shopify loop does not show all tags

Shopify Liquid Tags - Iteration hello hello youtube and welcome to,another one of my shopify liquid,

Brayden Girard

Updated on Mar 13,2023

Shopify Liquid Tags - Iteration

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Shopify Liquid Tags - Iteration

hello hello youtube and welcome to,another one of my shopify liquid,tutorial videos,today we're going to take a look at,iteration in shopify liquid,and we'll look at how you can use,iteration in your templates,in order to create repeating items or to,loop through an array of products,or a list of products and just like in,any programming language,where you have this for loop where you,can loop through,lists or arrays to get all of the items,in it we can do the same thing in,shopify so that in your templates,you could display for example a list of,collections,or a list of products or a list of,policies which is what we will look at,in our example,in today's code so let's jump into the,code and take a look,okay so let's look at iteration in,liquid,we have the four tag which is one of the,three different types of iteration that,you can use,there's also the cycle and table row,tags we're not going to look at the,cycle and table row tags today,they're a bit more advanced and if you,do need to use those you can always take,a look at the shopify documentation,for the four tag we open up the tag with,a percent symbol in brace like we always,do for tags,we give it a temporary variable that our,item in the list is going to get,assigned to so in this case we'll say,policy,in and then the list so we're going to,use the shop,object which comes from shopify and you,can again read the documentation for,more info on that,and we can say shop.policies if you want,to get all of the policies,on your store then we can close our four,block,and then inside of that four block we,can,do something so let's print out our,policy.title,there we go now that we've printed our,policy.title we can run this,and you're going to see that nothing,gets printed out here on the right-hand,side so why,is that well we don't actually have any,policies set up in our store right now,now if you have a for loop like this and,nothing gets printed that might not be,the best user experience,if nothing shows on the page so instead,we can add an,else block here which will then say if,there's nothing in the list if the list,is empty let's print this out instead,so we'll say there are no policies,on this store and if i save that,you're going to see that we get the else,block here now let's go add some,policies to our store,so we will go up and,into the policies and legal page on,shopify and we'll add a refund policy,you cannot return any items,terrible refund policy all right uh,privacy policy oops that's not what i,want to do,privacy policy your data is sort of,private i don't think i'd shop from this,store,okay let's save this so we have two,policies input here,and if we go back and we save this again,and we,will see here that we get refund policy,and privacy policy,okay they're both on the same line,because i'm not creating new lines here,or new paragraph tags or anything like,that,but we get our two policies printed out,so that's how you would do a for loop,and have an else case in case your list,is empty,now another thing that we can do is we,can have a break statement like you,would have in,a for loop in many programming languages,so we could have something where we say,back to our conditional logic if,policy dot title,let's just say is equal to,i will say refund policy,then we will break so inside of here,we'll say,percent break percent close the brace,and then we got to close off our if,so end if all right now,if we run this,we're going to see that we get nothing,and that's because it comes down,into the for loop it checks the if and,it notices that the first thing in the,list is the refund policy,so it hits the break and it never,actually prints out any policy titles,and our for loop ends okay if i were to,move this block or if i yeah if i move,this block down below the policy.title,okay so if we move it down here then,it'll print the title,and then break out okay so it won't,print out the second title,because it's breaking here so it's not,going to get to the second,title which is the privacy policy,okay so that's how you would use a break,now we can also use,a continue so if we wanted to let's just,say print out the title and then,continue on with what you're doing,we could say percent continue,and that's not going to change anything,here it's just going to run like it,normally would,okay but if we wanted to let's say,instead of just breaking when we find,that,actually let's get this back when we,find that policy,okay let's continue instead so in here,we would say continue,save that and then it's just going to,print privacy policy,so what continue will do is it will,continue the for loop but it will skip,everything else that is inside of that,four block so in this case it's not,going to print out the refund policy,because we don't want to print that,policy out we just want to print out,whatever else is in the policies so in,this case we continue after we find,refund policy and,print out the next thing privacy policy,now the other thing that you can do with,for loops is you can,sort of filter your list okay and,there's different ways you can do that,so you can filter this list before your,loop actually starts,and i would highly recommend this for,performance reasons in your shopify,store you don't always want to loop,through every single product or every,single,policy or every single item in a store,sometimes you want those loops to be as,quick as possible and only get the data,you need,because that way your store will load,faster so,one thing you can do is you can say,limit so you could say limit,and then put a colon and then add a,number there so if we just limit this to,one policy,i'm going to remove this if in here and,we'll print out the policy title and if,i limit that to one,you're going to see that we only get,refund policy okay if i put the limit to,2 it's going to print out both of them,right but if there were any more it,would only print out the first two,now the other thing we can do is we can,offset,so if you know that you only want data,that is at say the end of your list,we could say offset by one and in this,case when i save that it's just going to,print privacy policy because it's going,to start at the second item in the list,you also can print out a range so if you,want to get a bunch of numbers,for some reason in a in order we could,print out a range with those numbers so,let's create a new for loop here and,we'd say i,in and then our range so the starting,number and then,our ending number so let's say three to,five and then we close this,in here we'll just print out the value,of i,and then we'll end our for loop,and we close that off and if we run this,it's going to say,3 4 5 because it prints out the numbers,in that range,so if you have a need to print out a,whole bunch of numbers in a range you,can do it that way,and you can also use variables as the,start or end of your range so we're,going to look at variables in a future,video,but if we created a variable here called,my limit,and we make that equal to say 10,and then i put my variable my limit here,we can use that as my end range and then,if i save this,it'll print 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 because 10,is my high bound on,my range another thing we can do,is we can reverse our lists okay so if,you had,let's just undo this and go back to our,policies here,so if we have our policies we could say,reverse,reversed and what we re reversed would,do is it would,reverse the order that our list prints,out in so in this case i get privacy,policy first and then refund policy,that's all that we need to cover for for,loops i hope that that helped,and you can see how you can iterate,through lists of items in a liquid,template,thanks for tuning in to another one of,my shopify liquid tutorial videos if you,enjoyed this video,and it helped you learn a little bit,more about shopify liquid templating,then feel free to leave a thumbs up on,the video and make sure to subscribe to,the channel if you want to catch,more of our shopify liquid tutorial,videos,and future development tutorial videos,that we're going to be doing here,thanks have a great day,you

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