shopify how to duplicate page

How to Fix Duplicate Product URL's in Shopify hey guys edmund pelgan here today i,wanted to talk ab

Edmund Pelgen - Online Kickstart

Updated on Feb 27,2023

How to Fix Duplicate Product URL's in Shopify

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How to Fix Duplicate Product URL's in Shopify

hey guys edmund pelgan here today i,wanted to talk about one of the quirks,of shopify,that i like to address when launching a,new site,and it's got to do with how shopify,creates,urls to product pages and the net result,is that you can end up with,a range of duplicate urls for what is,essentially the same page,now i'll give you an example now so,looking at this shopify site in front of,you you can navigate to the products in,this case i'm going to navigate to,all the boys shoes products and there is,the,the category or in this case what,shopify calls a collection,and you can see the url at the top it,says slash collections,slash boys shoes that's the product,category,but in this case here let's say i,navigate down to a sandal so in this,case here i've selected the sandal,and what you'll notice is that the url,that is shown includes the text,collections and then boys shoes which is,the the collections or the,product category and then it has,products and then it has the actual,product name,now that's a rather long and convoluted,url,and that is not the ultimate product url,because remember a product can sometimes,exist in multiple categories,and so the way that cmss like shopify,and other cms's have addressed this,issue is that they've,generated a single canonical which means,the you know the only the one and only,url for every product page so in this,case here if i was to,to open up the actual product page for,this,sandal you can see that the url is,,products slash product name but,we've also got this other duplicate url,which,has collections boys shoes products,hayden's which is an exact duplicate so,how does shopify deal with this,well shopify has a system of,implementing a proper canonical tag,which,is sitting behind this page and tells,google that hey you know what the actual,url that i want you to index and rank,is this version over here now that's,fine,the issue i have with the way that it,deals with it is that,um without addressing this you you,can end up with a situation where you,have many thousands,of duplicate urls on the shopify site,that the google bot has to crawl through,has to index has to look at the,canonical tags,has to work out which is the correct,page to,index and rank and in my mind and a lot,of other seos minds it's a waste of,of google resources it adds extra,complexity and it adds extra pages that,google needs to crawl to then figure out,which is the right one,and i'm going to give you an example by,looking at google search console for two,sites,one for which i've already addressed,this issue and,fixed the collections url and another,which i haven't and i give an example of,one where i've fixed it,so for example on this website here if i,was to click on the shop,all products page and then navigate to a,specific product,you can see i navigated through and the,product,url is the final one that's there right,it doesn't matter how i get to this,product page whether i navigate through,a,a collections page like the shop all or,the nutraceuticals page so in this one,i'm looking at the alls collection,if i click on the product the url that,gets put up there is,slash products slash bromelain in this,case whereas,on the shoe site the url was a long,convoluted url so let's see what that,looks like in google search console,if i go to google search console and i,look at the coverage,and you can see over here on this,novaceuticals website this health site,it's showing that there are 76 pages,that have been,excluded from the index and if i click,through to those i can see,the first section here is the it has an,alternate page with the proper canonical,tag so let's look at these,urls and you can see that these the urls,that are being excluded here are,urls that have what's called a query,parameter on them,but what you don't see is any of those,weird long urls that contain collections,in them,right so google search console is only,having to deal with,a smaller subset of urls to crawl now,let's look at the shoot site,if i look at the shoe site in this case,here i've got 716 urls that google has,determined,are not worth indexing or they have a,proper canonical tag pointing elsewhere,in this case here if i click on the,pages,in this case here there are alternate,pages with a proper canonical tag,i i've got you know close to 413,pages that google is having to deal with,to exclude right it's having to,index the page look at the canonical tag,and then correctly,rank or index the page that it wants so,in this case here you can see,uh the pages that are being excluded for,example here,it shows collection slash,girls shoes,products pink et cetera et cetera so you,can see what's happening here is that,on the shoe side where i haven't updated,the urls,and shopify generates all of these,additional versions of the product url,google has to crawl them it has to,invest resources in indexing them it has,to invest resources in,looking at the canonical tag and then,making a decision as to,okay this is the actual product url,which in this case,is the shortened version and it will,rank that one whereas,on the other side the nervous website,i've actually addressed that in the code,and it's a small code fix,and i'll share that in the link below,this video but i like to do it,before you launch a site before you,start uploading all of the,many thousands of products that you have,especially if you're using tagging,you can create a really messy scenario,where you have,thousands and thousands of urls that,need to be crawled that need to be,assessed by google and then,have the right ones ranked accordingly,this way i remove,as many of those additional duplicates,as possible,i hope that was helpful i'll leave a,link to,additional resources that'll explain,this further and how you can fix it on,your shopify site,thanks,you

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