shopify page error when i tried to link my own css

How to Fix 404 Page Not Found in Shopify tia here with mastering pop and today,i'm going to show you

Tia N. Jones

Updated on Mar 25,2023

How to Fix 404 Page Not Found in Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to shopify page error when i tried to link my own css

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shopify page error when i tried to link my own css catalogs

How to Fix 404 Page Not Found in Shopify

tia here with mastering pop and today,i'm going to show you,how to fix a broken link also known as a,404 error,in your shopify store,hey everyone my name is tia jones and,i'm the founder of mastering pop which,is mastering profitability over,popularity,i'm also the creator of the no fail,mastering ecom,workflow bundle which is a digital,marketing course that's available right,now,today i'm going to show you how to fix a,404 error in your shopify store,but before i do that go ahead and,subscribe to my youtube channel,and hit the notification bell so you can,be notified when i upload a new video,i create videos on things you can,implement to level up,uh your ecommerce games if you want to,become a top performing,ecommerce merchant making seven plus,eight plus figures,uh annually then uh you definitely want,to subscribe to my youtube channel,again today i'm going to show you how to,fix 404,uh we all have 404s um on our website,um they happen you either,have a product that product page that,you've deleted if you deleted a product,page,and you and you don't fix it meaning you,don't redirect it to,another page that product to a similar,product,or the home page or a collection page,then you will have a 404 error page,which is a broken link,um and a broken link just indicates that,the web page that you're trying to reach,can't be found right so um i'm going to,show you how to do that it's really easy,uh here we go so right here is,a a 404 right you've seen this before,um so this product no longer exists so,this king classic disposable lighter 50,count doesn't exist anymore and i want,to redirect it either to a similar,product,or a collection page or the home page,i know for a fact that i won't be,getting these back in uh i will not be,purchasing any more inventory,for this product so i'm gonna go ahead,and redirect it to,uh the lighters collection so i have a,lighters collection,so on the back end of your shopify store,uh you wanna go to,online store navigation then you want to,click url redirects,and you're going to click create url,redirect,all right so you're going to put the old,url which is the broken,the broken link right here and,uh the new url that you basically want,to,redirect to uh which is for me my,lighter collection oh we don't want it,to be clipper lighters we want it to be,lighters,see boom boom,that's when you know off the collections,really well okay so,we're gonna grab this and we're gonna,enter it here,and then we're gonna hit save redirect,all right so so that's fixed right so,this is a page right here you can see,a king classic disposable lighter i'm,gonna refresh and it should redirect to,my,collection page for lighters so now,that's fixed,so let's just say you have a product,that's out of stock,and uh it you probably you're not going,to be getting it back in stock anytime,soon,or at all so you want to redirect this,right it's not a broken page but it's,showing unavailable,so either you're going to redirect it to,a similar product or,a collection again or uh the home page,so i'm gonna,redirect this to hmm,i'm gonna do i'm gonna just go ahead and,redirect this to the,lighter collection again so i'm going to,click create another,redirect old,new save,all right so that's saved right but when,i click refresh,it still appears so it's going to,continue,it's going to appear because you have to,go back to this product on the back end,of shopify,and you have to save this page as a,draft so that the redirect works right,so we're going to go to our dashboard,we're going to find the product,right here more actions,set draft set as draft all right,so now this is now a draft,so we are going to go back to the,product we're going to refresh,and boom it uh it takes some redirects,into the lighters collection,so you can do redirects one at a time,or you can also upload,in bulk so the way to do that would be,you would go to actions,and you would hit import and you would,have to use an,excel spreadsheet right so we can let's,let's go ahead and do one so let me see,i know i have other lighters that,let's see,that i can redirect to so this is sold,out special blue we'll do this,so here's a product that i want to,redirect so i'm going to redirect this,one,open up my excel spreadsheet so redirect,from column a,redirect to column b so column a i'm,going to throw,in my old url,and then i want to go ahead and redirect,it to lighters okay,so my lighters collection all right so,we're going to go ahead and save this,and you have to save it as,a csv right so csv,i'm gonna say all new to,all new to save desktop save it to my,desktop,boom all right so it's saved to my,desktop,i saved it as a csv let me just double,check that i did that i know i did that,yep csv perfect and,we're now going to,upload so upload,the csv,all right i know it's on my desktop boom,let's see i got a lot going on my,desktop on youtube right there,boom so that's all new to csv right here,upload file,all right so here's the redirect right,and then we're gonna hit,import redirect,all right one redirect has been added to,your store,so now we can view the redirect,let's see and refresh,make sure it's the correct one because,what we did was special blue,oh gosh you kidding me the uh,the spreadsheet disappeared on us so,this is what we were redirecting right,here,special blue wow what happened to the,spreadsheet let's see we'll just look,for it real quick,old new too,wow that just really just closed closed,out on us huh all right so,we're gonna open this back up,wow this is moving real slow i'm sorry,about this,let me hit let me just fix this really,quick and get back to you,all right so i got the spreadsheet back,open so,what we did was we uploaded the uh,redirect right so special blue and we're,redirecting it to,uh the lighters collection right so,i went ahead and refreshed and here it,is right here,this is uh the redirect that we just,uploaded in the spreadsheet,uh so now we're gonna go back to the,product right this is the product,and once you hit refresh you still see,the product here why,because even though you redirected it,you still have to,you still have to save it as a draft,right so here we go boom boom,boom all right so now that it's saved as,a draft,we're going to refresh it again to make,sure that,it is redirecting to the lightest,collection,right so we're going to refresh,all right there we have it all right so,that's how you do it,uh that is how you redirect either,in bulk using a spreadsheet again you,just need two columns redirect from and,redirect to this is old this is new,you need to make sure you save it as a,csv uh,then you're gonna go to the back end of,your shopify store you're gonna go to,online store you're gonna go to,navigation,you're gonna click uh url redirects,and if you wanna bulk upload you're,going to hit actions and import,or you can just simply create a url,redirect,one at a time right so that's pretty,easy,extremely easy but a lot of people they,don't know,that they need to redirect their product,pages and they just have a bunch out,there living in google,a bunch of broken links which again,google doesn't like that and it does,affect your rankings,which is what you don't want you want to,rank well uh in google and you want to,offer a good user experience to the your,site visitors,and having broken pages uh is definitely,not what you want,all right i hope you got value out of,this video,again my name is tia jones i own,multiple e-commerce stores,uh i am the creator of the no fail,mastering ecom workflow bundle breaks,down,email marketing conversion optimization,link building partnership marketing,content marketing uh reporting,um business legalities if you're getting,ready to or considering,um starting an e-commerce store or an,online store,i have everything you need as far as,what you need to set up,business-wise available in this bundle,but um,again thank you for watching the video,and i'll be uploading another video soon,thank you

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