit that you,just want to hit add and you want to hit,save menu and just like that it's going,to be automatically added to your footer,menu and if I open up this test store,here and I scroll to the bottom and hit,reload there as it took a second to,update you can see the privacy policy is,now linked under the footer menus quick,link section this is going to depend on,your Shopify theme but this is where the,footer menu is located on this test,store so you want to repeat that process,for your terms a service your refund,policy and all the other legal Pages,previously mentioned in the policy,section so overall this concludes the,video on the shopified legal settings,Pages they are quite easy to set up with,shopify's pre-built templates coming to,note is that the templates are not legal,advice by using these templates you do,agree and have read the disclaimer here,but I'll let you go through that,yourself I also went over how to add,them to your footer menu here so,customers can access them it's also,important to have them listed for,certain advertising platforms if you,enjoyed this video I would love it so,much if you hit that like And subscribe,button below if you have any questions,leave a comment and lastly I want to,mention our sponsor profacalc again the,one click profit calculator app,available on the Shopify App Store it,comes with a 15 day free trial and,there's a link in the description below,to access that trial there thank you so,much for watching and I'll see you in,our next video,foreign

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