shopify how to show discount box in shopping cart

How to add a coupon field in your Cart on Shopify okay so what this does is it has the,discount code

Tabarnapp by Staytuned

Updated on Mar 30,2023

How to add a coupon field in your Cart on Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to shopify how to show discount box in shopping cart

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shopify how to show discount box in shopping cart catalogs

How to add a coupon field in your Cart on Shopify

okay so what this does is it has the,discount code field right into your cart,and it works quite easily,like I'm using a test contract now and,it says the amount of discount and the,code applied and now if you go to,checkout you're gonna see that the code,was applied and the mark specified is,right here miscounted what I'm gonna do,next is to show you how to create your,custom configuration for any team now,while you write your own configurations,make sure you're logged in as an,administrator on your new store to do,that you can click on the little I icon,right here and it will open the store as,an admin you can check if you're an,urban if you see the Shopify logo in the,corner like this why this is important,is because otherwise the settings will,be cached on the browser and it's gonna,take a few time for the cache to clear,if you're logged in as an instructor,there is no cache itself so what sort of,goals here our goal is to add the diskin,field inside this team somewhere in the,cart well I want to add it somewhere,around here the left side of the screen,similar to how did the Beauty work so in,order to do that this can require a bit,of knowledge in HTML but in order to do,that the first thing I need to figure,out is where place the discount field so,I'm gonna search for a place in the King,so I have the card form right here and I,have the card bottom I see so I think,I'll just add my code inside the cart,button at the beginning to be on top of,everything so I'm gonna copy this class,go back to the F,create a new configuration this counter,side the cover page and I am writing,this configuration for jumpstart okay so,the first step is to target the location,in the team using a CSS selector the,location I want to choose is this one,right here car bottom so I'm gonna so,I'm gonna pick this one rock bottom and,I want to insert it inside the car,bottom add a big link right here,I created the configuration don't start,and now I can preview it let's have the,card and the discount field right but it,does not look to work so let's see,what's the problem,okay so we have this and I see that this,needs a grid right on the panel I'm,gonna put the same code you know the,outer parent element the one that,contains that this config needs to be,agreed item okay let's see refresh it's,already started to look better,and now I want to match the water maybe,make it like one of these two let's see,how bucket looks like back button a,regular buttock honey I'm gonna use one,of these cases I get back on it but see,how he thinks,has the new classes missed something,button comment button,sorry but I have a discount cold it's,right here

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