shopify how to edit a page for staging while keeping the old one live

How to Set Up a Staging Environment in Shopify want to know what's better than fixing a,broken store


Updated on Mar 04,2023

How to Set Up a Staging Environment in Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to shopify how to edit a page for staging while keeping the old one live

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How to Set Up a Staging Environment in Shopify

want to know what's better than fixing a,broken store preventing it from breaking,in the first place in today's video I'll,be showing you how to set up a solid,staging environment in Shopify with,rewind copy so you can safely test,changes without impacting your live,store but first if you're not familiar,with a staging environment also known as,a Sandbox or development store you can,think of it this way a staging,environment is a testing ground where,you can iron out any bugs and issues,that might negatively impact your,customer experience before you take them,to your live store,to create a staging store in Shopify,you'll first need to create a second,Shopify store this store will be a,mirror image of your live store but it,won't process transactions,there are a few ways to set up a second,Shopify store for staging purposes the,best option for you will depend on your,Shopify subscription and what you aim to,accomplish in your staging environment,if you're a Shopify plus Merchant your,subscription already includes nine,expansion stores chances are you aren't,using all nine so you can use one of,those as your staging store at no cost,if you're on any other Shopify plan like,basic or Advanced you can set up a free,staging store using a Shopify partner,account,if you don't have a partner account,don't worry they only take a few minutes,to set up and they don't cost a thing,you can create one by heading to, Partners and filling out the,partner account sign up form,once you've got a partner account click,on stores in the partner dashboard,click add store,select development store and give your,store name,I recommend adding the words staging in,the store name so it's easy to,differentiate your staging store from,your live store,the limitations of a Shopify partner,development store is not being able to,test every single Shopify app,nevertheless this option is sufficient,for 95 percent of merchants wanting to,run tests,to test all Shopify apps in a staging,environment is really important to you,you can set up a second store by simply,opening up a paid store on a basic plan,this plan will cost you 29 a month and,will ensure you have the exact same,functionality on your staging store as,you do on your live store,now that you've got a second Shopify,store we can get to the fun part setting,up your staging environment with rewind,copy first you'll want to install rewind,copy in your live store you can find it,in the Shopify app Marketplace,once you've installed the app you can,subscribe to the unlimited plan,this plan gives you access to an,infinite number of copies or an ongoing,sync so you can keep all your staging,environment up to date at all times,your live store will be your Source,Store the store you copy data from,next install rewind copy in your staging,store the second store you created for,your testing purposes,this will be your destination Store the,store that you copied data to,follow the in-app prompts to indicate,this will be your destination store,then associate the two stores by copying,the key from your Source store into your,staging store,next select the information you want to,copy over into your staging environment,rewind copy offers full flexibility so,you can choose what you'd like to,include and exclude from the copy we,recommend a full store copy so you can,test in an environment that precisely,mirrors your live store if you want,rewind copy to maintain an automated,ongoing sync between your live and,staging stores check the continuously,copy changes box,click begin task to initiate the copy,all done once the copy is complete it,can take anywhere from a few minutes to,a few hours depending on the volume of,data being copied your staging store,should be a mirror image of your live,store,your team can test any changes you need,without worrying about breaking your,live store and detracting from your,customers experience if you have any,questions about the app please email us,at sales and we'll be happy,to help,foreign

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