shopify show rss feed

RSS feed-to-post with Shopify - beehiiv Integration Guides hello and welcome to another beehive,inte


Updated on Feb 24,2023

RSS feed-to-post with Shopify - beehiiv Integration Guides

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RSS feed-to-post with Shopify - beehiiv Integration Guides

hello and welcome to another beehive,integration guide where we're going to,cover how to integrate shopify and,shopify's blog feature with your beehive,publication using an rss feed to post,zap using zapier,at the end of this video you'll be able,to integrate your shopify blog with your,beehive publication ensuring that every,time you publish a beehive post that,post will populate on your shopify blog,this is useful if you want to white,label beehive as your content creation,cms,in coordination with shopify,if you haven't seen,our video of how to integrate,forms with shopify there's that video,within the playlist that you're,currently watching and we recommend,doing that as well and just about some,background about this video you'll need,a premium subscription to zapier in,order to access the shopify uh source,for or i guess destination for this,video,without further ado let's get started,so the first step is to jump into your,beehive account we're going to navigate,from the desktop or the dashboard to,settings,scroll down to rss and we're going to,copy our rss feed,next we're going to move into zapier,we're going to create a new zap using,the rss app,rss by zapier with the trigger event new,item in feed,once we continue we're going to paste,that code that we pulled over from our,beehive publication,and we're going to go through the next,steps of triggering testing the trigger,and moving forward,from there the next step is to choose,shopify from the list of apps,you're then going to select the create,blog entry action,and hit continue,you'll next have to verify your shopify,account you'll have to log in and then,add the zapier app to shopify it's very,very simple straightforward steps just a,couple button clicks and it'll bring you,right back to this page,then you'll set up the action,so this is the most important step of,this whole process you're going to,choose the blog in this case we have,this one in our sandbox environment,you're going to take,the title from the rss feed,you're going to take the author name,under here where it says raw creator,you're going to,select,raw encoded from this drop-down list of,content this is very important because,if you choose the content,thing up here it's not going to pull in,any of the styling so we'll select raw,encoded,next we'll set the featured image,by selecting the,raw enclosure url,you can see that the image url here,lastly we'll select the description for,this excerpt or summary from our,description tag,finally if you organize your content on,shopify,in any specific way you can add tags,here unfortunately currently beehive,doesn't offer the ability to tag posts,but that is coming in the future,but for now you can leave that empty,lastly if you want things to publish,immediately rather than being set to a,draft you're going to select true from,this list so if you're using shopify to,mirror your,publication this should be set to true,once you hit continue,it'll give you the option to start a,test i've already conducted the test and,so,it was successful and what you'll see,when you hop over to your shopify store,you navigate to online store to blog,posts you'll see that we are,successfully pulling in the featured,image we have the title we have the,author,and if we view the blog post you can see,that the title is being pulled,incorrectly the author is being pulled,in correctly,the date is being set to the current,date now if we go back here i think we,didn't have an option to set the publish,date and that's unique to,yeah that's unique to shopify in that,other some other integrations let us set,the publish date but if you're mirroring,this shouldn't matter because when it,publishes on your blog it'll be the same,date here this is just if you're,importing some past posts,but as you can see your styling in terms,of the uh you know bold text,sub headers,urls hyperlinks and whatnot are all,showing up the line spacing is all here,and,you can actually speak to your developer,about customizing these blog themes so,that when this is posted it's going to,look exactly like you want it to be so,for example if you wanted the featured,image to be pulled into the blog post a,developer would be able to obviously,have make that happen by editing the,template we haven't edited the template,here just to show you where that feature,image is used and the description is,used if we go back to the blog cover,page we can see that that's being pulled,in successfully and our description is,here as well so we click read more,we now get the full blog posts,links included,and you're off to the races,so,very straightforward very quick,integration hopefully this was useful,thank you so much for your time we look,forward to seeing what you create and we,look forward to growing with you have a,great day

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